Ep0ch 3 points ago +3 / -0

OMG. They just take unconscious person who goes to hospital for something they needed general anesthetic for, but the next thing you know they've been stripped naked, wheeled into a classroom, and a bunch of medical students are putting a hand up its ass?

God damn it. Please don't make me sick.

Ep0ch 4 points ago +4 / -0

It makes you wonder what they did before. Because it obviously did if it suddenly needs a law /facepalm

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

The middle birds following the formation poop twice, something drops down, they also cross each others paths. Definitely birds. 100%. Which ones hard to say. Camera is likely identifying the heat source. Something like this.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1



Not a good marker at all. Anymore. Scarring is often the easiest identification.

They're pushing OPs prepuberty and these are becoming very hard to identify. With lesser regression.

It's all about money. The bigger they spend on it. It today can even lessen height and change pigmentation. Much worse. Your worse nightmares soon with clones.




Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

The birds are shitting.

Look stuff/shit is falling off them. Twice in that clip. Bird shit dropped down.

A flock of birds.

No need for that many drones in formation. It's likely a trick with the camera identifying a flock of birds

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

You're dumber than shit. See. I asked why Aliens shit in the woods?

Look what you wrote. It makes you dumber than, shit.

Go kill myself because you believe in aliens shitting in woods. Or because you couldn't answer me. Hahahaha.

I gave you an opportunity. I asked, you to explain. But you just had to be that dumb. Dumber than shit.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Aliens are on this Planet already? Hahaha. They're not aliens then. What are they?

A concept? A narrative? Superstition?

No what? Explain.

You're gonna say time travellers? A parallel universe? A sentient A.I?

Spare me. Why do they shit in the woods?

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

You obviously believe in Aliens shitting in the woods. Answer me why do aliens shit in the woods?

This is all Aliens do. Need a toilet on the galaxayic highway. Quick. Let's shit on Earth.

Makes sense right? Shit on Earth. Come all the way to Earth, then shit on it

Look at all the bullshit they cause.

Seriously if you answer me. Why are Aliens shit on Earth. Maybe I'll believe you.

At what point? If they can travel galaxies, they don't need to shit on Earth. They can observe Earth without shitting on it. If they needed something from Earth not found in the universe. We would have proven they exist. Instead all you got is bullshit. Hoaxes, conjecture, and speculation. I require simple answer. Why do Aliens shit on Earth?

Limited research no a logical response to the bullshit. If by proving they exist we are a threat to them. We are no threat. We have no proof they exist. Only a what if. It hasn't established anything else. Every single time Aliens are used as a narrative of further funding for technological advancement, or a distant past of worship. It in all probability causes. Tell me this word?

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

I am gonna call nonsense.

Egypt lost entire cities to Earthquakes. Like the Incans. Same with ancient Turkey, and the Greeks.

The rest is highly speculative and has some basis. But is missing a lot more.

Skimmed read it. Found more that's wrong. Interesting enough.

Ep0ch 3 points ago +3 / -0

Log in water. It is perfectly straight. What animal is this? Tree yes. Pole yes.

Loch Ness is a hoax

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

WW3. There's a code to it. I mean it caused WW1 supposedly.

Look at what happened with Iran. Drone kill not subtle. It should have caused a war. Instead USA took a direct missile hit after. When was the last time a nation targeted a USA base directly and there wasn't a war. That was it. They assassinated a general.

Internally they haven't got protections afforded by the nation. But if another nation target's professionally what happens. Conflict. There are grey area's to be exploited and lines crossed on any strategy.

But there's often much bigger fallout if it's direct.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

You're a nigger. Fake Ass. It was obviously generated by a monkey.

All my claims you can Google if you understood their implications.

Summarise why are transgenders assuming biological rights currently? The breakthrough medicine is about to bring a whole heap of controversy. How much easier will it pass any hurdles if artifical changes are already adopted into biology. Under the same rationality. Right?

Prior, online, there will be no regulation. Because there isn't. Metaverse and online has already proved this. Bots don't even need to identify themselves. Let alone anybody assuming other status. Except in certain circumstances directly identifying the user. Majority has no legislation. Hence Trans has really emerged.

Where indeed did their narrative emerge and why?? How much easier is it enforced. Look what it was hiding. Bots.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

There is something about Leukemia. Wasn't it a much more common type of cancer a few decades ago, boomers. Don't get me wrong it's still widespread. But today breast and prostate are far more common, but weren't a few decades ago, boomers?

Both Breast and Prostate are affecting between 1 in 10 and 1 in 5 people currently.

