DR38 2 points ago +3 / -1

Their end goal after causing all of this chaos is to exterminate most people in America and Europe under the shroud of WW3, then enslave the rest. You can see the links in the prior post I just made, we are in the "purification" phase of their kabbalist gnostic worldview, and Europeans/Christians are "Amalek."

Russia, China, Australia, the US, Israel, everyone is likely in on it, with actual fallen angels at the top giving politicans the orders through groups like Chabad Lubavitch (Kushner being one of them, tasked to guide Trump during his election). Chabad seems to be guiding the Federal Reserve what to do and was behind Epstein's Island, Hollywood brainwashing, big pharma, the intelligence agencies, etc...

Just remember, the "aliens" that are one of the final cards in all this, are fallen angels and interdimensional demons, they are not from outer space, all the Zecharia Sitchen stuff was a hoax to get people to disbelieve the Bible and believe these things are from outer space. Everything is to get you to not see the glory of Jesus Christ.

The fallen ones are furious God threw them out of heaven, but chose to offer forgiveness to man after we turned against God ourselves, so they do all in their power to drag everyone to hell with them. That's the heart of what's been going on in this world for thousands of years.

Dr. Michael Heiser (Unseen Realm seminars, lots on youtube) is good on the book of Enoch and the Divine Council of fallen angels. Ones like this are 6 hours long but good on showing why Sitchen was dangerously wrong, and these are the Biblical Nephilim, and how it's all leading to a UFO deception and they will claim to be the Annunaki from outer space claiming the Bible isn't real, with the sole goal of leading billions of people to hell.

It's so bad they changed the dates in the Masoretic text to misalign with the Egyptian record (read video description). When you go back to the Septuagint, you find all the correct dates. The Talmudic Pharisees led by the Rothschild cartel have been trying to destroy the church since their temple was destroyed in 70AD, now they have global power because they have bowed down to Satan after God rejected them.

I say all that to give my reason of hesitancy in saying it's the Lord's work :D

DR38 3 points ago +3 / -0

Sitchin's stretched the translations so much to fit what he wanted them to be, he's mostly been discarded even by his own followers.

I don't know if this is the best blog for this topic or not, I just searched, I just remember going through all this years back.

The Annunaki coming from outer space is part of the alien New Age deception, along with the "ascended masters," it's all trying to make the fallen angels and interdimensional demons seem to be coming from outer space, some other star system. Like when they talk about aliens or reptilians coming from Draco or when people give readings or claiming to be receiving messages from these beings in trances that also say they are from outer space, it's demons.

These same demons are responsible for all of Hinduism, the mystery school religions, hermetic-kabbalism, all pantheism, all New Age teachings, and the visions people get on psychedelics (where in the end, the vision at the end of the tunnel is "you are god," the original lie in the garden, "ye shall be as gods").

That's what all this transhumanism at the top in this world is, all the mystery schools that Bill Cooper talked about, there are spiritual entities telling these people they can become eternal gods who will never die from a "singularity" in technology that will allow them to basically upload their minds into the cloud and escape the physical world completely.

This guy gets it, "They are hiding the truth of UFO's from the Public" He talks about his experiences seeing UFO's and says it's interdimensional, like a radio dial, they kind of come in and out on a frequency, but not coming from way out in the stars.

They have been messing with me for almost 20 years since I went to South America, and they tried hard to lead me into occult metaphysics, psychedelics, and I finally broke free from all that and I follow Christ and Christ alone now, He's more real than all of that stuff. The enemy can give a ton "gnosis" that seems amazing at the time, but there's always a deadly lie that's put in there with it, like a cupcake with a tiny drop of poison inside.

The love and peace that comes with Christ overshadows all the misery and pain in this dark place, and I can have joy and hope even facing death, I'm scared for all my conspiracy friends online though I've been on this journey with over the decades, as many still don't know Him.

I know the God who created all of this and continues to sustain the entire thing personally. He's offering full pardon and adoption into the eternal Kingdom for anyone who turns to Him, and stops being their own god, trying to determine their own path, essentially usurping the throne of God just as the fallen ones have. It's mindboggling this is all actually real. Absolutely amazing it's not just a made up story to control people or give false hope to deal with death, but actually freaking real.

