BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

u/Mrexreturns This is along the lines you've been suggesting. Might find interesting.

I have a feeling the anti-vax sentiment might have been drummed up by the elites themselves, to justify the need for lockdowns again. Of course the vaccines have adverse effects, that was the point (if this theory is true). The alternative explanations for the side effects (mind control, de-population etc.) might be distractions (whether intentionally planted or not, I don't know).

You've been pretty on the ball so far, just a couple of months ahead of me (and many on this sub) in terms of intuitively seeing it for myself.

BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

If you said it is a self growing crystal (that happens to look like a parasite), I'd have an easier time believing that.

This could be the new flat earth theory they're peddling out to discredit conspiracy theorists again.

As I said once, we shouldn't have to fall into the trap of trying to prove the vaccine has graphene/parasites etc. The burden of proof is on them to prove the vaccine is safe, and the data shows it's not. That's enough to recall the vaccines (others have been recalled for far less damage). We shouldn't have to prove anything else, that's just allowing them to shift the goal posts.

What's a better strategy for winning people to your side? Talking against COVID vaccines and mandates because of adverse effects and not being treated as a human without it, or talking against them because they have aluminium based lifeforms that eat graphene?

BlackDay2020 4 points ago +4 / -0

I have. There's a nest near my house that a pair pigeons populate each year. One time I unsuccessfully tried to save a deformed chick that fell out. Didn't live.

You know birds don't leave their nests till they can fly right? At which point, they look like adults (except for very slightly smaller size). That's why you don't see chicks unless you go looking for nests.

At this point you aren't even trusting your eyes, yet believing suggestions from others. How's your own sanity?

BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

The most obvious move by TPTB against this, that I can think of, would be to cut some slack, let the protests and anger calm down, then do it again. On and off repeatedly to try and get people tired and give up hope.

It might work eventually, which is why the best strategy is to get them out of positions of power (for civil servants) or take away their power (economic, media etc. by walking away, make them fire you for refusing to comply etc.).

BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

Growing your own food is good insurance (for those who have yards). If not, you can have plant in pots within your balcony etc. That takes care of veggies.

Grains last for years if stored just right. You can ferment them to boost micronutrient profile before consumption.

by pkvi
BlackDay2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nice hypothesis u/pkvi

by pkvi
BlackDay2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

If it's predictive programming, then of course you want the small guy/good guy to win to reassure normies all will be well: If such a thing were ever to happen for real, we expect such and such to happen next as well followed by happy ending (predictive, based on what's stored in our unconscious about a very similar story line). Movies also promotes hero culture to make them complacent waiting for their hero to save the day (like QAnon waits for Trump).

BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

As someone on this site once said: Conspiracy theory seems 6 months ahead of reality (at least from 2020 onwards). Funny enough, when you look at the time difference in those tweets.

BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

So you don't have answer? At least I have my personal experience having tried both. Hence, not cope but based on personal experience with both.

I only bothered sharing it to show where I was coming from, so maybe you could point out my errors. But from your response, I guess it was wasted effort. No worries.

BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

Adding source is great (and makes verification easy for us users), but posting a screenshot is important especially for tweets in case they get deleted. Not sure how well Internet Archive works for dynamic web content like Twitter. I tried it once and was having trouble archiving a Tweet.

BlackDay2020 0 points ago +1 / -1

vital nutrients, vitamins, fats and proteins that are only found in meat.

What's found in meat that isn't found in milk or plant food? I'm genuinely curious and not being argumentative. You do realize herbivores get all nutrition just from grass right? That's because of gut bacteria adapted to that diet. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hindgut_fermentation

If viruses can evolve in a few years, bacteria can evolve in a human lifetime. Over thousands of human generations, people with better suited bacteria would be healthier and stronger and outcompete those without such bacteria. This process works without requiring humans themselves to evolve - although small changes might've happened there too over such a period.

  • Omega-3? Well you can get that from Curcumin + ALA (hugely boosts conversion to DHA/EPA): https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28410669/

  • Vitamin A? You can get that from carrots (generally the conversion rate is 12 to 1, but can be boosted significantly by cooking, eating with fats and pepper).

