Ep0ch 4 points ago +5 / -1

Picking your nose can cause blood clots

Ep0ch 2 points ago +3 / -1

No body weight is kilos, weight on everything is often KG not pounds and ounces unless it's food, because they're stingy. Then steak is in grams.

Some and some. Speed of MPH. Dunno what a KM is. Unless it's running the 10km.

Ep0ch 3 points ago +4 / -1

UK is weird, it does stuff by the miles, but weight in kilos. And meters for buildings and households. As soon as it's landmass, it's miles. The Frogs made the other system. So it's 50/50, it keeps you converting between. Height is also in feet and inches like your waist and shoe size.

Speed is by the mile. Unless you're foreign and drive on the right.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

They never had an Empire. It wasn't Cuckeria either. Cuckeria is a mythical proxy. A proxy of every other Empire. Countless. Or it belonged to the horde. It never amounted historically to being much else, then getting cucked.

I am sure it claims a richer history of agriculture, because it fed Empires, or they pillaged it.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +3 / -1

No, they have the fastest acceleration. Not top speed. O-60 the quickest.

Dumbass woke Guardian, and idiots. Have no brains.

Fully A.I can use limiters. But how many will be ticketed in their policy driven cars.

I hate lefties so much. They make no fucking sense. They're all hypocrites.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

I dunno. I think a much larger war is at its closest it has been today, it keeps escalating, since huge wars involving Empires and the rest of the globe were a thing.

There is a level of restraint and agenda behind today. But where does that buck stop. Fatigue to some extents is starting to show. How does it conclude. It will end in tears. But who wins and what?

Unquestionably at what point today, aren't Ukraine another Trojan? Of course attrition argues who folds first. But historically the proxy almost never does. Unless it's metaphorically the grave of Empires, Afghanistan.

In answer will we see nukes? Probably, if it keeps fighting. Doubtfully this topic's humour. Won't be many left to laugh.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Thanks for the conversation. It's been a pleasure.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

I am not being harsh. Just countering.

No, dogs probably like my former reply on the wild fox, it eats out of his hand, he says sit, it cocks its head like a dog, then it was beautiful, it did it, again and again. It had a set and one of the pups he's befriended, almost the same trust, others went back to the Wild, but they all like the food. Food was the bond and love. It comes to his door and paws the glass. It would almost go inside. Not there yet. Dunno he wants that. His wife might. They're not petting it yet, almost. The problem is that almost any other dog would kill it, including the chiwawa. Their nature.

It like the Wolf gave us the dog, millennia and millennia later we have a bunch of breeds.

Not all breeds are anything other than pets. But they're animals. Animals are not humans. They're wild and can all become so, even the most loyal or domesticated.

Yes they protect livestock, and shepherd them, although some, it's their nature will attack them all the same.

Dogs don't bite the hand that feeds, generally, they're one of the most loyal out of almost all pets, and intelligent. Because dogs are pack animals, not solitary, you're their packmaster, if you have their trust. It means looking after it. Not being a cunt.

To other dogs, and other animals, some breeds, and others not their packmaster, pack, beware.

We aren't talking about that. We are talking about is a lion killing a zebra cruel. Quick ban it off TV, feed the lion vegetables. Wahaaa.

Should dog fighting be banned. No. Not in the right environment, and registery. Why not capitalise off it. Keep it away from kids. They fight anyway, and to their natural extremes. Everything is cruel. Giving life is cruel.

Dogs were the result of domestication for hunting. Not just raising livestock. Also for food. MesoAmericans and Southeast Asians domesticated for eating as livestock.

They shouldn't be, and agreed, biting humans, their pets, although sometimes it cannot be helped, or publicly, and in places of other people, attacking them. Unless that human is an idiot, trespassing, or being a senseless dickhead. There are far too many idiots to not get bitten with that many dogs they own. It should be discerning on the cause and affect, instead of simply kill the maneater, they really aren't, despite the fact they can kill.

I put my dog down in the end.

Food is food. Stop telling everybody else what to do. If you don't eat it, fine, your choice.

Why I support bloodsports, it's another's choice. I am fundamentally against giving these censors an inch today. Sick of their bullshit hypocrisy. Would I raise dogs to fight. No. But to guard, and hunt, undoubtedly if I had the land. I'd love to be a farmer somewhere remote and wild. Yes I'd keep dogs and livestock and horses. Get off my land.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Let me understand your oxymoron.

Our nature is the enslavement of something, potentially not me with mine, beating something over the head, forcing it to do what you want, according to your hypocritical notions of what you think it should do, to the point of unquestionable obedience? Welcome to dystopia.

How about feeding that pet kibble? It has killed it in about 15 years lower than its potential lifespan. Pet food is their main killer. Dogs the longest lived, 30-35, share one thing in common, they didn't eat kibble or any other pet food, except a natural diet, their owners prepared.

We have a responsibility to let nature be nature, preserve nature. Not cull something because wahaa it offends us.

