Ep0ch -7 points ago +1 / -8

Sell bullshit somewhere else. You're literally autistic. When somebody communicates to you, it goes inside your head and comes out your lefty snowflake butt.

  1. How much Population has it added. That's people, weapons going into it. Adding more. If it was a prison, population doesn't grow. It adds new prisoners sure but population doesn't grow.

  2. There were no guards inside it. Only outside it. That was its problem.

  3. It had freedom to do whatever it wanted. It chose to be imprisoned.

  4. it contained the dumbest people on the planet. They didn't seek refuge in their sanctuary. No. They didn't try to exhibit their culture. They literally were terrorists. The dumbest people on the planet by Planetary comparisons. Unless we're talking about indigenous cannibals. No culture. Nothing but bullshit. No engineering of note, no services of their own on any scale of other than constant begging.

  5. Any begging sought more arms, not culture

I am not here to be politically correct. I am here to add an opinion. They didn't provide the World with anything except nonsense. Any culture was their constant plea for more arms. All it bought.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

You don't understand that World. Not all is as it seems, at all.

It's also funneling. Big huge siphon. It can't defeat a few rebels next door. It promises peace. What are those Miltias doing?

Come on. What's that, they host base you go war. They got Hamas sitting right here. Calling on all militias too?

What is that. It's those ides of something? Not quite. But it's something else. It always is.

It plays both sides obviously. Sure let's play this other game. Big game right now. USA are the other guy. They need it to keep their regimes in, they love those perks. As their own World is doing what?

Not that anybody cares anyway. Don't rock the boat. But it all stinks. All of it today.

Lies, hypocrisy, and radicals. Big huge quagmire.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

I call it dementia. Accountable. What does that mean. Not giving, 6 billion, to Iran 6 minutes ago.

Sanctions more Sanctions, Sanctioning every single time an Iranian leaves Iran. If you want Red lines, draw them.

More Sanctions. He's chicken anyway. Got the lefty yellow feathers.

It doesn't matter what he does, 5 minutes later it's something else. He'd declare war and forget about it. Not doing that either guys. Peace Promise. Israel no rage. What. That's Hezbollah next door.

But the constant gaffe after gaffe after gaffe. 1 billion to you and to you and to you, let's forget about the billion to me. Accountable.

I am GOP anyway. Support at this stage is redundant if it doesn't act. It isn't aid either. What kind of accounting is that. Open borders guys, because there's no wall. Look at those Hamas.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

There simply isn't any right today. I don't mean extremists. I mean common sense. Left have it all backwards. Completely backwards. We aren't moving forwards today.

No such thing as what's right in this era of madness.

Lies and hypocrisy and radicals.

Sick of its bullshit. Worse coverage.

Every single time it lacks any rationality, no it's not even for profit either, as it uturns on everything.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +2 / -4

Shudders if a wartime Potus.

There's no right today just an inept left. Everywhere.

Did it buy the attack? Has it stopped it?

American Afghan weapons used from Gaza. Gaffe after Gaffe after Gaffe.

Somebody tell something that makes sense. The historic comparison becomes Attila the Hun. Rome never recovered.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch -4 points ago +1 / -5

Yep. Absurd. Depends on what they are and that active role. It could be commanders, prep, who knows?

Most don't get a press OP. Putting that on X is Tedious. Look at the gossip it gets.

I think the fact it gets gossip is worse. It becomes a bigger dumber talking point. When what was it. Guesswork. Now it got turned into look at the national risk. What?

Ep0ch -4 points ago +2 / -6

At what point in 1947. 1.9 million population, 30% mixed Christians and Jews. Didn't they just evict it. It would've healed by now.

It only got smaller every time it attacked. Until now. It's ironic.

No freaking foresight. No foresight when we just went to war over there. I know I know. Let's added millions because I know there weren't any WMDs. Really what's every terrorist called? What was Saddam called? How many times have you played that tape? How many times.

The World stops when the West speaks. It sits there turns on Netflix and listens to its bullshit narratives.

The best guys. What happens next?

Ep0ch -4 points ago +1 / -5

Who fucking cares. The topic context. 40 babies. You pathetic dumbs think it changes anything. Correct the record. Not 40? Absurd.

The actual report was they performed a cesarean on a pregnant woman in the maternity ward. Ripping her baby out of her killing it infront of her. Other babies in the incubators. They opened and threw them against the walls. There was a report of a baby with its throat cut, decapitated.

