LarrySwinger 2 points ago +2 / -0

On the other hand, it's yet another thing that establishes pretty concretely that the government was involved in the attack, which is important regardless. Someone who hasn't investigated yet will think the CIA recruited people for the actual attacks. The wider context is that they recruited people for a psy-op / cover story, which was essential for the destruction of the towers, and of course to brainwash the world. So it's damning either way. It's somewhat similar to the idea that Sars-cov-2 was developed in a lab. The criminal part was that people were terrorized based on highly inflated death counts, that so many people were killed through a panic-based medical response, that lockdowns were implemented, that save and effective medicines were suppressed, etc. But that's no reason to shoot down the message of development inside a lab, because it still conveys the essential message that governments are terrorizing the public deliberately. If the government is pointed out as the culprit, it will be up to them to undo their own terrorism. Perhaps if enough people are outraged, they will feel pressured to calm people by being more honest about how much damage was actually done. In the case of 9/11 that would mean explaining that it wasn't quite 3000 people who died that day. The timing is off now. But for future events, if enough people see through it quickly enough and direct their anger toward their own governments, it can effectively sabotage the operation, suddenly it becomes something they have to downplay rather than exaggerate.

More to stick more closely to the subject of 9/11 and this information being put out now: it can still stimulate people to look up more information about this topic and go down the rabbit hole, so it functions as a gateway to the full truth.

LarrySwinger 4 points ago +4 / -0

Forgive me for the big image. I made a screenshot so that the image itself preserves the context in which I found it (namely the title of the video and the timestamp). You can easily look up the video, but I made a separate post for it here.

LarrySwinger 2 points ago +2 / -0

If the normies didn't exist, then 100% of the population would be opposed to CBDC and they could never pass it through. Simply because they exist, the resistance isn't as visible and the laws can pass through. This points to a major flaw in what passes for democracy. People have a right to self-determination, and in an ideal system, something like a CBDC would be opt-in. Someone who doesn't want to use them, should never be affected by them. It should also be easier for people who don't want CBDCs to find each other. What do you think, is such a system possible?

LarrySwinger 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is a recollection from 1989 about a lecture that was given 20 years before that about what changes the deep state had planned for the world. Why did they give this lecture? Well, they announce their plans all the time and it seems to be part of their religion. They believe that so long as they announce their plans, they're free from the karmic reaction and it's passed on to the public instead. Anyway, even though the recording was made 20 years later, it includes various predictions that have come true after that date, such as the fact that travel will be more difficult. That's what tells me this is real. I find it a very enlightening watch, even an essential one.

LarrySwinger 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nice damage control, Cyber1776.

LarrySwinger 1 point ago +1 / -0

If you don't change the direction on a flate plane, the line you're forming will be straight, not go in a circle. The appearance of a straight line that actually goes in a circle (or which veers from a straight line at all) is only possible in non-euclidian geometry, which is only possible if the plane is curved. If the line is straight, one would move toward the edge of the plane. You can only remain on the plate if the line in which one moves is bent ever so slightly. Why would the line bend, and moreover, why would it bend so much as to form a circle? The only way to go in a straight line on a plate and still move in circles, is if you're on the inside rim of a bowl and your ground makes a 90 degree angle with the ground in the centre (i.e. the rim is vertical). But a bowl is likewise a curved plane.

If you'd somehow move in circles without noticing, you'd always keep on measuring a 90 degree angle between your direction and the north pole. That's also incompatible with a flat plane: the angle would increase and eventually approach 180 degrees. How would you explain why it remains 90 degrees?

In the latter part of your post, you're giving a counter-argument, which is actually slightly lower on the pyramid of debate. (I'm talking about how curvature isn't observed directly.) I'm not addressing that right now because I'd like to establish first that the Earth isn't flat. After all, whether the Earth is a globe or a flat plane are separate matters: pointing out a problem with one theory doesn't establish the veracity of the alternative. All I'll do is mention that the curvature can be observed at shore, because when a ship arrives at the horizon, the mast is observed first, and only afterward the hull. This is how the ancient Greeks concluded that the Earth is spherical.

