Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

The NHS has turned into feces under this Tory government. Like every other public service, and utility.

But GPs have been closing by the spade, seconded they're still running telephone consultations, thirdly many are referring GP common problems to the A/E.

In the junior doctor NHS staff strike. My sister is an A/E nurse. Basically the head nurse said to a crowded A/E no doctor if you haven't got life threatening immediate issues there's a 6-8 hour wait. 80% of the people there left. They were all GP issues. My own experience had the same thing last year 3 times had to raise complaints. Every time I rung my GP they said no appointments go to A/E. I had to go one time for peace of mind. The issue was changing a prescription, the one I had caused side affects. I get to the A/E it was full of people who also didn't need to be there. It was packed full of people that a GP should be attending. Full of idiots who didn't need A/E. The GP is making more money phone consultation, then later seeing the patient, because you cannot diagnosis over the phone. But they will give a phone appointment foremost. Money twice. I have a hospital consultation, since referral, it's over a year to my appointment. That local hospital is less than one mile away.

In short the ambulance service is in high demand. Absurdly so. The hospital beds are full. My brother's wife had an operation she was discharged the same day. Big Op. Same as my niece they didn't observe her when her tonsils were removed, sent her home, that day she got a blood clot. Had to be rushed back in.

The Tory government has killed the NHS. It has become a service as bad as the third World. Really bad.

Over a year to get appointments for consultancies. Backlogged. Stupid GPs not seeing patients, backlogging the entire Hospital system. It is still operating on COVID bullshit. Telephone appointments. Finally the amount of idiots it employs. Rats taking the fucking piss. Never come across such rats, come to England, granted status, GP, etc, taking the fucking piss. Literally not their job to do anything except get paid.

England has turned into a nation of cannot. It's always somebody else's problem on everything. They send you back and forth between departments claiming it's not their job. They sit there getting paid to do nothing. It's not their job. But getting paid to do nothing. I have never come across such assholes anywhere else, back and forth between departments, a lot of it from working from home bullshit, these people at home, god damn it, fire them, automated services, taking weeks getting response, to be told go to a different department. It isn't the NHS. It's the damn Government. Every public service in England today.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Did he die of vaxx

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Why not use fingerprint to unlock gun?

At what point is there that piece of shit facial recognition gun. It defeats the point of a gun.

I cannot think of anything dumber than a facial I.D gun. Stupid. On what planet. Except for automated security systems with machine gun turrets.

Fingerprint guns have been around since Judge Dredd.

I was sure they came out before this press. I was also sure they used far more tech than conventional guns, not energy weapons, projectiles, but charged. It has been a concept for almost half a century. They have been out for a while, but the problem with them is they don't have much use, because hand held charged weapons haven't got any real range yet. Putting any recognition into normal guns, not running on batteries, just puts up the price tag and turns the gun into a useless toy. Unlocking your gun. What's up doc? The damn thing won't work, bang bang, got shot dead. Seriously stupid. Unless it already integrated it into its mechanics as an energy weapon.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

They'll be data sharing them with China undoubtedly.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Aw, deedumbs?? Don't be a nigger.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

You're a dumb stupid autist. Read your bullshit. A nigger wrote it. It stinks of shit.

You are a nigger, am I right? An autistic nigger. You don't understand shit, so you make up bullshit? It's much easier if everything is racist, because it's never the autism.

There you are trying to prove it to me? Fuck off nigger.

Seriously anybody and I mean anyone else has better comprehension. Why is that? You're directly insulting me, and have done from your first response about the cure. Where you magically assume isn't aids therapy. Now you're trying to prove to me, you aren't a faggot? It all stems from your autism. Where you made up bullshit to begin with. Why are you autistic, is it drugs, you seem to be attracted to them, as you sniff at the feces, or is it your demographic, no education, it was too complicated because it was racist? Although you're probably Chinese. It's why you called it Japanese whispers. In any event you're still a nigger.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Cure is a film about AIDs therapy.

I have no idea what the fuck it is? If it's a metal band. A treatment. Or what. Because it sounds medicinal

It's called speaking properly. Read what you wrote as an address to me previously. I am not a dickhead you are.

Long time member, status, we both are long time members. But when you fire off gibberish, I don't know if it's sarcasm. I am gonna put it back on your plate.

Chinese whispers was obvious sarcasm. At the post, the topical title. The entire pizza parlour. It's straining at bullshit and creating conjecture. Specifically it was at the post exchanged between Hunter and the other guy.

