Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

The dumbest. I always suspected anthropology, like paleontology as being a sack of CGI shit. Whatever computer says because we programmed it.

But it has just ruled out CSI. Hypothetically. Somebody has put the Trans under their porch, it has decompositioned to the point of just being a skeleton. But 10 years later sells their house. Is the skeleton a man or a woman's remains? Forget the future.

There we have it. Perhaps CSI is so clever to find out it was a Trans because of the painted nails or something. But the remains were still???

Ep0ch -2 points ago +4 / -6

No need for any of that. At all. Over the top.

He must have really pissed her off.

There are more effective ways with dealing with it. COME HERE. Explain. Now go and wait outside in the corridor. Wait 5 minutes. While controlling her class room first. They're shouting like her hormones and anger was. Then after silence, and composure, speak calmly to him outside, in the naughty corner already humiliated in front of the class, outside. If he makes noise there. Wait more, excluded. Or the principal.

No need for the bullshit. If it was older age groups more concerning. Again similar methods.

She lost her cool. Uncool. Suspension deserved.

Some schools don't allow the wait outside rule. Most do. It is the most effective way to segregate troublemakers. Get them to carry their chair outside or have them face the wall. Misbehave they're out there longer. There is simply no need for a shouting match. It has disrupted the entire class. It's either that or having them wait and explain after class. After controlling the incident.

Forget teaching. There never. She was as ghetto. Bully. Slang.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

But collective amnesia. Press should have googled some of it. I have a memory that takes a lot in. But not very good on the specifics of when. Often the where.

The bubonic plague thing is only from a weaponised form. We'd be in WW3 if it occurred. Local outbreaks have also occurred recentlyhttps://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-53303457 It is still regionally in places but localised

Basically he, it is a he, has rehashed a few events from recently and predicted them all over again. Predictive programming. Including the wormholes.

How it is being submitted by press beats all common sense. But anybody and their dog can Tik Tok.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Haha, he's just a kid making it up for Tik Tok points. No basis behind it, except from Disney.

How was it even covered by the press, is exactly how stupid this Planet has become.

It was off of a film with the same plot it had Jason Statham called The Meg. https://m.imdb.com/title/tt4779682/?ref_=nm_flmg_t_5_act

A few more of his predictions were taken from film. Pointlessly

Dinosaurs are a complete fabrication. We had the supposed eggs discovered beggining of this year, last year. I am positive are a hoax. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-china-59748281

Ep0ch 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yea right. He's a faggot. A little kid.

We are due a major eruption and a major quake. Super. There. No. Probably not. Due is always constant speculation it could be this century or thousands of years away.




On the other hand


Not as much


There around 6 known supervolcanoes globally. Some are more active. New Zealand and Japan and Yellowstone. Of which New Zealand has probably had the most seismic activity recently in its caldera of possibly 3 volcanoes. Japan also has recent activity and lava flow. Yellowstone is showing activity but not necessarily any peak activity, the caldera has been rising and falling. But not particularly significantly. Prior to most eruptions there is generally far more seismology.

The fact is we are due a bigger tectonic event and nobody can accurately predict it. It also tends to have other cosmic factors affecting it like our sun and conjunctions.

Global seismic activity has been increasing recently and more within the last decade, but it's anybody else's guess. Except it ain't Yellowstone. Not this year.


Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Haha. O.J for Potus.

No. Trump is only guilty of being president. He wasn't before then. It's the most absurd thing in living memory. What are they trying to prove?

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

I agree, at what point? Literal insanity. Nothing makes sense. Apart from in a machiavellian way. Where an A.I is embedding itself. It explains it. It is genderless and proceeds to ply dystopia to insert itself. Until no sooner will we see full bionic implants of every kind without injury just because of their assumed enhancements, and superclones grown in test tubes. Clones 3d printed extending the life of those prolonging their own. Until robots are granted the same rights. All in order of the next age, and with it brings slavery.

