by DrLeaks
JackArrow 1 point ago +1 / -0

They're alot of transgenders in Hollywood.

JackArrow 6 points ago +6 / -0

Jeffrey Epstein know alot of MIT professors. I wonder what they have in common?

JackArrow 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's a dude.

JackArrow 4 points ago +4 / -0

I mean, apes/anons/gamers at u/Superstonk are fucking up Wall Street/banks pretty bad. Will gamers save the world and be the immovable object/unstoppable force against the NWO?

JackArrow 2 points ago +2 / -0

People are stupid. DEX>CEX

JackArrow 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah, I put them in the same category with the abortionists. Child sacrifices to Moloch/Baal, unknowingly.

JackArrow 4 points ago +4 / -0

Gloria Vanderbilt. Mother of Darkness. Luciferian. Anderson "Cooper" Vanderbilt. CIA. Luciferian. These people are sick.

"Vanderbilt University, Tennessee which was listed by Kathleen Sullivan as either hosting, funding, and/or enactment of government-sanctioned human experimentation in the past Kathleen Sullivan – Mind Controlled Slave [36]"

JackArrow 3 points ago +3 / -0

All social media are grooming places for child traffickers/pedophiles, the real pandemic is child trafficking.

JackArrow 14 points ago +14 / -0

Nicole Kidman's father is one of luciferians that tortured, raped and murdered these children. I guess Hollywood is the vipers nest.

JackArrow 4 points ago +4 / -0

Fasting, raw food, keto or alkaline diet, fruits and vegetables are great. Don't forget to take your Q pills! Quercetin oh yeeeah!

JackArrow 1 point ago +1 / -0

Aaahh shiiieet mate!! You just described a story that my friend told me, about one of these orgy parties. This shit is happening worldwide. Since like forever, remember the Roman orgies? Definitely parasites.

They are trading parasites through sexual interaction/intercourse.

JackArrow 4 points ago +4 / -0

"Revelation 8: The Truth About Gang Stalking (Part 1) It Exists

1.) The degree of criminality of the cabal, and the level of secrecy maintained for so many years, is difficult for many to believe. How could it have possibly been kept secret for so long? The use of the blackmail slavery of weaponized Satanism has already been explained, but what about people who just figured out what was going on by themselves? Wouldn’t someone have said something by now? The truth is that plenty of people tried, but no one listened.

2.) Over the years, people have come forward trying to tell everyone about what has been going on, but they were promptly labeled ‘crazy,’ and institutionalized. These people all shared a common theme: they were adamant in their assertion that the government was following them, tapping their phones, and harassing them. It is the most classic and ubiquitous paranoia story, especially in the 60s and 70s. In many cases it was COINTELPRO, with a little MKULTRA and ‘Project Phoenix’ on the side.

3.) The most effective way to make someone appear insane, and declared insane, and even convince the targeted individual that they just might actually be losing their mind, is to employ a technique called ‘gang stalking.’

4.) Gang stalking is a form of covert organized harassment. It is used all over the world, especially in hostile foreign territory. Those involved in the US are either contractors of ‘security’ companies (often former victims of gang stalking with Stockholm syndrome, who gave in to the pressure and agreed to join their abusers, and abuse other targeted individuals), some are members of neighborhood watch groups duped into participating, some are in gangs, secret societies, covens, and other organizations. The dark web is one instrumental tool through which such gang stalking is organized and paid for, these days."

JackArrow 2 points ago +2 / -0

The government did. Swedish media didn't make a fuss about this, I found this myself through alternative and social media.

Socialstyrelsen or the National Board of Health and Welfare is Sweden's authority for health are responsible for thousands of death on elderly people. Fuck this government!

JackArrow 5 points ago +5 / -0

Palmyra, Syria comes to my mind.

JackArrow 3 points ago +3 / -0

Both goes hand in hand. Loosh.

JackArrow 2 points ago +2 / -0

((They)) need to instill fear on the world so that their master can feed itself from our negative vibrations. An endless circle of despair and negativity. Don't give yourself into fear, hate and darkness. For Yaldabaoth is their master. God is on our side and with that comes courage, love and the Light.

JackArrow 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sam Hyde.