Thoughts? I search for moon landing hoax posts, links, groups on GAB and there is 0, nada, niente... not even a single status.
But there are infinite amount of anonymous accounts regurgitating fake Q psyop...
What does this say about GAB or/and its userbase?
Is that site full of bots and shills trying to push a certain narrative and to gather only the most unhinged of ppl in order to profile them?
How do you interpret this?
Still one of the least acceptable conspiracies, even among the so-called "red-pilled". It is fascinating, I think it's deeply seeded in scholastic indoctrination, and racial/national/ideological pride. I think the key is revealing to them that all the major players in the landings were freemasons and occultists. There is still the general belief (especially apparent when the topic is discussed on 4chan) that Apollo was a White Christian achievement, when in reality it was an achievement in deception by (((Freemasons)))
I forgot to mention this. But yes there are a lot of nazis among on GAB and I think most of them instinctively want to defend the honor of the nazis involved with the fake moon landings, Von Braun first of all.