I got all the strains, to the point that I accused management of deliberately altering policy in order to increase employee exposure.
Each had a different primary symptom for me. (OG wheezing, ¿lambda? coughing, delta sneezing, Omicron sinus cold, etc...)
I work around thousands of vaxxed sheep. If the vax sheds, a lot of my illness could be attributed to airborne Spike exposure. None of my "long covid" symptoms arrived until after vaccine mandate implementation and unmasking of the zomboids.
The final bitcoin is projected to be mined in 2140. Transactions can only be processed through the mining of new bitcoin. Therefore when the final coin is mined the transactions will cease and everyone will be left holding a valueless mathematical hash.
The trick is that everything runs on slavery hidden behind a veil of perceived freedom.
The economy can't collapse, because they're able to run the show for $0.
It's the same way we can't "vote for the other guy" to get out from under it: because they'll just cheat if they need to.
The thing that terrified me was that I could make realistic deepfake with a 2016 graphics card at the rate of 15fps. A single modern computer with a card like a 3080 or 6950, they could process full HD video quickly enough to stream it in real time.
It's so economically accessible to anybody. Between this and Bitcoin, no wonder there was such a backorder on GPU's.
and you dont transfer a virus to another person, you make the virus in your cells..
Yes, you make the virus in your cells, but clearly they weren't with you in the womb, so you acquired it from somewhere. And if you say the virus is made in our cells, then let me propose that a person with a virus in their skin (such as herpes simplex virus) might shed some virus-containing cells through friction. A person with a respiratory virus (such as influenza) may have virus in their lungs, from which virus-containing cells could be dislodged and ejected with aerosolized coughing--and then inhaled by a second individual.
To me, germ theory is reasonable, and terrain theory makes no additional sense. For example, if I'm healthy with whatever non-diseased virus status® but I get an anal pounding from a homeless tranny and now when I go home to my clean apartment the "terrain" is weakening my health?
I can't see the utility in that world view.
"Here, feds, is a list of everywhere that can incriminate you. Please don't shut down the following archives, which would save yourselves from legal liability:..."