Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

It doesn't matter the upvotes, I'd upvote all conversation. However down votes are an attack. They don't promote free speech. Simply trolls. It is being targeted and had done previously on other users.

The person doing it is the worst freak. I believe they're a Mod. It is happening on every submission I make.

Yes we can see bullshit from space, it passes through which hub selling it, turning it into pictures. They say it's space, Mars, it's Canada, or somewhere. They say it's the ISS and it's a studio. They've gotten better at it. But it's mostly as fake as the Moon Landing ever was. Some does get there somewhere. Most hasn't left our planet. Or do explain Martian rainbows. Explain Martian doors. Explain Martian trash. If it has lied about that what haven't they lied about. All some half. It's lying. Please check out the bluescreened ISS, literal puppets. They're pulling each others strings doing backflips from wires on the ceiling cleverly imaged out. This is the problem. That feed was on the most recent rovers. It had Martian trash. Another had a rainbow. Previous a freaking door, the door the rover went in and out of. The feeds of the ISS. Many never went there. It was a studio. If they lie, how much. Why lie a little if it's not all a lie.

The paradigm is a narrative. A narrative they sell from bullshit studios. It's easier to take the money and do nothing else except program some blackholes. Look at that bullshit image.

Aliens are needed to sell space. They caused the Space race. Religion needs them to sell an afterlife. Like ancient Egypt did.

Where are they? They're a phantom. A narrative. Fiction. If they exist, it isn't from grainy images.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

It actually is in a disaster. It's for that reason you're taxed as a citizens. Home first and foremost.

Not this America, today. It causes disasters everywhere, its citizens simply pay more for it. As it all implodes.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

They're crappy EVs. With full of shit exploding batteries.

Biden upgraded the cars to be fully explosive, apparently they're the best thing for the environment. Boondoggles. The EV. A piece of modern feces. Far worse to produce, far more services needed, the parts last no lifetime. The AI kills the owners, other humans, and they explode. A complete hyperconsumption con.

The only conspiracy is human stupidity buying and selling crap. The EV. Look at your Electrical products all of them on lessening lifetimes, at what point are they now a much worse car. It gets surged, it explodes, it runs out of battery. But if the computer says it's ECO then you're simply taxed and pay more for it

Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

There are plenty of other agencies. But how much of it is real. There are vast amounts of CGI. No matter who airs what, when, and where.

The whole thing is fed back into computers, and they give us images. They're based on programming. The supposed Rovers hitting Mars etc. Many haven't gone there. Hence the host of anomalies from doors, trash, and rainbows. But everybody is in on it. OPEC, Europe, NASA. That ISS stuff had a great big blue-green screen. A lot was fake and gay and bullshit. Puppets acting out puppetry. 3d backgrounds. Invisible wires imaged out. Giving them the weightlessness. But they're in a studio with wires, pulling them. In a deep dive swimming pool with the bubbles.

Russia and India are both competing to who gets to the Moon first manned. India like China was also entirely computer images. Worse than freaking NASA of launch and landing. A computer simulation, it looked like a flight simulator. A computer game. Look at the computer. It says it's there. China supposedly returned samples. What of the fake moon rocks. Who actually believe it returned from the dark side of the Moon. There were heaps of experts saying it was hoaxed completely hoaxed. Although that narrative is everybody has done it since the Moon Landing. Russia and India are planning lunar manned or whatever missions shortly supposedly by 2025. China also wants to do a manned lunar mission. Others are building more space stations. Etc.

But they are all concentric narratives. Space is such because it is. How much is real. Some is. More is CGI. A lot is fake and gay. Never went anywhere else except the CGI departments.

That esape from planet dystopia, you won't. It has rigged it all. Even Ukraine.