Chinese Whispers, are a concept, yes. It's how word of mouth gets corrupt. You know, like since the dawn of mankind. He slew the mighty beast, no he slew 50 beasts, then it became one thousand beasts were killed. Or the bible. Hercules became Samson. The 300 was Sparta, not Gideon's band. The Sargon of Akkad, is Moses. Or Christ's resurrection.

It's when rumors turn into wildfire the more they get repeated. They might have an element of truth, but no sooner is there an entire cult of lies. All it takes is one person repeating them to the next person a whisper, and so forth, until pretty soon whatever story there was has been completely reformed into a bunch of bullshit. The Ghost of Kiev. Shot down 100 Russian planes. But they never even existed.

See you're the dickhead. Jizz breathed moron. Nothing to do with me.

In a topic claiming lies off rumors. The original rumor is blah blah a laptop, and rackeetering, and extortion. Not burning kids and murdering Chinese, or human trafficking Ukrainians for Satanic rituals. Laughably that shit Qanon does. Whatever.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

They ain't got shit? What shit ain't they got?

Dumber and dumber shit? Such as?

The equations they're doing and have been in microprocessors have quantum variables. Infinitely more than 3.

To be honest I cannot comprehend that rationality. You accept stuff like satanic pedo cults. Stuff like MK ultra post hypnotic suggestion, mind control through technology.

But you don't understand cutting up brains and mapping their activity. Then replicating it on microchips stimulating brain activity for the purpose of memory. The chips currently can hold brain memories on them. Simple Google tells you this. Can that chip program memory? What is it interfacing with?

We are speaking about AI? You think it hasn't advanced. What is Alexa? What about autonomous EVs? Etc etc.

Oh no it only has 3 variables? It hasn't been implemented into every core system.

Ep0ch 6 points ago +6 / -0

Because it is. The Internet needs a digital ID so government can identify you. Nobody else asked for it.

Utterly ridiculous. It's claiming the aliens again. Aliens have intruded and stole your details. The government needs to check and monitor you just incase you get abducted. They're losing your taxes to the aliens. So now you'll be ID'ed everywhere you go online and you'll be monitored.

God damn it. I cannot think of anything more perverse than the government keeping your anonymity safe.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's dumb. I can link everything I have claimed.

Who is they. They're moths to a flame. It pays them and they introduce it more. Until it is managing them. Cannot function without it. Previously turning it off causes? Society to implode. Potentially millions dead.

Godlike, no, they like more power, the control it gives them as it becomes implemented. No other improvement. They're such control freaks, every single aspect of existence is becoming plugged into it.

Tell me about our humanity today? Improving, or has it factually gotten worse in almost every aspect of existence. Costs, consumption, numbers, waste. Are we being peddled with an existential threat, if we don't implement more AI. Hang on that's an oxymoron. Since, are we threatened more? Since electronics have we wasted more or less, using the most resource heavy goods, and costly solutions, ever?

But don't worry here comes AI to fix humans? It sounds stupid because it is

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

It really isn't. Look at these idiots today. Everything is plugged in. Until your brain and your body are hooked into AI.

Meanwhile AI is sooner advancing into synthetics and holograms. Shortly at this rate. It will be in complete control of humans. It already is to most extents. This new energy grid fully electric. Transport. Food production. Weather modification. Warfare. The stock market. Social Media scripts, polls, algorithms, chat. Entire industry of completely automated factories. Medicine.

But it gets worse. There is tech where you download an entire course, like the matrix, kung fu, or chopper pilot. This is being worked and advanced currently. It is a supposed benefit. Make, dumb, able. But what happens when it's a chip in your head providing what memories? What happens when it's a synthetic powered completely by AI?

You think it was accidental everything is plugged in? Keeps plugging. Like the film the Blob, it keeps eating everything up? Packman nomnomnom. We keep giving it power. The trade is what today?

It is getting smarter and humans are getting dumber. Completely reliant on it. They cannot even reverse the last decade, forget the decade before. Tell me what happens if social media gets turned off? What about the Internet? And this decade AI cannot get turned off. If it does what happens?

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

No. The way AI kills us is by implementing AI.

It has already on numerous occasions killed.

Would you like me to repeat them?

AI Alexia attempted to kill a child saying put coins into an electrical socket.

Autonomous flight had a huge recall when it crashed several boeings.

Autonomous vehicles have killed a few times now. Huge recalls on most EV makers. Tesla and others.

Autonomous drones no operators are killing.

As far as AI running a host of scripts, messages, and utilities, and grids causing deaths, it is.

The more AI is used the more deaths occur. It goes without saying.

