Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

I have a feeling it was an illegal download. He had a chipped console? Who knows. It seems excess. Unless.

Normally it's a fine. Unless he was profiting big off the bullshit streams. Most don't. There are other ways you can infringed the intellectual property. Like deep faking content putting it on avatars. Or backgrounds outside of streamed gameplay. Recreating it into your own programming. Who knows. It's becoming planet stupid. Yeah fraud is a cardinal sin. The French stopped boiling people alive in 1990 or some shit. They hadn't slow cooked anybody for it for much longer. But yeah.

You're supposed to upload. The whole point of the new consoles recording your gameplay, so you can upload it.

Steins Gate is an old game but it's on the newish consoles PS4 it does this.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Great fucking advert. Don't play games and make videos. How the fuck does that work on a modern console making videos of your gaming?

It's on PS4 yes. It makes a video of your game play, for you to upload.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 3 points ago +4 / -1

AI in them needs full mainframe access to the grid, it's linked into an entire array of services bulkcollecting all data. If it's listening to you fuck, it's monitoring everything.

Until to track an EV it doesn't even need the cameras. It's hooked into the freaking grid. Google, roads, weather, traffic, maps, battery consumption, charge points etc. The AI in them is online. It's communicating with other EVs and the grid, etc.

But it gets very sketchy currently on what access gets turned over to who. Not your normal cops, don't. Currently the manufacturer is collecting all that info. As well as other tech services and platforms.

It's worse than the blackbox on vehicles going back to when, what the 50s or 60. What did it even do? Supposedly inserted to monitor fuel consumption. When it probably could breakdown your entire journeys. If indeed it was granted that access by the manufacturers. Except now it's becoming far worse. The A.I needs constant grid access. So it means it's collecting all your data, to the topical point of spying on you completely. Like every other Smart Device. Those laws are often changing today so normal cops under warrant can gain it.

Until normal cops can switch off your vehicle.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

No you do fuckhead.

You dumb stupid pubescent retard. You dumb fucking retarded fictional American. We has Starwars we has secret laser better than China. So secret we kill ourselves. Are you sacred China. We blew up Maui for you. You live on cloud fucking cuckoo. It serves an agenda. Don't worry. It's attempting to flip the vote.

Where is the burn hole. Like a bullet hole, the burn hole. Where is the source of the discharge. Ground zero.

Not whether power lines ignite.

A particle beam is a type of laser. No it's not infrared. It's a weaponised beam.

So when it contacts. You dumb fucking retard. It leaves a burn hole. It has superheated the object hit. When something hot hits you, you get burnt, right. Where?

Again you fucking retarded little turd. The test was on missiles launching into upper orbit ICBMs they're how high up?

Again you fucking retarded little cunt. It needs a fleet of satellites firing multiple beams. If indeed they can fire a beam vaporising cars and houses superheating them.

Where are the powersources for that many hits. Not one hit. It was firing like how many times you spazs are claiming look laser.

Those cars that metal the burnhole where it superheated it. Like when it hit the missiles it leaves a distinct mark. The missile explodes but there's the forensics, where this beam hit that metal.

Anything could've caused that fire easier.

Don't tell me I don't know stuff. Take your flashlight shove it up your ass. Don't you dare complain about my language you started it. You called me a shill. All because you don't know how beams work.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

There is that. But it's not how these people work. Because power and wealth need slaves, or numbers to generate their power and wealth. The slaves will rebel when they know they're duped, then and they lose power

So it uses war instead. It'll use war before the slaves rebel. It population controls. Look at Ukraine

As it cuts and cuts forcing even more taxes forcing the most absurdly stupid things. Like cows cause climate change, but you dumb retarded insanely stupid monkeys, the EV doesn't. Believe. Y'all can stop eating meat, because another machine will grow it for you. Like cows make themselves. Don't worry autists you now need machines and more energy to grow crap meat. Hahaha look at all that money it makes. At what point has religion like Muslims and Jews blessed labgrown meat? Perhaps some might try? It's absurd to suggest it will blessed by them.

