Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

It isn't a Jew. Or maybe they are. No. They're not. Some are. Not the wealth, controlling humanity.

All Israel is, is a prop. It stopped Arab unification. Often another Empire, or is historic alignment. By causing a divide. Hence it will be there diverting that focus, inciting factions opposed to Israel, as many others align.

The purpose of it, does what? Provide gays to the World?

Or has it caused globalisation?

Until look how easy you're fooled. You're told to point and blame. Or how it's all the freaking Jews fault. A mind trick. If you blame them you're not uniting against anybody else suppressing you. They're a prop. Perhaps it is them. But it's not them. They're not religious unless their religion is power, wealth, and control.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

Nonsense. Globalisation. Liberalism has been that foot in the door. Changing rights. Rights change the religion. Changing Laws. Selling services. Media. Banking. Etc etc. It wants to cuckhold Israel like the rest of the planet.

Where did it emerge from?

So you provide Gays rights. It changes the religion rejecting them. They buy media. It sells adverts. Next look at all those services.

Understand it, yet? No sooner has the population be cocered. It demands the rights. All they were buying is what services?

Were they Jewish services. You're deluded. Maybe. No. Not these guys. Globalist.

Ep0ch -8 points ago +1 / -9

I don't care about your nigger forum. Little echo chamber of otherwise fucking stupid. You shout buzzwords. You're no different to the conspiracies you spew.

Where are Jews gay? Provide it in their religion? Like any religion they're not. Oppossed to it. Until today's rights. This has been Western influence. Not Jewish. Liberalism. Globalisation.

Threatening me with down votes? It doesn't do shit.

Ep0ch -4 points ago +1 / -5

You obviously don't get the globalisation problem. It was explained.

Instead you're a mincing spastic. Completely retarded.

Elites force services by rights they've policed a majority into buying them. Elites. Offshore. Rights buy services they profit off.

Seriously how does that work? Jews? Dumbass.

Gays, provide rights, where are they buying services from. If the religion isn't Gay? No sooner is it all those other services. How. Where were they being sold. What have those rights change?

Instead it's the Jews? You're truly dumb.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

No you are. I just provided. Instead of understanding it. I get a full blown retard. Full blown drooling frothing mouth breathing feces retard.

You aren't clever. You cannot even string a sentence together. You cannot even read.

Go back to being stupid.

Ep0ch -3 points ago +1 / -4

No, it's the individual to blame. Not necessarily the religion. Unless you're gay. How can you attribute one gay with an entire religion? You can't. By large it isn't common. Today, it is.

More services. More population control. More dystopia. More policing.

Minority rights on a majority cuckholding it.

All liberalism has achieved. More bullshit laws. Higher inflation from even more services. Importantly the way they're all offshore. Where laws aren't even elected. But a minority, dictates the majority. No differently than the wealth divide.

I like providing a coinflip. The odds. Don't care, not religious, not jewish, at all. But. Like any religion, the devout aren't gay.

It is an attempt at pouring water over it. Obviously globalisation sells its connected services making its offshore wealth the gain. It gets its foot by, changing laws. It has done this by 'Rights'? The right to buy into, you got it.

Ep0ch -7 points ago +1 / -8

Are Jews gay? Not in any majority of worship.

Sure there are gay Jews. Like gay Islamists.

But he's not wearing any religious markings. So he's a gay, and not a Jew.

Probably just a jackass. Went gay because he's not a jew. Now he sells gays to Jews. Classic gayness. The religion was obviously to blame for not letting him be gay about it.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +4 / -2

Good he can shut up about it. He's got a muzzle on. Nobody else cares.

Covid cases are still explaining excess deaths. It seems.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +3 / -1

No. Fool me once. Twice nobody listens. Except the dumbest.

I don't see why hospitals don't have it as policy. A place of disease and diseased. Stop bothering everybody else. Go to hospital, shut the fuck up. Stop bothering everybody else.

Masks don't do shit anyway.

Think why there would be a reason for it? It's not the disease. It will be an even weaker variant, as it's what happens anyway with mutations. It will still affect the most sickly. Everybody else it's not hazardous or hardly a concern.