They killed children and people of all ages. Some brutally.

They broke the arms and legs on women and raped others.

At the end of the day. Nobody gives a shit what you believe, it is what it is.

Screaming at a forum wall won't change that at all.

This dumb topic is autistic. Did you listen to him. He said how could anybody do it? He found it unbelievable.

Why the fuck are you autistic?

Ep0ch -2 points ago +2 / -4

They're in trouble for their coverage of this. It's in the press. It's been complained to Ofcom. It might hit another committee.

But regardless they're snowflakes. Pandering to everybody else except their public. Living on cloud cuckoo. The BBC who watches it. Sure some programming. But easily avoided.

I ask myself this daily today, what was the end game? Come on. Any fool the World over could've predicted this. Many prepared. At what point didn't they with all their A.I run a basic algorithm which any fool could've said so.

It makes exactly zero sense. Unless you're a raving lunatic. How the hell indeed.

No freaking hindsight until it has to react and by then what's that cost?

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Peaceful? How did Buddhism spread? Its conquest into India, IndoChina. Islam also pushed it back. Who were Boxers? Ah but they weren't the Shaolin. Haha. Did it also get outlawed by Emperors removing its power? Hasn't its power been stripped today? What was its creed. Why?

You're chatting clowns. Read your link. What happened before the Crusades.

Who were Templars? How did they form. Why.

You come at me with Baphomet. Believe it or not some have said it means Muhammad. No wonder they were destroyed. Baphomet is a children's fable. It was told centuries later. Centuries later. The image you shill on the forum, and its vague references, came much later. A means to purge them. When you say Baphomet. It actually makes you ignorant. Yes? You're reading a modern fable. A Fable that got an image in the late 1700s. Not when Templar's existed.

I think you're an autistic retard who doesn't process shit. Every other post has been shilled with your inate notions of who you thought they were, and some other conspiracy of who you think they are now. You're wrong.

I hear this lil Chinese, he talking rubbish. China has this other religion today. I literally just heard that voice. Wubbish. Baphomet exist he's the dragon god of the Shaolin. It's best Kung Fu. Better than other secret society.

https://paintingvalley.com/chinese-dragon-pencil-drawings. Baphometry I swear

Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

Thanks a fascinating read.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Yawn. You simply don't understand history. How it formed. You understand conspiracy.

You make up narratives. Instead of grasping the how and why and what not.

Then you have the fucking gall to call me names. Because I didn't accept the conspiracy you're selling.

I give up.

How did these orders form and convert. their origin and why. What were they.

Instead you mouth conspiracy the crusades where it was war. And instead you state some other nonsense. It was war a holy war. Then there was only carnage.

But that was not their doctrine. You inept dumbass.

No I don't idolise anything. I am faithless. But it doesn't make me a dumbass.

I provided a comparison the Shaolin. Almost the same. At one point they were what? Tell me this. It goes back thousands of years prior. What is their creed. What did it do. How widespread was it. Why? How did it originate? What does it do today?

Instead you come up with your little pyramid flowchart. How it became a different secret society of competing Kung Fu? Seriously

Ep0ch -3 points ago +2 / -5

The BBC contains incitement to hatred. You need a better link

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

You're nuts. They didn't answer to the Pope. The Pope appointed the king. The king taxed them for the purpose of conscription. It was to wage war on each other. Not bring God to the heathen, and wage war on hell.

They were a monastic order, the same as Shaolin. They fought hell. Not each other. The Pope ordained them, blessed them. But he also Ordained the King who obviously taxed and conscripted them.

Some were former Lords, Knights, who found God, becoming Templar's, returning not to their castles, but to a monastic order. It grew in fervor.

It was purged as it grew more powerful than the King and the Pope. It held the people's faith, it protected them, it educated them, it built its own monasteries.

Propaganda was used to condem them. Those Shaolin Monks are faggot demon worshippers. Haha.

They were the shedding of the former, Holy Roman Empire. It canonised Emperor's. They led Christianity where. Than the pope became its appointment. Obviously that danger to its charlatans was they became more powerful than the Pope.

It obviously goes back to the legions. Further back to when the pantheon, had its own god.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

There's a lot of bullshit in war; Propaganda, agenda, sides. Today it means a heap of fake coverage, propagating opinions, upholding morale, blaming the other side.

Information is as big a weapon.

What did that information cause? Look it points to Hamas.

Sure Hezbollah are now gone as well. But they were going to be regardless.

