Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

No a cuck watches sports that pay somebody else extortion and every year their team and manager changes but all it costs them is even more. A cuck supports the F1, when they will never drive those cars on a road ever. A cuck supports Taylor Swift, she cucks them somehow. A cuck supports Palestinians, they aren't Palestinians.

Soldiers aren't cucked, they get paid. Many want to do it. Most trained professionals understand it and learn more from it.

Sure there are cucks like in the Ukraine, they need constant funding.

Tell me why do you support terrorists? Not soldiers? There's a distinct sense of the squid there. It's autistic.

Soldiers have a duty, you cannot do it fine. But your rationality is absurd. I support law and an ordered society. Not terrorism.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Yes I'll happily go to war if called on. I understand duty and service. I support war.

I don't support squids. Sorry. They are dinner. Never a divide.

There's a difference. Big difference. An autistic notion, it's married. Nope.

But the Palestinian fight is to try too marry. It is to rule Israel. Israel exists right now. Not terrorists.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Nope. My nation supports Israel. Hell I support every nation. Except the devisive. I don't support autistics. This bullshit reparation. This constant stream of leftist feces. It changed. It went to war it lost again and again and again. Get over it.

Redraw a hard border. That's that. It isn't that. It never was.

Yes conflict changes the map. It can integrate through law and order. What it isn't is shared. Try it. Half is mine and I'll rule your half. They aren't married and we know how that ends. Freaking squids.

Of course there's Jerusalem. Obviously. A city of the founding of religions and its different ideologies. It cannot function with bullshit. It needs what? A nation. Just one, presiding over it. Then it integrates. Not by conflict.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

It is look it up. Technically the Gordian knot. Who where the Gorgon's. What is a Gorgon. Give a toss, every search on Google links Gorgon's knot.

Then you research it all, it's a knot. Slice. Freaking Gorgon a bull like Minos got freaking knotted up. Chop. There goes Tyre. Or whatever.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Yea because I dislike Palestine. I dislike terrorists. It's real simple and real obvious. How dumb and retarded are you? Seriously. Let's use that logic. If you support Palestine you're a terrorist.

You should be hanged, and deported. Simple, it's same logic applied. They aren't squids. We're all sick of you trying to convince us they are.

Terrorists control Gaza. Nobody else. If you cared about them, seriously, why don't you adopt them. Because it isn't about Palestine. It's about it not being Israel.

How on this rational Earth? Common Sense. Can I ever support Palestine. Israel is there. Palestine are terrorists. Every 5 minutes. Every 5 minutes attack Israel, and more get killed. Dumb doesn't even begin to explain it. It's full blown autism.

They had ample opportunity to deal. They just cannot accept it's Israel there. On that notion why on Earth can I ever support Palestine. I don't care about 100 years ago. I live today. Right now.

More or less why I don't support Ukraine, much. Not on what it assumes. Why I didn't support South Africa, much. This fucking ridiculous notion it's squidworld. It isn't, it's constant warfare. Nobody should suffer it.

Israel I do understand. It what it is and what it isn't is Palestine. If it dealt. If it dealt redraw a hard border, without arms, teach them how to build something else. Stop this nonsense.

Instead there's this other notion. Another notion that once it is something, it's not the other. It never was. If it changes, it will never accept that. It's either completely removed, or it needs new borders. It is never shared. Conflicting ideology simply arms divides. Yes they can live together but not under a false pretense.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

You're a retard. Then why aren't they dead yet. Real simple.

Anybody can mouth crap. Anybody, you fucking retarded zombie nigger. It doesn't make it fact.

You watch so many dumb movies they microwaved your fucking brains. Pop pop pop, there go all of your retarded little braincells, and out comes the drooling autism, as you shat your pants.

It fucking stinks, read it. You chat shit.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

No. It's about bullshit.

This forum has stopped airing conspiracies. It's a club of Palestinians sympathetisers. Because of what? Why?

Can you say Martial Law. Say it. Real simple there.

These dumb Palestinian Protests have till the end of the month. Then they're banned. You're not Palestinians Fuck off. You haven't integrated either. Did you want deporting too?

