by pkvi
Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

A collective cybernetic bot farm. It has literally harvested, duplicated, and replaced everybody else. Everybody except the press.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Cold fusion is a myth.

Photosynthesis, Luminescence. Biological sources creating energy, growth, light, or even electricity, in fish. There is nothing replicating this. We cannot grow our machines. We could when they were animals. But we don't grow electricity. Solar and wind aren't how we get electricity, but machines are, it simply provides a catalyst for machines and parts. Yes there are chemical reactions and processes providing fuel and batteries. Etc. It is not cold fusion. Fusion, that energy source, requires super heating plasma, and it is not a viable source yet. Cold fusion, machines powered, how, like our bodies, biological and chemical, abundant energy like our blood, warmth, growth. It isn't another fuel like hydrogen unless created by similar factors. Like blood. Or forgive me if I have misunderstood the concept.

I'll look it up instead of writing my own words to describe it. A myth. A nuclear reaction by chemicals not fission. I am drawing parallels to organisms and how they produce energy.

Facebook, nobody needs a metaverse, unless it is Westworld, another computer game, free from rules. Or a port connecting into reality/s free of rules. Otherwise nobody is buying it.

by pkvi
Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

But they want it too. Because I swear everytime we haven't heard nukes in the news, somebody goes and says them again, reminding us of the nukes. Then they immediately say the democracy is threatened. Because unless Russia nukes Ukraine the democracy is threatened. I cannot figure that out? But it happens everytime they say the nukes, then the democracy is threatened. Why is the democracy threatened by the nukes not being aired?

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0


None of that made sense. Gold on rail has been stolen a million times in history. Study it. Snowpiecer is a load of bullshit, big huge giant turd. Looks good in film, but it is complete nonsense. Freezing temperatures of -40c -60c can snap iron. Where are the Trains in Antarctica. No where. Not to mention snow disrupts rail constantly. All the time in the coldest countries like Russia.

The rest of your theories aren't facts. Cataclysm metaverse. WTF. Yes sure why not make augmented reality extinction level events. Why not make anything for that matter. And one day they could.

Currently the Metaverse is a pile of shit gimmick. It resembles a Xbox avatar inside of Minecraft. Why would anybody bother. As soon as you GTA you'd get locked up twice. Literally a big huge honey trap. Get into Facebook, the Metaverse, augmented reality. No why. So you can buy crap? So it bulk collects your brain, charging you even more for it. While selling you crappy skins to spend your crappy virtual exchanged for actually currency on.

Please, just cataclysm.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

I am not reading a nigger. You're worshipping AI.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

You are a retard full stop. Literally the dumbest nigger retard. We were talking about slaves. You are not a race either. You're a nigger. A dumb nigger. A retarded nigger. Talk shit to me. Call me names. Eat them right back. Nigger.

At what point haven't you read the press.

Israel owns slaves as well. They're also importing cheap dumb gullible servants. Many aren't being paid. I can link it. I am not Jewish either. But it pales in comparison to the slave trade happening all over the Mid East.

I am sick of a dumb forum of idiots spewing shit.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

What are you talking about? Will of god. No, will of man. God made man not AI. Dumbass. If AI is controlling man it is satanic. A graven image. It has nothing to do with God's will. Everything to do with Man's tyranny. An artificial reality isn't the planet God gave us.

There's your theological debate. Nothing else.

Who cares anyway. You're worshipping something else. It is far easier poking holes into dumber constructs. What can it do man cannot. Nothing, it just seeks control over them. But somehow you're selling it's godly, because it represents God? No. Review the scriptures. They all state, not just Christianity, what about Eastern religion, Buddhists, Hindus, it's an abomination.

It's a ridiculous topic. Research it. There is almost nothing so absurd as that claim. Sure it's an advancement until what has it caused. Nothing, but the tyranny of man. Social security was the first, computer, AI made. Office of national statistics. War prior. Today it bulks collects a bunch of Data and is inserting itself to achieve exactly what?

I sure there is further debate, theology, on it being endorsed. Hardly. But it will be. And will it sooner bring God's wrath?