  • Saturated fats? Well I don't eat veggie oils - but dairy based fats and coconut oil

  • Vitamin D? I live in a sunny country year round. But yes supplementation seems to be important for this. I guess most vegetarians are okay with Lanolin.

  • Vitamin K? Best source of K2 is natto. No other food source comes close.

  • B12? Found in milk.

  • Choline? You'd have a point here, but lecithin supplementation works decently here.

  • Protein? Milk is pretty good here (I drink about 1 liter a day), as is whey.

It can't make you sick and weak if you were never healthy and strong.

I only eat what grows in nature in its natural form (except for cooking and fermentation). Absolutely nothing else.

Blood work and not getting more than mildly sick says otherwise. I have constant energy levels throughout the day and never get lazy after a meal - another sign of good health.

I used to eat meat until my early 20s when I was studying in college in another country because I didn't have money to buy my own food and had to eat on the meal plan. I know what I'm talking about. Physically, I have no doubt that meat helps build strength faster, and probably helps get close to the genetic maximum. But I'm not interested reaching peak strength (that would require hours of working out multiples days a week). The improvement in my cognitive functioning is why I switched and why I continue to stick with it (personal experience). I didn't do it for the planet or for ethical reasons etc. Haven't been to the doctor for health related issues (only injuries) ever since I switched and I take no pills or supplements.

I think you're extrapolating your experience/studies from your country/ethnicity to another part of the world that has a very different and long history with a certain diet. If it was so bad, people would have switched out naturally over the millennia. Nobody likes to feel sick.

BlackDay2020 0 points ago +1 / -1

Not really. My ancestors were among the first farmers on earth (10k years ago). Been almost fully vegetarian for millennia because of the nice climate. We have likely adapted to that (at least our gut bacteria must have, since gut bacteria have much shorter lives and one human life is thousands of bacterial generations). It doesn't make us sick or weak, just as eating grass doesn't make a bull sick or weak.

Europeans have a very different dietary history and may not have the same degree of adaptation to a vegetarian diet. So I can understand if they react badly to vegetarian meals (not talking about vegan, since you need at least dairy to meet some nutritional needs).

Another reason why one civilization shouldn't copy blindly what works for another civilization and medical treatments tested on one civilization may not transfer as expected to another.

by pkvi
BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0


by pkvi
BlackDay2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

burning the bridge

Could you please explain this metaphor? I've seen it used here a lot but I'm not sure what it really means in this context. Additionally, could you give an example of how it might be applied in such cases?

BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

Copypasting from a while ago:

There are many layers of distractions to protect the identity of the true elites. The Jews could be just one such layer.

If the above is true, this implies that Jews were put in powerful positions by the elite deliberately, to lend credibility to this layer of distraction.

Do you really believe all Jews are so much more dedicated to their cause than other people that they plan 100 years or more ahead and so much more competent than entire nation states when it comes to subverting a civilization? Somehow Russia and China couldn't get so many people in positions of power as the Jews did.

Do you think every Jew is in on the conspiracy? If not, then what % is? The top 1%? Those psychopathic elites who normally display such selfishness somehow also have so much selflessness towards furthering the Jewish cause?

But why do they use religion? Here's an alternative perspective (may or may not be true): https://conspiracies.win/p/13zfva3Uf3/x/c/4JFoFsbm6YE

BlackDay2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

India doesn't use Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. They use viral vector (AstraZeneca's version but manufactured in India under a different brand) or inactivated virus vaccines (made by an Indian company) or Russia's Sputnik V.

In India, vaccine makers do not have legal immunity.

BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah. They only seem to need sentiments and rhetoric to get their way, and only our "side" tries to argue in the "proper" manner with facts and logic, and we still don't win.

BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

Very interesting. I do think a cabal of psychopathic individuals has a powerful influence on the world (not total control of course). I have a different perspective on why they "worship" dark forces.

I got this idea by briefly reading cultstate.com article (Anyone remember that site? Kappy tweeted a hash of the phrase "cultstate.com has issued protections on this matter" and Lin Wood gave us the phrase later. Not that I trust Lin Wood, but hashes don't lie). I'll quote the site here (https://cultstate.com/2018/07/30/What-Is-A-Cult-State/):

What is a cult state?

