by pkvi
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

I am not a jew or a kike.

What I am isn't a dumbass. Unlike you. You have entry level autism. I am glad I am blocked.

You're making up silly stupid narratives. I still don't know what they are.

There is enough factual evidence supporting the claims I've made. Where you're puzzling over an area of historic contention, a source of constant invasion by maurading nomadic hordes of barbarian Horselords, and Empires. If it was known as a mythical name it certainly never established it, before the next Warlord sacked it.

Go back to your crayons.

by pkvi
Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

No you are completely dumb, like complete mongoloid. Why was it called the Tartary. No why. It's really simple and really obvious. Because it hosted Tartars. Dumbass. It also hosted Huns, the Ukraine was completely invaded. Tell me about Armenia. It's where Attila went?? What about Scythians? Mongols? Look at Moscow's history it was sacked by the Tartars prior to the Mongols.

Google Tartar. Stop being a twat.

You've spammed this forum with bullshit in the past. This fictitious realm of Khazaria, calling it a mafia and jewry. Lol. Simple history puts in the height of invasion.

by pkvi
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

No they aren't a hoax.

Look. Simple Google. 1700s', 1800s world map. Look at that. Dumbass. Look at that big huge area called the Tartary. It's the biggest landmass on the Planet then. This was of former Mongols. But they were called the Tartars. They're still called the Tartars today in Crimea. Like they were thousands of years ago. These same horselords then not your poxy bullshit narratives, spanned from Mongolia to Morocco at certain historic points.

I am not looking up Bullshit. You're not smart enough to look up Tartars. You're not smart enough to look up Scythians, Huns, Mongols either. Tell me about their territorial claims. Ukraine is one. Instead you've named nonsense. Khazaria invaded sacked pillaged until a Russian protectorate.

by pkvi
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

I give up your mythical names.

The Tartary has been there for thousands of years. Prior were Scythians. The Tartars sacked Moscow prior to the Mongols in 1200? Before them was the Huns. Before that were the Scythians who dominated the same region around 500 BCE- 900 BCE. Around the time of Alexander the Great. They were in Ukraine and all over the Steppes of Asia. Alexander came from Macedonia right there near the Black Sea and Hungary, from a nomadic horse clan. Prior if we go back it was Nimrod.

The problem I have is they never went anywhere. The horselords. The simply migrated and then banned together when somebody powerful enough united them.

But the tartars have been documented for as long as the Huns? Thousands of years.

You call these kingdoms silly names like Khazaria? No idea what that is. None. Because the horselords, Tartars, Huns, Mongols, Scythians were clearly a fucking meance outside of the empires making their walled cities.

by pkvi
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

I watched the History channel. Nobody knows how he died. Except it was supposedly a celebration with fucking and drinking and he had been wounded. Did his heart give out? Was he poisoned? Did a successor challenge him? Was he dying? Or assassinated?

The point being, Ukraine are a fucking barbarian bleeding away the gold. Look Rome. Inflation, taxation, debt. But the barbarian keeps coming back every 5 minutes.

Something is very stupid here. Literal madness. What runs out first. The gold, the men, the guns. What result? It has paided them what like nearly a trillion. What happens when it fails? It's so committed to winning, if it doesn't? Then what.

by pkvi
Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

It's like Attila the Hun. Heard that story, and the fall of Rome? Attilia would raid all the villages around the fortified cities, raid out the crops, farms, towns, killing any troops they could organise, and any mercenaries they could hire. The cities would pay king's ransom for his army to leave. They kept paying more and more, he kept coming back, free gold. Inflation hit the Romans, famine, and rioting, taxes got more and more. Eventually after years and years and years of this, Rome managed to summon another Legion, the first army was destroyed, and Attilia was wounded in battle, and then died of being drunk. But it collapsed shortly after.

But the point is, at this point are Ukraine, Attilia the hun? Are they fucking complict in causing that ignorance? At this point all they're doing is costing, and it is buying bullshit, to the point where surplus is depleted, inflation, debt. The funding is through the roof, at what a trillion plus, and counting. The other side aren't spending a fraction of that. Now let's suggest another actor entered that stage.