How much more money does it make. If y'all are forced to buy all these extra products while you use even more electricity. Electricity is the most costly utility, and it has no fixed rate. Every single time another asshole buys an EV, you get charged more. Look at all that profit, banks and electrical distributors make, all those car companies making even worse cars. Electrics die the quickest on a car. First thing broken on a car are the electrics. Every single time. The first thing that breaks are the electrics. Unless you crashed the car. They break much quicker than a tire change. These EVs some cannot even provide a warranty for 3 years. 7 years is the warranty of the electric battery. Prior, that car fails more. Everything runs on the battery. It drains so quick on the highway. It takes so much longer to charge. Ding ding by the watt it's now costing you. It's the reason fuel costs more. In order to sell EVs the price of gas needs to be higher. Hahaha joke right. Electricity still costs more. You cannot store electricity either what in the extra batteries? Hahaha. It simply costs far more and needs far more products and services to operate. Far more resources to produce.

The entire climate narrative is a consumption con. It generates far more profit. It is attempting new services and industry to get out of debt. Not kill off idiots. Mass migration hasn't stopped. Any shortfalls will hit poverty most running off globally look at Africa right now. Price of food and products and services has also soared. It's slow depopulation. Often provoking extremes causing bigger depopulation. Until they've got complete control over you. They can turn it off, electricity, easier. Literally remote control your car forcing it to stop. They can even lock you it. They have even aired this. Should police remote control your car forcing criminals to stop? It hasn't passed yet. Not enough EVs.

Depopulation in answer needs an extreme, war, famine, disease. Otherwise it's death by a thousand cuts prior.

We're in that cycle. The cycle where greedy fucking idiots caused you a bunch of fucking debt. Now it's time to pay the toll, because they want to charge you even more. They invented an even better means of charging you more. So they force it.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

I barely watched it. It was crap. Woke. Stupid.

They were cloning in it, trying to create a bride for Satan? They drop her into hell to get fucked by Satan.

Is that a different one? Or? I was sure it was this film.

She stumbles into the plot because of studying the Devil, importantly St. Michael putting it hell. Next she's been trafficked where they were getting these surrogates to be brides of Satan or inseminated with kids with abilities for the devil worshippers who were trying to release Satan.

It was almost entirely forgettable.

Unlike a 60s hammer horror.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

It's because they're winning. Meanwhile they're playing international sports. All those other people are conscripted, so Dynamo Kiev can play football.

Ep0ch 4 points ago +5 / -1

You're welcome.

Cause problem create fiction. The CIA in a nutshell.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

If you support the Ukraine you're a climate change denier. Pretty much the extent of it.

More migration and how much crap funding, how many products, industry, arms. What has it achieved. Climate change.

Let's do Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan. Hell every conflict in the last 20 years and the previous.

What about tech which has gotten so much worse. It has no lifetime, phones, tvs, computers, cars, endless crap by electronics, etc etc. Until it is practically everything produced. It lasts no lifetime.

At what point have the insane come up with net zero? Because it means buying brand new consumption products and services. They have nothing to do with the climate. Simply about buying more crap.

How much more consumption. Watts producing so much more. How many more products are needed today to produce such an insane concept as net zero? Literally the stupidest thing anybody can utter.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 2 points ago +3 / -1

Net zero is a bullshit concept.

The entire Western World are climate change deniers. Why are they allowing immigration to the statistics they are if they're tackling climate change?

Because climate change isn't anything to do with the environment. Mass migration dramatically changing the environment. It is about buying a bunch of crap.

For thousands of years there was no such thing as climate change. The weather changed by itself. Today these assholes have another idea. It simply means buying crap. All that crap and migration responsible for our changing weather.

Statistically you'd have to be insane to believe in net zero emissions. All the West has done is cause mass migration, hyperconsumption, and inflation, producing products and services that have no lifetime.

The products since electronics have zero lifetime. How the fuck are they going to produce zero emissions. How the fuck is a population adding multimillions into it going to produce net zero emissions.

The concept is redundant. It is insane. It listens to a computer lasting about a 5 year average to make up another bullshit concept programmed by idiots reliant.

The UK gained around 10 million population in the last 20 years, rapidly increasing the most it has done in the shortest time. Suddenly it wants net zero? The problem was for over a hundred years the population was the same figure. Then like everywhere else globally it rapidly increases it. What do you know. In the 20 years tech products have an even lessening lifetime.

Instead of using rationality they come up with increasing immigration and even more crap. I hope the weather beats down on their stupid little retarded insane heads.

The West all they've done is cause mass migration. Their armies are literal idiots doing nothing else. At no point have these insane retards achieved anything else. Somehow magically they think some other crap with a lessening lifetime a piece of shitty tech is going to fix the weather. It has caused it.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +3 / -1


There was Sarcophagus with mummies. I wonder what they date too, in that burial site if it has that statute dating back?