Why would they go into recession more? Sell more vaccines. Lessening numbers take. No. Why?

There are ways it could be deadly, but it wouldn't be the same disease. It has passed through immunity. Auto immune perhaps, vax. But still stretching it. There are ways of perhaps tweaking it. But they're far more problematic.

I am equally speculating. It's nonsensical odds that anybody else cares. Covid isn't a concern to anybody else except the media. Unless it significantly causes death.

Ep0ch -3 points ago +1 / -4

I think hospitals should have masks. There are a bunch of sick people and doctors.

They should wear them. Then they can stop bothering everybody else. End of.

Ep0ch 3 points ago +4 / -1

No. Nobody except idiots will buy it.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

You don't know what Tesla believed. You spew Free Energy. Because you've got underpants on your head and a thumb up your bunghole.

He said infinite energy, where he referred to it as using it from the processes causing it. Which we do to all extents and reasons. There's nothing free about it.

The word free energy does not exist. It was created by dumb cornpone hippies eating their boogers.

I am explicitly stating free energy doesn't exist because it doesn't. Energy is not free. It's a process that requires resources parts production distribution maintenance. Any sources that abundantly cause it are finite and subject to change.

Please continue to make a bigger arse of yourself. Try to argue it. It simply hasn't been invented, it doesn't exist. It wouldn't matter the system or conduit. There is no such thing.

Free energy. Nonsense. Every single time you morons post Tesla as the godfather of bullshit. Except he never used that term. Not once. It is modern pusedo science, invented by the hippies, eating boogers. Until it's another means of exploitation, buy this, it's the free energy. It's the faith healing, eat the boogers and feces, free energy. Oxymoronically.

You shift the goal posts, a watch, now, being wound is free energy. A literal booger picker, feces eater, head full of underpants, thumb up bunghole. How was the watch, your labor, and it's wearing motions; Free energy. How is a spontaneous reaction, free energy. Even if it's found in nature. To stimulate it requires all those resources. In nature requires the conditions generating it and they're subjected to change, changes so violently, it is not infinite, only in the abundance causing it.

I hate dumb terms. Hate them. Because they're full of bullshit. Bullshit hasn't solved anything else

Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

It didn't accurately predict Earthquakes. It's vague as hell. It amounted to another Qanon post.

There were other significant quakes between Turkey and Afghanistan. Because of the bounce. Quake there causes a ripple somewhere else. A bounce that ripples along the plates. Like a wave. Which plate erupts next is guesswork. There are simply no accurate predictions. Or it's being manipulated. But it's likely down to the magma flow, as well planetary tilt, axis alignment, pulls. But there are far more factors, than just a cosmic pull that this prediction is predicting.

But perhaps this is addressing there are pulls.

Who knows I didn't read much more into it. But it's interesting. It isn't a new science either. It's much older. Our ancients had similar predictions. Although without the tools and readings today.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Yes, no kindling needed. Exploding batteries will get it going. A few solar panels reflecting sun starting the blaze. A few Turbines fanning it. So ECO. Don't worry, your EV will warn you.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Where are her siblings, what happened to the rest of that House? Monarchy has countless kin in line. But they put an adoption on the throne. A Queen reagent. It married an American. The plan was. But then they just couped her. She had other plans of sovereignty, seen, it moved against congress, trying to retain her sovereign independence. Easier to ferment rebellion. I wonder if there were other allies she sought away from the USA?

Very murky.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

It hasn't changed. Either. Yes an example of how that works. Including the later revisionism. Somebody will probably turn into another movie. So it's completely washed over.

There is a real pattern there of what actually occurred. You can see it reading between the lines. They were played off. Huge questions, blanks what happened to her line. If she was imprisoned, rebellion, was she also exiled, where did the rest of her house go? She was also in fact a usurper? Read more about it. She married an American. She was adopted? She was a queen reagent?https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lili%CA%BBuokalani

Instead there is this other bemusing narrative. Of songs and orphanages and liberalism. The article you linked cited racism. Ironically. It didn't exist then. The concept.