You could assassinate any one of these theoretical players, but then you have to contend with their remaining influence networks and now you have a whole mess on your hands...

What if blackmail could be planted on these players in a way which would destroy the social and political reputation of powerful people and decouple them from their influence?...

With the advent of film, a person can be coerced to engage in not only pedophilia behavior, but to also kill the child after wards while being filmed...

As you scale this technique out to compromise more and more powerful people, you need more and more film footage, storage facilities, and... thousands upon thousands of children on a near annual basis. How does one create the necessary loyal handlers to facilitate this unbelievably gruesome and horrifying type of blackmail creation? A doomsday cult provides all of the trials and training needed to select for the most loyal who will go to any lengths to appease the faith.

So what is this doomsday cult based on? A doomsday prophecy. Different cultures have their own:

The central mythology of all cult states, present and future, will be this: Not only is the world doomed from a menagerie of candidates... but each of us has an impulsive drive to accidentally accelerate that collective doom.

The West is mostly based on Abrahamic faiths, which already provide the necessary doomsday prophecies. Moreover, even most "righteous" religious people believe in this, that what happens after end times is a good thing, that they are themselves safe and so need not take action to prevent it (hence "each of us has an impulsive drive to accidentally accelerate that collective doom"). In other words, it is predictive programming built into the religion itself that ensures the plans of the elite are unopposed, because the "righteous" people think they know what happens next and they will be safe (part of the reason for "the collective is too fragmented to reach actionable consensus").

Therefore, only those [like the cabal?] who can enforce and ensure loyalty [loyalty yields coordinated action] are destined to rule because the collective is too fragmented to reach actionable consensus.

In other words, this "cabal" of psychopaths acts along the plot lines of scripture not because they are beholden to the devil, but because it provides an already prevalent foundation on which to build their cult. They freely plagiarize from other cultures if needed. As for the rituals, symbols, numerology etc: For the initiates it is all about bringing about the doomsday. But for the creators of the cult, rituals are important not because they somehow invoke the power of the devil, but because they keep the faith of the initiates, but also provide the necessary conditioning to remove all empathy from initiates, because empathy creates a risk of exposure for the cabal. Eg: Zimbardo prison experiment shows how easy it is to remove empathy and dehumanize the prisonsers, just using the ritual of roleplaying prison guards and prisoners.

Note: Just another perspective to keep in mind. Religious people want to believe the creators of the cabal actually worship the devil and the doomsday prophecies are coming true exactly as stated in the scriptures, maybe because it validates their beliefs very strongly. And maybe they are right. But what if it lulls them into a false sense of confidence about being safe in the end times because of their faith and taking no action (like qanon folks)?

BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not much the but the India branch of the deep state think tank Brookings Institution was renamed to Centre for Social and Economic Progress on September 11, 2020. Source (see near the top): https://www.brookings.edu/center/brookings-india/

BlackDay2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

Their usual argument against this would be that these people might've died anyway. How do we know the vaccine increases the odds of death over and above existing causes?

We could try to answer that by looking at the death rate in vaccinated vs unvaccinated groups split by age groups and comorbidities over time, and if deaths tend to clump during the 2 weeks after vaccination in the vaccinated group etc. I highly doubt we'll see that.

Other vaccines have been pulled for far less damage. One good thing is at least people are waking up to the extent of subversion/infiltration that exists in our world.

BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

One problem with the indiscriminate/untargeted depopulation theory: remember there will always be certain workers that are essential to the elite: police and military to protect the elite and their property, judicial and government workers to recognize their legal rights (what would happen in an anarchy when people just occupy Bill Gates' farms?), scientists to continue developing the tech that has given them so much power.

Currently the vaccine is being pushed to everyone without discrimination. The elite don't want to damage the system they've built to keep themselves rich.

I'm currently leaning away from untargeted de-population. Of course they aware that some % of people will die/suffer, but that's just collateral damage to them. Some ideas on what they might intend:

  1. Subscription style vaccine revenue. mRNA is ideal for this since it offers a narrow range of immunity (specific protein only) and is easy to update.

