You picked the name Veritas from where, something conspiracy? Like an online paper. Then you strung Apex in front of it, because of why? It needed your masculinity?
"Apex" and "veritas" are both Latin, to make the name more official. No other reason. Apex means top. Veritas means truth. It translates to my highest priority. I've been thinking about and studying philosophy since I was 15. I learned that truth must be all good men's highest priority, or we'll fail and die. My username doesn't refer to me.
But there you spewing Flat Earth, God.
I've never advocated for flat earth. As a conspiracy enthusiast, I'll always entertain ideas and give people room to make their case for alternative viewpoints, but I disagree with the flat earth theory. I've even debated with a flat earther in a previous thread about flat earth several months ago, asking him pointed questions I had about the theory, and asking for clarification (if they had it) about severe problems with the theory, which they didn't provide.
As to your other assertions, you're clearly in the wrong, and not well. I'll leave it at that.
SO IT'S YOU. You are the person going around this forum being a faggot nigger tranny stalker.
How so? Be specific.
READ IT. It's not the forum. It's you being a NIGGER, just YOU.
That's not what you said, multiple times. You said this entire forum is that way, and everyone here. Your comments are still up to prove it. Unless, of course, you'd like to redact what you said, as a mistake of grammar, word use, and context.
As to everything else you wrote...are you alright? Truly, I ask in sincerity. You're using some very uncouth language, and the stream of consciousness seems broken, as if you're struggling to elucidate your ideas. The only people I've seen talk like you have mental problems. Claiming I'm something doesn't make it true. Our claims hold no sway over truth. Only that which is true, is true. It's our job to figure it out. Just because you don't like me, as evidence by how you've been talking to me, doesn't mean I'm what you say I am.
No you are.
What a well reasoned argument. Literally the "nuh uh, you are" from childhood.
Illiterate echo chamber. Dumb.
You again cast venom upon a forum you participate in and its users. How transparent.
I am not here for you to tell me what to say or attack me for saying it.
I never said otherwise. I merely pointed out how transparent you were being, admitted to what you were. By all means, continue to be open and honest about your dishonest intentions. You're free to give your opinions. Others are free to criticize you and your opinions. That's how free speech works.
I am unbiased.
Am I down voting anyone.
That doesn't change what you just admitted to.
There you are being a nigger, attacking people over their opinion, in a place we are discussing opinions?
Do you not know how hypocritical that sentence is, in reference to itself, the rest of your comment, and to the other comments you made? You just said it's bad to attack someone for their opinion, but just attacked me for my opinion, in the very same sentence. You called me "nigger", "dumb", implying I'm upholding an echo chamber, and that I attack anyone that offers a contrary opinion. I, on the other hand, criticized your behavior and words, describing them for what they were, to better characterize what you are, by your own hands. Relative to how you've been wording your comments, mine was quite tame.
Furthermore, just because free speech enables people to share opinions doesn't mean they're free from criticism. You seem to think your opinions should be free from criticism, but are just fine criticizing others for theirs, using much more uncivil language in the process than those you accuse.
There you are also telling people what to say. Ignorantly.
Well, yes. I believe my positions are superior and closer to truth, which is why I hold the positions I do. That's the opposite of ignorance. Why would I not espouse what I think is right to others, especially when they voice opinions contrary to truth? If I actually care about people I would tell them the truth, regardless of how they feel about it. Most people respond negatively to any criticism of their beliefs, and many respond violently to criticism of their core beliefs, as if they were personally attacked. It happens all the time.
I am not. I asked you to think.
What did you ask me to think? Be specific, please, because I don't recall previous comments from you where you expanded on this.
It seems you're far too fucking ignorant.
Why? Because I explained what your behavior and words said about you? Tough. I love conspiracy theories precisely because I'm able to entertain weird ideas. Just because I entertain weird ideas doesn't mean I have to accept all of them. I'm willing to give any idea a shot at being proven. How could I not? I'm only human after all. Even if everything I knew was true, that doesn't mean I know everything. I always seek to learn. Being curious is a requirement for learning, which I am. It's also why I actively challenge my own ideas, by arguing with people, to challenge their ideas and my own, to see if I'm actually right, or to see if I can learn something.
It seems that you're not curious, though. You just denigrate anyone that criticizes you. You don't participate in constructive debate, which requires civility, honesty, logic, and prioritization of truth. It appears that you're somewhat honest, but you're not civil, logical, or prioritize truth. You prioritize yourself, claiming to know better, crowning yourself God, that you can never be wrong. Again, this is common in debate. People are loathe to change their minds, and act venomously to anyone challenging their beliefs. It seems few people are capable of constructive debate any more. The only examples of "debate" people are given are wholly destructive. We're not taught how to debate in school, or even what logic or logical fallacies are. It's rather sad, and speaks highly of the corruption of our society. Why teach people the best method of spotting lies and liars, the people in power?