You're not the nigger down voting me. So why is a nigger down voting me? Why did the nigger moderator on this website automatically cause a down vote on each submission I make. Talk about dystopia. Look no further. They're not even black, just a nigger all the same. Stupid little cunt. Same person banning others across the rest of the wins a deranged tranny. Makes no difference. But they're a tranny mod. Read the dumbest bot, programmed, breaking down words, but inserting which context, then you understand their rationality. Deranged. Now it's cast a down vote on users. It isn't a sad little cuck clicking on my name every 5 minutes. It's the site. Look at those users. When did the mod get passed to which one. Point out that 4 eyed tranny Chink. Lastly I am not racist to slur back at attacks. Talk about conspiracy. A bunch of closed minded niggers want another echo chamber airing what?

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Yes but we all know what this is. Space is fake and gay. Many of the pictures and feeds are complete bullshit. Nonsense. CGI generated artistic impressions of nonsense. The rest aren't even filmed in Space. They have been since fake moon landings. Now they're using rovers everywhere else except Mars and often the Moon.

A) It's either a picture of fake lunar shit, filmed anywhere. We know it is with rover shit. Martian doors, space rubbish, shadows, rainbows.

B) It's real.

It isn't real. In order to convince that the pictures are real, here comes the Aliens, right? One lie tells a bigger lie to keep lying. It cannot tell the truth. It loses funding, public support. It keeps lying, more funding, more distortions, and dystopia. It caused the Space Race. What was Roswell. Bullshit. Aliens crashing hahaha. At what point.

The lie it's on the moon becomes aliens to get there. It was aliens starting the space program. Roswell caused the FAA. It didn't exist prior to Roswell. Until today you can get jailed for farting on a plane.

The entire time it's bigger lies, and more dystopia. Until every huckster is selling Aliens. Every damn con artist. All these people do. Sure enough there's more conjecture than fact when it comes to Space. There's more fiction than any actual landings. But hell if you pay more for it.

Look at the tracks. It isn't the moon.

Now it's nukes to get to Mars. Hahaha. Suddenly, no, an older idea, project Orion, it's nukes to get to Mars. So they haven't been right? They need nukes to get there?

Or convince me of the Aliens? Where? Proof outside of distortions. If there's that many pictures. Aliens are known and a much bigger threat. But nobody is taking them seriously. They simply use them to get paid. If Aliens are proved it's now a conundrum. What do they want? How long have Aliens been influencing our origin and advancement. Until suddenly it's Schrodinger's cat. They'll simply cause more dystopia, and conflict. As they are. Nothing but distrust and vivid imaginations, taxation, dystopia, and the constant what if there's more to it than bullshit.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

I don't think about what Lucifer thinks. Somehow it's moronic if you think about it. The stuff of asylums and penitentiaries.

Communists and socialists convince us free speech is bad. They sell bullshit idealism. Idealism government tells us is better than speaking.

At what point did the Internet become Communist. The day it put fascist government and corps in charge of it. They sell advertising idealism and absurd narratives. Until all it suppresses are the tax payers.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

At the end of the day. It is what it is. There will always be conspiracies of how and why it occurred. Regardless of occurrence. However despite of it, Islands will always continue be the worse hit when it occurs. Then 10 minutes later they will be back to their schemes and stupidity regardless.

There are pros and cons to every narrative. Currently those costs are much worse than the new Dubai of the Pacific. But investment doesn't care, it will plot, scheme, and sell sand castles. However it's in the wrong place geographically. It is largely unaffordable than in its once heyday. The costs now are what? Who is it attracting. Investment reaping what? Tediously it still has to resettle and cover damages.

Until that narrative is making new infrastructure to get a return? In a risk zone.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

What evidence?

Stop and think exactly what is gained.

Both Rich and Poor burnt. The average house, of majority single home owners, was valued at over a million. More went up higher. Many weren't local natives either. They were yuppies who bought into it decades ago. It was a city with some poor areas.

How much investment is needed to get that return? 100s, of million dollar homes. All paying taxes, and insured. There are courts.

