Graphenium 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’ve been thinking the same shit basically every year since 2012 or whenever that “the disclosure project” thing started gaining momentum. Sometimes I wonder if it’s almost a trap to keep us docile... “worlds ending any day now, why bother organizing/resisting/etc”

Not saying things are one way or another, just that I find myself oscillating on the topic

Graphenium 3 points ago +3 / -0

Sounds a lot like the Hidden Hand interview / Law of One stuff - it’s pretty freaky how many seemingly distinct sources I’m seeing make these similar claims, especially recently

Graphenium 2 points ago +2 / -0

Good points made with this post, easy to get lost or overlooked in the furor of some new /ourguys/?!?!?!?!?!? agit-prop

Graphenium 2 points ago +3 / -1

As I see it, there are (more than) a couple options:

  1. the punctuated evolution theory - as part of the 26,000 year precession cycle, human existence is basically a training ground for souls. We incarnate here over and over until we learn some fundamental lessons about existence. To ensure that this classroom never gets too disordered, the board is intermittently wiped clean (roughly every 26,000 years, according to multiple lines of thought like the Yuga calendar, the work of catastrophists like Carlson, Hancock, etc, various esoteric ideologies like the “Law of One”, and many religious systems). This explains the suffering in the world (it’s a challenge to be overcome). The earth is a classroom, our “teachers” exist outside of this classroom in some manner and our goal is (perhaps) to comprehend that and thus progress to eventually join them “outside the class”. In this framework most all of the world’s religions, mystery cults, etc are in aid of passing this information to us in a form we can comprehend.

  2. the cosmic farm theory - we were “planted” here, in order that one day, after our crop grows nice and ripe, we (or our “mental energy”, “loosh”, “vril”, “vital essence”, “souls”, or even the planet’s gold lol, who knows) may be ”harvested”. This too explains the suffering in the world. This might be the most “Godless” universe to live in. One where aliens are unopposed and total in their domination. Religious belief systems in this framework most likely become “tricks” or “traps” (we’ve all probably seen a post on why we “shouldn’t go towards the light” after death, or the “Saturn soul cube” or whatever)

  3. ancient astronaut theory - a bit of column A and a bit of column B. Punctuated global catastrophes present a technological civilization with two options: dig in, or leave. Whatever the catastrophe is - massive solar flares, pole flip leading to temporarily no magnetosphere, asteroid clogging the skies, nuclear winter, basically anything global in scale. According to soyence, “anatomically modern humans” have existed for a minimum of 300,000 years. I think it’s quite likely that at SOME POINT during this 300,000(plus) span of time, with intermittent global catastrophes occurring many, many times, atleast once have we managed to leave the Earth in order to survive. Most likely landing on the Moon. The Moon, which has so many mathematical oddities and myths, and legends of intelligent beings associated with it to make it a story worth exploring in and of itself. So all that is to say: No John, you are the demons

Graphenium 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’ve come to think much the same in terms of the idea of a “common origin” to the different legends / myths / origin stories of the world.

I suppose the most convenient (though perhaps far from the best) means of asking questions on this topic is, how does “the truth of things” (as best you or I or anyone else understands it) differ from the tale as told by those in power, as a means of controlling our perceptions?

A main factor is perhaps the difference in whether or not these entities are seen as “physical”/“corporeal” or “meta-physical”/“spiritual”? The idea that what we have long called “gods” are perhaps more accurately called “homo superius” or perhaps even “non-human beings”? Our modern religions find it sacrilegious to suggest the notion that angels and gods are “mere” aliens, but the more one studies things the more one understands that our ancestors don’t seem to have delineated the two concepts. Interested in where you come down on this one.

And Where else would you find differences (or similarities) between “the ancient truth” and our modern versions? Does it boil down to Go(o)d versus (D)evil? Or is that an oversimplification of something like order and chaos? Or growth and decay? Or something else entirely? Or do you think all this symbolic interpretation is superfluous, and it’s something far stranger than fiction could ever come up with? I find the idea of this existence being a “training ground” of some sort resonates strongly with my understanding of things...

Anyway cheers man thanks for being a quality commenter, whenever I see your posts I know I’m about to enjoy some serious effort posting

Graphenium 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yes, Talmudic Judaism is different and perverse.

That’s the only point I was making. And it’s not so much “talmudic judaism” but “judaism” generally, as today talmudic is the only kind that exists. It is probably more accurate and useful if we used a different word to describe the system as it was prior to Christ, and “judaism” afterward, given how much of their effort became dedicated to rejecting His wisdom.

But I'm talking about history that's pretty well documented.

Well, in broad strokes maybe, but it really feels like the specifics of that era have been shrouded and obscured by so many tellings and re-tellings as to be quite questionable, as evidenced by the massive confusion on the subject these days (mUh jUdEo-ChRiStIaN vALuEs)

Graphenium 1 point ago +1 / -0

Cheers bro thanks, really all I’m doing is patching together the insights of those who came before.

As the famous saying goes, we stand on the shoulders of giants

Graphenium 7 points ago +8 / -1

Well, “jew” was a word invented centuries later, the first Christians were actually “Judeans” (i.e. they lived in “the land of Judah”), a geographical region and not an ethnic nor religious descriptor

Judaism the religion didn’t crystalize until 500+ years after the death of Christ, with the writing of the Talmud

You’re probably just making a joke but I find the whole “Jesus was a jew!” narrative to be subversive enough that it should be called out when seen

And that’s before even considering the Khazar theory (i.e. ashkenazi’s aren’t descended from biblical Judeans) or the white Israelite theory (i.e. the “Lost Tribes” driven north during the Assyrian conquest of israel eventually became “the European races” - Dan-ish from the tribe of Dan, Saxons <isaacson> descended from Isaac, etc)

Graphenium 2 points ago +2 / -0

The big technique is lying by omission, in my opinion.

So many “things” happen every day that you can paint an utterly distorted view of the world just by choosing which “things” to focus on.

Graphenium 1 point ago +1 / -0

I’ve read this guys posts for the 3+ years I’ve been here lol, never noticed a change, least of all one caused by the small minded chumps yapping about “gpt spamb0t!!!!” and other similarly chumpish claims

Graphenium 1 point ago +1 / -0

word salad

Unique analysis of well-established etymological and symbolic (in its linguistics sense) underlying meaning of often platitudinous utterances*

But whatever, you do you, just find actual targets is all I’m saying.

Graphenium 0 points ago +1 / -1

It’s hardly spam, considering I’ve never seen him post a topic in his life and every comment he makes is entirely consistent and coherent - let he who has ears listen

Why don’t you crusade against those schitzoids who post their conversation with bing ai across 10 new posts every day? Or how about the OP of this post, a handshake zionist shill?

Just a weird choice of targets you have. Perhaps you’re a tad too thick to grok what our friend here is saying?

Graphenium 1 point ago +1 / -0

The etymology is in fact exactly what he said, which is why you’re afraid to answer and expose yourself not as a righteous crusader against “spammers” but merely someone not adding to the conversation at all

Graphenium 3 points ago +3 / -0

Not a single rightwing pundit has pushed back on Israel. Not one.... Candace Owens, Shapiro, Rubin, Peterson

You’re going to need to go a little further right than “literal zionist shills” then

Graphenium -3 points ago +1 / -4

The only way this makes sense is if we’re also the “aliens”

Hence: “let us create man in our image”

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