Needmorepopcorn 1 point ago +1 / -0

If you are interact with children in any capacity you will see what is coming.

The kikes want the ultimate slave class.

These fully vaxxed kids 5 and 6 years old are a sad sight.

Basically we just split society into 2 classes braindead obedient top goy consumer class and the resistance class.

Whites are being replaced because Whites lead the resistance.

Black are now being replaced by pejeets because once again the blacks are joining the resistance and are not easily controlled.

Pejeets shit in the street and are grateful for saars good will.

These kids cant even speak properly let alone function with other children. At first I was thinking it was a byproduct of faggot consumers and ipad babys. But they are so common and basically fully retarded it has to be the vax's.

Needmorepopcorn 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have not used the Monroe tapes for obvious reasons.

You might enjoy this. I typically share this with people that are interested. https://www.bitchute.com/video/SMmsKuWjdpfZ/

His story ends with gangstalkers and loosing everything by hackers, All his socials bank account essential everything not tied down. He came back for one last video on another account, states it was to sophisticated for regular hackers and he's pretty sure they got him.

I used the same one he did. And it worked. But I had to do the work. Nothing was handed to me.

I stopped consuming any product that had fluoride. I basically went primitive with personal care, No aluminum. I brush with a home made concoction or fluoride free paste. I don't use mouth wash I use peroxide. The initial thing I did long before any pill, red or black or white was consumed was I ensured my water was free from fluoride, this happened by accident due to a city water test I was provided that let me to see some scary rare earth metals and other spooky elements in the water supply and it really scared me. Shortly after that around a year later I started to awaken to more than 7/11 was a part time job.

Did the water assist in Astral Projection? Maybe I don't know but this was one of the first things looking back I noticed.

Removing fluoride assists in decalcifying your penial glad. And depending on how far your will to let reality go Im sure this assisted as the same stimulation I referred to earlier while attempting telepath was also felt during sungazing. I read about sungazing. You'll want to read into it a bit so you dont damage your eyesight. But I enjoyed sunsets quite often. Unless they were spraying chemtrails. kek.

When I was successful I was cutting and my consumption of goyslop was 0%. Chicken Greenshit and water. I was not only trying to craft my body, but also my mind.


Enjoy, Not many make it past the lie. I'm glad you are questioning reality. Only because I enjoy sharing my trials and tribulations from time to time.

Needmorepopcorn 1 point ago +1 / -0

the sky has not always looked the same?

Apollo worship?

Or Saturn?

Red Sun

Or Yellow Sun.

The chemtrails made the sun white now. They should update the secret code ig...

Funny Auto Correct Insists on the planets being capitalized, except mercury mars and earth. I wonder why that is.


Needmorepopcorn 1 point ago +1 / -0

Train what exactly your brain?

Meditation is the key to the kingdom king.

I was not aware of telepathy being legitimate until I had successfully astral projected.

Decalcifying the penial glad seems to be important.

The only thing the elites fear is the population understanding and manipulating the unknown and unseen.

Its not something you can just learn, you have unlimited potential already inside. you must learn how to discover it.

Meditation was key.

After Understanding and becoming well versed in meditation I started to use Binaural beats to enable Hemi Sync.

I occasionally see niggers and jews react to my negative thoughts towards them in real time.

Needmorepopcorn 1 point ago +1 / -0

I wont go into it much here.

But I investigated, practiced ,and did some scientific studies on this topic.

What I can say is that a non verbal human with source hyperborean dna has functioning telepathy, it is the same output as a baby's first year of speaking. Gibberish babble.

I ran multiple experiments. My favorite is stimulating your frontal lobe attempting telepathy "Which is not the same as thinking, telepathy is projecting your thoughts and has more involvement than a simple internal thought." and seeing the immediate response and engagement from the subject.

Once the non verbal infant begins to finds its voice to communicate the direct telepathy and communication essential ends.

Reality is effecting telepathy. Once a soul discovers the realm they have been bound to and sees how they communicate it mimics the learned behavior. Although engaging in telepathy it cannot remain the the souls ways to communicate as no one engages back. Even engaging back the soul still loses telepathy once mouth noises corollate to attention or food.

to believe in telepathy you must first question the world.

Needmorepopcorn 2 points ago +2 / -0

I found the hole photo in 2022, I have seen the same High rez photo posted a few times on other sites.

Im not the authenticity of it. But its fun to think about.

