Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

No. I mean it could be, but the dog heard it. It whimpered, and pawed its head.

You know, the dog whistle. Only a dog hears the pitch, otherwise it sounds not very loud to us. Imagine an electrical whir or hum, hitting your inner ear, like that dog whistle. Except all the other sounds are still there, but there's this whirring getting more intense, shril, piercing. Not an air raid siren, or a cunt blowing a fog horn as you're sat at the computer. Just an electrical whir, hum. No I am not deaf, or have hearing problems, my ears are very good, very good, indeed. But occasionally not quite yearly, maybe every few, there it is, and it often lasts for a few minutes. At different times, once at late night, once daytime, etc. It is something electrical.

Ep0ch 4 points ago +4 / -0

Happens, it's not quite a hum, more like a dog whistle. Piercing. Not like the Black Mirror, constant or vibrating. But like a static discharge, or a dog whistle, whir or hum, becoming high pitch, and it really hits your inner ear. Everything else still sounds normal. My dog heard it once or twice, and it was really bothering for both of us.

No it wasn't a car alarm or a siren. They could still be heard if they are there, the same with other sounds in the background, on what seems to be an electrical frequency oscillating.

Don't know WTF it is? But has happened a few times in memory, maybe yearly, or every few years, and it was really bothering, because I didn't know what it was, or whether it was just me hearing it. But that pitch gets more intense until it stops, sometimes it has lasted a few minutes. I know the dog heard it, it whimpered and pawed its head. I looked for the source, and it was gone. No, it wasn't a prank, somebody else, and the other electronics, don't do it otherwise. Unless it's the TV, I have always suspected it. There is other stuff that beeps, freaking fire alarms can be annoying, just beeping once or twice for no reason, or the fridge and its hums. But not like that. Don't know what the hell it is.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

I guess, he didn't air it on TV. He used social media like the rest of us.

I bet it was intentional because they're all warned of using it to get into debates and say crap. It being used to compromise you. Subjectively outside of his expertise, football, why is he commenting on politics. Only trouble there. In fact it's advised you deplatform and use an agent.

So it was conniving. Hence my comment of idiocy.

Does it need to be on a causal medium. At what point is it a witch's cunt? Witch-hunt. Opinions are nothing else, never a crime. Unless threatening physical acts of violence and crime, on each other. They shouldn't compromise anybody.

Yea he's totally wrong, or let's all invade the Linker's uninvitedly.

Yes the border in North Ireland shot people until it closed in the 90s.

We had a 100 years of war invading Normandy, and centuries of war expelling Moors. There has been as many other invasions and Balkanisation. And wars regarding this. Nobody is against migration. They're against trespassers. Nobody wants invaders. Sort it the fuck out. Stop it. Legal migration integrates, it is a service, gaining something from a reciprocated trade, not taxing, and providing nothing but shit.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Cannot have opinion today. Do I agree with it absolutely not, he's a complete idiot. Send him to the stocks to be flogged.

1930s shot illegals and invaders. I swear they shot them all the way into 80s. This is what guards do. Guard stuff. They don't rescue invaders. How many wars have been fought historically over this. 100s to 1000s today just ignore history and umm, no. At no point should it be happening. Migration should have passes and documents and granted entry. Otherwise it's trespass. It used to be a firing squad. Let's all trespass on Linker's lawn and claim sanctuary. See. No. Let's not.

Sort it out. Guard the border. Shoot stuff. Or something.

But his opinion is now a crime. This is what social media does. Although haha.

If it has opinion. Mine isn't a crime. Nobody's is. But here we all are divided by it.

Putting him back on air, yawn. Probably pointless, now. Didn't need to hear it. It is what it is, and that's a load of bullshit. Nobody can say what they want.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0


It's off to nowhere good today.

Ep0ch 3 points ago +3 / -0

The same way singers became adverts, and movies became propaganda. The media stopped telling the truth a long time ago. It has become a dystopian tool of agenda driven propaganda.

But any actual answer is the Internet has killed it. Musk knows this. Killed and consolidated the narrative completely, entirely. So much easier to control, propagate, and destroy. Until no matter who you are, you can be gotten, and are guilty of it. What's it, the height of dystopia. Occasionally fires burn but these are often run from the same taps, flowing on, or off. How can they profit or control more from situations created and forced. But as far as the media, they're getting the same 5 headlines daily, no matter the network, despite a few smaller differences and locality from the same source and editorials. Who is this, a division of government. It prompts the same coverage, and front-pages. The other pages are saturated with garbage driven gossip, adverts, and woke opinions, or pointless speculation.

Until the only truth is hidden by lies profiting off it.

As far as the Internet goes look at it. Who reads anything else, and what is the difference, today? Until even books are being burnt.

Prior to the rise of Social Media, there were people who wrote magazines and there was an abundance of print, records, Innovation. Since everything has gone online. It has cancelled more and more, placing everything into it, and killing off everything not using it. It then rigs and destroys any opposition, and opposing opinions. Policing any calls against whatever it forces, any opinions unless broadcasting political correctness of whatever stupidity conjured are brought to witch trials and muted and censored, everybody is guilty of an opinion, that's its beauty, completely oppressing any notions of opposition. Until today dystopia has bulk collected complete dossiers that it can drag up and burn any heretics with, it watches and records everything, and now no sooner, it wants everybody wearing ankle braclets and herded into its agendas, and these stereotypically amount to higher costs for less and less and less.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Off to the abattoir little dogie, git along, git along, it's heading in for the last round up, because it's time to turn it into glue.

Yep, they're a very bad idea.

I just couldn't help rewriting the lyrics of Old Yeller. Go home little dogie, Go home. Poor Yeller, never ran again. They impounded him and used the bolt gun. His bones got turned into glue. Welcome to Smart City, that poster read.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Absolutely. Except during any periods of extremes. Not your average warming and cooling normally the result of solar activity and tectonics. How extreme can it get. That answer can be existential. Super volcano, micronova, impact.

