More retarded shit for top of the bell curve types.
People drove more in 2021. Perhaps there really is an uptick in shitty driving but this post is a low effort, retard attempt at proving it.
Stupid. Maybe had you called out Social Media Manager then yeah, I'd agree.
If a candidate asks about it will they get a truthful response?
Good news for shareholders; bad news for shorters. Otherwise, who cares?
I assume this info is disclosed to candidates upon enlisting, or whatever it is they call it?
Seems pointless to attempt a smear campaign. I doubt too many folks will change their minds in light of this. I think it's just more distractions.
Seems like he could claim that it's illegal and have them tossed. Let the courts figure out what was legal at a later date. That's how the ds rolls.
Any chance DeSantis gave the green light (or didn't put up a red light)?
HR sluts are one bad decision away from going back to serving tables. Easy to control
The comms make sense in the sense that they're occurring and this is a good candidate for being one. Hard to know what the intent is without a decifer.
Nope. Just contradictions
Thank you for the list of assumptions
Govt had billions to spend on propaganda. Of course they incentivised publishers to peddle the shit.
Yeah, Wall Street is not known for people working long hours. They really value work life balance.
Sept 11th. A Unites States celebration of the day before my birthday. Of course ppl didn't show up to work.
Now let me hypnotize you into narrowly focusing on a single aspect other than the topic of discussion.
I'm Jack's inner hate.
Survival bias, not reverse causation.
I mean, he drinks embalming solution and does cocain. Watson approves
Nice comment history. You remind of the new wave of bots that flooded r/conspiracy recently.
At this point, with a split up of the US becoming more likely, I'd rather ensure Florida remains a viable state.
Never use a bull market model to forecast in bear market times.
What's the breakdown of taxes by local, city, state, fed?
"Just waiting for the Pre-Crime thumbs up"
It's not over till the fat lady sings, retard
That's not proof. Lol, the fact you thought that would be convincing tells me you're a man of low iq
If you can demonstrate candidates are being misled, by confirming the above, then it sounds pretty open and close to me