Almost a perfect storm. It's almost like looking at idiots. The lil piggy in the middle. Tell me that cost and what it buys? Where does this go.

Even if there was peace. It has polarised the globe for decades. No wand there, and if it loses that funding, it isn't doing much else, apart from indebting itself into a presumed victory, it would probably have to engage. Until what?

The other side can keep raiding it out. Keep raiding out the gold. It buys nothing but the fodder.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Umm the smart ones don't do the fighting. They're in the command centers. This warfare they get a bunch of conscripts to renew the lines. They've held some veterans in reserve, further training them to charge. But there's a combination. Yes quite a few are fighting there. Quite a few of them have died there. But it's not the majority, of Ukrainians dying.

I don't buy much into it. Until something significant happens, it's nonsense propaganda. It amounts to the same strategy. If Ukraine make any gain, it's Vday. The Russians are blah blah dying and retreating in exaggerated numbers, and Ukraine are winning, they will succeed in the inches gained. If Russia has an upper hand by causing something by gaining territory, killed Ukrainians, halted an advance, or hit a base. It's warcrimes, sanctions, funding, and how Russia is losing, becsuse Putin is blah blah. The press follows this pattern. It doesn't deviate.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

You're an incel. All trannies are incels. You think you're a woman because you shit out of your dick. You think it's a vagina, because it has scars all over it. You think you have breasts, if you pull at your nipples.

You stretched your nipples on meat hooks trying to make them bigger. Then you got the zipper tits with the fake glued on nipples and St.George's cross running through the center of them.

You go into women changing rooms to scare the crap out of women. At first they felt pity, that poor girl how could anybody have had such trauma, she must have been raped to death. Not you, you tell them you've changed, and now you're a lesbian. How wonderful you feel to finally be in their changing rooms. They scream and run for their Iives. There's a psycho in the changing rooms. It wants to rape them.

You damn Incel.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

You're an incel. You have the trannie fantasies. Sexual harassment, assault, and rape.

No Jews involved, you sliced off your peepee, and now you shit out of it. It stinks everytime you fuck, it smells like the worst smell on the planet, a shitty period with shitty blood coming out. It now has scars all over. It looks like hacksaw Ed sewed you together. And then couldn't afford the zipper tits with the scars on them like a cross right through their centers, the scar right through the center of the breast, with a fake stick on glued nipple. You couldn't afford it, hacksaw Ed cost you your last dime. You tried to grow the breasts, and they look like a swine, you pulled and pulled at your nipple because your breasts weren't getting bigger, they were like a little hormonal girl with the lumps. Not yours, no, they were the piggy tits, because you pulled your nipples stretching them. They grew these saggy dog tits with the man nipples, and they even got hairs on them. Your hair you have to wear the wigs, because it all fell out when you took estrogen. The estrogen gave you the cancer. Maybe you'll get the zipper tits after all with the crosses right through their center, and the stickers for nipples. The sticker saying you shit out your dick.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Who cares, whether women in that gym acted like women. Hell.

Sexual harassment is when you invade somebody's privacy sexually, or when you aggressively suggest sex, or make untoward comments and actions towards.

At what fucking point isn't the Trans sexually harassing everybody else. They should be locked up and Madagascared. Shoved on an Island, and let's all see if evolution works? Instead of the parasites that need a host. It's called society, they get off on harassing.

Dr Frankenstein's shop of horror is what the trans are. Scars and stench, and grotesque medicine. Unless they spend and spend and it doesn't stop the rot, their regression. They are so freaking freakish. The worst horror's imagined. A complete sociopath that gets off on being absolutely mentally amoral celebrating their perversion. It seeks only the macabre.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

You're on drugs. Do women compete against men in the retrospective boxing, kickboxing, mma, etc? Sure they might train alongside until they spar. No they don't. There is countless training that is men only. Are they the entire facility? Yep they are.

