Traditional Catholics believe that the EU fulfills the role of the beast that “is not and yet to come” aka the return of pagan Rome. I was curious to see if the pagan Roman Empire shared the same problems we had today and found some interesting similarities.
One of the first things I found was that Rome also had a crossdressing cult which was represented by a massive black rock. In modern times, sodomite and crossdressers are promoted in media, product, and services, by funding from Black Rock, a massive investment company.
In the 3rd century BC, during Rome’s wars against Carthage, the cult of Cybele made a dramatic entrance into Rome. Her cult icon, a massive black rock was accompanied from Pergamon (in modern Turkey) by her priests.
The Galli were priests in the cult of the goddess Cybele. They may have been devoted specifically to her consort Attis, who had castrated himself in a fit of divine frenzy. On initiation to the cult the Galli also castrated themselves, and afterwards dressed exclusively in women’s clothing. They therefore occupied an ambiguous space in Roman notions of gender that many modern transgender and nonbinary people have identified with.
Also just as America is experiencing a counter culture push against wokeness under a significant leader, Rome also experienced the same under a significant leader and began to oppose this cult.
However, attitudes towards the Galli changed in the early Empire. Under the rule of Augustus, there was a massive expansion of Roman territory. Many new peoples came to Rome and became citizens, heightening concerns about Roman identity and masculinity. The Galli became more visible inside Rome after Augustus’ rebuilding of the Magna Mater’s temple in AD 3, which made the cult more accessible to Roman citizens. From being a curiosity, they became a threat.
Another similarity is the border crisis and influx of foreigners. A fact that I did not know until recently is that foreigners were allowed into the Roman Empire after being displaced by war.
376, the Goths, led by Alavivus and Fritigern, asked to be allowed to settle in the Eastern Roman Empire after being displaced by the invasions of the Huns. Hoping that they would become farmers and soldiers, the Eastern Roman emperor Valens allowed them to establish themselves in the Empire as allies (foederati).
Both the US and EU are being invaded, looted, and plundered by foreigners. While the Goths formed armies against Rome, modern day barbarians steal the wealth of our nations through fraud and corruption. But are we nearing a time where foreigners could lead a violent revolt against us, form armies, and sack our cities much like the Goth chose to do against Rome?
I would say that such a scenario is not far stretched.
But no more after Monday, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott recently decided in ordering his Texas military force and state police to retake “Fronton Island” by force and to hold it, come what may.
When the invasion pep talk ended and the sun was spreading orange rays of light, dozens of heavily armed men, including some military special forces personnel who refused to be photographed, boarded roaring convoys of all-terrain vehicles and invaded Fronton Island.
With police drones scouting the brush ahead for gunmen, they ground through mud left by a rare overnight rainfall. The officers were sweating from humidity, body armor, and stress, trying to familiarize themselves with the island where many will spend their future shifts for months or even years to come. Depending.
The idea was for these vanguards to secure Fronton Island enough now to have Texas National Guard engineers go in with heavy earth-moving machinery to completely denude its thick, covering blanket of vegetation, fortify its newly barren length with concertina wire, and deny its future use to these cartels by force of arms. It is the third and largest Rio Grande island that Texas has seized in 2023. The earlier two were taken in the Eagle Pass area, mainly to deny their use by illegal immigrants.
Although in this operation the cartels retreated before the military’s arrival, the question still remains of what will happen when the tens of millions of foreigners within America grow increasingly hostile and decide they would rather loot than leave. Like the Roman Empire, America allows foreigners in its military and recently a foreign service member was responsible for a major terror attack in New Orleans.
In Europe the foreigners are already in open revolt as they riot and commit terrorism against Europeans while forming their own enclaves within European cities. I find it interesting that the so called “grievances” were the same entitlement shared by the Goths before they revolted and killed those that gave them shelter.
Once across the Danube and into Roman territory, however, the dishonesty of the Roman provincial commanders Lupicinus and Maximus led the newcomers to revolt after suffering many hardships.
Where young adults can’t find either work or educational opportunities they instead find each other. Roving gangs are a significant issue. They blame their “captors” for their living conditions, not the fact that, at some point, they or their families boarded a boat and entered the country illegally. No-go zones are full of young people who now believe their new country “owes” them a living wage, medical care, food, and education.
The truth is that these no-go zones are dangerous places. Many of these migrants are used to Sharia law as a governance system. Unsurprisingly, they return to what they know for solutions in such living conditions. Having ghettos that are being ruled not by a nation-state but by a traditional religious sect is a recipe for disaster. How long before true civil war will break out in these regions?
And lastly, both the pagan Roman Empire and America has a bloated bureaucracy and a welfare state where citizens care not for their rights.
The Roman populace was no longer in a mood to fight for its constitutional liberties; it was lulled to sleep by the time-honored method: Panem et circenses. So long as it received free food at public expense, and elaborate games and spectacles, it ceased to concern itself with public affairs.
Private initiative disappeared; more and more the all-powerful imperial government was expected to look after everyone and attend to everything. This was beyond the power even of such a noble figure as the philosopher on the throne, Marcus Aurelius; and few Emperors approached Marcus Aurelius in virtue and wisdom. The Decline and Fall may be interpreted as a process of the atrophy of the individual creative faculty under the enervating influence of a state which went the inevitable way of unlimited power and became constantly more absolutist.
By providing a basic food supply, the Dole allowed the urban poor to survive in the city without engaging in agricultural labor.
This dynamic helped sustain a large urban population, which was crucial for the functioning of the imperial capital.
The Dole also had the unintended consequence of creating a dependency on state-provided food, limiting the development of a more diverse urban economy.
Its almost like these problems faced by both Rome and our nations are tried and true methods of destroying society.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe early Rome was largely composed of farmers and had a strong connection to the land as was America. As these two civilizations developed less emphasis was placed on farming and more on other means of sustainment. It's my belief that as you get further away from farming, and nature, you become more disconnected from reality (hence why cities are generally crazier than rural country side).
Some thoughts:
"Rome also had a crossdressing cult" so says modern LGBT propaganda scholars so take that for what it is worth. I don't see this is a credible source - did you follow the link to "More Stories of England's LGBT past?". That seems like liberal propaganda.
"America is experiencing a counter culture push against wokeness". I'm not really sure this is true. America is 3-months into Trump and its too early to assess whether this counter culture push will last. While the election did seem like a landslide, Trump really won by 2 million votes - against a woman that was unable to articulate her points and was tied to the disastrous Biden regime. It does seem like Trump dominated, but I think a lot of it was weakness of the other side.
You make some other good points.
I’m mostly referring less to Trump and more so to people rejecting DEI and sodomy. We shall see how the real world changes in the next few years.