Who cares? I am here to point out a different theological argument.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Are you saying there isn't a globalist agenda? Hahaha. You just saw Covid. Now you see Ukraine. Meanwhile you're caught up in this thing called inflation and living costs. But here's the genius, you're now paying even more taxes to live. Hahaha. Please tell me it isn't an agenda? They Covid, now they pay Ukraine, but suddenly they're shouting they're taxing you more because of living costs. Hahaha.

I mean seriously it stinks of agenda, and you're the sap. This fucking narrative they impose dystopia on. It today has declared war on you.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

WW3 could be started easier if it was an actual war. Instead of this and it is a war against population without directly warring. Or perhaps there's next year. At the going rates of global failure, who knows. Currently the only war globo elites have started is against their own population while inflation, taxation, and epic failure blight office.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1


Not impossible. They're in protest. How do you stop it? Conflict. But unlikely while their national guard is deployed against protest.

Saudi Intel wants the funding and security. Forces withdrawn under this admin.

World Cup could see who knows regionally? Prior seems off?

What scale?

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

They banned everybody else off it. Reddit has done almost the same.

Seriously they weaponized it. Media spamming out narratives. Flooding the feeds. Eat it or die. They usurped and controlled the narrative.

There are still business listings on it. These often now have premiums as activity declined, but they still make a tweet or two to advertise.

The only use is by primarily bots. Publicly they're the press, press simply spamming endless circle jerks. Corps. Advertisers. Occasionally government. After the fall out with a few, Activity has lessened unless they air some kind of public comment in line with their stations.

Yes celebs offered comments, until they sooner got into shit, unless it was an advert. Public mostly the same.

Where did activity go. Eaten. Gobbled. Bots and the jannie moderators made certain to kill any dissent. Kill any comment outside of official scripts.

Now it's simply circlejerks by opposing press. And advertisers.

Until Twitter's only function is a propaganda platform advertising for press, corps, and government. It still has some use, but when everybody else sooner got into more trouble than it was worth, it has lost functionality.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

How do you mean. Yes it is. If their servant/slave had kids by rape, or otherwise, what happens?

You misunderstand the scale. They procuring read between the lines. Maids, sex slaves, mainly women. I can link white women too. Heaps of them from Eastern Europe, Russia. Forced into Brothels, state funded Brothels. Or sold as servants. Online they're bought and sold as young as 12. Or even at slave markets. The Guardian, owner has full rights over them. Health, wage, food, accommodation. Or they're illegal, illegals serve custodial sentences, resold, or deported. But that owner has their documents. Passport. Wage is what contract? A promise of a job, until they're forced into what rights. They buy them for nothing from places where people sell their kids and the gullible seek opportunity. Until they wind up being

The men are chain ganged forced into labor sent from one build, project to the next. Most are unpaid or simply work for food or accommodation where a room has 50 sleeping on the floor. No rights, hundreds killed, making their cities.

You're saying intergenerational, so what happens if they get pregnant? If they had children in a dungeon of a slave trader, slave owner?

I am simply flipping the coin here. Seen a bunch of shit recently let's also show the other side as well.

As far as conspiracy goes you can find this shit globally. America, France, UK. This bullshit has been happening. I remember in these docs, then, about slave trade happening in Western nations. Where America undercover found them offering migrant kids. UK sex slaves, from a number of countries. Same as France and Germany. But unlike to that scale there. Where this topic is bullshit. It was bullshit then. It hasn't stopped today.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1


All this propaganda serves what point. Because it serves that point, does it make it factual?

It probably has a hint of truth. Does it make it any more convincing, or inciteful. What changes. Nothing

But I struggle to see the conspiracy here. Biden has dementia. So it's a case of. One calls the other one and they both call each other.

Ep0ch 6 points ago +6 / -0

Bullshit theft of election again by bullshit powers.

Bolsonaro was celebrating win 52% to 47% all of a sudden a corrupt criminal wins. Criminal is picked because rigged by the same assholes rigging shit everywhere today. They elect narratives. Suddenly vote count went fully Lula, 47% then wins at 50.9%. Bolsonaro 52% drops to 49.1%. Like all other elections recently. Your vote means shit today.