You're talking tourism on a scale of Disney. Not Disney, this year, nobody is buying into that price. Recession, it's dead. They go somewhere cheap. Somewhere cheaper to fly to than Hawaii. How cheap is Latin America? South East Asia? The flight to Hawaii is what price in comparison? Sure there are packages. But then the cost was what? I guess it's much less now it has the active volcanoes infernos on it.

So what was that motive. Tourism would have to make up those numbes. The debt of redeveloping it, the investment of turning it into something generating that return. Meanwhile it's in huge debt. Hawaii is in huge debt and nobody in local office is popular. There will be courts, resettlement. The only people who pay are Hawaiians. How Liberal are they suddenly. Come to Maui get burnt.

If it's sold to redevelopment who are they attracting and how. That motive of sprawling redevelopment for even richer elites is quite ignorant. Unless they've got huge plans to put in a bunch of casinos, water parks, resorts, space age hotels at a price people flock there.

The motive is absurd. It had millionaires, multi millionaires, now it has huge debt.

Until all it's attracting is the Chinese? It has a military base. Seriously. If they turned it into mass redevelopment which tourists would make up its new numbers?


It stinks, but it is quite natural for there to be the human stupidity of that drought ridden, arid, hot, volcanic Island full of kindling. An island depeleting its ground water quicker.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

They weren't started with a DEW.

I look at that coast and all I see is stupidity anyway.

Look at it. At what point wasn't it stupid hot, and arid dry?

The buildings that withstood the inferno were built of less ignitable materials and were closer to the coast. The trees are taller and more flame resilient than most of the buildings destroyed.

But okay the real estate. It would need complete resigning, and it ain't Florida. Further away and costs. It would be for tourism not single property owners, to generate the return costs of development. If it gets redone? As it is there is still population demanding resettlement. It would get turned into resorts and condos. If all those citizens aren't resettled and sell up.

If the government has seized it, it's to redevelop it. At what point are they corrupt, there are courts, and costs. Yes they might resale to big development, but it could be to insure modern standards, more flame resistant, better materials, and redesign are kept too Standard. Who really cares. Everything burnt. Both wealthy and ghetto.

In any disaster there will always be blame, regardless. But a DEW didn't do that. Perhaps idiots did. Perhaps there was another accelerant outside of human stupidity. Look at that background, and urbanisation? Accelerant. There are easier ways to start fires than top secret space weapons, never used on the battlefield. Instead they're only used on citizens, so government can seize their homes and add a bunch of niggers?

Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

More grainy videos of nothing else.

What do you see when looking at those pictures. It's not a craft, and it probably doesn't fly. It's a picture of who cares. Insert speculation. All there is when it comes to bullshit.

The lighting on one is incredibly bright or hot. Or it's a Reflection.

The other is so grainy it could be anything, where is the resolution from satellites then taking better pictures. What is the image of. Umm umm make belief.

Insert stories, vivid imaginations. Neither sustain anything else.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

It's the ignorant bot. I know what collapse means, does the idiotic poster.

Because Collapse doesn't occur without much larger disaster.

The Market is trading, it doesn't collapse, it goes into debt. Any quote on quote collapse causes debt. It causes taxes. It causes inflation. We already have this.

For the market to stop trading, collapse that he imagines, are scenarios of war, and disaster, and a few others.

But the notion of some other Collapse happening. Where there isn't more debt and a currency devaluing, but instead there's no money in the bank, is ludicrous, it might as well be in war.

If there's no money in a Western bank. Hahaha. It's the end of democracy.

Think about how it would affect him. His notion of collapse. No money in the bank. It wouldn't affect just the West. It would affect everywhere else. What happens on the streets and in government. Coups normally occur. Military are used to quell unrest. Authoritarian powers are adopted. It might as well be war if you're gonna collapse like that. So instead there's more debt, higher taxes, hyperinflation, recession. Soft collapse. We have had it for decades.