The path it was on, only moves along the path it is on. Sure it thinks to contain it. But it rarely deviates off it. Unless term's are reached. Here there are no more terms with terrorists. Not today. Not when it has declared the same war against them.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

What are you babbling about?

The Knight's Templar were Christians who were given the inquisition.

Facts not bullshit

It's like an aneurism in here. You have muddled so much fact into your insane notions. What you think they were.

Who knows what they became. But when you have misplaced those facts to begin with, it is so utterly tedious on how you've assumed their position.

Their position was a warrior class. God's faithful. His chosen to protect Christianity. They waged war on infidels, in the Crusades. Until they grew more powerful than those who weaponised them, King's taxing them, trying to send them into war against each other. Then they were killed without remorse.

Afterwards they became a conspiracy.

But the ignorance you've, just you keeps mouthing, is absurd.

They were like Shaolin Monks. Except they fought in the Crusades. Again that notion of Buddhism is practically gone, as again it was thought to be weaponised against each other. It was purged. Of course it still has practice today. Unlike when Buddhism defended itself.

This practice is very old. It goes back to the perspective pantheon. Egypt etc.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

Hang on. Every single rocket whistles. Fire off some fireworks. They whistle more if they're damaged.

But here's the obvious thing. The obvious thing is; The Hospital wasn't hit.

At what, stupid, point is there bullshit.

Let's do the math.

Hamas lied saying the hospital was hit. It wasn't. 500 people didn't die. The hospital wasn't hit.

Who are lying?

I can add more probability in there as well. But we're talking about liars, claiming something that was not. It obviously points to them. They lied.

Ep0ch -4 points ago +1 / -5

Who lied? If the missile didn't hit the hospital, why claim it had? Hamas claimed it. Because it didn't hit the hospital, there weren't 500 causalities. Hamas claimed there was.

Do you see a statistical problem. Hamas are lying.

Who hit the hospital that wasn't even hit. Hamas did, because they're lying about everything else.

Go figure. You dumbass.

The hospital wasn't hit. So why are you lying?

Take your bullshit with you.

As far as the misconceptions on warcrimes. Gaza haven't got their own services. If you squat, a house, is the electricity, water, and services cut to evict your stupid asshole? Why should you get aid either, you'll just keep squatting that household. Get the fuck out of it. It was there's. Nope, they're terrorists. They don't own those services. Unlike any other population invaded. Where nuclear power stations cause fallout, and it didn't declare war.

Now it's time to say goodbye to Hezbollah as well.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +3 / -5

Haha. They went back to reddit

Ep0ch -3 points ago +2 / -5

I have no idea what they're on. There's obvious conspiracy what occurred. But isn't it a narrative. A fall guy used to cause and effect. An excuse. A justification. Did they think of it? Or was it echelons of power. It does it regardless.

This forum is that stupid because it's a counter op for their blame.

They think it makes any difference at all. As any problem they don't fight, corruption, dystopia, poverty, or whatever. Obvious shilling obviously. It cares only about.

They honestly think it'll empower something else, differently. So fucking dumb. But they run it 50 times a day to someday.

I honestly don't care, the World is what it is. But I am not that dumb to assume it would be anything else.

Ep0ch -6 points ago +2 / -8

I really don't put the Jew at the heart of everything. I would suggest they are a source of blame for everything. A narrative used by others. On this forum more than ever. While sure there is powerful people and these aren't as religious, but yes perhaps they use their perspective religion. It would be the same as all religions. There are the devout and those who use a congregation for their own gains. It goes without saying.

So while you have this kind of topic, it is naive of its masses. Instead simply fingers something to cause blame.

Who are these powerful people, religious?

Where perhaps we can blame our banking, our censors, or distrust.

Would history be different, or would it fill with any other? As it has done repeatedly. While you sit there and presume.

It's not that I care, I am pointing out a misconception. Is it the Jew or the hearts of men? These change not through time no matter their faith.

Ep0ch -7 points ago +1 / -8


Ep0ch -3 points ago +2 / -5

Seething. Most are.

Curiously he is suggesting a Russian link between arms into the region. That's far more concerning than any rhetoric. It is perhaps the very reason he's pissed. Which is why it was a heated interview.

Ep0ch -3 points ago +2 / -5

Sound of rocket? Hymns and choirs. What. I am finding it very hard to take seriously.

Should explain, fire rocket, whistle. Most do. Most rocket make whistle. It isn't that distinctive. Some are more distinct, yes. But a failed comparison.

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