I don't care about your nigger forum. Little echo chamber of otherwise fucking stupid.
Thanks for at least openly admitting that you're a subversive. You're participating in a forum you hate, populated by people you claim are stupid. You're quite active in this forum, but say you hate it. Interesting.
Pretty sure the military mandated it, and hospitals mandated it for specific surgeries, like transplant recipients.
I've been in a similar debate with what appeared to be an extremely patriotic Polish guy, who refused any wrongdoing of his country, back on TheDonald before I got banned. Don't remember the anon's name, though. I'd have to dig into my comment history.
You're comparing ancient practices of slavery to the modern evil of jews, in an attempt to suggest that White people are slaves to the people in power, and to jews, and that therefore we must do as they say?
I assume, since you're quoting the Bible, that you know that modern jews are Edomites, descendants of Esau who race mixed with Canaanites, a people cursed by God, and that Jesus was at odds with those Edomites, who infiltrated Judea and took positions of power in politics and religion, especially after King Herod (an Edomite) took the throne.
A Red Ice link. Nice.
However, I do appreciate that the Borderess doc helped to show that globalist NGOs have an entire fleet of ships that run from Africa and the Middle East to Europe, 24/7, all year, transporting non-whites into Europe. They're doing the same to the U.S. and Canada.
I don't mean to deflect from probable terrorism/false flags committed by our own governments, globalists, or their useful idiots. However, I want to bring up something connected to this topic.
Randall Carlson, on his Kosmographia podcasts, has discussed horrific wildfires where it seems probable that some past fires have been caused by comets depositing flammable gasses in our atmosphere, where multiple separate wildfires, separated by large distances, all start at the exact same time, and the fires seems to emanate from the sky itself. He specifically talks about the great conflagrations of 1871 in Chicago and the surrounding areas of Illinois, Michigan, and Wisconsin. The first hand accounts are the most harrowing stories I've ever heard. Specifically, check out Phineas' account on episode 83 at the 1:07:41 mark. If you've never heard of this, I highly recommend checking out these podcasts.
Randall talks about these wildfires on episodes 78 through 83. Links:
The fact that this, and many other inconvenient truths about the Holocaust, isn't widely known or taught, is a huge indication of who rules the world, who writes the history books, who runs the schools, and who owns the media.
As the world slides toward collapse, and the evil people in power fall back on their destructive philosophies and behaviors, they're going to oppress the people more and more, in the failing hope of trying to retain power that they'll quickly lose. More people will become aware of the blatantly obvious truths that they should've seen years and decades prior, but were prevented by the deluge of propaganda they were subjected to since childhood, and by the comforts of Western civilization, which is quickly disappearing as we slide toward collapse.
Thanks for reminding me. Shills and evil people also make baseless accusations in order to annoy and demoralize good people, which is exactly what you're doing.
They know they can't refute logical claims, so they resort to illogical arguments, like ad hominems, appeals to authority, appeals to popularity, appeals to emotion, etc., hoping idiots will agree with them. They know they can't defeat truth and those that wield it, so they tell lies and gain control of information dissemination within nations (schools and media), so they can brainwash the populace with their lies. They know their lies and illogic can't stand up to scrutiny, so they try to censor anyone and everything that runs counter to their propaganda. They know they can't win, so they try to molest and haggle good people, hoping we relent and become demoralized.
It's the easiest way to out evil, those that are, and those succumbed to it, because they all espouse lies in one form or another.
Also note that victims of cyanide poisoning will develop cherry-red colored skin. This can sometimes disappear after death, but as many victims are claimed to have been gassed, with such ruthless quick efficiency according to the official accounts, why would not a single guard or "survivor", throughout the entire Holocaust, never mention the distinctive cherry-red skin color of the victims, which were supposedly killed by Zyklon B (hydrogen cyanide)?
This also explains why, over time, more dense ("heavy") objects sink and less dense ("lighter") objects rise to the surface. This is because if two objects of the same size, but different mass, are accelerated to the same magnitude, the object with the greater mass has more inertia and force, and will displace the object with less mass.
It's one of the controlling aspects of weather phenomena, since cold air sinks and hot air rises (which creates clouds and rain). There's a neat kids physics experiment where you add multiple differently dense things to a tall clear container (stuff that can be shifted around, like dried rice, beans, foam peanuts, etc.), and shake the container. The greater density objects will sink to the bottom, and the lesser density objects will rise to the surface, creating clearly delineated layers.
Hillary is definitely involved. Here's a quote from one of the Wikileaks Podesta emails, where Hillary Clinton says:
With fingers crossed, the old rabbit's foot out of the box in the attic, I will be sacrificing a chicken in the backyard to Moloch
With all the code words they use in their emails, it's unknown what "chicken" refers to in the text.
