posted ago by LightBringerFlex ago by LightBringerFlex +11 / -1

This is a deep rabbit hole topic that even baffles experts to some extent and each one has a similar but slightly different opinion on how it works. My opinion is this from all the research I have done over the years:

  1. The universe is a simulation where consciousness uses itself to create matter and exist in it. Our mind normally does this perfectly but we intentionally filtered out mind to forget how to do it. In ignorance, our task to to remember it all over many lifetimes through growth and in the end, the whole universe will be perfected. That’s the name of the game. God made it for many positive reasons. Evil doesn’t exist outside of the universe. It’s just an area to see the opposite of good to create a comparison point to good which has many additional benefits. Basically, it’s a “necessary evil”.

  2. The lower parts of growth are the hardest and where the most criminals are. Some of those criminals are rebels against the simulation such as the Archons or many Reptilians. Instead of earning their way up the ladder, they simply steal what they can through parasitical techniques. This causes them to stay stunted in growth though. One day they will have to drop the crime and grow like everyone else but first they must realize there is no future in their strategy in life.

  3. The lower vibe rebels were able to rig Earth to make it hellish. This is called the Satanic Matrix. It’s upside down. The banks are their parasitical money stealing machines. They also have found ways to enter the subconscious and push negative thoughts to People. The brain chip is meant to directly link their mind to the archons through AI and is very dangerous.

All this sounds bad but God rigged the whole sim so that good always wins when it tries to win using good methods (war is not a good method). For good to try to win, it has to have Faith or else it won’t try. Faith comes from the understanding that God helps those who try to do good and there is no unsolvable problem or no obstacle to great for God.

Sorry to get religious for atheists reading this but there is no other way to explain the Matrix.

The Human Spirit is jumping an age from 4 to 5 now and we are becoming almost impossible to control. It is very likely the shackles will fall soon which is why they pushed the vaccine scam. They were hoping to not only kill some but also to mentally enslave many using the concoction in the vaccine which would disconnect the soul from the body so that the mind is unaware of the soul. Our great power comes from our soul and humanity is finally discovering that. If we had kept taking the vaccines, many would be disconnected. Some already are.

The Meta Universe they want us to upload our mind into is a greater trap. It really disconnects mind from soul.

Some alien groups behind this, like the Grey, had disconnected their own soul long ago which turned them into psychos and their aura turned grey from all the bad karma but they started making hybrids who were more connected and so the newer generations are better people overall.

In animals, reptiles are cold because their heart and brain aren’t nearly as connected as mammals. This is why reptilians are cold and also cold blooded. They work directly for the Archons who use AI to control it all.

All signs point to one future and that is the breaking free of the Human Spirit which triggers evolution. First the mind must be free before the physical bodies are free. The deep state know all this and their last hope is to cause problems before it happens which is why we see the terrorist attacks they are doing with Ohio or other places.

The deep states worst fears are losing power and being found out for their evil ways and the masses really are waking up fast.

It is very likely, that when we break free, our limited vision of reality will expand a bit which will make life seem totally new. “Behold I make all things new.” - Revelations 21:5

There are also false prophets all over the net trying to push the newly awakening Humans towards Lucifer in a subtle way. They call Lucifer the Great Architect or even Father. A lot of the alien groups have posed as God to humans and they hope to achieve that again with their alien Gods like Isis, Horus, Ra, Zeus or even Lucifer. In truth, there is only 1 God who is always present across infinity and that is the Trinity.

Hopefully this will clear some things up because the deep state’s false prophets are afoot. “Even Satan masquerades as an Angel Of Light” - 2 Corinthian 11:14

It’s all about using the sword of discretion. Look at everything for what it truly is not what it pretends to be. To do this, weigh everything on your heart and it will reveal it to you.