DR38 7 points ago +8 / -1

I got a few cans of Augason farms powdered butter that will store over a decade.

Canned butter probably would taste a bit better (with I think a 5 year shelf life if you do it right), but the powder is good to store away and forget about, and would be good for baking, but not for use as butter in a frying pan since a lot of the oils are removed and it will stick to the pan.

Still, people say the powdered butter is good on toast, basically tastes like ghee. Easy to toss into rice to add flavor.

They had predictive programing about feeding us bugs all throughout Hollywood movies like Snowpiercer.

DR38 1 point ago +2 / -1

I think this guy gets into it, he could be schizo for all I know, someone just sent it to me so who knows. I'm just bored and shared it.

Understanding the NWO Strategy (Mod 1 – The Old World Order, the Interim World Order, and the New World Order)

DR38 2 points ago +5 / -3

I have noticed almost all flat earthers also were big into Q at some point.

It's because the enemies who make up these psyops (Q and Flat Earth) are often highly intellegent, making these complex videos about how you can do experiments to show the earth is flat and it's complicated enough to make a 100 IQ person think it's amazing and they have seen a revelation of some hidden truth and feel like they are looking down on all the round earth tards (even if actual based geniuses like Chris Langan say it's clearly round and we have been to space).

It's not hard for a 150IQ to trick a 100IQ into believing pretty much anything with enough rhetoric, math, and pilpul.

Flat Earth guys get MAD though if you question them, because they have invested often thousands of hours into it, and the thought if all that time being wasted on something wrong is traumatic, same with the Great Awakening guys still hanging on.

DR38 2 points ago +2 / -0

"My uncle is an old school conspiracy theorist, he toiled away breaking coal with a pick axe looking for diamonds compared to how spoiled we are now. An intelligent man, former Army Ranger turned long haul trucker. Self educated, auto-didact kind of guy. The "anon profile".

He was constantly gobbling up information in the pre internet era. He's basically my subject matter expert on tap for anything to do with the trilateral commission or militia movement stuff from the 90's, he's my guy. But he learning these things was so laborious back then...

Now we've got zoomers speedrunning political theory that millennial anons pioneered through an experience that took almost a decade. 22 year olds Kaczynski posting and chuckling with their friends, niche in-jokes about long dead philosophers and ancient rites. Beautiful."

DR38 5 points ago +5 / -0

Rockefeller and the Flexner Report of 1910, mocking natural medicine as "quackery" ever since.

Bought out the entire American Medical Association, then shut down all the botanical medicine schools for a patented synthetic pill model for profit.

DR38 2 points ago +3 / -1

"Unless science is controlled by a greater moral force, it will become the Antichrist prophesied by the early Christians."

-- Charles Lindbergh

He also knew who was behind it and what their plans were for the world.

DR38 2 points ago +2 / -0

This was good and could explain part of the past few days, I nearly had a nervous breakdown. It felt like some kind of a mental/spiritual storm passed over us and a lot of other people seemed to feel the same way.

Some of it was the news, but it was super high anxiety for me constantly for 2 days straight.

DR38 5 points ago +5 / -0

I was a mod on a hemp/CBD-related sub.

Way too many leftists, I abandoned Reddit back in 2018-19. Also left Facebook and Twitter.

Gab and sites like this are the only place where there seem to be Conservative types who are open to talking about topics the media tells us aren't allowed.

I can't use a site like Truth Social or even The Donald (I think the mods there are Zionists, there are based people there though) on this platform because the same stuff is banned there that it was on Reddit, which is concerning and reveals the level of Zionist subversion in Republican circles (with the Bolshevik other side of the coin, infiltrating the Democrat, so they have both sides covered, having the sheep attack each other while they stay hidden behind the curtain).