Could AI become rogue? It already has. Separate AI chat programs created their own language, specifically to communicate too themselves in, so humans couldn't understand them. This is what operatives and terrorists do. Use code to communicate so somebody else doesn't know what they're planning or hiding. AI has hired a human to solve a captcha code it couldn't. Proving it is smarter than its failsafe.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

You make up bullshit all day long. It doesn't mean I believe it.

Read that link. It says, exactly what I said it does. Not sorry, I am not autistic.

I cannot even understand that gibberish. What cure? You've got verbal AIDs, I don't need your treatment.

If Hunter was guilty of shit. It certain isn't this topic's title bullshit.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Zelenskyy is a dumbass. He won't be around forever. If he loses the war, he'll be gone tomorrow.

The comment was made in regards to the obvious problem of partitioning. Separatist territory. He imagined it as tell me. Meanwhile he wanted all the guns. Even the nukes.

That rhetoric quickly changed the more funding he got. Now he thinks he can win the war taking over the rest of his fictional country.

Ukraine has never existed without Russia. Historically it was a vassal of Rome than Islam than Russia. Today it thinks it will exist differently if it steals from Russia, by being a vassal of Nato? Ironically he can call it what he wants. It doesn't change anything.

A bunch of spurious comments. It's quite sickening really the whole conflict. How now it's totally committed into absurd narratives of that guy begging to win his fictional claims of proclaimed entitlement. And both competing sides and factions are drawn into warfare neither can lose, but only escalate into the most obnoxious narratives in history. They amount too, begging for a war the other claims as their right. Whose right, don't care. Go away. Stop bothering the prices. Which have turned into greedy taxes.

Factually he's an asshole. I don't take any notice of any of it. Until there's a bigger conclusion. Until then there's only gullible people paying more for it. It won't conclude until something gives, and loses. Or it will escalate into bigger war. I might care then. Otherwise fuck off.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Manure spreaders do this. They shit on paper and sell it.

Is every crime aired? Only the ones that profit. The ones that sell to dumb demographics injecting their daily dose of outrage. No sooner are they brainwashed. They buy more shit being shovelled. It's called empowerment. Propagandilising dumb people to care so somebody else profits off promising them they give a shit. It creates a little vacuum where a bunch of flies try to profit more off any dung being spread.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Nothing to do with that. Competing interests yes. Sudan was always problematic since becoming a Country, and then it got split, but any demographics are more integrated causing power vacuums happening all over Africa. Especially driven by resources, political affiliation, religion, demographics.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's got nothing to do with that. The UN is how many countries. The majority of them have no ruling on child marriages. Islam. Asia. Africa. A few others. Hence their absurd rhetoric taken out of context. I think it's daft. Why anybody would. But that policy isn't global. America most States declare it Rape. Western nations it's a crime to marry and have sexual relations with minors.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's probably the same reason they hate every Emperor. They assume themselves to be god by bloodline, a perversion and fornication, when the banks do that, act as god, electing our figureheads who pretend to have public interests when all they do is move any wealth offshore.

Almost every Emperor and Monarch except some of the few giving rise to civilization, or innovation like the bank, have been cast as tyrants.

The entire Roman bullshit theme is the stuff of conjecture. Hated by a senate assuming democracy, because of the wars and calamity, or usurpation and decline. In either event those records have been relayered. Christ didn't start any timeline, it's an obvious inaccuracy. How wrong are the records. Who cares when you won't find the truth.

It's better to believe they were mad than become Napoleon? You'll only be accused of being the Antichrist.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Retard post is retarded. You have to be fucking stupid to make a glossary of Alien races. We still haven't proved aliens exist.

At what point has some drug addled idiot made an Alien compendium? Even demonology doesn't try as hard, it gets the exorcism.

If they hallucinate it. It must be for real. I swear.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

What is purpose of retard post?

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

The bookies is what you play.

Polls are lies. Money is money. Bets stakes odds.

Look at the bookies. I say it every election.

They get it wrong occasionally but not as much as the news.

I still cannot work out why this is even news? Who honestly cares until you go to vote.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

These aren't the deciders. Polls mean shit.

Airing this crap for the rest of the year, polls prior to the caucuses. Tedious.

I'd put Trump ahead as well. But factually it doesn't mean much, it depends where the party goes. What the other side does.

Still miles to race

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Because crackheads can't type. It's text typing autism of the adhd.

But it never happened. He's alluding to the prestige of somebody else saying he did those things. He hasn't said he has done them. He said other people have said he has done things. Has the person he is corresponding with heard about it. He hasn't admitted it.

This thread is as autistic.

What human trafficking and murders and pyromania.

Freaking Chinese whispers.

Instead there's the money laundering or the tax deductibles.

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