Tartaria is about the restructuring of the old world. Hence the common buildings. Not hard proof other than research and critical thinking. But it seems the first race built the pyramids and passed on the hive mentality. All for one, for the queen etc. the establishing of the slave race. Dirigibles were old world airships. OH THE HUMANITY was essentially a ritually and dismantling of old world tech. Cant have slaves flying around for free.

To reach the level of Hyperborea you first have to learn who your ancestors really were, and understand histroy is a complet fabrication. It essentially taking the stand that if they lied about xyz then its all a lie.

Hitler was the last White ally to explore this knowledge.

Its so niche because of the 6million spell




I was going to link you a few old world photos. But instead ill share this neat site I found sometime ago with a huge archive. Also John Levi on youtube started a website for old building photos i cant recall it though.


Needmorepopcorn 1 point ago +1 / -0

https://files.catbox.moe/b9a6ox.png I feel this might have been what Putin was referring

https://files.catbox.moe/3spjef.jpg There are statues on top of the buildings. It seems many sites were destroyed or repurposed or the story entirely fabricated.

You must ensure you can pass on the symbolism. Its the only way to ensure they cant do this again.

Needmorepopcorn 1 point ago +1 / -0

You are right. many jews on here gaslighting.

I still check it out for the new stuff.

Needmorepopcorn 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ah yes an average history Enjoyer.

It makes sense the last civ fell in the 1800's just based on the architecture and buildings the people inherited. Yeah, the guys building boardwalks and wooden saloons, built Romanesque super structures.

Sometimes I wonder if the worlds fair was how the elites reintroduced the salves. orphan trains. etc..

I think that the Tartarian Empire was a global civ. and the last great war the elites/kikes won or at least survived better and kept the lore.

The tartars had no knowledge of the reset cycle while the jews and elites share the lore openly.

I think the tartars are the civ that emerged after the romans.

You might enjoy John Levi or Restitutor_Orbis_214 Lucius Aurelian

That was actually an enjoyable read thank you.

Here take this. https://files.catbox.moe/fqiv5s.webm

Needmorepopcorn 3 points ago +3 / -0

I just took a stroll through his comment history. He always capitalizes jew and crys like a woman and has 0 comments that are not just rage bait.. Seems jewish to me.

Needmorepopcorn 0 points ago +1 / -1

lol its just a 3d printed case with an xbox360 HDD blue laser inside.

Its not magic man.

Needmorepopcorn 1 point ago +1 / -0

you must be prepaird.

You must remove ego.

You must have a few chill projects or things to occupy your time.

You must connect with nature.

I wouldnt trust anything nowdays since the fent reactors came online.

Needmorepopcorn 3 points ago +3 / -0

That's pretty honorable.

But I stole it too :)

Needmorepopcorn 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have not seen Puma Man but.

There is no time in the astral realm.

The knowledge presents itself when you seek it.

Maybe a link between requesting future knowledge?

If I was some Faggot new Hire at the Majestic 12 this would be a good way to drop hits to all my mason bros so they dont forget how to tap in.

Needmorepopcorn 1 point ago +2 / -1

So strange to see all the vaxxie kike shills show up. They must be getting ready for another psyop


Needmorepopcorn 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've noticed chemtrails since 2012 and I absolutely hate jews.

Why do they spray us?

Needmorepopcorn 1 point ago +1 / -0

Can I see a photo of the demon baby plz.

Needmorepopcorn 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think all frens have tipping points. Ours have been reached. Yet we know and understand that once it starts there is no going back. hence why we are here.

normies are noticing at an all time high. I would not lose hope yet king.


Needmorepopcorn 2 points ago +3 / -1

If the ram represents the golden age.

And Pisces represents the age of Jesus.

Then the age of Aquarius representing knowledge means all the pedophiles and kikes will be crucified?

You know. I'm not big on worshiping idols. But On my Tartarian digs. I have found an older Christian that goes to the old world building and finds the symbolism. Out of all the lore and speculation of the old world buildings. I do like to think that the buildings were built by God and the angles during Gods reign. leaving us in the timeline of satan.

Anyways. The old world Romanesque buildings that are found worldwide and found in most major city's in America have acanthus leaves and fish all over them by master artisans.


Needmorepopcorn 1 point ago +1 / -0

I thought we were sperging out man. I was just joining in on the Fun! Sorry. I do think elon is a faggot though and know most of the lore. Not sure about this game though. I have bought Startcraft battle chest 9 times in my lifetime. The boxes were in fact that big.

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