You dumb inbred nigger. Go back to your woke shit, fuck trannie ax slit, watch it poopoo all over your dick. It stinks worse than shit. Seriously look up that crap. It's disgustingly rotten. The worst smell on the planet. They shit their guts out when they copulate with pentretration. It's a period of shit. Bloody bile. Imagine raw sewage. Medical waste. That's what trannie sex smells like. Read about it. Clotted bloody bile, a stench so vile and completely rotten, and it happens when they copulate. Bloody clotted shit farted out of their wretched scarred up hole, with the zipper tits, or they look like pig tits. The tits you get on female sows.

Stop bothering all the rest of us.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +3 / -2

What drugs are you on. Male only gyms are fully legal. Boxing. MMA. Kickboxing. Wrestling. Etc. The same as weights and plenty more. Tell me about this. Yes females can enter but they don't train at them. Unless they're the trainer's daughter.

Female gyms aren't. Look. But they are, until this topical shit meddles.

What drugs are you on? Yes females sexually harassing should be addressed if it bothers you.

We were talking historically you fucking braindead retard. Today things are back to bullshit. A civilization destroying itself.

But you're being stupid. At no fucking point in civilised society should men be invading women's privacy. The same with women invading men's privacy. Unless given their express consent. It's called sexual harassment. All trans do. Everybody else commits crime. Not assholes ritualistically chopping off their genitals in wanton acts perversion, and then shouting everywhere how they're victims, if you don't let them invade, harass, and rape everybody else. At what fucking point?

The left are degenerate hypocrites. Not one single narrative they say makes any fucking sense. Not one.

Ep0ch 8 points ago +8 / -0

It's a rag full of feces representing people talking out of their assholes. It's all they have to say. Unless they talk all day every day about their personal sexual gratification, the rest of society has no freedoms. Because they removed them.

It's literally the most absurdly stupid thing on the entire planet, listening to how somebody else gets off. The highlight of civilization is flying a flag that gets shat all over. All it represents. How certain demographic's fuck for gratification. Such rights. Spare us the travesty.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +3 / -1

Umm. Penis aren't women. No. It has never been allowed historically unless we travel back in time to Pompeii. Where the baths were shared.

Male only spaces are an oxymoron because there were also female only spaces. Like the changing rooms. The debate was women were excluded from the positions male only clubs offered having had no voting rights. The positions of governance and management. But even that isn't completely accurate.

This article is redundant. Disgustingly so. Is every male allowed. Look at that. They're not. So why the fuck is that? Moronic. It should've had the same judgement. At no point shouldn't it have had the same judgement as any other male sexually harassing women.

It is sexual harassment. Invading women's privacy, sexually and obscenely.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

But I think there's a lot of fake horseshit because it pays.

Look into the drone program, and current fighter planes, and also next gen.

Look no further at UFOs.

They're even flying UFOs, round discs, making USOs. They are making re-entry vehicles for resupplying upper orbit, importantly for bang accross the globe, out of orbit, line up, whoosh, around an hour anywhere. They have vertical thrust take off hitting hypersonic speed, and it can maneuver at almost any angle. Also supposedly underwater hitting huge speeds. They were designing drones that can do both, underwater and flight. They dive, and surface. Next gen fighters have swarm, 100s of mini drones, countermeasures, it has plasma countermeasures, that is complete mirages and decoys, and it has 1 to 3 support drones, on a fighter hitting hypersonic speeds with ridiculous maneuvering. The craft are in a range of designs, but they all look like the triangle UFO, or some are even saucer.

As far as ancient mysticism is concerned. It's a hot topic. But we are stranded. Where is our return? Where is the tech? Nothing but fantasy with a strong inclination towards the supernatural and the divine. Because it provides us with reasoning and purpose. We look up, we need more, we see more.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

A report was on the material outside encasing. It was from a Russian find, that was shot down. It was purportedly the encasing, fragments, changed density and colour. Where one minute it was gold and than titanium or metals not known of, and it was charged and that caused it to change properties.

