BlackDay2020 3 points ago +3 / -0

His family claimed person in the video is not Kubrick:

In a statement released through a spokesperson, the family made it clear the film published on YouTube was a complete hoax, using an actor who was purporting to be the Clockwork Orange film director.

The statement on behalf of his widow Christiane Kubrick said: "The interview is a lie, Stanley Kubrick has never been interviewed by T.Patrick Murray, the whole story is made up, fraudulent & untrue.”


BlackDay2020 4 points ago +4 / -0

Interesting idea.

Maybe ancient civilizations exchanged technology with each other?

Another example I found, from only 900 years ago, that shows evidence of machines: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qPn0NsZDtkk

Makes you wonder, if history from 900 years ago is so unclear, what about history from thousands of years ago?

BlackDay2020 5 points ago +5 / -0

They weren't "mongrels". At least relative to other contemporary civilizations. Look at this dental work: https://dental-polishers.com/dentistry-in-ancient-egypt/

They had some kind of tooth drilling tech, could manufacture copper wires, had oral surgery etc.

And it's easy to date a skeleton with radio carbon dating, so it's not like we mistakenly found a corpse that pre-dated the Egyptian civilization.

BlackDay2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

Good question. As I understand:

  1. Every action/thought will have consequences, modified by intentions.
  2. Karma is payment.

So, if I do a good deed with the selfish intention of getting good karma (i.e. beneficent consequences down the line), I will get that. Why? Because remember karma is payment: So you're investing energy today to reap a benefit tomorrow. It's no different from investing money today to get a return tomorrow.

If I do a bad deed with the intention of getting a benefit today, I'll have to pay for it tomorrow (like a loan).

So yeah, those celebrities will get a benefit proportional to the actual "good" that they do (not the exaggerated PR figures). But it's their own investment they're getting back, so it's kind of fair. The only thing not fair, perhaps, is idiots who give their energy (and money) to celebs, out of their own free will. A misallocation of resources, IMO.

Acting with selfish intention will generate karma. Any action to satisfy a desire you have is of selfish intention, by definition. The only actions which do not generate karma are those done with the intention of following your dharma without regard to how it affects you (another Sanskrit word, but for now we can take it to mean duty): these are selfless actions, since you didn't factor in your own desires, even if they also happen to be satisfied by the action you took. This is the science of karma yoga. Yoga also goes into the techniques of unwinding karmas before they're due etc.

Now, what you're probably also wondering is whether you'll get back something you didn't put in, if you do a truly selfless deed (i.e. karma yoga)? I don't understand this fully.

Perhaps God/other entities (if they exist, and I think he/they do, but maybe you don't) are pleased with you and grant you extra energy? Even without that, I know at a minimum you get freedom. Karma (both good and bad) is like a constraint on which direction your future goes. So being free of karma gives you the freedom to go anywhere. You energy which is locked up in various karmas becomes free, and you have more usable energy to work with.

Rebirth now makes sense: almost everyone has pending karmas before they die. They have to pay for that (karmic loans), or receive that (karmic deposits). In each life, they engage in more selfish actions, accruing more karma. So they keep paying and receiving until they have no pending karmas (i.e. they finally take to the path of karma yoga and become free).

Only without pending karmas, you have no need to be reborn (unless you want that, because remember you're free if you have no karmas)..

BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thanks. So it's really not about war. War narrative is just the excuse for either one to take over these regions by sending soldiers? Like Putin sent his soldiers today: mission complete?

BlackDay2020 1 point ago +2 / -1

Any Russians/Ukrainians here can confirm if this is really happening?

I wonder if all the Russia talk since 2016 was a build up to this? COVID narrative will be pulled back probably, but mandates may stay (they help keep out those who don't comply and take a "Russian" Roulette gamble with the vaccines).

I guess Trudeau will use this as pretext to extend his National Emergency powers.

"Cyber pandemic" was talked about before, may be blamed on Russia.

BlackDay2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

As I understand as of today, Karma is a consequence of your actions, modified by the intention behind them. If your intention is to do bad, it doesn't matter how many intermediaries you use.

At one level, Karma exists in your mind. As in, every thought and deed modifies your mind slightly, leading to a domino effect that you experience later on. It exerts itself from the unconscious level of your mind. It is inescapable, since you generally aren't even aware of it.