As far as god there are too many schools on whether he was the Sun, Justice, light, life, and the leviathan, kraken, tiamut, quetzalcoatl, Satan. Some believed that Satan fell to the earth, and an above beast, a serpent, dragon, behemoth resided in the earth and brought forth great destruction. Simplified version, quick.

I don't read too much into the tales except it is obvious calamity occurred, and the stars, and cosmos influences our weather.

They all had similar origin stories, cain and abel and moses and deluge and they all had a pantheon and many based this on the cosmos. Until what do you know it became the Occult. Because of secular worship.

But you're right cycles occur influencing our planet and the weather changes bringing our seasons, and storms, and even extremes. Do we affect nature. Yes. But do we control it. No. The gods do. Hence they were worshipped. Ironically

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nothing, simple consolidation of any larger geoborder, lockstep. Planned ahead. Why it is being implemented quicker, and had no other resistance. Apart from the gestures. Beware of the gestures. What does it even mean. Not much. It gets the Finnish army all excited. We've gone and done it lads. Think they have more girls. This is huuggggge.

Not much time is how fit they are too a Nato standing, whether they'll get roistered in Nato operations, grounds of proposed bases, implementation

It presents a huge problem to Murmansk. But I don't think it's an Invasion point. I swear I've seen that Movie. It had Micheal Caine in it, and the Americans drowned trying to invade Russia through Finland.

But you never know. I swear if they see all the tanks.....

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Who gave these cunts today that authority? I am genuinely curious about today's bullshit.

Who sat around away from our publicly elected and made that decision to censor?

A lot of the cancel culture has had no state laws passed. Most wouldn't pass our courts. At what point are there these sweeping changes being implemented until the threat of court, or public outcry overrules the absurd attempts at censoring.

Who is responsible, and can't they be stopped prior to this absurd press. Who gave them that authority. It is often against our national laws. Nobody voted on it. It fundamentally is against our rights and our personal choices banning books, editing originals, and generally being toxic little cunts cancelling shit. Nobody sane asked for it.

Axe civil servants, rewrite your damn algorithms. Stop this bullshit by better education. Nobody needs these idiots today cancelling anything. It's autism not education. Deal with it, and make something better, replacing not removing. Replacing is by merit, not censorship, a choice. Stop the nonsense.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Possibly. No, rainbows got turned that way by those types supposedly being colourful. I doubt it was intentionally except by those allowing it thinking to tempt fates.

Until they profit more off us, by selling us we're all gonna drown. The Oceans are rising and it's gonna be a biblical existential extinction cycle. Please buy an EV and donate all the proceeds to the icecaps are melting. Every little helps melt the ice caps, so that we all can drown. I mean this is why they put the windmills in the sea, and EVs don't work in water.

It doesn't work like that I know, but try telling them it. I guess they stole the rainbow until it became a fetish of the damned, and the climate change.

There are few tales to that myth, they all vary slightly, but a pact was made, and that we globally flooded. It wasn't the first cataclysm according to other cultures, fire prior, and then water. Etc. Those origin stories are quite interesting. Many believed they could summon the destroyer, it was a god, and possibly others have since been trying.

It doesn't work like that, flood, our tectonic plates will obviously feel any increasing effects, and then we potentially cool, and have done after every bigger eruption. A global flood takes a much bigger catalyst from our sun or impact etc. Besides we are consuming far more water, drinking and depleting entire sources rapidly. No the Ocean level isn't threatening in any way today, they wouldn't keep reclaiming it. Apart from the little lie, it's all man made. Factually, more population expanding, rapidly, ants, quadrupling in less than a century, feel more weather, there are so many more of them getting hit by it.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Goodie anything is better than the propaganda for it

Ep0ch 3 points ago +3 / -0

Because he made a pact with Noah. It was never to flood the planet again.

Don't worry I am sure he'll get more inventive next time.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

Yawn. Endless war is actually a Nazi concept.

But regardless there is always war. There won't stop being war. Because human nature is conflict. If it isn't there is tyranny. A police state of dystopia. Conflict innovates. The biggest advances made by our species were from conflict.

We are all uniquely different. If we are not we are enslaved. Robots.

Nukes didn't stop war they simply created an arms race.

Can this species stop war? Talk to every Empire crumbled. Some have lasted longer and had periods of peace. But there is no peace without war.

Ep0ch 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's called shit. The worst. It doesn't matter what gimmicks they put in them. They're a disaster. Filthy overpriced shitholes. Full of noise, population, crowding, and inflation.

There is no such thing as a smart city. They're fundamentally stupid. Their only innovation being, how many more idiots can put into them. Until they're all crowded. Then they all start failing more and more and more.

Bigger cities, the only way that title reads. Bigger cities. Full of crap. So smart.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

It's about control. Simple. No other reason. If you have secular God's. You have believers. If you have One God. It controls those believers and beliefs. Simple corporation. It seized control. Becoming the profitable practice.

Much easier. It sooner outlawed the other God's attempting control. Any believers are for, because if they're against, they're demonic.

How easy is that. Much easier when any God's were often things you didn't want practiced, and you sooner had monopoly over them.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

This I can believe. Although it isn't that simple. It isn't one factor alone. A combination.

by pkvi
Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Bullshit post is a bullshit post.


I thought this stunk of stupidity. Real stupidity.

Let's see who buys the woke version. Nobody is gonna buy the woke version. The original is the only version. They're offering a dumb version for dummies. It should have a health warning on it. Censored for autistics who take offense. Everybody else please enjoy the acclaimed original.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Yawn. I really don't think you know very much on how and where religion developed from or why.

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