HerAlterEgo 2 points ago +2 / -0

This topic also interests me. I don't have links, but here's some snippets to rabbit hole that I've picked up over my decades of reading sciency nerd stuff.

  • Maunder Minimum/biblical EMPs from the sun
  • Planetary Alignments pulling the Earth out of/into new orbits
  • Atlantis was found in West Africa, flooded out
  • Meteor landed in Yucatan penninsula/created gulf of mexico
HerAlterEgo 1 point ago +1 / -0

There's no metered test for street smarts, just live or die. Trust noone.

I got my staunch reefer madness boomer Dad laughing earlier tonight when I inadvertently told him for the first time ever that I've done drugs before (I'm 40). Was telling him about my brother and the horse paste (see my post history), "what do you do in black market prohibition? It's not like it's my first time buying illegal substances, I've been to college".

HerAlterEgo 1 point ago +1 / -0

I was just thinking about what it would take to secure the US Canada border through the fields and wilderness where hunters don't even know they've crossed.


HerAlterEgo 7 points ago +7 / -0

I'm not convinced. I saw two kids in the video with the black eyes that were not ordinary. It's called iridescent eyes, it happens to roughly 1 in 75000 births, and it is genetic. It's not harmful, and after a few months their eyes will change to their permanent color. There was one baby shown standing, not moving, at 3 months. It's not unheard of, its happened before. All the rest of the babies walking while being led, rolling over, holding their heads up, trying to crawl, these are all normal instinctual behaviors. My son always scared the crap out of me when he was born, I'd put him to bed on his back and he'd roll over and sleep on his belly. My fear of course was SIDS. After his first month after birth, he had done it more sleep episodes than not, so I slowly stopped worrying so much. I have always been most comfortable sleeping on my belly, and so does my son. I have video of my daughter at 4 weeks, belly down on a boppy pillow, lifting her head up to look at the ceiling fan and swinging her head in circles to follow the blades around until she gets dizzy/tired and drops her head back down to rest before picking up and doing it again. Some babies can hold their head up when they're born and some can't and usually start within a week.

I would believe if they found other issues though, like malformed brains and organs, breathing conditions, and vascular conditions.

HerAlterEgo 1 point ago +1 / -0

The paperwork always goes through for the mafia. My parents just sold their house in Utica, it had 14 foot fences around the property in city limits. The law there is not higher than 6 feet. Previous owners father had no problem with the permits.

HerAlterEgo 7 points ago +7 / -0

Florida and Montana are your best options in the states. Southern Brazil and Africa are your next options. Corruption and crime is everywhere, no escaping that.

HerAlterEgo 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'll take Kanye for President first. LMAO

HerAlterEgo 7 points ago +7 / -0

I enjoyed every one of your posts over the years. I'm glad to have found you again by happenstance.

I've been toying an idea to write a children's book in fairytale/batman action style with pictures of "evil scientists" and "meek inheriters of the earth" as the underdog hero.

by pkvi
HerAlterEgo 2 points ago +2 / -0

It doesn't matter anymore. Give them what they need to get started. US passed the rubicon in 2017, the interest on the debt now prohibits ever paying the US debt.

HerAlterEgo 1 point ago +1 / -0

I lost interest as soon as I realized he thinks vaccines work and aren't the poison that is causing the holocaust.

HerAlterEgo 2 points ago +2 / -0

I know violence isnt the answer, I got it wrong on purpose!

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