At another level, you could think of karma as payment for getting work done. Say you want to do xyz for abc reasons. You will move in that direction (may not happen if your movement is not sufficient), but you'll need to pay for that. Karma is the payment for that. This may not be an entirely accurate portrayal though.

There are other levels I don't understand.

Karma has nothing to do with New Age. They're just the latest ones to copy the concept, and did a poor job at that. Just like they copied Yoga but butchered it into some kind of stretching routine. It is a millennia old word that comes from the Sanskrit language. It is not at all a simple concept as has been made out to be. If you care to learn, I'd suggest going to the primary Indian sources.

BlackDay2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks. Any particular reading you recommend, or keywords to search for?

If you want to know true power and rank then look into heraldry or the lack thereof

Could you please elaborate? Or perhaps an example?

BlackDay2020 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is the pleb version.

Conspiracy version: India, USA, Israel and many other former colonies also have British puppets. Britain helped create Israel, though they let Jews like Rothschild be the face. The same British who promoted Wahhabism. The same ones who promoted the Saud family in Saudi Arabia (the middle east conflict never touches the Arabian peninsula).

I know many people on this site insist it's the Jews who run the world. That's one of my theories. The other theory I have is that the Jews are just another layer of protection used by the true elites. They make it convincing by posing for images like this: https://i.redd.it/e6c78bbbfc161.jpg

Think about it. The simplest theory is that rulers of the most powerful kingdom in the world at one time, continue to be the most powerful rulers today, but through proxies to hide their power. These days they use their agent states like USA, Israel etc. to do the dirty work of destabilizing governments throughout the world (the work they used to do themselves until the 20th century).

BlackDay2020 3 points ago +3 / -0

The part about CCTV not working isn't mentioned in the linked article, but would make sense.

I guess the similarity is deliberate. They want you to know, and whoever else they want knowing this, that the same set of people are behind this.

I wonder if the similarity extends to the fact that Epstein is perhaps still alive (faked suicide), and so might Jean Luc-Brunel.

Perhaps they intend to bury this forever by killing off the people involved in this blackmail operation (if these operators die, then citizens may not bother looking further into their operation, since "justice" has been done already).

If so, Ghislaine Maxwell is next. A similar faked suicide will happen. In all three cases, we can expect no deadman switch to go off, since all three never really died.

BlackDay2020 5 points ago +7 / -2

Let's believe the story that he was indeed being wire-tapped.

This makes Trump look like a victim, providing a narrative for why he didn't fulfill his promises.

The other possibility is of course that Trump himself is in on it, along with the Secret Service. i.e. controlled opposition theatre.

BlackDay2020 1 point ago +2 / -1

I think you misunderstood. I edited my comment slightly to be clearer.

She gets a point for destroying Kamala Harris' future though.

BlackDay2020 2 points ago +3 / -1

Judge her by her actions. Same way as we judged Trump on his actions...

BlackDay2020 3 points ago +4 / -1

That sign was in the context of the protest against the TMT project: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=ku+kea+i+mauna+hand+sign&t=h_&iax=images&ia=images

Original source of the image: https://www.instagram.com/p/B0XR-Y7hvXq/?hl=en

It's misleading to crop off the caption posted with that image (its context). That's the kind of thing MSM does (not blaming you but whoever posted it on 4chan).

by pkvi
BlackDay2020 2 points ago +3 / -1

Upvoted for seeking first-hand data.

BlackDay2020 5 points ago +6 / -1

No not too black pilled. I think you could be right.

I think it was always the plan to get those who don't tow the line (the "resistors") out of power in media, government, military, business etc. through mandates, so only those who comply are left (consolidation of power). Here's the idea in brief (worked very well IMO): https://conspiracies.win/p/140cgLUmO7/x/c/4JJgf5qiq3c

At first people began resigning quietly, as per plan (see nurses, policemen etc. who left because of the mandates).

So it's not too out there to think that this might be the next step put into action, now that what could be done quietly is done. Whether the trucker protest is staged to lead to this Emergency Act, or whether it is real and only causing them to accelerate their next step, I don't know. Doesn't matter: It's in our best interests to oppose via non-cooperation (of which trucker protest is an example).

Another reason they could be getting desperate: The king has no power without his subjects consenting to his rule (since he is one and they are many). If they all collectively say no, is the king really a king anymore? Anything causing such unity is very dangerous to the elite.

