Beaustrodamus 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh shit! Ijust heard this guy on an old episode of Coast to Coast with Art Bell! It's a great listen and he goes into a lot of detail on the science that connects with it.


Beaustrodamus 2 points ago +2 / -0

These two are the swampiest:

Ronald Klain Chief of Staff Joe Biden

Merrick Garland Attorney General

Beaustrodamus 2 points ago +2 / -0

It was based on information released by Stephan Schwartz, one of the architects of Project Stargate and remote viewing from a study he conducted using dozens of remote viewers to make accurate predictions of the future. You see, when you remote view the future, it's even less accurate on average than remote viewing an object in the present or past because of multiple possible futures, so you need lots of subjects remote viewing the same time and place to refine the overall likelihoods of certain events occurring in any given timeline. If multiple viewers don't corroborate some of the findings, then they are either less likely to occur, or they are inaccurate interpretations based more on overlay than remote extrasensory prediction.

Beaustrodamus 3 points ago +3 / -0

Remote viewers also have pointed to 2046/2047 as being the end of society as we know it due to some kind of catastrophe. Think you might be onto something.

Beaustrodamus 2 points ago +2 / -0

Only that which can be demonstrated to be possible, is possible.

You are currently traveling through the universe on a habitable sphere at millions of miles per second. So there's your proof that it is possible for intelligent life to travel through space. Note, I'm not stating that its proof of aliens, but rather that it's proof that an intelligent lifeform could travel through space.

It does mean their claim is false until they present evidence it is true. Look up Russell's Teapot. It is mainly used for the claim of god but can apply to anything in a similar scenario. There's little difference between a person who claims he had a spiritual experience and a person who claims he saw aliens.

Unproven is not the same as false, nor for that matter is it the same as unprovable. You are the only one making a claim here: that alien abduction and alien life have been proven false. they have not. the absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence. A false claim is one that can be definitively shown to be false, not one that cannot be definitively shown to be true (an unproven claim).

the teapot argument isn't even a cogent one. Nobody has suggested that such a teapot does exist, whereas claims of extraterrestrials existing go back millennia. also you are disregarding mountains of evidence in eyewitness accounts and government documented encounters as irrelevant simply because it is not definitive proof (at least to your own reasoning). there's at least as much evidence of alien life in your own genome than there is evidence of human evolution according to the guys who discovered DNA.

Because it's possible that interstellar travel is impossible which would make aliens visiting another solar system impossible.

The possibility that interstellar travel might ultimately be impossible doesn't necessitate aliens visiting the solar system being impossible because it's built upon a hypothetical (as we don't have any reason to suspect interstellar travel isn't possible). Were you to prove that interstellar travel was impossible, this might help your argument inductively, assuming you could also prove that no other intelligent lifeforms live within or near the solar system as well as no intelligent lifeforms can possess the ability to travel interdimensionally

except that some people are retarded

Yeah, that's an ad hominem and does nothing to support your claim. It just makes your argument look weaker and less convincing. Disagreement about the existence or nonexistence of one thing in the universe doesn't make a person stupid or smart, no matter how mundane or ridiculous that one thing is. At best you might argue that it makes one somewhat delusional, which we all are to some degree and on some issues.

With no compelling evidence that even a single of these UFO sightings is the result of extraterrestrial intelligence the only logical conclusion is that they aren't.

Now who is being shortsighted? We have undeniable proof that just about every piece of evidence on the matter has been deliberately suppressed by TPTB at one point or another based on the fact that so much regarding the phenomena has been classified, buried, redacted, and compartmentalized behind special access programs. The only possible way you can make the claim that there is no compelling evidence for extraterrestrial life is by proving definitively what the purpose of such a massive conspiracy to hide UFO related documents while attacking eyewitnesses and spreading what can now be acknowledged as obviously false propaganda against the possibility of ET life.

Beaustrodamus 1 point ago +1 / -0

He went to a Jesuit college and then dropped out, but that's all I believe. Trump has far more connection to the masons than the Jesuits, from what I've read.

Beaustrodamus 2 points ago +2 / -0

Alien abductions aren't possible until you can prove the existence of aliens

That is incorrect, logically speaking. Anything is possible. Nothing about alien abduction is even scientifically incompatible. You could argue that we simply don't have the evidence to prove aliens exist nor that alien abductions are real, but that doesn't make it impossible nor inarguable.

as of yet do not have proof that it's evolved anywhere else

That's not necessary. That which has occurred under circumstances could occur under the same or similar circumstances. The fact that life exists is proof that life can come into being.

there's some people on this site who are retarded and think UFOs=aliens. But their stupidity isn't your fault.

You use ad hominem as the only support for your claims. UFOs certainly aren't all, or even mostly, alien spacecraft (as most UFOs are likely just black budget tech creations and spy satellites), but suggesting that none of the tens of thousands of unexplained UFO encounters even COULD be related to alien lifeforms is 1000 times weaker of a claim than the claim that some UFOs are the result of alien life since the probabilities of intelligent life as well as space-faring societies existing in the galaxy are both reasonably high.

