BlackDay2020 5 points ago +6 / -1

I'm skeptical too.

  • First she looks like trying to suppress a smile throughout the video.

  • The leap the doctor made from superconducting material to "superconducting is like an injectable computing system" while breaking into a laugh. That makes no sense at all, like saying "titanium is like a stealth fighter". To have a computing system you'd need something that can process logic, while a superconductor is just a fancy wire.

  • She also said she thought the tentacle thing was "self-aware" and "aware that we're watching it".. What? First modern medicine is not even certain all macroscopic animals animals possess self-awareness, and she thinks a microscopic object/microbe (with no nervous system to speak of) does? Not something a medical professional would say, honestly.

  • Later, she says this is proof they putting an "operating system" inside people. What? A person of science with a very strange notion of "proof". I thought it was an injectable computing system (hardware) and not an operating system (software)? We haven't even begun to understand how a mind comes about in a biological organism such as man, and someone's already figured out how to program it biologically? Note: I'm not talking about psychologically programming someone.

    • A biologically programmable mind implies an embodied mind. So there would be no afterlife (at least with memories, knowledge and beliefs of this life) because the mind is destroyed when the body is. A religious person should be the last one to believe in the notion of an "embodied mind". Because it would imply nothing is left of the mind after death.
  • Then she drops buzzwords like "spiritual warfare" etc. all keywords that show up in vaccine hesitant circles. * She's dropping so many themes from vaccine hesitant circles, it feels like she's trying to jam in many keywords at the end.

She feels like another Sidney Powell.

I can't believe how people on this site are both religious yet believe transhumanism is possible. There are so many possible philosophical contradictions here (for example the nature of consciousness, of free will, the possibility of an afterlife etc.), it suggests so many people here don't bother thinking about the consistency of their own beliefs.

BlackDay2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah that could be a valid motivation. Hadn't considered that one, since I've generally assumed the elite were too non-empathetic to care even about a God and only care about themselves (in it to gather power and wealth for themselves and their heirs).

Another possible one I'm thinking of is that current levels of consumption are poisoning the planet (think of plastics in the oceans). Dirty air affects the health of the elite too. Microplastics and mercury from the ocean get into the food of the elite too. If the planet goes, so do the elite. If a few consume a lot, it can be managed. All the EM radiation from so many cellphone users affects the elite too.

BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

If anything they would a create a matrix like simulation so they are the only ones awake and alive on earth.

Do not agree. Humans are social creatures. We need human interaction. The elites are no different. Having humans of free will obey you is a feeling of power you will never get from having a bot programmed to obey you. Having the power of life and death over a human is a feeling domination you will never get with a bot. Having sex with a human is not the same as having sex with a bot programmed to obey you.

So there will always be lower class humans. This is human nature.

BlackDay2020 0 points ago +1 / -1

The discrimination would not be based on compliance I agree, but on how essential the worker is to "The System" (of the elite).

The military and police are humans too and need to eat and feed their families. The military and police would need to be spared in the culling, otherwise who will protect the elite and their properties?

Many government and judicial workers will similarly need to be protected. If the government falls, who will recognize legal owners anymore?

If you look, you will find many such "essential" workers in many industries. You don't want to destabilize the system too quickly.

However, imagine a lockdown scenario based on Operation Dark Winter (a new and deadly pathogen). In that case, the government can pick off random "non-essential" people due to "suspected exposure" who later "unfortunately" died of the disease while in quarantine. You could target just the non-essentials.

The other debate is whether the elite want to depopulate. I am actually open to both possibilities. I would love to see actual arguments that show there is an incentive for the elite to depopulate. It is often assumed on this site that they do want to depopulate, so I play along and guess how it might happen.

BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

But doesn't it take time to import food? We can't go more than a few days without food. That's the whole point of a sudden shutdown. In the old days, people had stores of food (at least grains, which can last for years if stored right). But yes drought was a real killer.

Also aren't you assuming the government is on your side, and not on the side of the ones trying to depopulate?

What if the countries we're importing it from are affected by it too all at once (since we're talking about a deliberate release here)?

BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

I was curious so I looked it up. Some viruses apparently can:

Most viruses from the respiratory tract, such as corona, coxsackie, influenza, SARS or rhino virus, can persist on surfaces for a few days. Viruses from the gastrointestinal tract, such as astrovirus, HAV, polio- or rota virus, persist for approximately 2 months.


BlackDay2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

This one was. Test run? If they released one, they can release another? This one didn't make us any better prepared, so we'll still have people who can't live without toilet paper in the next one? The elite were probably laughing watching the peasants squabbling over toilet paper.

And regardless of that, if can't survive without the system, then our own survival prevents us from dismantling the system, no matter what it becomes. We learned that we can't live without toilet paper. If a tyrannical system controls the toilet paper supply, what can the people really do?

BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

Huge shout out to user u/Mrexreturns. His prediction is along the same lines. Here it is:

This is not 3000BC where Chinese peasant farmers can topple tyrannical emperors and build a proper regime out of the ashes -- if there are ANY rebellions, it will NOT be Grassroot.