I don't think anybody is accepting it. He was in jail. Now a criminal is running their country. If anybody corrupt can be president, there you have it. Straight from jail to president. Who cares if there is debate on why jail. Jail it was, now president. Because foreigners wanted that president. It stinks. The whole thing stinks like everywhere else today. Same premise, same patterns, same bullshit.

Literally watched them flood when their candidate failed. Then they say rural nonsense came in late. No. It has every hallmark of the same crap today. The popular pick. Not the corrupt elite. The popular pick, people's choice isn't the corrupt elite. So they rig it. Immediately corrupt elite begins taxes.

The laugh is they think, seriously they think the Amazon will stop its, because the corrupt president, hahaha. Look at the population growth. It doesn't matter. So fucking dumb. The population will stop growing into the Amazon. Hahaha. No. But corrupt president will tax them more.

I have no affiliation here. I question the obvious. The people, people, I've spoke too, Brazilians, say they preferred Bolsonaro. I don't care about woke nonsense like the Amazon. Not my place. Same shit everywhere globally.. It's been fucked for much longer. It isn't simply Brazil's fault. So many other countries expanding all the same. It has almost nothing to do with it either. Simply debts, land rights, trade. Many of the biggest urban centers are right in the Amazon anyway. That population won't stop growing. But the bullshit narrative is, stop the expansion, hahaha, planet stupid, while any corrupt elite allows it anyway through whatever corps.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Endless content. You might have found it yourself. Including the Slave App. There is a Slave App. Like Camel trader, Slave trader. But you have to be a prominent owner.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

But does it remover the booger. Does any product remove booger. No, the tissue is only one? And the finger. But they offer some relief.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not quite the same comparison at all. Unless we go back in time. But yes there are wicked people who do these things and allow them to root.

But Islam owned slaves then when this scripture was wrote, as well, and proved by historic records. It might have been frowned on to own the same people, but not your enemies, infidels. A further verse or passage sooner says what. Kill or own or you tell me. Such Piety, haha. Today you can find not just slave labor, but actual slaves in those places. I am not saying anybody else was better. But away from such sheltered Western rights is vastly different World.

In Egypt last year offering the Sudanese money for selling their Kidneys, they crossed miles 100 and 100 of miles to sell kidneys. But when they got there, illegal, and they didn't pay. Literally sliced people open, didn't give them money. These people travelled 100s of miles to get robbed of their flesh. This is happening all over India and China currently. Aside from hell we won't use that word will we?

You offer ignorant comparison. Yes the bigger crime is pretending it doesn't exist.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +3 / -1

No there are slaves all over the Mid East. Today. Kuwait, Qatar, Oman, Saudi Arabia. Etc etc. They get the poorest people from Asia and Africa and become their guardians/owners. The guardian has full jurisdiction over the slave/servant or they're illegal. Retaining thier documents and pays for their health. They can legally buy and exchange slaves/servants on social media and have entire platforms dedicated to it, as young as 12, but about 14. Big Tech. Tik Tok. Facebook were all selling slaves/servants there until recently where they removed some content. More continues. Slaves/servants have no rights, real rights. They can legally be beaten by owners. Owners feed them. Owners house them. Etc etc. This has changed slightly, some recent court cases shining a smaller light on it. But far more is under the hood. Big court case recently Saudi Arabia, Qatar. Slaves/servants. Remember what happened. No look it up. Look up my claim.

Dunno what you aired here, topically. It is bullshit. It might have said, no man. Ah but interpretation. Bullshit, men as well.

Ep0ch 4 points ago +5 / -1

There are Slaves today in the Mideast, Facebook Kuwait was trading slaves on its platform, it might have stopped in Covid, but they're sold on Qatari, Ebay. Seriously. I might have exaggerated that slightly, no. Their social media platforms are selling them all over the Mid East. It's completely legal to sell your servants.

Prior to the Internet a few decades ago they were sold in bazaars all over North Africa and the Mid east. They're sold in Libya currently. Big documentary on the slave markets in Libya.