It is what is. There isn't any changing it. It has become another World. To what extent is it being repeated now?

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

At what point are you dumb? Like shit for stupid drooling retarded with underpants on your head and thumb up your butt.

It was the day you strung two words together producing conjecture. Inventing something that does not exist in nature, and has not been invented, but still you want to convince people it's real. It must also be the day you didn't look up the meaning of the words you've offered as concept?

But but Tesla. What. Didn't claim there was free energy. At all. The universe is tapping with energy. What? The universe now. We just have to pray for it. What?

The universe isn't created by free energy. The Sun isn't either. Weather isn't created by free energy. None of it is free energy. Sun's also die. That energy is finite. It still needs a combination of resources to give us energy.

The conversation energized you. So it's free energy? You used a product to read it. It required a bunch of resources, and energy. You used your energy reading, replying, and typing. It needs restoring by food and sleep.

None of it was free energy. You dumb fucking moron with a thumb up your butt and underpants on your head. Classic looney out of an asylum.

Go back to being stupid. I don't care. Take the rest of your autistic fan club with you. That asylum.

I mean you quoted Tesla, yes, did he say free energy. He said infinite energy. I debate that statement. Universe's die. It was discovered after Tesla. The Sun is finite.

Conceptually yes the wider universe has infinite energy. It does not fundamentally make it free.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

They made them sick, and bought them off. Killed others. Playing them off. Easy coup.

I wonder what happened to the rest of the lineage. There is far more to it.

The problem was she had no allies, in her attempts too, became more isolated. She could only be forced into submission due to the geography, trading lanes, location. She isolated herself being away, getting educated, travelling the globe. It probably fermented the rebellion. Despite some other songs, sung, too late. The money and industry coming in bought off support against her by her own people, which she tried to maintain her sovereignty of. But somehow the distrust was there. Coup. Despite any later orphanages. Sadly, where was her line?

I think that is a very liberal version of events. There is a much bigger pattern and there's amnesia.

Today people reminisce trying to find that collective history, but you won't understand that version.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Yep, royalty, and etc. Wasn't it a king at one point, I think. Like when Cook was killed?

They were too weak to stop progress. They would've been assimilated regardless.

Overthrown. Late 1800s. None resisted, the few who did, got sick, and the rest took the money, selling out their own. They'd been played off, since discovery. It was once the USA went coast to coast, no stopping it. They became a bigger problem.

Other Islands Caribbean were European colonies. Etc. Not as problematic. Hawaii is the nearest Islands not colonised to the USA coastline going West. Hence they became USA territory. Integrated since. But the monarchy succession of sovereignty was a tale of conquest.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Tesla didn't go broke oh no, he just didn't get the funding to invent the free energy.

What kind of peckerwood are you? I mean seriously. Dumbass. Where do these people come from? The back end of a barn out of a mule's ass.

Seriously. It was so simple everybody except a bloward understands it.

There is no such thing as free energy. Even if we didn't use money to buy it.

I am not mad at anything except Autism. The fact you wrote a bunch of shit, but it's all kinds of autistic. It hasn't grasped anything except dumb ideals.

The greedy corps are still exploiting you now. Tesla is at the forefront of that exploitation. He is being played up now on an even more exploitative medium. The renewable and the EV hooked into the grid causing complete invasion of your rights. As every single EV costs you, yes you, even more. Think about it. What is the price of a watt? There is no price. The more used, by everything and somebody else plugging into the grid, costs more. It needs more powerstations. Now you're taxed for it. The weather hits power cutting, you pay more for it. How long does a battery last? But there you are eating up. You're that fucking gullible.

Tesla didn't cause anything else.

Fundamentally even if we didn't have banks and corps, there is no such thing as free energy. Somebody still has to get the resources, turn those resources into a product, then that product, powers production, production giving you a bunch of other products, you now use to survive and earn and whatever with.

At what point does a hunter gather or a wild animal have free energy? At what point has a plant? They don't either. They need energy, a kill, or a plant to eat. The plant needs, sun, and water, and soil, etc etc. If they don't they die. How was it free when it has taken something else to gain energy from?