Seriously it will be this. It's become freaking retarded today. This bullshit outrage, about something. It's nothing to do with them. It isn't an outlet. But it's dystopia. Every Intel agency is simply face mapping these freaks. If they keep organising. What happens.

It will be stopped sooner.

Nobody sane. I mean nobody sane wants this in their fucking nation. Their nation politely homed people. There they are protesting. What are they protesting? It's literally madness. They aren't Palestinians. Why did they care. Seriously if they were the perspective nation they supposedly integrated into, they should be dual citizenship. But they're waving what freaking Flag? They didn't even come from there. Who wants it happening? Nobody sane. Nobody sane.

Today with a bunch of bullshit. Nobody is gonna allow this much longer.

There it's martial law. Here it gets banned real quick. Real quick. It is being banned in Europe.

Can you tell me why? Can you tell me why? It should get the heavy right hand. Justice by anybody sane. It stop divisions. It stops terror. It stop a bullshit narrative constantly talking crap. It being propageted adversely. I am so sick of leftists today. They bring terror to my doorstep.

Nobody wants to see it weekly, nobody wants to see it repeatedly. Nobody sane wants to see it in their nation at all. It flying another flag everyday in opposing numbers. What the fuck is that? Bullshit. Fuck off it stinks.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch -4 points ago +1 / -5

Who knows what they are? At this point they're obviously conjecture. I mean read this shit. It's not taken seriously.

Demons, travel at geoforces pilots get hallucinations. They're now becoming fully VR headset, and A.I control. The modern pilot does much less piloting. Practically an advanced drone operator on the next gen.

Hence they faster want emerging drones FAA, synced to radar. Chipped and pinned.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +2 / -4

More low tier shilling.

I don't understand the conspiracy here?

In war there's always protest. It won't change the war unless it becomes anarchic. In war it's subdued because those risks are greater than its protest.

If that war develops further there's no protest just martial law. It could become martial law much quicker if it continues protest longer.

Non stop retards on here.

Is this informative. No. It's counter propaganda. By who. The probability becomes hostiles. Nobody else promotes this. At home it's not even given much coverage. Those protests were what coverage in America. Aired for a few minutes.

Somebody used a Mosul comparison. It was over a decade ago. No modern drones. Imaging and terrain mapping has significantly advanced since. Drones have got much smaller and far deadlier. Plus there's mechs if they're getting deployed. Tunnels soon become pointless. You'd freaking quickcrete them mapping any exits. The danger is IEDs. Perhaps there's still negotiation to be made which might see breach to recover. Sadly why bother if it loses far more. Bury them. Simple, effective, finite. Mosul mostly used Iraqi retrained forces. They weren't an advanced technological modern army. Those losses took their toll. It won't take that length of time unless that objective is recovery.

Last of the Cannibals. Will they ever surface. They might find inner Earth.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +2 / -4

Good. No intelligent conversation going on. Just the triggered population, having another aneurism, as it's dawning. Why can't they just be squids.

Instead of anybody with any braincells discussing it like adults this board is full of deflection.

If you aren't Palestinian than you're, and Israel done it. Whose fucking retarded psyop is this. On these boards of controlled opposition. It's the fucking left. Who put that narrative out?

Easy blaming enemies but come on? It's retard level shilling deflecting.

The fog of war in escalation.

Who put out the narrative. Anybody intelligent want to answer that probability? Enemies would rather dent morale and collapse it, easier than facing it, time, blaming, achieve deals. The left don't want escalation and will blame anything to distract the mixed populations keeping them contained as it escalates anyway.

In the meantime collapse can also occur. If oil rises, significantly more, that's fucked a hell of a lot of hungry people.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

Not at this going rate of conflict. Wartime presidents have better odds. They don't often change unless it's different rhetoric.

The USA is now in war.

The odds of 2024 elections are so far away. There's so much drama ahead.

However Biden isn't that face, not very popular. But it is what it is, and what it is, is a lot drama that just keeps escalating.

At this rate anything can happen prior.

Ep0ch -6 points ago +1 / -7

Exactly. See how that works. It's magic. Right. You just proved it.

