Gumball 1 point ago +1 / -0

Good points and fair enough. I do wonder if there's anyone around with decent editing skills because it would be worthwhile to start making shorter form content to send off into the ether to start grabbing people's attention so that they might do a bit more digging. I'm talking 10 minute videos that concisely hit the key points and intrigue people enough to want to know more.

Gumball 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, I completely agree, some people are looking for far longer form content, and those are people who are already convinced.

I don't care about up or downvotes, but it speaks volumes that what I said was entirely accurate, but it gets downvoted because people are pretentiously up their own asses. The average person just isn't going to give a shit about anything that could potentially change their worldview if they have to dedicate six hours to an internet video. Say what you will about attention span this or that, it's just a fact. Most people don't even read past headlines, and somehow I'm wrong when I state they won't waste 6 hours watching a fringe video.

Congratulations to whoever originally made the video. You've literally preached to the choir and reached no one that actually matters.

Gumball 3 points ago +3 / -0

Consider that JewTube banned RT, as well, long ago. They're not afraid of "lies," they're afraid of their lies being exposed. People need to WAKE THE FUCK UP.

Gumball 3 points ago +4 / -1

And they always have been. China and Russia are just a diversion; easy targets to fool the masses of NPCs into crying out, "My enemy, my enemy!" The real enemies are the people who every one scrambles to join the team of and vote harder for. We've all been brainwashed into believing our oppressors are our friends and the money they steal as "taxes" is for our own good, bro.

Gumball 6 points ago +6 / -0

Why must you tease me with paradise?

Gumball 3 points ago +3 / -0

Just another reminder that these are the people who dictate your lives; people who get a squad of police protection from the normies who would otherwise hang them in the streets. Law enforcement is the fist that validates their power over you. No elite would get away with even so much as a sideways glance if it wasn't for the pathetic faggots who willingly enable them.

Gumball 1 point ago +1 / -0

The 7 stripes on her shirt are deliberate. They represent the 7 deadly sins and she is a sign of the apocalypse. It's a warning. She can't speak or they'll kill her, so she's trying to send hidden codes to patriots to be prepared. You notice that she's sitting on a bench. In Babylonian times benches represented relaxation or rest, which is also a sign to make sure you're well-rested before the final trumpet sounds. You're also missing the raised eyebrow, a code suggesting to always keep one eye open or be vigilant. It's all right there. She's definitely a clone with a massive jawbone sending transmissions from Q and his recruits L, G, B and T. I see it now. They've totally cloned Kate Middleton and, even better, aged her 42 years in just a matter of months. It's going to be so ballin' when the cloned Queen turns up in a few weeks.

Gumball 1 point ago +2 / -1

She looks a little emaciated from cancer/treatment.

Gumball 0 points ago +1 / -1

All right, rabbi, I'll just ignore my lying eyes. It was all a hallucination. You know what "right next to each other means" and you're playing a retarded game of semantics. You can kindly fuck off at this point as it's pointless discussing anything with someone who isn't a good faith actor.

Gumball 0 points ago +1 / -1

Of course they have always produced contrails, I'm not arguing that, though I can't speak for anyone else. I just know that I've watched planes lay them out side by side with one laying down trails that spread out into cloud cover and ones that simply evaporate into nothingness. If I was seeing them on different days, different times of year, etc, I'd chalk it up to different conditions, perhaps, but when it's right next to each other, that's hard to just write off. That said, I don't think whatever it is has anything to do with ingesting whatever it may be. I think there's some other goal. I have no reason to trust government agencies, airlines or anyone else, for that matter, and history suggests it's better to bet against them than to buy into what they dish out. If something seems suspicious, it probably is.

Gumball 1 point ago +2 / -1

Legitimate question; why does it make no sense? I've seen two different types of contrails/chemtrails laid down at the same time. Ones that evaporate like normal and other ones that linger and spread out into cloud cover on what would have been otherwise perfectly blue skies. I can recall seeing the same thing all the way back to when I was still a teenager (over 20 years ago) where beautiful days get turned into shit overcast and it's 100% contrails, not real clouds.

Gumball 3 points ago +6 / -3

You are 100% correct. This is why liberal/leftists continues to win and control everything, because of smooth-brained retards like this who ignore reality to their own detriment and the detriment of their own people.

Gumball 6 points ago +6 / -0

It will only ever be used against Whites, heterosexuals and Christians.

Welcome to the Jew World Order.

Gumball 3 points ago +3 / -0

That's absolutely brutal for everyone involved. Played the unwitting role as the fist of an evil empire, destroyed hundreds of people's lives and now his kids/wife/family's lives have been crushed and changed forever. I wish people would wake up. We're just pawns in games played by evil people.

Gumball 6 points ago +6 / -0

That's real beyond comprehension, brother. No matter who it is, it's ridiculously hard to deprogram and start seeing the world for what it is. It must be especially difficult for people who genuinely believed they were doing good, only to realize what they were actually doing. I wouldn't want to be in those shoes.

Gumball 6 points ago +6 / -0

No matter who is ready to accept it or not, reality is that the American empire is the most evil and corrupt power the world has seen in at least the last 100 years. The uniparty projects all of their own misdeeds onto everyone else. They pretend that every boogey man out there is engaging in US election interference while actively engaging in election interference globally, installing puppets everywhere they can get their hands on. Everyone else is evil, but we're the good guys, bro, trust us.

Gumball 3 points ago +4 / -1

It's hilarious how niggers can't help but live up to tropes. They couldn't simply carry out their invasion with guns and night vision tech, they had to have drugs, too.

Gumball 0 points ago +2 / -2

I completely agree. I also think there should be a constitutional amendment that states that any politician that supports any given conflict should have to send one of their own children to go fight in it. If you believe in something so much that you're willing to sacrifice other people's children then you should be willing to sacrifice your own.

On a similar note, I also believe that it should be law that anyone wanting to run for any position in government should have to live within the most dangerous areas of a major US city for 5 years and have their children attend a public school amongst demon orcs. We'll see how fast they change their tune on "muh poor oppressed negros."

Gumball 0 points ago +3 / -3

He also shit from the mouth after the super Tuesday results talking about how he did such a good job with covid and nobody gives him credit for it. He's so fucking out of touch it's not even funny. Is he better than Biden (or any Democrat for that matter)? Yeah, but that's like saying firm dogshit is better than sloppy wet dogshit.

Gumball 4 points ago +4 / -0

Wasn't Reddit much freer about speech and based at one point in time? All it takes is a few niggerfaggotkikes to get positions of power and the next thing you go all the reasonable people are silenced and you're left with nothing but normies and vermin.

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