Moloch worship is Saturn/Satan worship. It's old Babylonian/Canaanite religion, involving child sacrifice and sexual degeneracy. It's also mentioned in the Bible, when talking about the "golden calf" and Remphan (Kiyyun/Chiun in Hebrew), which is also Saturn worship. It's common among "the elite", on both sides of the political spectrum. It's so common that Israel put the star of Remphan on their flag. That's not the star of David. I speculate that the star of Remphan is symbolic of 666, the mark of the beast, because it has 6 lines, 6 points, and a hexagon in the center. Oddly enough, Saturn actually has a hexagon shaped storm at its pole (that is, if the pictures aren't shopped).
The Pizzagate investigation uncovered tons of Satanic imagery all over Washington D.C., as well as "spirit cooking" in D.C. and Hollywood, specifically surrounding Marina Abromovic. Spirit cooking is very similar to Kabbalah, which has similar notions to Satanism. It's also why the people in power love numerology so much.
Yuri Bezmenov is who I use to show people that our schools (the entire institution) were the first, and most crucial, part of society the globalists infiltrated.
Thanks for the extra screenshots. I still think they're different shoes, but you're right, the white square and shadow below it (especially in the 2nd pic) looks fake and manipulated.
Many tranny kids are indoctrinated by their parents, especially their mothers. The corrupted degenerate globalist controlled society can also play a huge role. Keep in mind that a lot of Western people spend most of their time online, in echo chambers, which can cause brainwashing all on their own. From the stories coming out about this shooting, it looks like the mom was likely responsible, as she was an avid anti-gunner. Most lefty NPCs parrot the mainstream media verbatim, so she also likely kowtows the LGBTQ tranny programming too.
Someone else posted this higher res video with both the school surveillance footage, and the bodycam footage. The relevant time stamps are at 1:07 and 8:14.
If the school surveillance video is crappy and artifacting/blending the colors of the yellow flame and white line of the shoe, then why doesn't the camera do the same thing to the camo pants, or to the carpet, which has much finer detailing? Look at the paper just to the right of the printer at 1:07, which has fine detailed markings in clearly different colors. If it can show that, it shouldn't mess up the shoes that badly.
Digital camera artifacting is due to the lack of resolution of the camera, where a color "block" (pixel) of one area gets blended with another. However, we can obviously see that much finer detail exists in the surveillance video, specifically with the carpet and the paper to the right of the printer. That camera should've been able to show the clear delineation of colors on the shoes.
Thanks for the higher res video. I keep hearing people say that the school surveillance video utilizes a crappy camera, resulting in blending the yellow of the flame with the white line of the shoe, but it doesn't look like that. It also doesn't make sense, because the camo pattern pants and the carpet don't have weird artifacting like that (at 1:07 in your video), both of which has much finer detailing than the shoes, and the colors in the surveillance video are clear and delineated everywhere else. Look at the paper to the right of the printer (at 1:07), which has clear and distinct fine markings in different colors. If the surveillance camera can show that detail, it shouldn't mess up the shoes as much as is claimed.
Are y'all even watching the videos I posted? The two videos have enough detail to see that both the color and design of the shoes is different.
Yeah, even without the color difference, you can tell just by the design, they're different shoes.
What? Even the design of the shoes is different.
Every scientific study done on prevention of spread of viral respiratory infections using masks (like the cold and flu), prior to Covid, said that masks made no negligible difference. It was literally the "science changed" meme right when Covid hit, and suddenly masks worked. It's because humans give off different sized water droplets, and below a certain size, they aren't pulled to the ground by gravity and can remain in the air for hours, these particles can flow through the spaces of a mask, and just a single droplet is large enough to contain enough virions to cause infection. However, masks do prevent larger droplets from passing through, which is why surgeons wear masks to prevent infection on patients (via spit). However, again, these droplets are so large they're removed from the air via gravity.
The entire scientific community "knew" this prior to Covid. It goes to show how easily doctors, like everyone else, can be brainwashed on medical knowledge. Still, there were a lot of doctors speaking up about this, but they were pretty much all censored. Many spoke up on actual free speech sites and conspiracy theory forums, bringing up these earlier mask studies.
In any case, I hope (and assume) you changed which sites you get your information from, and better learn who you can trust.
Language can be separate from masculine and feminine forms. English doesn't have such forms within the language like other European languages do. The gender/sex form of the language have no bearing on what my username means. Trying to intentionally insert it within the meaning of my intent is inherently dishonest.
What do you mean? Are you suggesting that someone else made a long post ("letter") about why "I'm a whiny bitch"? Do you have a link for that? I'd be curious to read it.
I have been. I've been detailing the thing which you brought up, in your own replies. You declared, openly, that you hate this forum and its users. When I pressed you on your own words, you've perpetually tried to move the conversation away from this fact, attacking me, this forum, and its users repeatedly.