Now you want to kill dogs because they're animals? Where does that stop? If cows cause climate change, surely the African Savannah has to go. But at the same time you want to ban hunting? Peak retard.

Look there's the moon, no animals, how about you go and colonise it. You will never stop our nature. It is conflict. Our season. Our wildlife. Our planet. Ourselves.

Deleting my former reply, I don't talk about me.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +4 / -3

Except before making up bullshit, use a telescope. Look at the Sun and Moon. Go to Antarctica. Use a go fund me. Take a 10-20k holiday, prove it. Stop making up shit.

They're not a disc. At all. End of. They are obviously round. No, disc. You can see them being round. You can see the rotation as the moon changes. Full to new. Then there's the eclipse. Conjunctions and yawn and yawn.

Unless there's always and unless the conspiracy is they're a reflection. We can never get there because we're inside a void, called space. There's these flashlights peering through, any void. But it doesn't explain. How we are affected. The Sun our source of life. How these things planets and stars align, our seasons, even our personalities.

There is no ice wall around our Planet, get on a damn boat. Circumnavigate the globe.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Nothing to do with the penis. This topic is bullshit. Like some many others on here.

If it exists, it's underground. 90% of any testimonials are bullshit. Another crisis actor, trying to get paid by making shit up. They're the same, as the Kavanagh appointment. Why the fuck would a slave be set free. Why didn't a rape victim when it happened say shit? Powerful people. Yawn

Why this forum like its flat earthers, the same as another PETA group, exist, in conspiracy is because they're often opposing psyops.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

No. They can live on another planet. Ban the banners. Send them to colonise the moon.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

It's the new weather/fallout/disaster app.

I did say a few days ago

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Curiously when did it get criminalised in America? I should look it up. A few decades in any majority? 2007 according to the Wiki. 15 years.

How many states is it criminalised? All? State Wide.

I am not going to justify the stance of this topic. It's grey. Do I agree with it. Debatable. Some dogs breeds haven't got any other purpose.

It isn't criminalised in much of South/Central America, has Mexico for example criminalised it? Cock/Bull/Scorpion and presumably dog isn't

  1. Give them an inch they take a mile. Until it's ban meat. Ban furs. Ban hunting. Censor free speech. Etc. Etc. Sick of it today. With animals is it cruelty? They'd fight to death in the wild. Should it be public. Not to the extents of a hound race, the same. No difference. One isn't a blood sport. Dog bred to run is the same nature as a dog bred to fight. So sick of that attitude of policing people to the extent their freedoms are curtailed. Did it harm anybody else. No, dangerous dogs that have no other function, sure some can be pets, until it bites another pet, didn't endanger the public, they fought. There was no harm except a hypocritical attitude. It simply wants to police your freedoms with its own toxicity, and its bullshit. It hasn't solved anything else.
Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

What has always been a hoax? The bomb. Or the footage of some kind of blast? The blast was faked as the bomb? When it was a particularly damaging blast.

By suggesting the bomb is a hoax. What are you implying about nukes? They rather came from somewhere or nowhere. If there aren't any bombs, why are we paying for them?

Hell we'd roll into Russia right now. Sure we might cause a much bigger war globally. But I thought the evil pedo reptilian elite want to depopulation us so they can migrate some more aliens onto our planet?

The footage has splicing because all footage had splicing then when it went through the film reel projector, and because they added all the subliminal messages, I am the destroyer of worlds, Cthulhu open the abyss, chants and pentagrams and ominous forebodings. They thought it would chain reaction. It would create a wormhole in the space time continuum and Earth would split. Literally they thought the bomb would be bigger, it would blow up the planet, when it didn't they made a bigger hydrogen bomb.

I am sure they just tested and upgraded their nukes, this admin. But you're saying nukes are cancelled?

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Umm no. The moon stuff is literally the worst CGI rendering ever. I think they fuck with people intentionally when it's another GTA hole in the floor. Ever had that. You're playing GTA and you fall through it, stuck in a mess of pixels. Yep there's your moon footage. Rover stuck in the pixels.

The soul catching moon, somebody's on the fairy juice. Where have I heard that before. The Occult. Scientology. Somewhere some ancient mythology like the Moon Knight?

But then it had to go and add the predators? Humans were so violent, they need the predator. It harvests their brains?

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 3 points ago +4 / -1

Lightning hit a gas tank. Thought they were shielded and had lightning rods. I guess the pikeys stole them.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +3 / -1

Yep because it's the only way to force change and control that population into any agenda.

Or it dismantles any foes. If they're in revolt, and conflict, they're potentially occupied while there's potential gain and realignment.

However there's the debt and costs and numbers today.

How does any conflict currently conclude? It keeps mounting debt and causing protest while triggering larger conflict. It obviously wants to win, or it collapses much more, and in doing so there's more conflict.

Another virus? Tediously no. It will causes war. Russia gets hit with a plague while it's in conflict, is war. What about China? What happens here at home. Military control. There won't be no trucker protest, that population will start burning stuff. Look at France, this year etc etc. It's becoming more and more right. It's tumbling into what path?