Russia was fully armed before the Soviets literally destroyed it. Same with Libya in the Arab Spring.

The arms were just there so when random bandits or killers go into your house they could not steal shit. It is no use in any large scale political conflict because starvation kills you, not bullets.

...when SHTF in the same way I described, there will be all sorts of militarymen and police patrolling the Streets... a majority of the masses will be paralyzed in fear... You are not gunning down any elites...

  1. All people over the world have to be locked down or face strict movement restrictions for "1 month". There is no intent to loosen the restrictions at all and they will be infinitely extended. Vaccinated and unvaccinated people will be equally affected.

  2. If lock downs are implemented, people have to be masked even when they are at home if there are more than 1 people living in that house. The only situation anyone can take the mask off is when they go to sleep.

  3. Mass gatherings of more than 2 people are strictly forbidden, and any household with more than 3 people will have all but 3 forcefully taken away.

  4. Going outdoors is strictly forbidden without asking the state permission. It might take more than 2 hours before they respond and confirm, and god forbid if you piss off state officials. If you are permitted to, you will only be allowed to go out for 1 hour. More than 1 hour, no more no less and you will be considered a "super spreader". Traveling to other countries is forbidden.

  5. Government installs smart meters in people's homes as "Contact tracing" and installs the same meters in the streets. The meters do not accurately reflect "Covid cases" and are merely dependent on quotas each day. If they beep, your whole family will be sent to a quarantine camp for 2 months.

  6. Stores are closed, businesses are closed, churches/temples/mosques are closed, facilities are closed, cities are completely empty and dead silent, and online delivery becomes mandatory. If you do not have money or resources to pay for online services, you die. If you are unable to provide online or delivery services, you die (of starvation).

  7. Foraging for food is forbidden.

  8. Meanwhile, most elites are partying in underground bunkers, going out without masks and/or gathering with groups of over 50.

  9. As a result, depending on mental stability and population density, 20 to 40 percent of any population break, commit suicide and die. This will make sure even the strongest of minds -- break.

  10. Cannibalism is practiced in homes with poor conditions.

BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

Scenario: In olden times, people secured essentials for themselves. Thanks to Just In Time systems for the sake of efficiency and cost reduction, we've traded away redundancy and decentralization. In other words we're dependent on a more fragile system (think single point of failure).

We have asked "The System" to supply the essentials necessary to survive for the convenience, lower cost and leisure time it affords us: Food, water, housing, heating and lighting. Both men and women are conditioned not to and/or don't know how to do work around the house, repairs, sewing, washing without electricity etc. Gen Z never learning how to even approach a woman, since Tinder takes care of that.

Result: Can't survive without the system. Our own survival prevents us from dismantling the system, no matter what it becomes. In older revolutions, this degree of dependency and technological control did not exist. This time is different?

Related: COVID-21/New virus predictions. July 2021 Cyber Polygon targeting fragile supply chains & power plants. Biden once mentioned a Dark Winter is coming (winter of 2021?): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXK2KsIlmuc

by Taliban
BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is not 3000BC where Chinese peasant farmers can topple tyrannical emperors and build a proper regime out of the ashes

I tend to agree with this. Thanks to Just In Time systems for the sake of efficiency and cost reduction, we've traded away redundancy and decentralization. In other words we're dependant on a more fragile system (think single point of failure). We have allowed the "System" to control the essentials necessary to survive.

Anyone remember the nice animation "Tom Clancy's The Division - Episode 3 Breakdown" on Operation Dark Winter? It explains this very nicely: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tat6BZqlyDo

It's almost like predictive programming along similar lines as what MrExreturns is predicting. u/cee8hooz

by Taliban
BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

(No longer needed) Agent Osama be sending a message...

BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

Note: Pine needle tea =/= Pine bark extract, although they may share compounds (so maybe you could be right, or they may different complementary effects).

Also added an update about Vitamin K in the above comment.

Wasn't aware of EDTA. Will look into it. Thanks.

BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

Also top floors disintegrated a fraction before full collision with the rest of the building. You can see the top section tilt after it fell, but before disintegration, so it should have continued tilting and would have fallen over to the side (conservation of angular momentum). Pile driver theory only works if it fell straight down, not even considering the resistance of the remaining floors.

BlackDay2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yep lack of oxygen from poor blood flow has all these symptoms. Over time can shrink brain matter too. For treatment:

To dissolve existing clots, nattokinase may be a better bet than aspirin (which prevents new clots, but doesn't undo existing ones AFAIK). 6000 FU/day has been tested on humans for many months. Cheapest source is bulk powder from amazon/trusted site. It thins the blood too, so shouldn't be taken with aspirin.

Pine bark extract (actually only Pycnogenol has been tested) is as potent or more potent than aspirin at preventing platelets sticking together (blood thinning) without the side effects from prolonged use.