The money doesn't stop printing so long as the markets are trading. They simply get shorted, an excuse for causing more taxes to cover any debts. Most have had agendas behind them, others profiting. Not their patsy's.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

Except it's full of volcanoes, and you could fuck with the San Andreas faultline. Bye Bye. Not quite that easy. Almost.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Yawn. What's does this word 'Collapse' mean?

It's a fantasy. Sell your fantasy to somebody who cares, to a suicide cult.

You're on another multiple account. How many now?

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Exactly. Except. The West have done this exclusively. Russia was simply a prop. It need too, causing. Now it caused, they sell the badonkadonks, those barbie cars made of plastic. The EVs. Having a service economy of plastic surgery. Seriously. It was done on purpose. Germany cut its wrist because it isn't plastic yet.

The West is axing its productivity. The run off causes globally. This conflict will drag. Meanwhile it implements the boondoggles. Get out of debt, generate hyperconsumption. More electricity. It'll generate the inflation. No. But there's some other containment and services in there.

Laughably they're the space nukes to Mars. Or another race to the Moon.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Ukraine happened prior to Syria, yes, nearly at the same time, but prior?

In an alternate reality, one that the AI doesn't calculate shit, and try to steal.

What would've happened if Russia marched on Ukraine immediately??

Somehow it doesn't work like how they don't communicate. They say they aren't formally, what's that even mean. Bullshit. Not with that guy. Except all those other guys are communicating.

I am not convinced this conflict hasn't got other agendas. Going back to that previous comment.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Ukraine has too keep itself in the press. It grants it Western aid. If it can convince them. So it makes big dumb splashy headlines to provoke retaliation so it gets funding. These guys. That's why it targets Moscow or the bridge. Instead of actually doing any winning with its missiles. Nope. Give it F16s, it will fly them straight at Russia. Weeeeeeeee. Leopards, yessss.

A news day where Ukraine have made no ground, or had losses, gets turned into; Ukraine struck the bridge, or attacked Moscow. Convincing everybody of how any arms, create legimate targets of continued escalation. Hypocritical, it moves the goalposts, any other bridge, civilian target is a crime of humanity.

They have to keep in the press, convincing people any funding buys headlines, even if it doesn't buy anything else. Other losses magically get turned into babies and children are killed. An attack on an apartment that's been hit 20 times has suddenly killed a baby girl this time. The other 20 times, she was very lucky. Until the tiniest inch of soil amounting to a farmer's field with a barn is a major victory. Ukraine have broken through, they've recaptured a barn, and it still had enough grain to feed all of Africa.

Wait we were talking about a Nato war. Propaganda. It convinces the gullible why they fight. It plays them off. They needed a reason. Seriously. It wasn't Ukrainians. It was Nato.

There is no Nato war. Or there's a much larger global war, and real quick.

Objectively Russia haven't been decisive. What are its objectives. Hold territory. Not that territory. That territory they arm from. But let them arm, so they can kilI them, after they armed. I cannot think of any recent modern warfare conducted, how it's being conducted currently in the Ukraine. Syria perhaps. Damascus. Yemen similar. These never won. They were different, flight.

That's an excuse. What arms do the Baltics have? I agree there was some motivation to protecting the separatists and russians, but there was plenty of other reasons for this conflict, many are geopolitical.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Interesting about the tax and sanctions. I doubt billionaire tax fully caused gains to the budget. Sanctions on the other hand have caused? Economically, it seems Russia aren't crumbling by them.

Wagner is not what is being aired by Western media. They keep getting it wrong. It like every other piece of press regarding the conflict has no credible source. It's fickle. It wants Wagner to be something. It wants Russia to lose. But constantly warns it isn't. I am sure it's convincing somebody. Somebody dumb who has no memory and no thought. Because the press one minute later, says something else.

The facts speak for themselves. Look at it. Double bluff. It needed a narrative. It needed to reposition. Why like that. Because it's. Why is it.

