Burninator 2 points ago +2 / -0

My bad I should have looked it up before I spoke. Let me clarify. Jews wearing the star is in amos 5:26 and acts 7:43. Look up the star of Remphan in pagan books. It's the exact same star. Calling it the star of David is twisting the meaning trying to make it something good that symbolizes Israel. It has always symbolizes their worship of idols like those 2 bible verses say and it still symbols that today.

The story of the star being worn by people persecuting David is from nonbiological history.

Burninator 2 points ago +2 / -0

You mean the star of moloch. Bible is pretty clear that star is what the Jewish hunters wore when they went to hunt and kill King David.

Burninator 2 points ago +2 / -0

They don't even need an attack. Flip Obama's internet kill switch then tell the post office to drop off a card at every house explaining how the sun (or Russia) killed the Internet.

by DrLeaks
Burninator 1 point ago +1 / -0

The larger loses for insurance companies is.

1 asbestos

  1. Sexual abuse
by DrLeaks
Burninator 7 points ago +7 / -0

6 year degree to count the number of pills the computer tells you to count. If you question anything you get fired.

Burninator 1 point ago +2 / -1

Fyi this is running on the same timeline as covid did in relationship to the elections. I expect the same escalation roughly at the same time they escalated Covid in 2019 /2020.

Burninator 4 points ago +4 / -0

You are right it's wasn't Israel it was mostly properly owned by the rothchilds until he donated it to make the state of Israel once the queen of England agreed to recognize it as a country.... But that probably doesn't make any difference. Probably doesn't make a difference that the rothchilds where from the Khazar empire either.

Burninator 0 points ago +3 / -3

The real conspiracy is Most Indians lived in peace paying no taxes and shared the land since there were no property lines. They where conquered to be enslaved by the bankers who wanted to sell the land back to them, tax them and make them abide by arbitrary laws like when you can fish and hunt so that they have to buy food.

by DrLeaks
Burninator 2 points ago +2 / -0
  1. Grow up in the Khazar empire.

  2. Tell the Khazar empire everyone is now Jewish and need to follow the traditions because of Christians and Muslims are so annoying at trying to convert the government.

  3. Amass enormous wealth by taxing everything going through your land because you own The only land bridge between Europe and Asia.

  4. Get wealth from Daddy Rothschild and buy up a ton of land next to the Mediterranean.

  5. Donate the land to the Queen of England If she's willing to declare it the nation of Israel.

  6. Declare yourself Israelites and that the prophecy of Israel becoming a nation has been fulfilled even though the land does not fit the description in the Bible.

  7. Claim Gaza is your land also.

  8. Profit off of being a Jew.

Burninator 3 points ago +3 / -0

Not a documentary but the Michelson Morley experiment put me over the edge. If light is a constant and we are flying through the universe and around the sun at many miles an hour we should see a slight change in the speed of light depending on what direction it's going. This experiment shows no change is speed of light in any direction.

Burninator 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's the Khazars Jews original homeland.

Burninator 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not sure of the specifics but I can have a friend turn on or off my wifi as it's streaming a video in my pocket and I can tell when he turns it on after a few minutes my skin has a aching feeling in my pocket.

To get people to feel a similar feeling buy an induction stove top turn it on high and put your hand on it. It will hum and won't be hot. Put your hand on it and it will ack. It's much strong than the phone sensation but similar.

Burninator 5 points ago +5 / -0

Turn off your phone for a few days. The moisture will go back into your skin. Then use your phone again as much as you used to and your skin will hurt.

Burninator 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've learned this from working in a fortune 100 company. One Jewish person comes in a place of power then appoints only Jews to the prominent positions never letting anyone else in. I've seen well qualified people to passed up many times to the executive roles for church members who have no clue what they are doing. Because executives fine really need to know anything

Burninator 0 points ago +1 / -1

Trey Smith on YouTube has info in some of his videos. During Noah's time there were Giants and human animal hybrids. Notice in the pyramids the hieroglyphics almost always show a gigantic slave master and tiny servants. Also a ton of animal human hybrids. The Egyptians only found the pyramids and cleaned them up but claimed they built them. Funny they have extremely detailed documents about everything except for how they built the pyramids.

Burninator 1 point ago +1 / -0

The owners of this site said "if you ever get logged out or the website ever changes we have been taken over" then they changed the name to communities.win and shut down theDonald.win a month or so later.

Burninator 4 points ago +4 / -0

Fyi they already tried a nuclear disaster. Remember when Russia was bombing a Ukraine nuclear plant. They said it was almost at critical, then I was under control, then there was no bombing, then there was no damage and no one knew what everyone was talking about.

by DrLeaks
Burninator 1 point ago +1 / -0

Working now but we already saw the worst pictures in the news.

Burninator 2 points ago +2 / -0
  1. There is not such the as eternal security
  2. Divorce and remarriage is condemned in the bible

Therefore everyone who divorce and remarries is living in adultery and will not go to heaven and does not have God

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