It's measures like Trans insertion causing Transhumanism above that make no rational sense. They've invasely assumed rights without any actual debate. Just because of supposed feelings. Never those of the rest of society. Because medicine has granted crossdressers a means to change their skin, until it has intruded on societal rights to the point of enslavement. We no longer have them? Don't say anything, on social media, don't debate it, or there's threats of tyranny.

Ridiculously press ganged into forced apology. How many women have been forced to apologise for being woman because Trans has taken away that meaning? How many are being arrested or taken to court for questioning it. Because nobody sane has rationalised.

Ridiculously it thought to just pass in Scotland where Trans didn't have to state their birthed biology. Full rights. It didn't pass. But the architect behind it is the next first minister of the leading party who brought to law. It didn't pass, but mysteriously they're empowered? At what point did any public have a say? At least Scotland won't break away with a charlatan in power. But imagine living there, is largely what the West has become. Look at France etc.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

No it's not okay. This is a big huge oxymoron. We have all these warning labels and taxes on harmful abusive life threatening products. Warning labels on cigarettes, alcohol, cleaners, chemicals, etc etc. So tell me why on Planet Earth are Trans being promoted to children? They're clearly an irresponsible choice. Read the statement by the Trans community all the health and mental conditions they have. Worse in fact when Estrogen is cancerous, they have one of the largest cancer rates on the Planet, outside of other warning label products. The majority suffer from extreme mental health conditions. The change they undergo has significant warning labels on it, more or less making them inoperable while in surgery and for extended periods after.

But strangely and absurdly here kiddie kiddie get your? No obvious warning labels. Oxymoronic.

In that clip, committed sexual assault. The lap dance spare us, would be sacked anywhere else for assaulting, kicking her in the face, because they weren't even a professional at it. Seriously.

by pkvi
Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Homosexuality has. Transgender has not. Yes in intercourse there is being and getting fucked. It translated into crossdressing. Largely to entice victims, or simply negate that guilt. As it tried to be femine or masculine. For various reasons regarding intercourse and outside of intercourse. But it was not Trans. An artifical change assuming another gender when it was not. There have been enunchs. Castration. Again their lifespan was decreased by huge margins.

There are no natural transgenders in mammals. There is an anomaly, a defect in nature at hundreds of million to 1. Where there are presumed two set of organs, or controversial organs, very large clits and very small dicks, or man boobs, and hairy women. But that biology could still reproduce naturally having wombs and balls despite of anomalies.

Trans has not existed until medicine usurped an artifical change citing an anomaly at hundreds of millions to one. Until almost no transgenders currently have it. No transgenders the majority at staggering margins, have that defect. It really did not exist. Because despite of the supposed chromosomes, or defect two sets of organs, they were still their birthed biology.

Homosexuality exists because of choice. Mammals are vastly bisexual. More so in restricted environments. Domestically far more. In the wild where habitat becomes constrained or tampered with, bisexuality occurs more frequently. Otherwise there are no homosexual mammals, just bisexuals. In humans similar but from experience and choice we base our preferences, until becoming a habit. Children aren't born sexualized. They have no experience. How do they gain their preferences. Who honestly cares. They can fuck what they want humanely. The blame game thinks it's due to being born homosexual. No they had no experience, then they gained hormones, it brought about preferences and fetishes and experiences.

I am straight. Edgy topic.

I am not writing a thesis here in any event to a rather abrupt response. It would be wrong because medicine and conditioning can manipulate it. In any event. Sooner with A.I, can force it. This has been experimented with for decades. Until it is becoming programmed. Look at that shit in those schools. Cannibals giving candy. Medicine. It can even force queer animals, it can tamper with hormones, through diet or medicine, restrict habitat. Create an abundance of choice sexualizing. At the end of the day, who cares until it intrudes. Until it becomes so perverse it simply is not appropriate or dignified. But it is championed as it invades.