I don't know what Leukemia was then but it was higher, not as high now. Of course lung and renial are also huge.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

You'll need them where it's headed.

Trannies are a tool. They force pharma through. If you think transmen having babies are bad. The science is still trying to make transwoman. It has been done on mice. Successfully they birthed, but the male mice and offspring didn't survive.

But okay cyberspace, VR, metaverse. What's the ruling there. None, is going to be that answer.

What about increasing implants. Medical reasons, although this is aside with plastic surgery, and it can enhance almost everything today. Including height and pigmentation. But what if it changes to uploads and downloads on microchips in your head providing traits and skills to go along with plastic surgery. Somebody can completely change.

What about bionics, mechanised implants being the norm, not just for prosthesis. Literally they sooner provide far greater enhancements?

How about if clones are grown simply for organ harvesting. What if 3D printing gets so advanced it can print and grow entire bodies. They're not printing brains yet. But practically everything else has been. Eventually these can be programmed via mircochips? Or are even computer driven?

Who the fuck cares right? Do you understand that agenda yet? You will sooner have no natural rights. Because somebody/thing else doesn't need them.

Yea I am not linking find it. Most of these claims are already there or are breaking through.

by pkvi
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

I fucking detest social media if I cannot express myself, but have to constantly live in fear or reprisal of somebody else censoring or taking offense. The platform is offensive. It is a hate crime. It hates you speaking on it. It is the fault. No other word is better than another. But it thinks and promotes them constantly. Yet all it has got to say is bullshit. Read it. That opinion matters, yours doesn't. But please put a face on it so it can cancel you because it thinks of itself as what. Until you don't matter.

I don't care what you read or not. That's a pathetic comment? Seriously. What has Twitter done for civilization today. Name me one benefit, it has provided humanity. Gossip, advertising. What? Crap in a can.

We were talking topically if anybody else has realised it. What numbers an asshole hopes to shit out of it. Because they're in huge decline. It has no benefit. More corps and propagandists funnelling advertising. As users lessen because all it does is curtail them.

Ep0ch 4 points ago +4 / -0

No. It's a gesyer that has been flooded in a storm but it's still spewing. The sound could be anything somebody adds.

Where was that taken the location? It might explain it.

Otherwise who knows. But I suspect. It's a flooded geyser.

by pkvi
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

No. fuck off. Are more people using Twitter. Because he put his face on it? Really? Today.

I don't think anybody cares. All it continues to do is cause more harm than it's worth.

The only people using it are lessening, as more corps and propagandists bombard advertising. Will it therefore gain or decrease in value? Dream on.

All we hear from it is crap. It's turned into a complete arsehole. Probably the biggest source of shit on the Planet. The only thing anybody hears from twitter is the gutter. The more they try to clean it up. The worse it stinks. All it has done is provide dystopia. Until the only people using it are assholes.

It amounts to listen to Zelenskyy demanding more funding, another woktivist proclaiming tranny rights, another celebrity cancelled, and don't forget to sign up and pay to be abused by it.

Twitter is a shitter. Pure crap in a can. The only thing it will do is ban.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

I don't understand a word of that?

Kids are just kids. Most kids have the capacity to learn something and through education and manners are taught humanity.

But your narrative is prejudice to those kids because of demographics.

I might be inclined to agree, why is there a school of those kids, if it ain't Africa. But it is what it is. At what point. Look at it. It makes no sense. Africa you won't find schools of white kids. I mean why would you. That's a different topic completely. So I can only comment on the methods. It doesn't make what she did correct. Because it wasn't. At all.

This topic is bullshit. You expect me to be racist. I am not. They're citizens. The same rights. No matter the circumstances.

Was she provoked, possibly. It doesn't make her actions correct. I cannot agree with what I saw. She deserved any reprimand.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +3 / -1

Yawn. If I say something. It's because of. why. I haven't looked it up. I asked you too.

Currently you must be aware of this we are in the biggest mass extinction cycles to date. With losses of species happening daily. https://www.nhm.ac.uk/discover/news/2022/may/uks-flying-insects-have-declined-60-in-20-years.html https://www.unep.org/news-and-stories/story/insect-declines-are-stark-warning-humanity

But currently we have huge declines on birds, insects, bats, etc etc. In the West specifically. This decline has accelerated since the 90s and despite regeneration efforts that decline is still peaking.

Why, look no fucking further. It's like the twilight zone as far as flowering insect and insects are concerned, hearing birds in the morning is becoming less and less. Not everybody claims this. There are a few near green zones where wildlife has been edged towards. But in most cases that decline is advancing, no where near the levels of species a few decades before.