Another favourite was the craft communicated via telekinesis and on touch spoke in binary.

Yea you're right there is only nonsense. All these experts who have seen the area 51, have no idea about its core systems. Because it works on the anti gravity and has none? It's completely AI, and it has no flight controls.

There was a report again Russian, of a firefight and an energy weapon the aliens used, and it froze people, liquifying them. They literally turned into puddles of sludge. While some others became frozen statues. They fired a beam laser weapon. It caused puddles of sludge. One minute you're there, the next a puddle of sludge. If you're really lucky you got frozen before becoming sludge. Hahahaha

Such bullshit.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yawn. 6th gen drone support, plasma countermeasures. Or shit on the tape.

Who cares, it's a narrative. Pay more taxes for more bullshit and dystopia.

You aren't looking at this objectively.

  1. If aliens are that widespread, this Planet is fully infiltrated.

  2. Why aren't we at war with an invader. What could they possibly want. It hasn't worked. We have as much conflict today as centuries ago with far more dying daily. Our numbers are threatening ourselves even more. Resources. Disease. Crime. Warfare.

  3. We still haven't proved aliens just bullshit.

What do they even want. Literally laughable. Advance species does nothing else but punk people? Hahahaha. It has achieved nothing else. We are no closer to proving aliens. Instead there are just idiots profiting off of bullshit. It amounts to taxes and dystopia and the constant what if you pay even more for it. Fuck off

Ep0ch 3 points ago +3 / -0

What moderators? They're the same ones?

The same dystopic assholes. Vet account for 30 days, before posting. Move all those type of IPs into a sub that starts to ban them off the rest of Reddit. Yes.

Now it's filtered even more. Hahahaha. Reddit is such a shithole.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

No, they're started by assholes selling fake and gay narratives.

Buy more shitty technology. Let me tell you about this crap. At what fucking point does it exist.

Technology is the cause of climate change.

So some dumb family member bought a fan, Summer. The fucking idiot bought a stupid one. One that shouldn't even exist, if there was regulation instead of exploitation. This horrible nasty piece of fucking shit technology, it won't last 10 years, it won't last one year. How the hell was it sold? Look on Amazon. These stand fans, the idiot bought a 25 bucks stand fan. The parts will fail, it was basically broken out of the box. It's the entire tech industry. The entire disgusting tech industry. If they guaranteed products for 10 years. It should be 20. These are the biggest source of emissions, waste, and everything else. It's that lifetime. It has none on every electrical good.

Oh no, their fake and gay bullshit, cries. Use more shitty tech, and crappy electrical goods, made of plastic and rare earth metals and minerals. It's all of them. The EV doesn't even last 10 years.

But there they are selling nonsense. These fires simply sell a shitty narrative. They were started to sell that shitty narrative.

Ep0ch 3 points ago +3 / -0

Shiva for example based on it. Later so was Aphrodite.

Shiva is supposedly both m/f form. Aphrodite isn't.

But there's entire stories on her, also her worship, it was different at different times in the day. Night and day and in-between. Where it all gets Summerian.

I don't know what this topic establishes?

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Moscow started as a monastery. The same Greek monks converting St.Olga went to convert the Northern Slav tribes she united, and the Vikings who were the people there then in the Baltics, North Western Russia.

The tribes of horselords, the tartary, were there since the dawn of man and are still there today, they united at historic points where it took great leaders rallying them, Alexander the Great, or Atilla, or Genghis. Otherwise they were nomadic clans of warlords. They didn't stay in one place around civilization expanding into bullshit narratives, they migrated across the plains and steppes along historic migratory trade routes spanning the planet.

No, you. You're stuck in a mindset that doesn't want to puzzle over it connecting the obvious dots.

You're so belligerent it's laughable. The Black Sea for example didn't populate like the Med, because the Greeks were idiots? At what point? How far East did they go? Alexander the Great is in Kazakhstan definitely Kyrgyzstan.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yawn, you're as dumb as a mule. You have a very closed mind.