But your argument is totally wrong, transgenders have not existed until recently. Until they could completely change skin, invasively. Crossdressers have. Whatever the sexual, political, or generational reasons. But it did not make them trans. An anomaly in nature where despite of it, the natural biology could in most cases, reproduce. Most, as in some people cannot reproduce at all, womb or balls are completely incapable. Whatever their chromosomes can. The organs by defect, could. Trans is a defect in nature. A defect so ridiculously small, it doesn't exist in a majority. Until giving a child candy. Simply to cannibalise a majority into you tell me. A destructive trend that cannot naturally reproduce, but it thinks to assume the same status?

by pkvi
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's got nothing to do with Trans. They're victims for the most part. They're guinea pigs. An experiment. How many died just to birth as transmen?

It's the agenda behind Trans. Experimenting on humans. Forcing controversial change on the electorate. Pretentious notions of rights that were never voted on, but brutally forced. Under what rationality, somebody isn't happy with their skin, so they can just assume a completely different biology invasively, taking on different natural rights, and nobody else thought to question this and instead it has been paraded as everyone's choice. But all of a few decades previous those 60s was getting electro shock therapy for something as insane. All because a genderless A.I and controversial medicine inserted itself more, brutally silencing any dissent to the point of enslavement. It isn't evolution. Look at that consumption. What is it selling us today? Tell me those emissions, that cost? On something totally unsustainable, it cannot birth, cannot reproduce naturally. On something decreasing its mortality, by an average of decades, to force a destructive change.

The agenda behind Trans is worse than any dumb guinea pigs you feel pity for. I question the agenda never the victim. They are almost blameless. Like a cannibal giving candy to the child. Not the child's fault. It is the cannibal, with very dark agendas indeed. It is solely to do with very controversial practices becoming the norm and nobody else having their say on it. Indoctrination that thinks to invasively embed itself on a majority who no longer have rights to dissent it.

by pkvi
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0


They never existed until a few decades ago. If a genetic condition occurred, odds in the multi millions, hundreds of million to 1. It was their born biology. Anything else supposedly considered as, was mutilation. Castration. Eunuchs. Cross dressers have occurred historically but they were always their born biology.

They have not shaped anything except themselves.

Soul of a trend, that has been around for all of a heartbeat on this planet. An anomaly that doesn't exist in mammals. Tell me this mammal that births itself? Any mutation is unsustainable, and it cannot naturally survive without being parasitic to any society hosting it.

In fact, has decreased its longevity and mortality by huge comparisons to its natural biology. The same biology sustainable despite whatever anomaly, prior to an artifical change decreasing its mortality.

America's soul? I am shocked at such grandiose remarks.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

It, pronoun, kicked the person in the chair in that hideous display. Look there's an injury. Who'd buy that? Even if you're enthusiastic, there was grounds to sue. It was sexual assault. 4 seconds in on your linked clip.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Tediously isn't it another exercise in bullshit?

Somebody else explain it? It only strengthens his cause.

O.J Simpson for Potus. Why not. I'd vote for O.J. At least y'all know he was guilty?

Obviously nothing so extreme here at all. But this is the dumbest witchhunt in history. It provides notoriety. Not the bonfires.

Who really cares. It's just dumb and somewhere along the way you just hate it all more. Not Trump. What did he do? Seriously it makes no difference to that opinion of him. Except by this, any system, just looks really stupid.

He wasn't guilty before he ran for office. But mysteriously it must be the autism that he did? No narrative will change that.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's the bots. People think it's his platform. Because he put his dumb face on a deepstate psyop. Raw data that is fed into deepstate supercomputers. Who owns it. Is it even Twitter's direct servers anymore, or are they remotely being fed into a host of regulators, and gov bodies, and agencies? Twitter is just a cloud, or hub. Has his gerbils, even got a handle it. His team of office monkeys? No they're simply promotional, they literal add content, inserting banners and scripts for even more bots. Somebody phones with the advertising. Then the Twitter monkeys get all kinds of proactive. Need to sell more Teslas. A million retweets later. Who put that shit into law. Nobody did. It has often become an A.I, it has no candor, it isn't even human. If it is where is this person to be sued?

