ItsOkayToBeWight 7 points ago +7 / -0

We live in a severed dick society.

My brain just short circuited reading your post. This is what I saw.

ItsOkayToBeWight 1 point ago +1 / -0

He even tried killing all of the wicked people and starting over with Noah. That didn't work either.

Catholic prophecy says that Satan will take over before Jesus comes back, which means a lot of Catholics are in on this bullshit to make the world worse on purpose because they think that is helping "God's plan".

There's so much toxic bullshit that makes Christianity dangerous for civilization. It was surprisingly good at perpetuating itself, but that's the power of collectivism versus individualism. Christianity is a collectivist ideology and it's success does not mean it is the correct one. Only that it overpowered more individualist ones.

Niggers aren't men. They never invented writing, sailing, agriculture, or even the wheel, but tons of Christians keep thinking they have souls that need to be saved.

ItsOkayToBeWight 0 points ago +1 / -1

Ah yes, God had to fuck around for four thousand years before sending a piece of himself to sacrifice himself to himself to save everyone from his own wrath he doomed them all too, but they weren't subjected to that wrath until they were first told about it by his missionaries so they were actually better off not hearing his story and remaining unchristian savages. You may as well talk about thetans or Muhammad or Nirvana for all it matters. It's all a story with lots of twists and turns to keep people enthralled in mysticism.

Christians can't agree on which denomination is correct, how salvation is obtained, or much of anything else. What they can agree on is how much they love niggers so long as they're Jesus loving niggers.

ItsOkayToBeWight 1 point ago +1 / -0

Do Christians oppose LGBTQ or do they merely grumble about it? Catholic Church seems to be openly pushing the groomer agenda.

ItsOkayToBeWight 2 points ago +2 / -0

Christians were happily practicing slavery in the early US. And we're still paying the price for it a hundred and sixty years after it ended.

ItsOkayToBeWight 1 point ago +8 / -7

God told Isaiah to kill his own son and he almost did.

Christcucks: "But he didn't! Because god is so loving and merciful!"

Like holy fuck the mental gymnastics these people to support their civic nationalist religion.

ItsOkayToBeWight 1 point ago +6 / -5

Wouldn't surprise me if this was their exit strategy. They've got fuck you money already, ratings are falling and youtube ad revenue is getting skimpier on top of that, so they fake their death to get a quick burst of sympathy and cash before retiring.

ItsOkayToBeWight 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have my doubts that polio is virus-borne. Even the official story is that it is a fecal-borne disease and thus sanitation plays a huge role in controlling it.

ItsOkayToBeWight 1 point ago +1 / -0

I just explained it. Gays really do have that much sex, and it's much riskier anal sex too.

ItsOkayToBeWight 3 points ago +4 / -1

HIV is a sexually transmitted disease. u/Ched's numbers are accurate. How to reconcile these two facts? Gays have LOTS of sex. Ridiculous amounts of it. It is not uncommon for a gay man to have 1,000 different sexual partners in his lifetime. HIV is relatively hard to transmit, but gays fuck so much that they don't have to rely on luck.

by pkvi
ItsOkayToBeWight 1 point ago +1 / -0


SpaceX launches hundreds of these at a time.

Orbital payload is roughly $10,000/lb. If they had 10,000 satellites at 600lb each, that would be $60B. Just to put it there. To say nothing of the cost of the equipment itself. Just a simple sanity says that large equipment doesn't make sense for the sheer number they have achieved.

by pkvi
ItsOkayToBeWight 1 point ago +1 / -0

No these satellites are tiny. About 1 kg each.

by pkvi
ItsOkayToBeWight -1 points ago +1 / -2

These satellites are tiny. Each smaller than a typical laptop.

ItsOkayToBeWight 2 points ago +2 / -0

Trains practically drive themselves. As others noted, poor maintenance or sabotage is more likely a factor.

ItsOkayToBeWight 2 points ago +2 / -0

Zuckerberg lied to congress and nothing happened.

ItsOkayToBeWight 4 points ago +4 / -0

Ozone is toxic, but that is because it is ionic, not radioactive. It is very reactive, which makes it damaging to the lining of the lungs when inhaled.

I don't think ozone is the effective ingredient of this product. See my other comment.

ItsOkayToBeWight 2 points ago +2 / -0

Oil pulling is extended swishing with some kind of edible oil. Olive oil or coconut oil works. Mineral oil probably works too.

This stimulates saliva production which brings out a lot of enzymes that help break down oral bacteria and the oil helps that enriched saliva get down below the gum line.

ItsOkayToBeWight 1 point ago +1 / -0

Modifying DNA of adult organisms is extremely difficult. If by chance the mRNA gets to some stem cells, the spike protein will be made forever. But non-stem cells will die and be replaced. Which is why it's so important that pharma wants everyone to keep getting boosted forever.

ItsOkayToBeWight 0 points ago +1 / -1

It's a technique akin to consensus cracking. They pick a few conspiracies that they make up or some scarecrow versions of conspiracies, then debunk those. With sufficient debunkings out there, "the science is settled" and they can use that as a club to beat any other kind of dissent.

Short of a blood transfusion, I don't think a jabbed person is going to cause you any direct harm being around them. Indirectly on the other hand... Who knows when their ticking time bomb goes off.

ItsOkayToBeWight 7 points ago +7 / -0

Literally printing money. And when their greed gets too much and too many defaults happen at once, daddy government bails them out.

ItsOkayToBeWight 1 point ago +2 / -1

It isn't. This is like saying someone with a peanut allergy is going to get sick being around someone that ate a PB&J a day ago. Viruses have a number of tricks to get into the body, and once in they self-replicate. Proteins lack the tricks to get into the body and they don't self replicate.

On the other hand, they are experimenting with making mRNA aerosols: https://cysticfibrosisnewstoday.com/news/aerosolized-mrna-based-therapy-restores-cftr-function-cells/

ItsOkayToBeWight 1 point ago +1 / -0

There are private doctors that work for organizations. NFL players aren't going to the same doctor that random people are. Even their GP's are a closed network.

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