The inhabitants of Southern India, Kerla, where these seashells are from, look it up, Hindu, sanskrit, but importantly where the spice trade, traded with Ancient Egypt, and Arabia.

Nomadic like Alexander's Macedonian tribes on the Balkans, Scythians are also in the Ukraine directly above it, or right there on the Black Sea.

Persia where Aryans come from? Wrong, they aren't Persians. Afghanistan has always hated Persia. Historically a different kingdom. It had influence at one point. But so did the Mongols. The Scythians were horselords.

No, they had Turkic script one of the Planet's oldest languages, it is so profound, a famous Hungarian anthropologist, it's the old Hungarian language before the latin, turn of last century was able to understand Swahili and Aborigines before their languages were translated. It's also in the same region to Mongolia.

Aside from this, what didn't you understand it was explanatory. You're being belligerent for the sake of it and I repeating myself constantly. Look it up. You're understanding history from that was Egyptian then Assyrian then Persian then Greek then Roman and you're focused on these other smaller domains leaving out swathes of history to fit into a tidied little concentric narrative. But it has swept obvious occurrence under the rug. The globe was much bigger and it connects. Prior to Roman patenting. Those trade routes are much older. So are the people in them. They didn't come out of Africa either.

Kazakhstan was part of the Tartary in 1800s maps, it went from Mongolia along the steppes to Afghanistan, parts of Pakistan? Probably one the biggest land areas on the Planet, then. Of the former Mongols and horselords. They had their own Warlords and whatever, and Afghanistan had the Khmer Empire then?

China was also a lot different then.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

It would have to pass an elective vote. And if a few members are in disagreement, they all are.

It doesn't stop them sending unanimous military aid packages, and these keep sending bigger guns in acts of wanton lies, no we won't, aw but now we are, and with it clandestine forces. Because it keeps sneaking through opinion by raising the ante and moving the goal posts. Until they might as well be. But they're not. No vote.

It doesn't rule out escalation, it would have to pivot an international response from something extreme. There are certain preemptive protocols and scenarios around this, but it's not there.

Currently there is no Ukraine membership, and no direct Nato involvement.

Come the end of the year, next, when elections are due, who knows. Because it stinks.

There are still more graves to be dug first.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Stop it. Get it through your head. I am not wrong.

The trade route I refer to has evidence. Seashells from India in Siberia. Mummies in Siberia, Northern China. It was traverse for over 10k years. Morocco to Mongolia. Below was Indonesia running another trade route.

Scythians were the people there in Alexander the Great's day. They were in Ukraine and Russia and on the Steppes of Asia. They spread Turkic Script. Hungary, Mongolia, along the Steppes. The freaking language you confused with Sanskrit. They are the horselords. Yes evidence of Alexander the Great is in Kazakhstan.

I am quite sure evidence in Kazakhstan as well. Harder finding it. It upsets a few people. Like the Chinese. Who have scrubbed the Red hair mummies.

Stop with what you think you know, you don't.

We have concentric narratives wrote in little scripts. Rome invented Iron. Everybody else was clay. But the fact is it's much older than that.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Alexander the Great traversed the known World. Kazakhstan has him? The horselords spanned turkic script. Mongolia to Morocco. That trade route dates back a very very long time. How did we get chickens and sheep?

However he had influence on the next tribes that followed, Huns and Mongols. But the Scythians. Scythians Ukraine, Russia, peoples of the Steppes.

Speculative. His tomb was desecrated and never found. However what is found is his name.

The Greeks were in the Black Sea for a long time.

Vladimir set up Christianity in Moscow. It started as a monastery.

I will upset a few with that. But I am not wrong. The trade route also went into South East Asia. Calamity for Alexander the Great. Turkic script however and those horselords were around for much much longer and are still there on the Steppes today. Alexander the Great obviously influenced them as found in Kazakhstan.

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