I cannot link PDFs from my phone and I could find thousands more links on it. I asked you to research controversy not the standard bullshit from corporate sponsors. Or observation of birds on a pole. This is what they do when there are no trees present. Do they drop dead right away? For the most part it's a twilight zone of where the hell are they the further you go into urbanisation. Some of the above links might not contain my claims apologises if they don't please search it. It's there.

While everything claims it's this and that nobody is stating the obvious.

Ep0ch 5 points ago +6 / -1

They kill all the wildlife. Where picture do you see birds near this? Sky. No birds none nesting on it. Where are the insects?

What has it done to you?

Cancer masts. The EMR/F completely destroys surrounding wildlife. Bats, birds, insects, etc etc. Any decline is directly attributed to the rise of cellphones. Extinction rates have shot through the roof regeneration efforts aren't having much affect. Except in areas with less coverage. Until faster threatened. It is being completely squashed like big tobacco had for years. The dumbest people on the planet are shouting more of it. The more there is the bigger the decline. Brain diseases and cancers have also hugely increased.

But it's everything else's fault, it claims. No. It isn't. But argue against it. Look for the evidence. It's there. Squashed. Instead it is being promoted.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +2 / -3

Jews are your boogeyman. Everything is Joo to you.

It is as I explained for the reason I stated. Who is it. Joo. No. Not those Jews. Although it's for coin.

It has almost nothing to do with the rats promoted either, they're a tool.

It's simply about power gaining control. How does it do this. It promises rights to the gullible so they change methods, buying any solution profiting forcing change.

As far as this topic goes, it's ludicrous. But it doesn't fucking care. If indeed robots faster gain any rights. It's not even about Trans, but Transhumanism. It will sooner mean an alternate reality of A.I nonsense. Bionics. Clones. Implants.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +2 / -4

It's against their religion. Like it's against Islam. It isn't exactly Jews pushing it. It would turn on Israel in a second as it is also trying.

It's a ruling from an authority that isn't even in the United States. Because it's a form of power that is located offshore as much as it's onshore. UN body, European human rights court, wealth, lastly the hippies who all gone and got woke on Eastern philosophy, it is as big a devil in the corner. It's also a supercomputer.

You think it's zionists, no. You're mistaken.

It was inserted as population control and another means of profit. Pharma profits far more. It also seeks to govern, because it controls any secular narratives. Further selling more services.

What turns an unfavourable population. The promise of rights or freedom. They'll faster protest older methods. Collapsing education, religion, older laws, then any solution is adopted selling any services, profiting more, causing population control. Currently it's largely a supercomputer. Thinking to sell all the same narratives, products, solutions.

It isn't even about them. They're literally a tool. Little freaking rats marching to pied piper offering them far more pharmaceuticals.

The craziest stupid thing I heard the other day. These dumb fucking kids on their uni course. Isn't it so much better the World has humanity today. Hahahaha. Rolled on the floor laughing at them. You're joking right. Like how many wars this century and counting. What just happened to your rights in COVID. What is the cost of living, your education. How many people died, were murdered globally yesterday. More than most wars a century ago. There you are that freaking dumbs thinking anything has changed because Netflix has insterted Troons? What are they even teaching you. What skill is that? Please what skill is it where you repeat crap, did you lose your brain for just one second? Humanity. Hahahaha.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +3 / -3

I think she was as low class as them. Listen to it. No dignity. She sounded ghetto, slang, and stupid. Trash.

Her reaction was overblown. No sympathy.

There are ways of dealing it. As I explained. There are bigger dangers in some schools. Kids who have weapons. Kids who attack teachers. Those little kids. No. Until she flips out. Then they're all screaming.

It's called composure. Get attention. Isolate trouble maker/s. Control class room. If needed get help use the intercom. Or send the responsible kid, there is always one or two, to call for it. But at the end of the day. Today there's the method I stated. Not brute force. Although in some States it still has it. But have the troublemaker leave the class. After calling them out to the front and explaining it. Then making them leave as you control the laughter. Composure. You only raise voice to get attention. Come here. Stop it. Listen.

Kids are there to learn. If they're not. Then send them home for their parents to deal with. With nice little letters. Most have threats of fines. Etc.

Your prejudice is against little kids, they're all the same. They all misbehave at times. Older it can get worse. A lot worse in places. But mostly they're there to learn shit. If they're not. They can leave the classroom. Simple.

And yea fuck teaching. It ain't really worth it.

But your opinion is bullshit. If you think that was appropriate. No never.

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