AnimalsOverHumans -6 points ago +2 / -8

yes moron.... because women have no agency, right?

no, "my body my choice?"

why do we allow women to vote then? why do we allow them to chose their husbands? their bf?

be coherent.

you will convince imbeciles and idiots, but wont convince ppl like me...

so, this is how you proceed.. you remove their "rights"/privileges, and only then will I start to believe that the bad things happening to them are the fault of jews or niggers.

AnimalsOverHumans -4 points ago +2 / -6

nothing to do with women and men having children later in life.

it is well knows that Down Syndrome is highly correlated with the older age of the mother... once it was said that if the mother is over 30 she has good possibilities to have a Down child (this problem is now mitigated due to preemptive screening during pregnancy and therefore abortions).

so why isnt the same factor, aka mothers age, investigates for autism ....??

by DrLeaks
AnimalsOverHumans -5 points ago +1 / -6

keep dreaming

by DrLeaks
AnimalsOverHumans -5 points ago +1 / -6

don't think so... they would be happy to come and export some democracy in your neighborhood

by DrLeaks
AnimalsOverHumans -4 points ago +1 / -5

good. so these imbeciles learn not to serve and eat from the hand of a corrupt regime.

AnimalsOverHumans 0 points ago +5 / -5

All the other nations mean nothing compared to western young males not wanting to fight for their countries. lmao


by qbqb
AnimalsOverHumans -4 points ago +1 / -5

Yes sheeple. Nothing to do with the West wanting the Russian resources and natural gas.

Geee... wonder if the saying "all wars are wars for resources" aplies here too... what if humans havent changed a bit, as evolutionists say, and we are still teh brutal animal we once were and the civilization is a lie and a cover up for our true nature. Meaning that we find excuses and invent fake reasons, like "export democracy", "save russians from Putin" etc... while the basic reason might be that the jewsa and western countries in general need to secure more resources for their citizens and the next target is gonna be russia.

This is self evident if you are not under 100% of the brainwashing machinery called the media, and if you accept the simple premise that humans are like locusts and they go from place to place and use and abuse resources while leaving destruction behind.

Sorry a bit misanthopic with this account, I know...

by pkvi
AnimalsOverHumans -5 points ago +1 / -6

what is this?

AnimalsOverHumans -6 points ago +1 / -7

what retard? the worst way to cut the video... downvoted

AnimalsOverHumans -3 points ago +2 / -5

Well, this is another demonstration that some politicians start like DECENT persons then they lie and lie to get an image of themselves of what the electorate wants.

The ppl deserve the governments they have.

AnimalsOverHumans -3 points ago +3 / -6

Now on moon conspiracies, you got these two big duelling theories:

I disagree. I think both the things you mentioned are disinformation.

My modest opinion, is that the moon landings are totally false. I also believe that no human has gone beyond the van Allen radiation belts.

I also believe the reason the moon landings were faked, was not only because of the cold war and wanting to demonstrate supremacy, but also because humanity was becoming more and more nihilistic after WW2 and very demoralized. The moon landing hoax was the start of the popularization of the "science is the new god"... giving humans the fake belief that they could master everything on Earth and beyond.

No, I don't believe the Earth is flat. Not with the data I have seen until now.

This opinion is reinforced by something Musk, the new posterboy of "science is the new god" said sometimes ago... paraphrasing here.. the choice was between giving humanity hope or telling them that there was nothing and we are confided on Earth...

The science is the new god religion is part of the bigger religion of humans being masters of their own destiny.

AnimalsOverHumans -5 points ago +1 / -6

I think it's deeply seeded in scholastic indoctrination, and racial/national/ideological pride.

I forgot to mention this. But yes there are a lot of nazis among on GAB and I think most of them instinctively want to defend the honor of the nazis involved with the fake moon landings, Von Braun first of all.

AnimalsOverHumans -3 points ago +1 / -4

conservatives? lmao retard

AnimalsOverHumans -4 points ago +3 / -7

lmao more copium for magatards

AnimalsOverHumans -2 points ago +2 / -4

OH NO... he totally showed them... wow... he won bigly... go to sleep now... fuckign moron..

AnimalsOverHumans 2 points ago +6 / -4

This explains what type of rats end up working like RATS in a warehouse for Amazon...

not that I care for abortion being legal or illegal... fuck both sides of imbecilic US politics... but caring for a nonissue that doesn't affect them and a NORMAL person at the slightest tells me this society with this human stock needs PURGING ASAP.

AnimalsOverHumans -1 points ago +3 / -4

took his daughter, Nicole, into the backyard and shot her and then himself

Apparently he wanted his home to be clean when he returned that evening... ops what? wait a minute!!...

AnimalsOverHumans -3 points ago +1 / -4

Note. 24 h later this post has 3 downvotes and 11 upvotes.

Of the 9 comments left 3 are mine. 3 are from other ppl interested in the topic, and 3 are unrelated to the topic but which push and insert the FLAT EARTH discussion as if the MOON Landing Hoax verifies the flat earth theory. This is intentional, I believe, with the purpose to DERAIL attention from the documentaries I posted and to pollute the genuine discovery of the NASA deception. If these gentlemen are honest and genuine, they can discuss flat earth in another topic. I don't believe they are. One of their accounts is 14d old the other is 1 years old but has like 0 activity. Both probably shill accounts.

AnimalsOverHumans -5 points ago +1 / -6

Im really angry that niggers like you come and pollute this thread with this nigger stuff.

I have nothing against flat earth and your beliefs. When I start reading about it I might be on your side.

But if you come on a post that talks specifically and ONLY about the Moon Landing hoax I expect you to stay on topic. Otherwise, this confirms you flatearthers are only shills who want to pollute the NASA Moon Hoax discovery.

AnimalsOverHumans -3 points ago +1 / -4

birth rates decline because women are sick of feminism which is essentially female nature unleashed.

AnimalsOverHumans -4 points ago +1 / -5

stop blaiming the vaccine. blame women. blame society for failing women and women for choosing to fail their nr1 role which is to breed and their nr2 but not less important role which is to be a companion to man.

kys. all ppl who blame the vaccine for declining birth rates have been living under a rock until now and have the IQ of a subhuman piece of shit larva.

AnimalsOverHumans -2 points ago +2 / -4

I think you can find the last 2 freely on Odysee. Worth a search. I'm 90% sure you will find them. They are well made, very high quality.

Edit. Here is the first part: https://odysee.com/@pahana:6/Kubrick's-Odyssey-I---Kubrick-and-Apollo-(2011):4

Here is the second part: https://odysee.com/@pahana:6/Kubrick's-Odyssey-II---Beyond-the-Infinite-(2012):a

I will watch them again right now.

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