I think Caananite is pusedo term, it offered a concentric biblical narrative when in fact they where under what protectorates and alignment, trading where with who.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

When I said Jumbo Jet to fire the laser was when Boeing made an entire Jet to fire the laser. It was all of 25 years ago. Since lasers power sources have advanced. They're fit as defensive weapons on smaller aircraft and vehicles. But they're primarily defensive weapons. Unless it's electronic warfare. Disabling key electronic systems.

They want to make them offensive. Literally the ammo. All those shells currently Ukraine. Billions.

But lasers aren't there. They still need huge power sources. Recharge times. Suffer loss. The powered weaponised beam blooms over distances, getting weaker and weaker. It needs a bigger power source. Where it is subjected to the environment. Clouds, weather, dust. They can defect that beam. The laser overheats and needs cooling. If it keeps firing it burns itself out. Some of this has just been addressed by the Chinese last month. They claim to be able to fire constantly. But it's still limited by range unless we are talking the biggest lasers on the planet. They need entire structures and powerstations.

As example CERN. I should look this up. How many nuclear stations. How many times do they fire it. How many adjustments before it fires from one test to the next. 3 nuclear reactors in CERN's radius? It fires on average like what once every 3 to 5 years? After all that adjustment between. What are those stats?

We aren't talking CERN. We are talking about a weapon. But it needs to destroy stuff.

So in Maui on that car or house. It fires the beam, it keeps it there superheating the object until it ignites the object. Or the laser passes through it. Not quite on solid masses. Metal concrete whatever. It leaves a visible trace. A burn hole. Not a bullet hole. A burn hole. Where the laser, hot, super hot, caused the supposed combustion.

Where is that beam weapon's power source? Where did it fire from? Where is the evidence like the burn hole?

Not how you tortured insects with a magnifying glass.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Dunno, I won't go that far to reject what the believer believes. There is evil. It's probably a portal, where you let it in, what happens. You sold your soul. Like any other kind of addiction.

That evil or sin is often power and its greed. Until it lacks morality and humanity. It simply seeks its addiction. More of it.

Did they sign an agreement with death or the devil. No. But it doesn't stop, crazies, trying. There are crazies like serial killer schizo maniacs. Are they possessed. I don't think so. But they're inhumane.

Is there more, some other force. I don't know. Don't care. What I do know is there is a connection to every path and choice you make and how they affect causing fate. It takes its toll and flesh.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +3 / -2

Metaphors. At what point is it all metaphysical?

If they're dead. Emotions don't matter. They can't feel.

Adrenochrome is oxidised epinephrine it stops bleeding. If you're hemorrhaging profusely, bleeding out, it can be used to stabilise blood loss. However there are better drugs as coagulants and stabilisers.

Isn't Epinephrine a drug she uses? Wasn't it just used to resuscitate her?

I really hate autists who take that shit literally and then make up fiction. Fantasy.

Go eat an adrenal gland. It takes like crap. It doesn't provide adrenaline. Like Coffee. I haven't, but it tastes like kidneys, liver, heart and guts. Worse it's disgusting. You're American right? Go eat an adrenal gland. You can buy it. Brains probably taste better. Go buy some.

Instead there is this made up crap on Adrenochrome and devils. Because of movies. Making shit up. It appeals to autism.

The high if they're torturing, human sacrificing, is from torturing. Not bullshit.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Nope. Didn't they discover that these trees being planted fuck up the peatland, they actually release more carbon than the peat holds. Meanwhile they plant these horrible Christmas trees and they really don't do much to combat climate change. They cause it. Next there's a wildfire.

Laugh at reports of entire hectares of Scottish wildland is being felled for the turbines.

Meanwhile meadow rewilding has not gained increasing insects. Because the conspiracy is your fucking phone is killing them all the same. Until that loss is existential.

As far as the topic goes trespassers should be shot. We'd be if we squatted Sandhurst or the Palace. At what point do we have a bunch idiots who cannot defend our border. What good are our armed forces today? All they do is cause more refugees

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

If you wanted to talk about these mad fucks today and their ridiculous schemes. I'll entertain. Why not.

For example there is talk of beaming energy from satellites harvesting it off solar arrays, it's a microwave beam, converted into a radio signal.

Can satellites weather modify. A distinct possibility.