Every single time. Who knows. Except look at it. It obviously isn't. It's the head of an opposing army telling the press it needs to degrade morale, so it better keep the line Wagner are such, because if it can, then it gains. Simply look at what's occurred.

Niger, who knows, retaliation for longer range missiles, anything. Pipelines, transit, infrastructure could be affected. Who knows how it plays out. There are plenty of other reasons regionally being exploited, as costs inflate. Nothing new. A hotspot. Like many more occurring as any conflict drags out. Sides.

They're denying Wagner had any involvement because they're still keeping to the line Wagner are exiled, and now they aren't being funded, they're shrinking. Because Russia is imploding. Except somehow that's wrong. Look at it. It's the fickle media trying to convince somebody.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +2 / -3

Nothing. Hawaii used to start its own wildfires. The natives used to burn it. In fact it was tradition for thousands of years. They even believed in the fire gods. Up until climate change came along. Now it's the weather. I gonna say it's nothing.

Such nothing they get brand new electricity and they are so thankful solar panels don't cause wildfires? See nothing.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

11% try 8%. Not even a billion Whites globally.

As far as this goes. It's pointless. How many non white cultures had a doll background. Suddenly there's another market? Yawn.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1


I really laugh at this shit. They got it so wrong, but they continue to flick mud at that wall and hope it sticks.

They're hoping to precipitate a rift between the two. Because of oh my god the coup.

Instead of it being the double bluff it was. Are Wagner's position better or worse. What is that position doing and why. If Wagner were out of the loop why Niger then?

Everyday those reactors fire up hoping mud sticks to a wall. Who reads it. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/aug/13/ukraine-sappers-mine-clearers-russia-war

No war causes it, and we never heard about Ukrainians until today. Their pointless stories. I don't remember minesweepers given so much air time, ever. In fact it doesn't get aired when it's your national army doing their job. Aw poor Sergay. He needs your charity. No sir. Fuck off.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

No. It has taken. Hahaha. It was all Russian speaking. I didn't think Ukrainian was even a language, rather it was just a dialect of Russian. Until it make belief some other Starwar's language. Kiev as a city goes back thousands of years. Then Zelenskyy came along, and next thing it's called, forget about it. It was all Russian speaking. Until today it reinvented a dialect.

Russia hasn't won shit. It hasn't been decisive. It thought to take territory instead of victory. What territory. No, which. Borders. No. Half. No. This and that. Not that. That has let them arm. Can't take that. Just this. Not that.

By taking territory, it has put itself in a position of conflict. It cannot make peace. It has taken parts of it. So it must beat the rest of the Ukraine, or Ukraine arms, and it continues to get funded. Because Russia hasn't beaten it. It has beaten the Russian speaking parts. Which parts did Russia win?

None is that answer, unless you're Russian. Because it still hasn't beat Ukraine. Maybe then, Russia will get some peace or the territory it desires.

Tell me what was that objective? The other's was simple. Defeating Russia. I cannot say Russia's was beating Ukraine. Not conventionally anyway.

On a higher level of reasoning, one we're not party too, there is an agenda, and it already knows and understands how far this goes. Why it's even played.

Naively you assume it plays. It plays to beat sides not even fighting. Sounds dumb. It could drag them in, anyway. Why not risk it. So it doesn't escalate? If it uses proxies, it's contained. So it isn't direct warfare, and it loses more, from nukes, or whatever. That already signals communication; Demands, concessions. But at the same time emphatically stating it will defeat the other. Although it makes no other attempt to be decisive. Both sides. It simply drags itself out, hoping to win at much larger attrition, if it holds out, the other will ceed ground and lose.

This is happening while what else is happening, globally? Absurdly.

