9035768regginwolg 4 points ago +4 / -0

snopes? really? lol

9035768regginwolg 1 point ago +1 / -0

creepy images.

related tangent: apparently, ophthalmologists can tell the vax'd during eye exams because of microclots in the eye.

9035768regginwolg 7 points ago +7 / -0

lol. taking the part of Ray Charles to a whole new level.

9035768regginwolg 3 points ago +3 / -0

never much cared for long pig

9035768regginwolg 3 points ago +3 / -0

worth noting a bunch of the low scorers apparently just didn't return whatever questionairre to the org that does the ranking.

overall list is depressing af.

9035768regginwolg 4 points ago +4 / -0

i picked up food donations for a food bank for several months. it's crazy what gets tossed, that we weren't allowed to pick up. there are some health regulations that have to/should be followed, which i don't necessarily have a problem with, but OP is generally right.

there's also restrictions on what state/govt funded food banks are allowed to accept as donations from stores and individuals.

there's a shitfuckton of waste in all of our industries. i stopped being anal/OCD about recycling after working for a large department store chain. at seasonal changeover, we were filling up a 40' dumpster about twice a week with packaging that all went to a landfill. also, big office/res highrise or manufacturing plant construction sites generate huuuuge amounts of landfill waste.

imho, recycling as a personal habit still makes sense just from what the Bible says about being this planet's stewards, but it's our infrastructure, macro-economy, and retail conveniences that are the biggest generators of pollution and waste. globalization has also been very poisonous for the planet.

brb. off to throw a car battery in the ocean :)

9035768regginwolg 1 point ago +1 / -0

interesting the wiki article includes a pic of one of the jets flying past Vegas' Mandalay Bay hotel: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Janet_(airline)#/media/File:(EG_&G)Boeing_737-66N_N365SR(cn_29891-1294)(6890040081).jpg

9035768regginwolg 1 point ago +1 / -0

i like how absolutely NONE of these fucks are taking responsibility for their own actions in perpetuating the covidiocy. ffs, i had a laptop and an internet connection that was almost dial-up quality and was able to figure out the covid narrative was a bunch of bullshit by march/april of '20.

also, (((rolling stone))) is just another facet of (((mainstream media))). archive link: https://archive.is/jMvxm

9035768regginwolg 9 points ago +10 / -1

the fatigue grows more and more every day. when the pendulum swings back, gonna be ugly.

jews in media and behind-the-scenes in govt. are fomenting this, getting whites and blacks to fight each other so we don't unite and go after the (((real problem))).

9035768regginwolg 1 point ago +1 / -0

what others have said about iodine and borax, plus maybe add NAC along with distilled water.

i've been toying with solfeggio tones and frequency generators (tons online) but not enough for any data.

edit to add: https://thirdeyeactivator.com/

9035768regginwolg 4 points ago +4 / -0

mods really need to ban this wall-of-text-bot.

9035768regginwolg 1 point ago +1 / -0

What would Jesus write?

"How many times do I need to repeat, 'Jews are of their father, the devil, and are the synagogue of satan'? I love you all, but... Are you people fucking daft???"

except in aramaic.

9035768regginwolg 7 points ago +7 / -0

the border patrol agents allowing this to happen and are just "following orders" are outright traitors.

this shit could be slowed to a trickle almost immediately if just a couple dozen American Citizens went down to the border with rifles and the willingness to use lethal force. the reason decent, patriotic American Citizens haven't done so is because everyone knows the moment that happens "law enforcement" will come down on the American Citizens trying to stop what is literally an invasion.

a big chunk of this "immigration"/invasion fiasco, as well as much of the past several years of covid shenanigans, can be laid squarely at the feet of the traitorous, cowardly parasites in "law enforcement" who not only retreat & hide behind the excuse of "just following orders". TPTB know exactly who they can rely on to intimidate and get in the way of decent Patriots who would otherwise be doing their civic duty and defending their country.

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