BlackDay2020 2 points ago +3 / -1

What good is the truth if it cannot be found or heard by those who need it?

If a three letter agency wants to target us, they need only increase the noise to such an extent that the signal is lost (i.e. fill the site with so much low value content/bait without substance, it becomes a chore to find anything worthwhile).

It's easy to suck all of the mods' time into deleting child porn, that there's no time to manage the content. If your first impression of a site is that it's a lot of meaningless content, or looks like an echo chamber of one type of ideology (eg: every other post is about "niggers") that you don't hold, you're not likely to visit again.

If free speech and "extremist content" drive people away, why is Gab doing so well?

A site is vulnerable when it is small, because it doesn't take much manpower to derail it. See Voat. Once you're past a certain size, it becomes increasingly expensive to keep the signal-to-noise ratio low. Perhaps Gab was there at the right time and the right place to get enough real users to avoid becoming Voat. Who can say Voat wasn't trying to get the truth out there as much as Gab? IIRC, Gab ran for years without being known for conspiracy theories, while Voat was doing pizzagate etc. from the beginning (like us). Thus Voat attracted more attention from 3 letter agencies, like we will. Gab is not a threat as much as we could be, because we're hyper-focused on dismantling the establishment's foundations (very high signal-to-noise ratio for getting the red pilled).

You don't get out of such a position by more censorship and lies.

I never advocated for lying. Come on. And not all censorship is bad. Censorship that improves the signal-to-noise ratio improves efficiency of information dissemination. The only issue is having well defined rules for removal. A post that does race baiting with no useful information is just noise without substance. A community that values it's right to exist on par with a post with lots of useful information, for the sake of free speech, is a community that values noise on par with the signal for the sake of free speech.

I think we'll have to agree to disagree on the methods to spread the truth. Just getting my thoughts out there, and I accept that many will disagree.

BlackDay2020 9 points ago +13 / -4

This happens to any forum that becomes relevant enough. See Voat.

You see why absolute free speech doesn't work in practice. Moral principles aren't formulated with a goal in mind, and they are for all situations and to be followed for their own sake (blind to individual situations). Ideologies have goals on the other hand, and so in a conflict between a goal-oriented ideology (can adapt as needed to reach goal) and goal-less idealism (blind to current situation), which one do you think has an advantage?

IMO .win must choose between absolute free speech and becoming sidelined like VOAT. Many here think wish to bring change to their respective societies (a goal). You can't do that if you can't continue to bring in good people here (which might be repelled by extremist content/conspiracy theories that are too ridiculous to believe like flat earth, regardless of its truth). Without critical mass, nothing will change.

Mods, I guess what I'm saying is: Choose between having a goal vs. having principles.

BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

On Malone: It's possible. They may simply by trying to repair their own image by associating with those seen as pro-people.

BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

On Malone: It's possible. They may simply by trying to repair their own image by associating with those seen as pro-people..

BlackDay2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah this seems like a good motive. Trying to regain the loss of influence they had (through media etc.) due to loss of credibility. They always need to stay ahead of the curve, else someone else will. And they weren't ahead this time around.

BlackDay2020 5 points ago +5 / -0

The headline is also ironic: "Big Tech is working overtime to censor Dr. Malone..." as if Reddit isn't part of Big Tech. Wonder how many Redditors will notice that.

BlackDay2020 3 points ago +3 / -0

EDIT: Also makes me question this "reversal" of COVID narrative: Is it part of their plan or is this an attempt to capture the anti-COVID "movement" and misrepresent it/redirect it to controlled target.

Anybody attacked by the establishment gains credibility as anti-establishment.

Therefore, the establishment is careful to only attack their own agents. Hence, controlled opposition.

It's 2022, and we need to be more sophisticated than assuming anyone the establishment is attacking must be on our side. A better tactic is to see who is being ignored. If someone is truly a threat to the establishment, they will be ignored. Or taken down if possible to do so without making waves. Though this tactic will necessarily leave out everyone who is on our side but also so successful that they can't be ignore. But also, as R_Hak points out, even being silenced is no guarantee.

BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

Man thanks for the link. I saw that 4chan link, and all I can say is wow!

by pkvi
BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

It is possible he had backups in a different part(s) of the world. IMO it's impossible for any agency to verify they got absolutely every backup copy, which could be located anywhere in the world.

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