No such thing as free energy. None whatsoever.

It's like an inbred yokel ham-fisted two words together. They're completely illogical and fundamentally ignorant. The dumbest concept. Tesla didn't even claim it. So why are you?

The Sun isn't free energy either. The rain isn't. Etc.Etc. A million times. Forget it. Grow up.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

Nothing to do with Christ, what age was the not such a virgin Mary?

Nothing to do with Jews. Raped population descends into depravity. The only way it cuckholded them is with the liberalism. More dystopia. All liberalism has achieved. Minority rights on the majority. More policing of those rights. It was simply to stop all notions of patriotism. It doesn't pay the globalist.

Until now they're simply perverted. At what point is there this shit?

Ep0ch 1 point ago +3 / -2

No it's a mod or otherwise attacking certain users on here regardless of what they post.

I imagine it's a mod because nothing has been done to remove the entity causing the attacks. It is attacking individuals no matter what they post. Constantly and all their posts. This forum produces Autism by allowing a down vote feature. It exploits. Why is it even on this forum. It's a conspiracy. Not conducive to free speech.

But this post is Autism. What does that even mean? They aren't Jews, Jews in that sense, they're elites with absurd notions of controlling humanity. You assume it's Jews, they're a prop to stop you actually looking at the cancer. It wouldn't matter if there was Israel or not. Perhaps it would to extents and reasons, I wont get into them. It wouldn't matter if that Jewish individual is a scapegoat. It's their control, profiting off the power they wield.

Europe like so many institutions today has fallen. Due to the ideology they assume. The media and systems being broadcast. If it's caught lying, it would be unthinkable, so it lies more, forcing dystopia to protect its ideals profiting. These laws like so many aren't the will of the people aren't for the people. They are made by globalists. How much more rent and services and debts are made. The bank, like the debt collectors, and those who sell services based on subscriptions profit. You're simply taxed and policed far more.

Every single one of them. Until it's plain hypocrisy. Nothing but insanity.

Real Jews shoot them. Look at Israel. An invasion force on its borders shoots them. At no other point doesn't Israel. It would be the same almost anywhere else on the Planet.

The West what went wrong seriously? Globalisation. Its self righteous fantasies that are faster failing. Look at that cost of living. What is it even offering its own.

Reiterating nobody is against migration and tourism. They are against invasions. Shoot them already. Trespass. Like if you turned up on any other Elite's lawn. You'd be shot at. Try it. Proclaim you're entering an army base. The Senate. The WH. Most elite's property. At what point aren't they shot? You are if you attempted the above.

What went wrong. Idealism. Why? Such absurd and dumbfounded idealism. Nobody voted on it.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

I think they're just made worse. Made to exploit now. Made of crap. Not designed for sport, wear and tear. Just designed to take your money

Ep0ch -7 points ago +2 / -9

You've also attacked my comment like a dumb fucking thick as human excrement idealist.

What didn't you understand. There is no such thing as free energy. None whatsoever.

Prayer? It doesn't do shit. It's a belief.

For crops to grow they require water and light, they require seeds and fertiliser. It requires your labour. Where you consume.

What about your life. If you don't gain energy you die. You die anyway. But the entire time you need resources.

So dumbass the word is a myth. It is redundant. There is no such thing as free energy. None what so fucking ever. At all. Full stop.

Products require parts, production, resources, distribution, and maintenance. It ain't free.

Fuck off back to illiterate school. Stop posting crappy words and thick as mincing shit rhetoric that has no logical or fundamental basis certainly not when it comes to making and using products and moving parts.

I really cannot stand this, but but Tesla every 5 seconds nonsense, remind us all what happened to those absurd notions of free energy. Bankruptcy? Such free energy. You dumb stupid hippies. Go back to your caves and scavenging. You still need resources to survive. They aren't free. They're taken from something else. Looney school for morons. What happened to removing tongues, and flaying. Every last one of these dumb idealists.

It wouldn't matter if there was no notions of money. The parts require energy to obtain and build and use. It's not Free.

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