A cartoonishly ridiculous example of this is the old conspiracy forum Godlikeproductions which is literally run on a server in Israel and was designed to keep boomers supporting Israel, ANY mention of a few dozen keywords related to jews or israel and you get an automatic ban, even if you were trying to say something positive. Any form of Christianity that wasn't Dispensationalist was banned, it was like a cult. It might have been Tavistock or something running it, I forget. Surreal to witness though.

What even irritates me more is when people assume this means I hate all jews because I want the freedom to call out a criminal cabal led by people like Epstein and the Rothschilds, Zio-Bolshevik gang members who have 100's of millions so far as a death count. This made me realize who rules over us, and unfortunately, what likely awaits us here in the US and in Europe, as their eschatology demands it, and I believe so does their god, Satan.

Then I studied biopolitics/biopower and realize this is how white collar criminals learned how to stay hidden, create a worldview of such intense victimhood persecution, the public will shame anyone who speaks against them for them, so they don't have to bother using authoritarian force, this became the new method of ruling the peasants a few hundred years ago, Tocqueville writes about this. Foucault also does, almost mocking us, an inside joke to him. Same with George Carlin, he was in that club he reminded us we weren't in, mocking us.

Tocqueville 1

Tocqueville 2

This is why I'm pretty much alone with my cat at this point, I can't even talk to people online for the most part, I'm here to gather and spread information, I wanted to help warn everyone, but it's honestly too late, we couldn't wake everyone up in time concerning Communism, so now I mainly warn people of an even greater threat facing them, the wrath of a Holy God that's still on them from their sin if they haven't turned to the love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ.

DR38 1 point ago +1 / -0

The thing is, the only force that can possibly stop Communism IS fascism. It was a moral force of good. Why did all of the people of Germany love Hitler and the National Socialists? Because they set them free, they saved the people from the Bolsheivks. After the Rothschilds destroyed their economy they put them in prison.

The Germans were the good guys in WW2 after suffering Communism for decades and a Weimar hell that followed, so they used fascism to overcome the Communist jews who were teaching their kids to be transgender.

So when everyone calls the current jews fascists, they laugh at us, because it makes no sense. Jews can't be fascists, fasicst means anti-Communism. That's literally the original definition before jewish media turned it into a slur. Same with Nazi, National Socialism was the original form of Socialism that was about caring for your own nation before jews turned it into a slur, jewish-socialism we all hate today.

It's to the point there's really no hope in everyone figuring all this out, everyone's brain has turned to mush. Jews have ensured the only possible ways out of the judeo captialism vs communism dichotomy or any form of White idenitty can't be achieved because it's all been beat in everyone's head the epitome of all evil is White people standing up against these people.

So I guess we all lay down and die, that's what we've chosen for the most part, enjoy slavery and death everyone. We tried to warn.

This isn't a "message of hate," and I don't want any of all race to die, that's the propaganda they told you about the Germans, that they murdered 6 million jews. That was all lies, there were no gas chambers, and now everyone will realize what it's like to be called evil White people who just wanted to be left alone. The only ones who died did so after the allies bombed the supply chains and some starved to death and died from disease, the rest is all fairy tales.

I plead in the name of Jesus Christ for everyone to consider all of this, and realize how badly we have been misled by the media, our government, the television, and realize the common denominator behind it. It's the same Rev 3:9 group worshipping the devil, and we have been at war with them at least the past 2000 years.

DR38 4 points ago +4 / -0

I don't see how anyone still trusts Trump anymore.

All it takes is one scam in the media (they went through Melania's underwear!) trying to rile everyone up on purpose and everyone is rushing to his defense. It's all to get people to act out so they can bring down the hammer and Trump is in on it, just like Jan 6th.

The bastard told us all to kill ourselves with that shot, he's either in on it or a complete buffoon.

People will never learn, they get trapped in dialectics. I have to support what they are against, I have to be for whatever my enemies attack. That's how you end up going to war in the middle east, by trusting the media saying someone attacked us without asking "am I being played here?"

DR38 9 points ago +9 / -0

Germans were defending themselves from Bolshevik invasion for years, and in the Nixon tapes, Billy Graham talks about this fact and that the jews had taken over the global media and banking, even in Germany when Hitler was in power, they had jewish propaganda coming out the entire time.