ISIS was selling slaves all of two minutes ago. Pakistan was selling slaves to China during Trump presidency. Big story about it. They sold Christian women to the Chinese.

A bunch of slaves in the Mid East and Africa today. Dunno if they technically call their servants that. But these servants you've heard about. Imported from Africa, India etc. Not paid any wages. Locked up. This is legal. They can even harvest their organs. Legal. The guardian of slaves pay for health. But they sell the slaves all over. They sell them on the social media. They have the auctions. With bids like Ebay, for the slaves. If they buy and decide to bid for better, they have the slave replacement programs. They take old slave away, trade it in, and replace for a better one. This is legal selling servants on Ebay. If they have no guardian, the servant must have owner, or it's illegal. They buy and sell them as young as 12, but 14 is normally sold on the social media. Tik Tok and slave book, and the slave bay.

Look it up. I am not bullshiting except on the names of the platforms. Big Tech was selling slaves in the Mid East. They were sold daily. Might have stopped some services there, but they just make platform like previous.

Ep0ch 5 points ago +6 / -1

So why does Arab people own the slaves?

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Absolutely your own ability to stockpile and maintain. But they're outlawing this method. It is the risk today. Outlawing the emissions and carbon sources for automation and electricity on an inflating grid.

It is the only means insuring your survival. That or a generator. Another faster illegal method.

When those lights go out Florida, anywhere weather. What method keeps you powered. The generator, or a durable system. As previously it often stockpiles or has divested resources available.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Vix but you still need a hanky, tissue afterwards. I propose a mid sunction device, it releases a spray to dislodge and unblock, and then hoovers the waste, or you blow the waste into.

There are sprays., but they don't stop the finger. That booger is trapped and still needs dislodging. Tissue doesn't stop the finger. It just looks polite.

You need this other thing above. Spray and collects the refuse. Properly. Not spray use tissue and finger afterwards. The booger, remover.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yep solar arrays are pure garbage. But okay you're Jungle Jim. Off the grid. You procured a turbine to run Jim's Jungle curiosities. You could build a blade out of wood. Not sure you could hoist it onto those horrible pylons needing full land clearance. Because it often needs multiple cranes. But for the same sake of a waterwheel I am sure you could power it. The reason they're carbon fibre, light weight, more durable. A joke, they break yearly in storm surge, when they actually spin, instead of merely rotating, but they spin so quick they need constant realignment. A big huge con. They call out these cranes, they call out these ships, hahaha, they are using the fuel. I mean look the turbine is broken. But they have to constantly realign them. Every time they do, the gas has got more expensive, and the electricity.

Solar panels rarely last a decade. They last far less depending on a number of causes. Weather, heat, battery. Heat possible freezing, greater temperatures, causes the acid to lose the ability to retain charge, it is less than a decade in fluctuating climate. The battery hasn't got much longer, fluctuating charges. But the freaking maintenance behind a dicky system of outdoor panels exposed to the elements, water, wind, snow, storm, heat, etc.

The hand held solar boxes are again more tech garbage. Pure garbage. More waste for the sake of it. Buy the next model, it's a bigger number, and you too can power even more, until your box don't work.

Gas does, coal less, but think how much refining and more parts nuclear does. Look at that contained unit posted. The Toshiba. You just call them up and they fit the next one, when the fuel runs out. Pure tech garbage for the sake of it. But hell it probably works much better than solar or a turbine.

Where is your ability to stockpile and maintain survival. I need a system that will last my lifetime, and can withstand any proposed extremes. Today it's unheard of. Services selling inflating services putting you on grid that increases in costs and maintenance and your reliance on further services. You haven't got a system that doesn't force greater costs. With any systems today, these newer ones, you have lost the ability to withstand anything else, extremes, loss of service, and they are rapidly decreasing in lifetime.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Dust leads to picking your nose. There's so much more dust today. It's why they wear those masks. It stops the repeated offenders picking their nose.

They still haven't invented an eco friendly method for it. Like a nose vape. Clears all blockages and debries. Because there's always a finger, when the hanky doesn't.

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