LarrySwinger 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm an open person but in the end it's about arguments. I haven't encountered any convincing any convincing arguments for flat earth, or anything that makes me want to research it further, and your post doesn't contain any either. I'm giving an argument for the Earth being round so that the discussion can begin somewhere.

If the Earth is a flat plane, then space is Euclidian and going in a straight line will never bring you where you started. If going in a straight line away from Japan can somehow make me end up in Japan (after crossing the ocean), then the plane has to be curved. The same is true if what appears to be a straight line is actually a path along a circle. There is no plane that's both circular and flat, that's a contradiction. We can disagree about what the map should look like, that's another matter, but the above phenomenon unto itself shows there has to be some curvature, hence the Earth isn't flat.

LarrySwinger 2 points ago +2 / -0

The practice (of crypto-judaism) goes back to the first millennium, Asha Logos mentions an instance in one of the earlier videos of his Our Subverted History series.

LarrySwinger 1 point ago +2 / -1

You can cross the Pacific ocean, that shows that the Earth is round.

LarrySwinger 0 points ago +2 / -2

But in reality they follow the ancient Egyptian solar religion and Judaism is just a cover. Men o' Ra.

LarrySwinger 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, this. There's a good reading of this paper on Bitchute called Abraham Lincoln was NEVER assassinated by Slaying Dragons (formerly Redline Aviator).

by pkvi
LarrySwinger 2 points ago +2 / -0

Why not link to the article? Women felate.

LarrySwinger 2 points ago +2 / -0

You're close, but the modern occult movement is very eclectic in nature, so there are a lot of people who perform rituals to manipulate energies without being involved in any kind of crime. Rather it's the illuminati, who recruit from the higher degrees of organizations like freemasonry (but not limited to it). There's a big overlap with judaism in that many 33rd degree masons are jews, but there are also many non-jews in the illuminati. Skull & Bones is an example of a non-jewish illuminati organization. And then there are elitist rabbis and other jews whose ideology is in line with that of the illuminati, but of whom I can't establish membership of any illuminati organization. But you're correct to note that the people at the highest levels of the conspiracy, such as the Rothschilds, call upon demons. To be more specific: they worship Satan.

LarrySwinger 1 point ago +2 / -1

By claiming that he'll probably get away with it, you're vibrating the energies that make it a reality. Check out this talk by Mark Passio.

LarrySwinger 2 points ago +2 / -0

This could be a coincidence, but I wonder if they manipulated the numbers to get another 666. It's sourced to a CDC report, and it should be clear to everyone now that they manipulate data. Perhaps a joke by a satanist / illuminatus who works there.

LarrySwinger 2 points ago +2 / -0

The question of whether or not he's a fraud relates to whether or not the Kennedies, in general, are controlled opposition. Fritz Springmeier names them as an illuminati family and Miles Mathis gives evidence that the death of both JFK and RFK were staged. In the case of JFK he points (among other things) to photos of the reactions of bystanders. Those don't make sense, anyone in that position would photograph the president who had just been shot instead. That suggests it's a psy-op. Also, most people in the footage are very still and it's been suggested (by others) that those are mannequins, that'd also explain how 100+ of them were dead two years later: they were simply identities that were phased out. (Although I'm sure a lot of people were actually murdered as part of the cover-up as well, but not the bulk of them.) And regarding RFK: in this photo of his alleged assassination, the man is laying his hand beneath RFK's head, but he hand is completely invisible, that's the clearest evidence that it's been tampered with. But see Mathis's paper The Hidden Kings for more information. This paper was narrated perfectly by someone on Bitchute called Redline Aviator but he changed his name and I cannot easily find it now, but luckily we don't mind reading things ourselves.

LarrySwinger 1 point ago +1 / -0

Only a few cips where you cant see their feet (Suggesting they may be on trampolines), where they "jump".

No, they were hanging from threads in those scenes. They used the same method that's applied in theatre productions sometimes.

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