Where are we headed today? Some kind of fairytale with a bunch of gimmick cars? They could've sold them 20 years ago, population almost a billion less. Today they've forced conflict. It is where it's heading and quicker.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

Larger war, by this decade, could see a much larger conflict. It could be sooner at this rate.

If it continues its path. If it continues its path there will be larger war. It's almost inevitable.

A virus twice will only prompt it more. How do you control the masses again. Something deadlier. No. It might as well be war. Something deadlier causes military control. It has to gain control of the population. Dead, dying, like your neighbors on a deadly virus. What happens, again. Population are nuts either calling for their heads of government, or any other nation it originated. So it can only blame. It means what?

It is war currently, does it spill out of its containment. It is globally, conflict, cuts, recession, protest, preparation, increased military production, and armament. How much becomes affected and to what extent?

You're presuming they're all in on it. They aren't. Sure they're allied, but you're talking another deadly virus. Those allies drift. Their power is threatened. Their citizens are rebelling.

Or shall we do peace. It's in recession. It's in debt. It has to kick start productivity like these renewables and stuff. But it requires stability, trade, agreements, investment. It requires. An aligned government to pass laws and build infrastructure. Right now that alignment is doing what. Piling on the debt. Costs are becoming protests. No real trust in many places.

To drop that population without larger war, it's a collapse of the magnitude of a lack of resources, and money in the banks. But then that population is in revolt.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +3 / -2

Hmm. Possibly. It's been in films since Dr.Evil, no, a lot longer.

It is their calling. So they sit around in their lodge at MI5, or Windsor, or the Horseguards, if they still exist they got moved to freaking Aldershot or something. Rank and file chaps. Rank and file. You will protect the crown at all costs because you're chosen to save humanity. But first we must release the Portadown. Don't worry about the plague, you all are vaccinated.

No. It's all rather amusing. I am sure they have protocols, everybody does, and they've thought up a thousand scenarios, and then got the A.I to rethink them.

But come on. It goes into 28 weeks later. Because when they've got the cabin fever with his majesty, they'll turn into the cannibals. What, the climate changed. No.

It's largely Syfi, a brainwashing script keeping the members completing their rituals. There has to be something, and there's nothing like a good cataclysm to keep them all loyal, and repentant, and worshipping.

War is easier if you control the military. Look at Zelenskyy. Come on. Easier to control your entire population.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Hang on, they had scopes, they also had RF drones. Car there drove in after the splice. How much footage, you're watching the splice.

Take one guy's word? They've just been tested. America just did a test. This admin?

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Ditto. I just wanted a debate.

There is a belief like celibacy and the warrior. It gave Samson his strength. Then he laid with a woman and she turned him into a queer, cut his hair, painted his nails, promised him a dowry. His strength departed. She milked it.

This of course provided the warrior monk.

But it's pusedo science. Your ejaculate reproduces. It does this until your balls have fully shriveled on aging.

But your strength must be drilled.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Awesome there are quite a few more globally. The time period it is supposedly the oldest. Apart from perhaps a MesoAmerican legend? Japan and Indonesia on the links are more recent.

Perspective there are between a hundred to three hundred or such meteorite iron weapons. Most aren't known about, prized collectors items, not displayed. More are recent. All it takes is a crumb of meteor providing a rune, or content.

Apart from famous displays, like Tut's and a few others.

Most have bold and glorious claims, and are mythology like Alexander the Great's weapon. Of course his tomb hasn't been found because it was either mythology, or fully desecrated by the Romans when they sacked Alexandria multiple times, and then Islam and etc.

In answer no. Not Abraham. Another legend. Mythical. But the Ka'aba is a meteor. If he had such a weapon, it would be there, now, somewhere. It would prove him. It wouldn't be lost over time.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +3 / -2

A mad farcical fantasy.

The only way it's achieved is by war. Because as soon as the general pop get a sniff, dead, dying significantly. Unless they've employ a fully dedicated core of pretortians cavalry charging their citizens, it's a revolution. That faster spirals. In a revolution they've let any competitors gain. They've perhaps lost their hierarchy.

Unless and there's always an unless any virus and resources are fully curtailed and they are fully protected from its aftermath.

There has been this psyop before. It weeds out disloyalty. It sells fiction. It triggers any anti sentiment. It aligns.

Of course there are those who you might feel are like this already. But they'll only be competing against each other all over again, without their respective population numbers, it's back to castle versus castle, fantasies. They'll sooner be murdering each other over lineage and blood and land and birthing retards and tyrants. As soon as cataclysm hits, what happens. A generation might agree, perhaps even another. Until they don't. Offspring will resent, carving their own destiny, and that population will grow. Perhaps it will be rewritten into fables and religion.

But it doesn't always work like that. Despite tech breaking through, but it is not there, and does not give them immorality.

This is Syfi for cultists who think they're chosen. Perhaps some have access to the bunkers. They dedicate themselves as its servants. But as far as that goes, it doesn't work like that.

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