But you'll also find direct complaints from them, shuts you down like that. They will never disclose who they are. Let's suggest it was the WH or the senate, departments. No public debate on why somebody using it is banned. What can possibly be said, spoken, only words on twitter, that was so insidious to your Constitutional right to free speech. They just are, why? Because it has none, it only has the dumbest agendas. These aren't human anymore.

These platforms have almost all become the enemy. They had no right at all.

We are seeing increased crime today, not less crime. We are seeing less public debate. Just secular narratives. Why. Look no fucking further. The advertising is completely geared into what narratives. Becoming an inquisition to even attempt debating otherwise. These platforms are the fucking fault. They aren't allowing, opposites, opposition to find ground, by holding debate. We are seeing the dumbest innovations and clones. Repeat, rerun, another cancellation. Even more evil is that fact a face is plastered all over them. Every word is turned into a noose against your very rights, having a different opinion.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Consciousness is often the result of life experience. The more spiritual, aware, and empathic, presumably even with esp, but some traits show much younger. No, not everybody later has them either. There are selfish people everywhere, and there are the socially inept, no awareness, just greed and their prejudices, or are simply unaware of anything else apart from themselves, and sometimes this is a disability.

Intelligence is often the result of programming, but tends to be more hereditary. Because of better opportunity and tuition. Again it is also an individual talent. Smart people are sometimes the least conscious. They excel at a field of study and sometimes not much else despite having an ability to learn and solve.

Both consciousness and intelligence can be passed down depending on the methods and tuition.

Although as you said trauma or hardship can play a role in your supposed skeptical consciousness, or being around events and things that make them question. Social etiquette however often takes better upbringing and interaction.

I dislike this topic's insinuations. NPC. To be fair I don't think many people care until they are forced too. Until a particular event or experience actually affects them differently. Otherwise they won't research it. They'll simply and like everybody else follow any programming passed on. Again every single brain works differently, and often has difficulties.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

NZ is a terrible choice. Especially the top Island with the Capital. I cannot think of worse geography to be fair. It's situated on a Super Volcano of which it currently has active volcanoes, and a huge fault line. They are otherwise imminent and are having increasing activity. With bigger tectonics due. New Zealand, has already had a sizable chunk of it sunk Zealandia.

Being remote isn't always the best choice. Antarctica another joke needs constant resupplying to survive indefinitely. Imagine that the World has just been decimated by nuclear war, but you're on a continent of ice with competing armies. Russia and China are on Antarctica and have Military and Research bases. Both are also aware of any other installations. Does the Antarctic treaty hold? Besides there are possibly even nukes on Antarctica. They have shot nukes from Antarctica, atmosphere tests when was this the 50s, 60s. It has nuclear reactors on it. Russia has also supposedly tested pole to pole and recently?

Back to NZ, what army has NZ got. Almost any other nation like China could walk into it. In that scenario its population has suddenly become anarchic. It barely contained them in COVID, but WW3 hahaha.

Australia has the nukes. There are few islands, supposedly governed by NZ which are also probable for them. At least navy installations and docks.

I find the topic laughable. Bonga boo hasn't got a nice little warhead predesignated. 10 years from now, even currently. They're on hunter seeker drones. These fully autonomous drones in fully autonomous factory refuelling them, like that film interstellar? Why. Because at what fucking point on a reset do they want bonga boo recolonising the globe. They've put those things practically everywhere else. The amount that have by treaty, alliance, or their own gain isn't what any Wiki says either. Who knows and who cares. Edgy topic. But they're in the fucking ice. Greenland had them. The Russian Arctic has them increasingly. The amount of Northern bases Russia has just put up, missile defense, and remote launchers. Bonga Boo would be so lucky right? Some mountainback community underground out in the deep jungle in the middle of continent somewhere. Bonga boo. Whoops.

Nobody is thinking of this scenario quite yet. What is that point. Would it even escalate into all out war if Kiev was obliterated? I doubt anybody will test that theory yet.