A rational person. Not a triggered little autistic spastic, thinks about the thoughtful response, replying conversationally.

You however, proved that fact. So many dumb shills on here with sub level autism.

I assume it's a counter Op but you just don't know about these leftist today. They've infiltrated society and think to cause who knows. They're inventing the squidworld.

If they say Israel did it, they think it causes what in war? I have no idea. But it must be the squidworld?

Ep0ch -10 points ago +1 / -11

You're an autistic triggered little spastic. Part of the radical left if you're homed in a Western country. The odds are you're not. It simply houses servers.

You shill non stop bullshit. Non stop crap.

The attack I don't debate and have said might have been complacent. Israel has had increasing problems like April this year. Hostages taken weekly. Suicide bombers. Protests. Split governments. Sure a suspected rocket attack, or perhaps something neutralised where any static defense strained daily, warfare on its borders, supplying Ukraine, and obviously other global hotspots, could've handled. Any decision not to deploy the airforce, civilian population and hostages. They fired 5k rockets. That's it potentially getting targeted. As its tanks were, and outposts were overrun. Until it had regained control. As it did it targeted them and Gaza. Also it was the sabbath and a national holiday. It's on smaller reserves until it calls them in. Many on leave. They were also in the middle of peace agreements regionally. Complacent.

But to suggest as you retards have, it was orchestrated is naive of the World today. Completely fucking dumb. On a scale of full blown autism. It would mean huge deals with the Islamic World now under question. They don't agree on what Gaza will become, and as it does, its citizens lose it. Many can handle this. But a lot won't as this continues. It continues in the height of escalation and global shortages and inflation. This is while funding, arms are already spread. It's another flank. It has provided Russia some gain, not much. But it also strains the West. They don't agree either. Those citizens millions added.

You are shilling Russia/Iranian/Chinese crap. It is literally spastic, that you think it triggers anybody with a fucking braincell except dumb little faggots, and dumber terrorists.

These faggots today have become so wishful. The World right now is in the height of spiraling problems. There is more bullshit than fact. I expect you to use your fucking brain. You simply cannot. You're a shill. A dumb fucking shill.

But okay they're going after Iran, guys, quick get em. Sure guys. Quick. Israel said guys it's okay to attack it. Because it wanted to get you.

You fucking dumbass. This extent causes. What does it cause. Why are you a faggot?

It was so Machiavellian. Why not. I always wanted to see how nukes work. I mean seriously. I've always wondered if they work.

Ep0ch -11 points ago +1 / -12

Calling all terrorists, the Israeli PM just put out a memo, attack Israel. At what point today?

I swear it's autism. You dumbasses.

The only way that works is if Israel also controls the Islamic Supreme. Why not. It's an inside job.

There's what going on here. Right now. The World is in the height of escalation. The feeds are bombarded by fake news, conflicting agendas, and politics.

Now stop this bullshit. It's insanity. The only people you fool are real dumbs. They win nothing.

There are irregularities in the attack sure, but not to the extent of such bullshit.

Ep0ch -3 points ago +1 / -4

No you're not. At all. You dumb fuck.

You can find this info yourself. Hezbollah armed Hamas yes? Obviously. Hezbollah are armed by a few people yes? Iran specifically.

So tell me at what point are Iran arming Israel? Autism. It's autistic. It's fucking stupid.

Again nobody resigns in war. If they do it's retreat. It won't be. It will be attacked regardless. If not now. Tomorrow. It makes no difference. No narrative can change that. Unless its terrorists go first.

Iran can make a deal. Sure. Terrorists there are no deals. Even if hostages are bartered.

Those terrorists are the government of Gaza with hostages. In direct contact with Iran.

Do you understand war yet? Or did you want to tell me how you think it's something else. They can all be such nice little squids together. Rainbows and troons and sandcastles, squidworld. Fuck off.

Ep0ch -6 points ago +1 / -7

You're an idiot. False fag. Another lefty retard. Airing and shilling bullshit. Oh but why can't they just be troons. Why indeed?

Because it's war. In war there's only victory. It has had years for truce. Now it's war.