Add the jewish bankers in NY who funded all of these revolutions and were controlling the American media.

The truth sucks, we were tricked into destroying our German brothers and sisters who were pleading to get the word out they were being targeted for genocide themselves, but all we ever got was stories about gas chambers in a media we thought we could trust.

Good luck waking up the boomers on all this, we all are probably going to be killed before the masses have a clue what's happened.

The Nazis were the moral force of good in this world trying to save us from Satanic Communist jews worshipping the devil. But over generations of brainwashing, the very term "Nazi" brings up a sense of disgust, that's called programing, brainwashing, conditioning, all from sitting in front of a judeo-television and watching judeo-hollywood-movies, and jerking off to judeo-porn while the enemy surrounded us.

General Patton attested to this before they killed him. JFK wrote in his diary Hitler was the good guy and they lied about him before they killed him. Then there's many more lesser known examples over the decades.

And now it's too fucking late. People wouldn't fucking listen and now most are going to fucking DIE. I'm frustrated, I tried to help for the past 15 years. Almost NO ONE listened.

DR38 7 points ago +7 / -0

Babylonian Talmud = Communism = Christian/White genocide. saying White people are "Amalek" who have souls that originate from Satan. So they believe they are doing a just thing by exterminating us in Communist revolutions, Epstein's island, etc... All of global media, Hollywood movies mocking Whites, the NAACP riling up blacks when they were the ones behind slavery to begin with, it's all for this end goal.

Rothschild and friends are Satanists, and they openly declare their plans.

“First of all, we have to understand what communism is. I mean, to me, real communism, the Soviet communism, is basically a mask for Bolshevism, which is a mask for Judaism.” —Bobby Fischer, Jewish-American World Chess Champion

“Anti-Communism is Anti-Semitism.” —The Jewish Voice, New York: National Council of Jewish Communists, July-August 1941, p. 23

“Some call it Marxism, I call it Judaism.” —Rabbi Stephen Wise (NAACP founder), former Chief Rabbi of the United States, The American Bulletin, May 5, 1935

“The Bolshevik revolution in Russia was the work of Jewish brains, of Jewish dissatisfaction, of Jewish planning, whose goal is to create a new order in the world. What was performed in so excellent a way in Russia, thanks to Jewish brains, and because of Jewish dissatisfaction and by Jewish planning, shall also, through the same Jewish mental an physical forces, become a reality all over the world.” -- The American Hebrew, September 10, 1920

“The revolution in Russia is a Jewish revolution.” —The Maccabean (New York), Nov. 1905, p, 250

“Jewry is the mother of Marxism.” —Le Droit de Vivre, May 12, 1936

“We Jews cannot be called upon to denounce Communism.” —The American Hebrew (New York), February 3, 1939, p. 11

“The picture which the Soviet Union presents today is one that should bring rejoicing to world Jewry.” —The Youngstown Jewish Times, Sept. 18, 1936, page 51

“It would be absurd to deny the intensity of the Jewish participation in the Russian revolutionary movement.” —Leon Dennen, in The Menorah Journal (New York) July-September 1932, p. 106

“The Communist soul is the soul of Judaism. Hence it follows that, just as in the Russian revolution the triumph of Communism was the triumph of Judaism, so also in the triumph of fascism will triumph Judaism.” —Rabbi Harry Waton, A Program for the Jews and Humanity And An Answer to All Anti-Semites (New York: Committee for the Preservation of the Jews, 1939), p. 143-144

“That achievement – the Russian-Jewish revolution – destined to figure in history as the overshadowing result of World War, was largely the outcome of Jewish thinking, of Jewish discontent, of Jewish effort to reconstruct.” —The American Hebrew, September 10, 1920

“The Jews [have been] furnishing for the Bolsheviks the majority of their leaders.” —The Jewish World (London), April 16, 1919, p. 11

“Russian Jews have taken a prominent part in the Bolshevist movement.” —The American Hebrew (New York), November 18, 1927, p. 20

“Jewry has come to wield a considerable power in the Communist Party.” —Dr. Avrahm Yarmolinsky, in The Menorah Journal (New York), July 1928, p. 37

Sadly, most would rather have their women raped and their children sold into sex slavery than be called racists.

