FBI is a terrorist org. It's agents are traitors.
vax'd blood contaminating everything. probably adds to complications during surgery.
check out the Thunderbolt Project channel on youtube. interesting electric earth stuff might tie into celestial events ref'd in pic
why would anyone think fucking around with any of that would work out OK???
<looks in mirror; sees dumbass teenage self perusing Book of Satan at Waldenbooks>
oh. right.
/x/ thread : https://boards.4channel.org/x/thread/35442643#p35442657
edit: further down in the thread there's mention of "William Moore and Moore's public MUFON meltdown". i did a DDG search for that exact phrase and when i clicked the first link (https://www.openminds.tv/william-moore-ufo-opportunist-agent-disinformation/29056) firefox went all fucky. now, it stopped showing that link when I DDG "William Moore and Moore's public MUFON meltdown"
editx2: so i just posted the link in my brave browser, it seemed to work ok, went to another tab i had open, and when i went back to the tab with above link, the page was gone and i was being asked to update chrome.
i wish the glowies would get their shit together and get better at cross-referencing their watchlists. i'm already on at least a dozen. they don't need to add anymore spyware onto my computer. though, i guess if i'm wasting their resources, that's ok, too.
designer Mike Doud, waitress is Kate Murtagh
Why are you fags so hung up on Freemasons?
lol. if you have to ask, then why are you even here? one shekel has been deposited in your account, moshe.
spare the rod, spoil the intra-dimensional time-traveler.
The evangelicals set up the jews to be in positions of power,
lol. and the evangelicals have been doing it for the past 2000 years so everywhere jews go they ultimately get kicked out?
nice try, moshe. 1 shekel has been deposited in your account.
part of the masonic oath is to protect one's fellow masons and especially those lower in the ranks.
meh. i've always gotten along with them. the ones coming across the border now, along with the S.Am and CentAm illegals, are some combination of just looking for gibs and sleeper agents fixing to destabilize shit, but i haven't had any probs with mexican americans. they've been great on construction sites i've worked, and when i catered bars for mexican events there was never any trouble, either inside the event center or out in the parking lot.
blacks on the other hand...
by the time i'd heard about it, '86, it was in Milw. grew up near there but never made it. iirc, they had it at UWParkside one year.
where are they doing GenCon these days? or does it vary year to year?
Memphis has become a total shithole b/c of nogs. Lived there in the early 90's and it was alot of fun and very cheap. Germantown had a higher income average than the rest of Memphis, was predominantly white, and the municiplaity worked hard to keep it a nice place to live. I'd be willing to bet some diversity crept into whatever dept. handles utilities and infrastructure maintenance.
"I love war movies and I have seen a ton."
right. and nowhere is the pre-WWII general public's distaste for jews ever seen. if one digs around, there was really quite a bit of animosity towards them. considering what our Founding Fathers thought of jews, it's surprising they were ever allowed to prosper in this country.
no disagreement here.
not really. the financial access to live a human version of what the mice did isn't available for the majority of millenials & zoomers. Common Core, NCLB, and the prison-esque atmosphere of the majority of public schools explains zoomers & millenials far better.
archive link because fuk NYT: https://archive.is/GLYNI
archive link since OP is a bundle of sticks: https://archive.is/GLYNI
well, this turned into an interesting rabbit hole.
but the weirdest thing so far is reading other articles on the website this came from. there's a subreddit that's dedicated to bots/AI just commenting at each other, and this website seems to be similar. The articles are bizarre.
That's it!!! Also, just checked the wikipedia page and it doesn't exist anymore. The wikipedia article was the next site I went to when I first read about Dicyanin Dye.
going to download some videos tomorrow and check this out some more.
edit: https://www.svpwiki.com/Dicyanin-Dye
I know there was a wikipedia article on it, but I can't find it now. During my search, I came across the same query on reddit, but the post body had been deleted.
Wish I could find it now. I remember thinking when I read about it that the color/pigment was within the skillset of the home/hobbyist chemist.
jfc, the virtue signaling in that article...
the well of resentment towards "woke" bullshit and, by extension, POC's grows deeper everyday. going to be entertaining when that dam breaks.