  2. Some kind of tagging that works from a distance like a barcode. Well why not just use phones instead? Because in a dystopian regime, people would ditch their phones (even cut out an embedded RFID chip) if it got them into trouble. But if a tag is spread throughout the body/embedded into an organ itself? Can't get rid of that even through surgery.

  3. Lockdowns resume, having shown by practical experience in most countries, that the vaccine is unable to stop the spread. Lockdowns allow for a more targeted de-population, if that's really what they want. Eg: xyz was suspected of exposure to COVID infected, xyz quarantined, xyz unfortunately passed away in quarantine.

    EDIT: Adverse effects are actually useful here, since they ensure a group of vaccine hesitant people who can be blamed for the resurgence. The vaxxers then blame and fight with vaccine hesitant for the lockdown, instead of the government. If vaccine was safe but ineffective, most would take it because "what do you have to lose"?

  4. Some kind of a kill switch that can be activated by the right frequency of EM radiation/sound etc. to make it look like a death by clotting or immune system going into overdrive, only because there's been news about nanoparticles triggered by certain frequencies etc.: https://conspiracies.win/p/13zNFZTRXZ/2018-physics-article-describes-e/c/

  5. Some kind of method of firing certain neurons based on this (note this is not mind control, but neuron control. You can ignore the impulse with your will, but how many do that?): https://seek.rockefeller.edu/flipping-a-switch-inside-the-head/

    Once the virus had enough time to infect and transform the target neurons, the researchers switched on a radio transmitter tuned to 465 kHz, a little below the band used for AM radio.

    The neurons responded. They began to fire, signaling a shortage of glucose even though the animal’s blood sugar levels were normal. And other parts of the body responded just as they would to a real drop in blood sugar: insulin levels fell, the liver started pumping out more glucose, and the animals started eating more.

BlackDay2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

If you want an actual scientific look at it: watch this German team's findings (English version): https://odysee.com/@en:a5/PK_Tot-durch-Impfung_english:a

I'm skeptical about Dr. Carrie Madej. This kind of video is what makes people dismiss as a whole all legitimate evidence (like the the German one) as "kooky" conspiracies.

  • First she looks like trying to suppress a smile throughout the video.

  • The leap the doctor made from superconducting material to "superconducting is like an injectable computing system" while breaking into a laugh. That makes no sense at all, like saying "titanium is like a stealth fighter". To have a computing system you'd need something that can process logic, while a superconductor is just a fancy wire.

  • She also said she thought the tentacle thing was "self-aware" and "aware that we're watching it".. What? First modern medicine is not even certain all macroscopic animals animals possess self-awareness, and she thinks a microscopic object/microbe (with no nervous system to speak of) does? Not something a medical professional would say, honestly.

  • Later, she says this is proof they putting an "operating system" inside people. What? A person of science with a very strange notion of "proof". I thought it was an injectable computing system (hardware) and not an operating system (software)? We haven't even begun to understand how a mind comes about in a biological organism such as man, and someone's already figured out how to program it biologically? Note: I'm not talking about psychologically programming someone.

    • A biologically programmable mind implies an embodied mind. So there would be no afterlife (at least with memories, knowledge and beliefs of this life) because the mind is destroyed when the body is. A religious person should be the last one to believe in the notion of an "embodied mind". Because it would imply nothing is left of the mind after death.
  • Then she drops buzzwords like "spiritual warfare" etc. all keywords that show up in vaccine hesitant circles. * She's dropping so many themes from vaccine hesitant circles, it feels like she's trying to jam in many keywords at the end.

BlackDay2020 7 points ago +7 / -0

The German one is actually a proper team of medical professionals unlike the other video posted here today. We should be linking to the German one and not the other one. It has a lot more credibility.

These people have academic careers and reputations that they are putting on the line: https://pathologie-konferenz.de/en/

The title is linked to the English version.

BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

No the German video was not talking about injectable computing systems, operating systems for biological organisms, spiritual warfare, room temperature superconductors, self-aware nanotechnology/microbes. See my other comment on this page.

This kind of video is what makes people dismiss as a whole all legitimate evidence (like the the German one) as "kooky" conspiracies.

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