Another question that the Flat Earthers cannot explain.
All yiu get is lame excuses and deflections

Oh wait… Just kidding. I’m not a fed larping as a moron.
Join in on the totally authentic conversation!
As ridiculous as FE seems, prima facie, until it's proven false, I keep my mind open to plausible explanations for why:
A) the moon landings were all fake and we've never "been back"
B) there are no actual photos of the entire earth from space (unless you believe the sizes of the continents are changing by 30-60% every decade or so)
C) the only people on earth that we give billions of dollars to, to go to space, are faking any, let alone much (or all) of the footage, using green screens, parabolic "zero gravity" flights, actual hair spray to make their hair stand up, underwater studios (unless you believe in air bubbles in space)
You might say "but these items have better explanations than FE". Well let's hear those theories also. Let's not shoot down those who are proposing an outlandish, yet mostly comprehensive, theory, one that explains these anomalies as well as a plethora of others, like how did they use radio frequencies that don't even purportedly bounce off the ionosphere to communicate hundreds of miles during WWII, how can the horizon be seen above an item whose entirety should be hidden behind it, why is Antarctica, aside from a tiny portion, entirely off limits to most civilians, how was Felix Baumgartner able to slowly float up to nearly 30 miles without drifting a thousand or more miles because of the earth's rotation, etc.
Suggestions that these things are not even worthy of discussion, on a forum dedicated to conspiracy theories, have to be disingenuous.
Original Research
Let's not also forget that FE researchers are literally the only conspiracy theorists doing original research. These people will buy lasers that cost thousands of dollars, cameras, etc., and go to some large body of water (large lakes, bays, etc.) where they can test their hypothesis with an actual experiment. Everything else I see on here is pure speculation, or videos of interviews involving various professionals with dubious backstories (Malone, etc.).
Does it Matter
Pertaining the "would it even matter" argument, you honestly don't need a lukewarm IQ to imagine how much it would matter, if FE was real.
Most of us are here because we couldn't speak freely elsewhere, because "hate has no place on our platform" type communist bullshit. Now we're going to make the same kind of rules, especially banning arbitrary content that is desired by a clear majority, on a platform with already-existing mechanisms for getting rid of low quality postd (downvoting, hiding)? If FE posts are banned, this place is no better than TGA, and don't even pretend to be pro constitution when you can't even stand up for free speech about a conspiracy theory in a conspiracy theory forum.
I'm out of here, for good, if FE is banned. Aside from spam, illegal, doxxing, banning has no place on our platform.
Just check r/conspiracy "new" posts and you will see that free-speech is still alive there. Here people just copy the info there, as if I am not on both ones to compare...
I have tolerated idiot mods, who refuse to ban TallestSkill because of his "influence" and multiple accounts... I have tolerated the 8-10 posts that this community produces... I have tolerated the arrogance of many users. Enough. You made this place equal to shit.
Whoever is banned on r/conspiracy and/or reddit, I welcome you to make a new account with a new e-mail to MAKE THIS PLACE GREAT AGAIN!!! Your actions there are 100000 more valuable then here. Whoever is gonna see your actions in this forum? All the 8 shills? Think about it.
MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Don't give up because the mod is on his period. Don't give up because TallestSkill has more accounts on reddit and will flame there as well (at least his death threats will be banned immediately there). DON'T GIVE UP THE FIGHT!
WARRIORS ASSEMBLE IN REDDIT! Flat-earth posts get 50-250 upvotes still if you check right now. Leave the dictator to taste his own medicine when he is left with nothing but shills. I would like to see your efforts in a place, where your actions will be noticed by more and appreciated by more! This place is r/conspiracy or r/conspiracy_commons.

There is a dedicated community on this website for Flat Earth [FE] stuff:
There is no need for FE here on conspiracies IMO. If people want to explore FE they can easily seek it there or elsewhere on the internet.
My position: FE doesn't belong here. I believe the proponents of FE are ruining any chance this forum has to gain a larger following. They are time wasters and trolls who reject logical and reasonable rebuttable of their assertions. If someone disproves their idea they say it's lies and fakery without justification or evidence. If it's tiresome for me it must be annoying for others too, and perhaps it is dissuading lurkers from taking the leap and interacting here. No one should have to spend time wading through FE madness if they didn't seek it out.
My position wont change through argument. That's not what this post is about. I want to know:
Do individual, regular users on Conspiracies support banning FE posts and "discussion" from this forum?
If this motion of mine passes, the FE users would be allowed to stay, but submissions they make claiming the Earth is flat would be removed and result in a 3 day ban.
Comments arguing for FE would be removed too, if they are reported or I see them.
A note on the side bar would be added, making it clear that FE is banned here, and a link to the scored/communities FE community provided.
I think that's fair.
Since voting is easily manipulated, the way we'll decide is this:
Reply below, a top level comment, with either a YAY or NAY
YAY= I want FE banned
NAY= I want FE allowed
1 vote per user
Any top level comment without a clear YAY or NAY at the beginning of the comment will be removed.
YAYS or NAYS as a reply to a top level comment will not count and will be removed.
Provide justification, opinions or suggestions about all this along with your vote, if you like, but place it on a separate line below your YAY or NAY.
Replying to users is fine too, as long as you yourself have also made a top level comment with a yay or nay.
If a top level comment is edited, the edit history will be checked and the comment may not count or may be removed.
We have about 100 regular users/contributors, my estimate, so I hope everyone replies with a YAY or NAY. We'll give it plenty of time to ensure everyone sees this post.
Upvotes or Downvotes on comments or on this post will be completely ignored
We're counting YAYs or NAYs from individual users only.
Top level comments without a clear YAY or NAY will be removed.
Duplicate YAYs or NAYS will be removed.
Handshake account YAYs or NAYs are welcome, but they will be scrutinized and possibly ignored if they seem like sock-puppets, regardless of how they are voting. This is to ensure the minimum of vote manipulation.
Older accounts with little to no history - or where their last comment was several months or years ago - will also be scrutinized and may not count.
I reserve the right to edit this post based on interactions and suggestions below. I may not have thought of everything. Edits will be labelled and placed at the end of this text.
Vote over
Minus sock-puppet accounts it's 61 Nay, 44 Yay.
Most of the nays are casual, non-contributing users banging on about censorship and free speech who don't give a damn about quality content nor FE. I encourage those users to engage with FE instead of ignoring it. If you did that you would probably come to regret voting to allow it in this forum.
Our ancestors outsourced digestion to fire. You evolved this way, and have a shorter digestive tract because of it.
Cooking meat kills bacteria that could make you sick, even deathly ill. Moreover, it preserves food such that it can be eaten for longer periods of time.
For millions of years, our paleo ancestors cooked meat. There is zero relationship with cooking your meat to eating a twinkie or a McNugget.
You evolved to have a big brain and make fire and use tools. Eating raw meat is like not doing algebra because primitive man in caves only knew to add/subtract/multiply/divide.