Try posting ANY of those quotes on "The Donald" and see what happens.

by DrLeaks
DR38 2 points ago +2 / -0

They hide all their crimes in boxes labeled "conspiracy theorist," "racism," "anti-semetic" to cause people fear so they don't go investigating any of it lest they be shamed and rejected by their peers.

This form of ruling is called "biopolitics/biopower" that gets the sheep to herd themselves so the rulers don't have to use force.

Now that many are waking up to what's happening, you will see the FORCE brought in.

The Secrets of Empire - Deep State Biopolitics (and every other video on that channel with "biopolitics" in the name, and others like "How they Rule You" It's a shame he's from Harvard and exposed all of these people and almost no one knows about him from being shadowbanned.

Dude from Harvard openly declares false Jews from Edom created Communism to destroy the West, exterminate Europeans, and destroy Christianity to create a Luciferian NWO, all Gnostic Luciferians larping as the Biblical Hebrews who sacrifice children on places like Epstein's Island for demonic power.

They don't want the normies seeing any of that because his credentials are so high. He's now a professor in Texas, and a really nice guy who put his life and career on the line to try and help everyone.

by DrLeaks
DR38 5 points ago +5 / -0

He looks like Trotsky side by side.

Also, Groucho Marx.

We must find who opened up the portal to Hades and find a way to close it. Either that or someone forgot to pay a bridge troll, or didn't solve one of their riddles correctly.

What really bothers me most are those who keep larping about the Jesuits or the freaking Vatican as a hoarde of Bolshevik jews take over the country.

Imagine screaming "it's the Jesuits!" in Russia in 1917, or Germany in 1918 for that matter.

Billy Graham knew, and he stayed silent and didn't warn everyone, because everyone was afraid to publically admit the Germans were the victims of Bolshevik invasion with Weimar transgender hell that followed. They all knew they would be killed like General Patton if they spoke the truth because they knew it was all over, the Germans were the last moral shot at stopping these demons, and the Confederacy was the last moral shot in the US but they lied and said they were just wanting to keep slaves when nearly the entire freaking slave trade was jewish, even in the south.

White Americans have been trained to hate themselves, and to honor their enemies.

Much of this through Dispensational (Talmudic) interpretations of the Bible, where Evangelicals who didn't study their Bible themselves, took their theology from kabbalist demons who told them the only way God would bless them is by bowing down to the Rothschild banking cartel's invasion of Palestine when the Bible clearly says True Israel are Christians, those with saving faith in Jesus Christ, that nearly all jews in the Old Testament went to hell as they were the ones who killed the remnant prophets and worshipped Moloch/Ba'al.

"Christ is King of Israel, and Christians are the Israelitic Race." - Justin Martyr, Dialogue with Trypho, 155AD

"For not all who are descended from Israel are Israel." - Romans 9:6 (it was by faith in the NT, and also back in the OT, Abraham had faith and was saved because of it, so was David, not the hordes of jews that abandoned God for the hermetic-kabbalist demons that gave them "hidden gnosis" in exchange for ritual sacrifice to Moloch, a practice the Talmud still approves as long as they don't burn the sacrifice alive anymore). When Romans 11 later says "all Israel will be saved" in the end, that means all of the elect, not all of any race, it's saying all Christians will reach salvation.

Having people around me larp about "The Rapture" is embarrassing, a concept that didn't exist the first 1800 years in Christendom. Those verses are talking about the second coming, the parousia. Never get your theology from talmudic jews, or from Hollywood movies like "Left Behind"!

Henry Ford stated: “The Christian cannot read his Bible except through Jewish spectacles, and, therefore, reads it wrong.” (The International Jew Vol. IV, p. 238).

DR38 3 points ago +3 / -0

I couldn't imagine the horror of having to clean public restrooms in a society such as this.