It has never been autism, or squid armies. I guess it has, but who is counting.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Haha. Pied piper reference. The lemmings follow. Not kids you pedo. Not going into its original fairytale. A simple metaphor you're twisting. If there's a much greater play here. Connecting into a much bigger stage, such as depopulation, or a NWO.

I doubt it, as formerly speculated. The sides are different and they are playing across a much bigger geopolitical field to what end is only escalation.

While proxies erupt, they have been for much longer. Both claim other agendas and NWOs, how they seek any gain, and agenda, but are they combined by another play. Is there darker horse like A.I, of course that's programming. No, Intelligence profiting off its rats. Who are simply being led.

Of course if there isn't, it's a much bigger war. But I struggle to see how its marching band, hearld anything except their demise.

Let's play that scenario, nukes go off, are they localised. No oil no food. Billions starve. At this rate that region is fucked anyway especially upon escalation. It is massively overpopulation its trade is oil. Try it. It will cascade first. Then what truce?

What's the endgame?

That nuke/s increase planet temperature or decrease it. Along that Planetary line is a pile of dust. That price today could hit a bad harvest anyway, at its increasing costs. If it's contained. If not it chains. It chains anyway affecting, cascading, the increasing populations adding, hyperinflation already. Into collapse. It will be as bad as any war.

Sure they think they'll win, it's the cost of assuming freedom, it always is. It becomes the price of change.

In any rate those moves are pushing the board into, constant check. Any pieces are pawned. Attrition.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

Unpopularly. It's the pink octopus as well.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Curiously has it been conformed now, and why. It was obvious at the time. Although the who and how and why was inconclusive.

Ukraine specifically flopped on Russian build up. Zelenskyy literally said he was willing to conceed the Donbass, the Crimea, and not join Nato. It's in the press prior to an escalation also at the further summit.

Suddenly billions arrived in aid and that tone changed rapidly.

But I suppose the rather quick extermination of anti tanks and failed negotiation with paratroopers changed and tone.

Again there was further thought to certain terms, although Zelenskyy became stanch on Nato, its security after conflict occurred. As aid arrived by the billions. At this point the Capital and language changed names.

Then the supposed warcrimes occurred, cementing patriotism, and Mauripol was taken.

It's in the press specific statements, the backflipping of any rhetorical suggestion, specifically as aid and arm packages arrive. Obviously there are delaying tactics, and also negotiating on an issue that cannot be solved now. Ukrainian coastline. Hence Crimea was always sanctioned prior to any supposed conflict.

Has this topic confirmed the obvious speculation? Or is it also speculating?

Europe will also have to step up filling in a potential gap of funding as another conflict rears. Hence any supposed press.

In any speculation there's far too much bullshit to trust the press , it obviously airs propaganda that has objections.

But at this point, what's that endgame and what exactly is the narrative. It is almost beyond negotiation.

There is no deal now on one for the other. They are almost inevitably interlinked. They were years prior when any Euromaidan occurred.

I wish it were as simple as pied piper. But any sides have further developed. Or is there peace for another 5 minutes? The climate, promise, guys, peace.

Something still stinks. In its occurrence. Can't put a buzzer on it. Any can. The tactics of Ukraine have been for negotiation, or attrition, and not for its annihilation. Why therefore does it continue to develop if there weren't another construct provoking its rat armies as agenda swings, advances, stalls, escalates, into? The dumbest being fiddled.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +2 / -3

No. Because while anybody can find the info on the net, I didn't want to be asked about it.


Ep0ch -7 points ago +2 / -9

Nonsense you dumb dumb. You're still living in conspiracy of false fags. Instead of what this is.

Hamas only release on concessions. While also calling for eradication of Israel.

They've also executed some on the Gaza bombings.

I find it odd in my former reply how they got that statement out. Why it read what it did. Obviously there's other manipulation there.

Who knows until Western press comes up with scones and tea parties while being ransomed. Wtf was that. Ghost of Kiev awards by MSM.


Somebody else explain the narrative. I am sure they'll rebuild Hamas splendid. Oops. Gaza.

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