Beaustrodamus 1 point ago +1 / -0

So Nazis are on the moon but the moon landing was real? I don't think those two work together. Nazis might have escaped to inner Earth via Antarctica (probably not, but possible)

I think the moon landing footage was likely staged, but still lean towards it being probable that we made it to the moon. I think they knew some of what they would find, and thus chose to air a fiction in order to prevent the public from becoming aware of our neighbors.

It's not Nazis on the moon though... It's aliens. Psychic aliens, in fact, according to Project Stargate's top remote viewer.

Giants built Stonehenge. Bronze age giants who worshipped light and performed human sacrifice. Whether or not they were aliens or the children of aliens is debatable though.

I've never dug too deep into Bigfoot, but it's likely aliens or inner earth escapees (the cave systems), if it's not a hoax. Yetis have been a part of Tibetan inner earth lore for ages.

Diana was put down by the royals, and Monroe was definitely killed by the intel community.

I think you have the rest of them correct for the most part.

Beaustrodamus 1 point ago +1 / -0

Plus he has personal beef with Trump from lawsuits and shit that goes way back. He basically got forced into the "resistance" by default when his top nemesis became president. He got swept up into the TDS fervor and consequently became a pawn of the establishment.

Beaustrodamus 2 points ago +2 / -0

He's literally the only anti Trump media personality that I give a pass to since their differences began way before Trump ever ran for office and since the animosity between Maher and Trump was so intense. I stopped watching his show, mind you, while trump was in office; but imagine if the single person who you hated most, someone who had taken you to court for millions, won the presidency. Their beef was personal, so Maher likely actually believes everything he reads about Trump, because they are enemies and have always been so.

Beaustrodamus 1 point ago +1 / -0

The John Titor Civil War? It was supposed to start 10 years ago with a nuclear explosion in Jacksonville, FL.

Beaustrodamus 3 points ago +3 / -0
  1. True
  2. Biden's HANDLERS, working with Biden's DOJ and the FBI, orchestrated the raid on Trump
  3. Obvious
  4. True

Nothing here is inconsistent or illogical

by xihg
Beaustrodamus 3 points ago +3 / -0

I feel like your post will only serve to push "rightoids" more towards support of Russia. Maybe try showing respect to the people you mean to convince.

Beaustrodamus 2 points ago +2 / -0

Marx had some good ideas and some bad ones, but regardless, indoctrination into any ideology should never be the pursuit of educators. A good teacher instructs on how to think, not what to think.

Also, even if we acknowledge that there is some educational value in teaching students about Marxism, we should also acknowledge how all post modern theories and fields that use Marxism as a framework (i.e. cultural Marxism, intersectionality) act in opposition to Marxism by replacing and subverting class based focus and concerns with tokenism and identity politics.

Beaustrodamus 2 points ago +2 / -0

He typically deletes the comment, but without informing the comment's poster, which is worse than banning someone, because you don't even know that you are being censored.

Beaustrodamus 1 point ago +1 / -0

step 1 release a mild virus that will likely kill a handful of the very sick and very old

step 2 pressure everyone else to take a vaccine for the virus that destroys their immune system

step 3 release an actually dangerous virus on a population now filled with immunocompromised people

step 4 actual catastrophic pandemic

Beaustrodamus 1 point ago +1 / -0

I would argue that the legalization of marijuana has made it anti-gateway in states where it's legal, but illegal marijuana use probably still acts a gateway drug. My reasoning is based on the fact that alcohol serves the same function for most people, being a legal to consume drug that serve as a substitute for more illicit cravings.

Beaustrodamus 2 points ago +3 / -1

Yeah I take some like once a month due to the fact that I mostly use kosher salt and my GF is allergic to shellfish and hates seafood.

Beaustrodamus 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah, it's because intersectionalists took over HR and only hired other intersectionalists. We used to joke on women's studies majors, saying "good luck getting a job with that degree", but now they control a majority of HR departments, and it's literally killing companies. Firing all HR departments would be a great first step to fixing America, sadly, I just don't think it's possible.

Beaustrodamus 5 points ago +5 / -0

97% hydrogen and carbon with traces of elements like oxygen, sulfur, nickel, vanadium, and some others making up the rest.

Beaustrodamus 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's actually more like 500K per year since the end of 20th century. https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/bulletins/deathsregistrationsummarytables/2016

Edit: Also, they are claiming that the 290K are in addition to the 41000+ who died within 21 days of vaccination, meaning that over 330,000 vaccinated people have died within 6 months of the jab in a country where no more than 280,000 people have ever died in a 6 month period.

Beaustrodamus 1 point ago +1 / -0

IIRC, She went to Epstein island AFTER it was general knowledge that he was a child sex trafficker (along with George Stephanopoulos and Katie Couric)

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