Besides the war seems as stupid as WW1. Trench warfare. I still don't understand this today. How grav bombs, carpet bombs, hypersonics, hasn't stopped the trench warfare. They've been throwing troops back and forth along fortified trench lines and towns. This like WW1 yes? All it did was deplete troops. It seems something is questionable about it. I cannot put a finger on this. But how has this occurred? Need hundreds of thousands of troops. Causality Ukraine is in the millions, Russia's are high. What is going on. Running out of bullets. Umm? Umm? Running out of tanks. Hear this constantly in the news. Artillery versus artillery some bullshit trenches, and charge playing capture flag. Oddly. What is this? At what point aren't there tactical nukes. I mean it would save lives. But okay the napalm. Nope. The grav bombs. The father of bombs. Something. Not trenches, stalling it. Drawing it. Dragging it on. Something is wrong.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Or the Aliens

Ep0ch 1 point ago +3 / -2

Close, but no cupcake. Not yet. They are still playing a much longer game.

No where is safe. If it goes there. Remind us where Russian and American nukes are, and what allies they have.

Stupid topic.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think there's probably more opportunity if it's not got an invader inciting them against. When the cameras are off business gets done. Who knows. It was a heap of bullshit, and the propaganda was even worse.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Wasn't Roswell a spy balloon, not weather, top secret, monitoring Russian Nuclear capabilities. Easier just to invent aliens, while profiting off a heap of fiction, and preparing the Space Race, which also hoaxed. But needed brainwashing. A population thinking what?

The rest of it has become so gullible. Channel's of it. No, prove it. Until it has become new age globalism, and more contrary technology. An A.I embedding itself. It is the only thing going into deep space.

But there might be phenomenon that's unexplained because there's always the unexplained? Concrete nope.

Aliens I have given up on the topic. Too much bullshit. I simply ask why the Aliens shit in the woods. They cross the cosmos just to take a shit in woods.

But videos are faster manipulated. Have been since film. In fact CGI has become so good it is doing what today.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not that they'd win. There. Eventually who knows what happens. Easier to play sides by funding whatever wants to trade. Easier to acquire resources from stability. Easier to get those resources cheaper from a tyrant.

Who knows, who cares. But the narrative didn't win shit. They became a bunch of mollycoddled cravens.

My mention is due to absurd press popping up. It stirred my ire. They dropped their weapons and ran. They didn't resist. The only resistance was from the Taliban. Anybody else was mollycoddled and paraded as fantasies. The Taliban and their networks simply exploded bombs daily. Those who claimed to align faster detonated them. Women, children, personnel trained turned into foes.

But the narrative hasn't won anything. It put up ballet school's and women's football teams. Some kind of resistance and indoctrination?

Yes it present a problem. Who claims and who gains. Iran, not liked, not even when it was Persia. India and factions. Pakistan and factions. China and the investment. Meanwhile it breeds these other fanatics who faster incite who knows.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

That was late 1700s, it was because of a hoax on the Knight's Templar, their supposed relics?

It has since been turned into deviltry later, and a basis of occult symbolism. But if we go back to Lilith and Satan's union.

The entire Greek thing is a slight misconception anyway because it was all from an Illiad, a play, and not dedicated temples of worship. But those temples to fertility and older however fornicated with everything dogs, snakes, goats, bulls whatever, man, woman, child. They offered every type of flesh and perversion. Hence Sodom and Gamorrah was destroyed, the animal fuckers.

Ep0ch 3 points ago +3 / -0

Vietnam also fought China in the 80s. Dunno who won what.

But agreed the USA didn't exactly win in Korea either. It was likely for the reasons of all out war that they stopped.

It seems communist China has won quite a few more minor conflicts. But hardly wars they're directly involved in.

USA technically didn't lose the Vietnam War. It was a bigger narrative for any hippies. The recall. Hell Nixon got reelected by a majority to win that war. But a change of presidency recalled any troops. Possibly citing a loss.

Until history repeats itself. Communism or otherwise reasserting itself. Regionally, China.

Yea the USA lost the Vietnam War by the standards of then and today. If a single conflict cost its majority that was indeed it. Of course it won the Gulf and Iraq. But just recalled from Afghanistan, loss, the narrative certainly lost.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Why is your wife from a gangbang?

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