This is the second time it's changed. First, it was a worldwide missing time / civilization. Then the flat earther took it. Now it's this. The way this theory just becomes anything is insane.
Nikki Hailey was the first part of this movement.
Reddit is also the pedo hunter play ground for YouTube channels. It's always mods of something that goes with kids. They did so much dirt to get to IPO, this isn't helping their price any.
Whoever is down voting must be a super host.
You have the ability to stop being ignorant ;reading, informative videos...your response was to come back and run your mouth.
Clearly a choice to remain stupid.
Hotels are better than airbnb's. Not having chores being top on the list.
Having no sex ed or bio 101 knowledge doesn't help much. Miscarriages are medically defined as spontanious abortions.
Idk where you think medical waste goes.
Get off the coin.
High rises are going to need to become more popular.
They get them from Planned Parenthood. *used to.
This needs to be federally legal soothe games around it can stop.
Do you have a link?
We need more States making legislation against that.
Doesn't this give them the powers over vaccinations they wouldn't have otherwise? Now not using the mRNA is going to be even more of a fight.
They accept grants that have the required results written right in them. Academia has fallen long ago.
The science world was willing to be wrong, and openly discuss back then. The communication among greats was very high.
Aether, and the Michealson Morely experiment belong with this. Laird Stanton did a podcast interview on it long ago.
Michael Tsarion on John Dee goes well with this
I'm sure you can get stricter than JW, but it would take a whole lot of effort. I still cover my eyes for some shit! We were allowed to watch few channels, and I luckily for me I was allowed to watch Mtv ( my favorite) , nick, and Disney.
I know now behind the scenes at those places was not all that great. But, I think they were being good with what they aired to hide that.
Justin Timberland was on Kids Incorporated with Britney Spears. JT also got a free pass when Janet Jackson had the wardrobe malfunction. ( Which I believe was real. She didn't want to do it, she told them to use extra glue for the pasties. I think it was too much, and got where it shouldn't.) I read an article calling him a has been. Idk if he'll speak up about this.
You can go down the line ; Brittney Spears, Lindsey Lohan, Amanda Bynes... All with the same manager until that was pointed out btw.
All that to say I wasn't even allowed to go to summer camp because people get molested there. I don't believe these kids had innocent parents. At least Screach's parents only stole his money instead of pimping him out.
That's... You find that sexual? It's not for me, even as an adult.
When the railroaders were striking, they were in r/antiwork explaining everything. Wtf is going on with those dockworkers?! There has to be more than just the few I've read in the last few days.
This is the video. This man is also one of the best sources for the FSK bridge info, and according to the comments legacy media has interviewed him. Idk if the comments from dock workers are removed because he's got eyes on him or I'm multitasking, and missed it.
Now, the video he posted before this had military and people in the shipping industry in the comments explaining in detail their area of expertise. See for yourself. The problem is with so many comments. I've searched technical info about this to reply to people that didn't understand this happened in a moving body of water.
We are looking for the people that were there who are commenting. And, they are commenting. But, it's not as visable as I expected. There must not be as many as the railroaders.
There's emergency legislation to keep them paid, so I'm very curious about why there's not the same visability. Now that you know my train of thought, are you curious? Because when there's more people looking things like me having shit to do doesn't mean so much.
We don't have enough people, and too many of the ones that are here glow in the dark. c/Thedonald had a journalist instigate shit talk, and then write articles citing username's. Twice. There are threads celebrating being creative enough to be cited.
This community is so slow these days I started sorting the site by new, and I very rarely see c/conspiracy anymore. Even though it's the reason I'm here.
Don't be discouraged, and I don't mind if you tag me to show me something. Last night someone posted a 20 min video, and in those comments the dock workers say the coast guard kicked the ship out of dock even though it was having electrical problems because the next ship needed to dock.
I did exactly what you were just bemoaning about. I searched dummit rather than trying to find comments in a YouTube video. I did learn new things. Just not more dock workers commenting.
You don't do much clicking. I've only learned about this the last few days, I'm not writing anything up about it. You have the world at your disposal to look for yourself.