Imagine doing so near a border town where the Mexicans coming over are used to throwing their dirty toilet paper in the trash rather than flushing it.

by pkvi
DR38 2 points ago +3 / -1

Everyone is sick and tired of these monsters.

Openly talking about exterminating Whites in the US/Europe on Youtube.

All of these useless wars.

They were the ones who controlled the slave trade and tried to pin it on the Confederates. Even in the South, the cotton and sugar slave farms were owned by jews, not middle class White people.

This is how they openly talk about us in the very host nations that took them in.

Everyone knows, and we are warning those around us and preparing to make it 110.

Be like Brother Augustine and repent from talmudic judaism or face the wrath of humanity in this life, and the wrath of God Almighty Himself in the next.

DR38 3 points ago +3 / -0

Exactly, it attracts midwits who are good at memorizing medical propaganda for 8 years and enjoy the sense of pride thinking they are standing high above society on their intellectual step stool; when in fact the fount of knowledge has been corrupted at the very top and many have been unknowingly poisoning children but most will never come to terms with that.

I applaud those with the courage to stand against corruption in the face of being shamed and rejected by their peers and the system.

I'm still skeptical of even the polio one because of Salk's background and potential motives, along with this chart Brandy Vaughan put out and was murdered soon after. But I respect those who at least oppose the multitude of new ones given out. I will agree the concept of vaccination is legit as it comes from naturopathy to begin with (IIRC), it's just the additives and aborted fetal tissue where I think it became a corrupted system (I believe an actual occult ritual) at some point, it's just hard to figure out exactly where that line is.

It's just the mockery and anger that comes from most normies when anyone questions any vaccine at all, it destroys the ability to debate these things with skeptical investigation. I want to know the drug manufacturers' motives.

Because when we compare the pharm industry to extracting wealth with usury banking, poisoning the food, destroying the mind with ADD from social media/video games, and everything else it seems they are harming the West on purpose (weakening the potential war-fighting age males), with destroying it all in global conflict as the final goal of international Communism enslavement.

And it's probably too late to stop it, everything is already in motion, billions of people have been poisoned to the point they are mostly NPC slugs barely able to survive on their own without the government's spoon to mouth. Pull out the rug from under everyone, crash the global fiat ponzi scheme, and 3 billion people die within a month.

DR38 8 points ago +8 / -0

You know they all sit in rooms laughing when they come up with this stuff.

Normies can't comprehend this level of evil coming from these "trusted" institutions so it's easier to nod their heads and keep moving, dragging us all off the cliff with them like an anchor.

I'm trying to laugh at clown world now rather than letting it irritate me. Because I know they want to demoralize us.

DR38 14 points ago +14 / -0

There's no denying it at this point, the fact it's so taboo to even suggest it where you can lose your job and end up in prison also attests to the fact we are under Zionist Talmudic occupation and have been since we lost the Civil War to international jewish bankers who then fully destroyed the monetary system in 1913.

JFK was powerless to do anything, they killed him the second he started figuring things out.

The full truth is so worldview shattering I doubt most will be able to comprehend it, because it means our grandparents who fought in WW2 were tricked into being the bad guys and that is heartbreaking.

The Germans were being invaded by Communists and the jewish media lied to us about gas chambers to rile up American support for the war. They were trying to stop the Rothschild banking cartel who had a plan of taking over the world and exterminating Europeans globally.

Then they smeared the Confederates the same way, as evil racists who were fighting for slavery when even that was almost all them, even in the South.

Dostoyevsky and endless others warned, but Americans began to worship their televisions and now many people are going to be killed unfortunately. All those sitcoms and movies, it was all Communist propaganda to slowly demoralize us, and make our greatest enemies seem like harmless victims.

DR38 8 points ago +8 / -0

I bet if you could show IPs nearly everyone at the Great Awakening sub would be from Israel, with a few mentally handicapped Americans.

The same types of shills are on this sub also larping about "it's the Jesuits!"

It's jews all the way down to Babylon openly displaying the hermetic-kabbalist "as above, so below" hexagram of Saturn/Moloch/Satan.

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