The problem I have is on an orbital platform with a photon cannon. Or the space laser causing that.

It's not there yet in every opinion. The minute those clowns start increasing extreme weather events it becomes redundant. The cost doesn't justify the return. But at what point does it implode.

Events like Hawaii flip voters.

I think it's more a case of worsening building materials, alloy metals, plastics, fibre glass, low grade concretes, plaster, deckin, this shit melts in extremes, meanwhile houses are loaded full of crap that accelerates the damage. If indeed there wasn't other catalysts, and the human stupidity of its constant greed. While any trees don't go up like little roman candles, unlike the drought ridden grasses and scrubbery. Because they've adapted for longer.

It will forever be a case of conspiracy when anomalies occur. There will be the distrust and blame regardless.

I just don't have a mad fictional mindset of constant American fiction and its projection. But who knows. Topically it's happening globally today the same shit is being burnt and melting. The pictures often show trees surviving better. Maui isn't unique except in its relocation and costs.

If we go back to WW2 and the fucking bomb weren't there trees still standing near ground zero?

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

I don't get paid for posting on here.

I have a logical mind and a host of experience at a lot of things from a range of backgrounds.

I am cracking a joke at your fantasy username. It of course means a Russian peasant.

If I was paid for posting on here tell me why I attacked every post. As an employee I'd do something about it. I have very clear idea who it is. But it isn't the way I'd host a website. At all. I'd remove down votes. It stops trolls. I'd allow most topics but halt them becoming saturated.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

How is it my failure if you're not debating it?

Understanding Russian peasants isn't my strong suit. No sir. I speak English.

The laser as discussed leaves bigger evidence. Think about it. Don't, I explained it. But now it's full on microwaves, and photon cannons. Because of the Space Monkeys.

That range you linked is worse, than a laser. It was on a truck. Not a satellite. The lasers on satellites aren't weapons. Unless the satellite is deployed for use against reentry targets and other satellites.

Who knows what happened? But I am disbelieving the space monkeys.

Ep0ch -3 points ago +1 / -4

No. I offered several points of discussion in separate posts of conversation.

Because I doubt the veracity of this topic. He hasn't done his homework. Especially when it gets into the space monkeys, as an explanation for it.

He said in all his fire experience. Yet we look at it. It's happening globally. Everywhere.

The only time tree's get burnt to stumps is largely, if they're napalmed. Or if the fire carries on burning.

Otherwise fire is its own beast. It seems our modern buildings fair no better. In fact they're the first things burnt, like all that other kindling. We look at the cars, Canada, California, possibly Australia, and Russia it's the same.

I haven't checked Greece and Spain. But I am gonna make a guess the cars melted.

The reason for it. Is the increasing use of alloy metals in modern cars. It isn't the solid chassis. Rather all the alloy metal. It melts with all the accelerants, upholstery, rubber, plastics, fuel, until the glass shatters and melts. The same in our houses today. Full of combustibles.

Hell I am no fire detective, but I don't believe in Space Monkeys. Not yet. That tech isn't there. Not on that scale. Not from Space.

Ep0ch -3 points ago +1 / -4

No you didn't. We had to debate it. Now it's your denial.

You linked a crowd control microwave weapon. Denying the lasers. Lasers as discussed leave an impact. Especially on metal. You went and linked a microwave with much less range.

Now it's my English? I am not called, a Russian peasant.

Ep0ch -4 points ago +1 / -5

Really. I'm ignorant. I am the only person offering debate. You're a space monkey. Look what you linked. It has a title a description and range. On a truck.

There you are telling me you swear it's a space monkey.

Believe in the space monkey.

I link pictures, of wildfire, not on Maui where the same thing occurred. You're telling me I am ignorant. No you're blind and stupid and ignorant.

I can link pictures of Russia, Australia, Amazon, etc etc.

The same, trees are more resistance than today's crap. These guys Glenfield Tower. There are plants that are almost entirely fire proof. But a modern building is full of accelerants burning to Ash.

Worse it could've been accelerated. But it weren't no space monkeys.

The entire time. This is what grinds me is you're hostile to any other suggestions. It was a space monkey or else. It's Flat Earth or else. They're cannibals eating pineal glands or else. Or else you start telling me look. Look what you tell me.

How do you get through your day? Blind leading the dumb causing the insane. No different to all those things you're against. Your programming is simpler and even more stupid. It hates. Easy.

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