AnimalsOverHumans -2 points ago +2 / -4

FAKE. Watch American Moon documentary. Find it on yt, hard because shadowbanned, and on Odysee very easy to find.

AnimalsOverHumans -2 points ago +3 / -5

Most Q tards are women. so its like a new telenovela for them.

AnimalsOverHumans -4 points ago +1 / -5

lmao? in this case reddit did something good

AnimalsOverHumans -4 points ago +1 / -5

human locusts are breeding to much... this is predictable and auspicable.

you are delusional if you think otherwise.

if you had cattle or other type of animal you would do the same, control the population and select only for the most obedient and useful animals to survive... the others are good use for food or whatever the objective is with humans.

by DrLeaks
AnimalsOverHumans -4 points ago +1 / -5

i see a good thing in all this.

the cuckservatives and puritans now will have to admit that most women already have sex before university... and knowing about dildos is their last problem.

AnimalsOverHumans 1 point ago +4 / -3

dont worry... we will see where these rights go when OIL ends and they have to look for scraps to even feed themselves.

AnimalsOverHumans 0 points ago +3 / -3

I would shoot all these ppl. without remorse. no incitement of violence but these ppl voting is an act of aggression towards my liberties and an act of aggression towards other innocent animals...

they hold other innumerable incongruent thoughts... like keeping AC on during summer and saving the environment...

AnimalsOverHumans -4 points ago +2 / -6

hmmm they are honest persons for refusing to do it

AnimalsOverHumans -1 points ago +2 / -3

held accountable

Seethes the tradcuck... pathetic. the soy is dripping

AnimalsOverHumans -1 points ago +2 / -3

are worse and more adversarial entities than the NSA

what a glowie thing to say... the NSA is the worst of them all moron. Its like the big brother now. NSA spies and records everything happening on the internet. those large datacenters they have in Utah and elsewhere are under the NSA

AnimalsOverHumans 0 points ago +6 / -6

Looks like a nice way to create new school shooters.

Imagine this kid who is disturbed by something and is angry.. Instead of trying to "defuse" his concern and anger with real honest, genuine ppl, the CIA tools called Twatter and Soyddit, and Fakebook, surround the person with bots who RADICALISE him even more... or worse shadowban him and he still comments but no one sees what he says until he explodes.

See... this is how it works.

AnimalsOverHumans -3 points ago +1 / -4

2 moreeeeeeeeeeeee weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeks

AnimalsOverHumans -3 points ago +1 / -4

Why are you surprised lol?

Maybe you need to adjust the lenses you see reality with?

AnimalsOverHumans 1 point ago +4 / -3

No bro Muskrat/Mollusk will save us, with his surveillance network of Starlink Satellites that will be used to control drones to deliver FREE vaccines directly to our homes... /s

AnimalsOverHumans -4 points ago +1 / -5

As a friend of mine says. Might is Right. Deal with it. Stop bitching and use the guns, faggots. No, not inciting violence, just being realistic.

I know, as a European, we are aware Americans are just big pussies. They are bullies who like to shoot innocent ppl and children (like in the Wikileaks video) miles above in the sky... and they complain about the 2nd amendment being infringed, but never NEVER use those guns for the intended purpose.

And the irony, is that these burgertards get mad, when some BASED boys, mentally ill or not, gay, trans, incel, leftie, racist, nazi whatever... when these BASED boys teach them some masculinity and try to kill as many mutt merimutt babies in those indoctrination centers called SCHOOLS...

That's what guns are for. To tell the system you are fed up, you are sick of it and you won't stay silent.

Rant over.

Disclaimer. This was a speech someone told me in a nightmare I had last night. Thnx for reading.

AnimalsOverHumans 0 points ago +3 / -3

Baker, who now works for Twitter


AnimalsOverHumans -3 points ago +1 / -4

You think you are smart asking this rhetorical question, but I will bait and show to the above average reader who has some notions of physics, chemics and science in general how stupid and false equivalent this is...

When we use water it doesn't transform its physical of chemical properties. The worst we can do to it is mix it with other toxic stuff, but in an long enough timeframe, Earths systems will remove the toxic chemicals we put in water...

So we aren't transforming water, we aren't altering the chemical properties or EXTRACTING the energy in its chemical bonds.

We are doing that to oil, on the other hand.

And theoretically, in a long enough time frame, when enough bovine citizens like you are dead and their corpses rotten and pressed under enough pressure, sure Earth can create new hydrocarbons... but certainly this process as is well known would need millions of years to happen and is not fast enough to keep up to the requirement of the human plague.

Hope this answers your question, low IQ piece of meat.

AnimalsOverHumans 0 points ago +3 / -3

I think they tried something less drastic than that early this year and nothing changed... worse things got worse...

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