It never used Belarus. It didn't lock the opposing border down. It didn't match offensives with its own. It sat there. It hasn't pressured another flank. Instead it bides its time. Recklessly. The other will never stop. It never fully crushed command structures, coms, and ultilies. Almost no other warfare on this Planet has been fought as archiacally. None. Unless we go back to seige warfare with high walls. Most warfare fights with a purpose to overthrow, crush, disable, destroy. They don't fight for the purpose of causing degradation.

There is another agenda behind this conflict. Where it ironically drags out.

You assume it's some lofty goal of beating Nato. Or defeating Russia. Nope. Not without direct warfare. It hasn't, yet. So why now?

Tell me, it isn't you down voting? Call that faggot out. The nigger troll faggot tranny stalker baits people talking. Purposefully. How do they even know I am online? Mod. A disgusting degenerate. Or are they really that sad they click on my name for new content. How many times a day? I am guessing Mod. A real dumb nigger. What ethnicity? What background? It's why this forum has praise Jesus, bhudda savior crap, Flat Earth every 5 minutes.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Saudi/China. Many others. It wasn't only those nations.

More are concern with what. Tell me their concerns and why Ukraine thinks it matters more.

The shortages on crop and energy are causing concerns. Set to cause how much more conflict globally.

Automatically it presumes talking points. But it means nothing else. Ukraine's output has fallen regardless. It will take years before it has the same yields, its surplus, distribution, and infrastructure are irreparable for years.

However this conflict was designed to cause what. That is why it drags. They're both in on it, causing. A shift in geopolitics, new methods of trade, and industry.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

You had a go at me.

I am pissed I keep getting trolled. Some cunt/s a nigger, faggot, tranny, stalker is clicking on my name and post history and down voting it.

They're from Reddit, and think this site works that way. There's a scoring system to posting. It's put me in a mood this person is doing this.

They're a complete freak. But have found other freaks on here. They have a multiple account, and bait. I can say about 3 of their accounts, no point. They believe God made a Flat Earth. They hang about this forum airing non stop garbage. Like nukes aren't real.

However when you clicked on stuff from 8 days ago, it caused alarm. Only that faggot would do that. Every downvote I have is from that nigger. They aren't even black. But none the less, they're a nigger.

You're wrong there has been peace talks. But they went no where with them. Like every other attempt. Laughably Ukraine thinks the rest of the World cares, and if it beats Russia the World will care more. Unfortunately the only people who think Ukraine beating Russia matters, is the West funding it. They don't care much at all. They scream at every opportunity jumping up down on rooftops if Ukraine gains a bombed out village and loses 1000 men and 30 armoured vehicles taking it. It means the counter offensive is succeeding.

So there will be no peace with such absurdity. Not in any current government deciding on how much more funding buys how many more, call it what you like.

But this is a long conflict. It won't be done anytime soon. Not this year. This time next year, campaigning elections, is when real fatigue will have set in, if any results are as nonsensical. It is already being aired in the press now, that it's becoming ridiculous. All that money hasn't bought shit. At what point does it keep buying shit. Well it ups the ante. Longer range missiles, more drones, perhaps fighter jets. It keeps provoking escalation, just to keep it in the press. At what point, does it make any difference?

Russia is also dragging its feet objectively. It is using this conflict like the West for larger Geopolitical goals. When does it counter offensive? It mobilised. Too what extent remains current. But surely it would've built a secondary force. It has, too what extent remains. When does it cause a surgical strike. Another major capture. Or putting that fight in a position of dictating terms. If it doesn't, it's only defending. That Conflict, is entering another decade, since Ukraine fractured. Surely now it's caused a convergence, but it still isn't Nato fighting Russia. It's the same proxy in conflict.

Objectively this conflict is what. Defeating Russia via proxy. But Russia objectively isn't beating the proxy. You assume it's beating Nato. Hahaha. No. Ukraine is the other guy.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Why are you going over old posts. Why are you replying to posts 2 weeks old.

You're a nigger faggot stalker. Look at that. How did you find the topic, and why?

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