For treating plaque/atherosclerosis: If clots are old, they may grow into plaque which contains calcium deposits, cholesterol, fibrin (clot material) and dead cells. To treat that, in addition to the above:

Vitamin K2 MK-7 activates proteins that bind calcium in the blood (this probably extends to calcium deposition in plaque - reverse transporting it from the plaque, but I don't know of any papers) and prevent deposition in blood vessels. Cheapest source is natto. (NOTE: All forms of Vitamin K do this, but MK-7 has a long half-life so it stays in the blood all day and all night, and you can get away with irregularities and once daily dosing).

Garlic drops bad cholesterol and raises good cholesterol (Niacin [Vitamin B3] also does the same. It's effect on HDL is more powerful as per examine.com. Inositol hexanicotinate is the form which can be tolerated in higher doses). HDL reverse transports cholesterol from plaque.

The body can take care of the rest.

BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

There is another way u/Obeisiak


Wear a long sleeved T-Shirt with slits in both arms that you can cut yourself, so they can give the vaccine through that and you won't have to pull the sleeve up.

At worst only the nurse will know. If so, try to find a nurse who will shut up for a little money and jab it anyway.

by pkvi
BlackDay2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

The conspiracies can be fit into a hierarchy, depending on how much you want to assume:

The most mainstream among conspiracy theories is that Big Pharma saw an opportunity to make money, so there was an arms race among Pharma companies to be first to market the vaccine, before natural immunity made it irrelevant. The regulatory agencies and politicians are bought off so obviously they side with the Pharma companies. The mRNA is ideally suited for this since it provides a narrow range of immunity (for a specific protein) and can be updated quickly.

One level deeper: All of the above plus collusion among industries and politics to hype up the severity of the disease. This makes the vaccine needed more plus increases market share by killing smaller businesses. Media companies get paid off with extra ad revenue.

One level deeper: All of the above plus they planned this in advance and the virus was intentionally released to create a need for biannual vaccines.

One level deeper: All of the above plus the fact upper echelons of society have an actual formalized secret society for a long time now (Illuminati type conspiracies) to keep themselves and their heirs in power. So the pandemic is just another in a long series of moves to keep wealth and power flowing upwards. There is no ultimate goal than to maintain this upwards flow. Empathy is a hindrance and a risk here, so they must have rituals/conditioning to kill off empathy. So they wouldn't want to kill off their golden goose by destabilizing the system too quickly (historically, lower population means lower total wealth).

One level deeper: This is where conspiracies.win seems to operate.

One level deeper: All the flat earth type people who are too crazy even for this site to handle. Some of them are probably LARPers that exist only to draw ridicule of normies towards all of the above levels (eg: Flat earther as an insult for a conspiracy theorist became popular only after the pandemic, when people began to question the narrative). They probably exist on this site too.

by pkvi
BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

Works for me. Tip: On my desktop it kind of looks like an image and a comment box when you visit it. But if I scroll down I reach the actual article.

by pkvi
BlackDay2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

Only the federal government medical board dropped it. States have their own policies and many are using it like Uttar Pradesh (has 200 million+ people and only had 11 cases yesterday, which has to be one of the most effective in handling COVID in the world. This tells you not everyone is compromised). Source:


The states not following are being jammed with cases.

From what I heard, it has to do with heavy fines if member countries don't follow WHO guidelines. Or as is quite likely, the doctors/admins on the medical board got paid off.

Same thing happened in Japan. They have not officially recommended Ivermectin but the chairman of Tokyo Medical Board has:


BlackDay2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

I agree. Btw knowing you, you'll probably respond even to a two word comment :) I dare not post a longer comment.

BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nah he's actually pretty smart. I actually understand some of his stuff and independently came to similar conclusions on some of it. When you translate it into regular English it makes sense: https://conspiracies.win/p/12kFdqhFoO/x/c/4JEVhGJcSZC

Its abstract stuff and he gives no context at all before jumping into the deep end. And he does that in his own dialect. So I don't blame you at all, lol.

He occasionally breaks character and speaks normally: https://conspiracies.win/p/13zMZPm8Ub/x/c/4JEWwcElXEc


BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

Good for those NPCs who're too far gone to even consider your point of view. At that point, they're just trolling and you troll right back.

For fence sitters I actually want to win over, I try to keep them open minded by avoiding stuff like this that closes their mind.

BlackDay2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

Good points. If it gets to that level of closed mindedness from the normie, I edited my post to add one other argument:

"If society is so hostile to the individual, then it is rational for the individual to be hostile to society as well to negotiate a better deal for himself."

This is in agreement with your solution of non-compliance, but re-framed for a normie mind.

Many are too far gone to reason with. But we should try to get the fence sitters to our side using arguments that rely on stuff they already believe in. Later we show them the mother lode.

BlackDay2020 4 points ago +4 / -0

IMO you underestimate the normie mind. As soon as you talk about this, their mind will label you a conspiracy theorist and become closed to all reason.

BlackDay2020 4 points ago +4 / -0

Have you had a chance to look at NAC (N-Acetyl-Cysteine)? Would it work as a sort of insurance, just in case?

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