You forgot to put link unrelated before that statement. KRS1 is actually pretty intelligent and the only thing this video should be called out for is assuming he was ever silenced lol. Dude's been foundational to the rise in hip hop without going full jew fueled thug mode. The fact that he's never been pushed into the mainstream is proof enough he wasn't willing to sell his soul to be put on their pay rolls. There's a difference between being silenced and not having the machine push you to the top.
Con (together) scious (to perceive)...being able to perceive implies a separation of each ones perception (form) within all perceivable (flow).
The trick...others suggest CON to distract from self discernment. Breathing implies each formed partials adaptation to whole flowing through one...add a CON and it becomes a con-spiracy, from spirit/spiro - "to breathe".
Bonus: "sound of the police; sound of the beast"...sound/sanus - "entire; whole; all" + and police/polis - "ones city; center", which implies be (being) ast (astute) aka being able to discern self.
"You can't stand where I stand, you can't walk where I walk"...because all separates each one from one another.
If being implies as supreme within the reign of knowledge, then that goes OVER nearly everyone who chooses to seek UNDER-standing from one another.
Only the one who discerns self as supreme (matter) within the reign (momentum) of knowledge (motion) exists in-between aka "as above/so below".
If I would use the name "KRS ONE", then I would add another ONE to oneself, hence binding ones free will of choice to another one. KRS implies each one...any additional "one" tempts one to ignore that.
KRS - KRIS -CHRIST - "anointed one" implies separation of one from one another by unction (within oil), hence each off-spring coming through the birth-channel aka from oil/all into one.
Any words used to describe, are distracting from how sound moves. Words represent an artificial inscription within the mind/memory of those who ignore that nature moves sound through each in-stru-mental being.
Edit: RHYME; noun - "agreement in terminal sounds of words or metrical lines"...sound doesn't rhyme; beings within sound agreeing about words rhyme. Rhyming implies mirroring aka a miracle for the eye of the beholder aka a looking glass for the spectator.
It's only a metaphor to those who think it's air. Hint EVERYTHING IS BEING. EVEN CONSCIOUSNESS!!!!
Not that many would care here but I feel obligated to mention that according to spiritual research the air is now the beings that created us. They love us very much to stay so close to us all this time.
No, it is very true and verified that everything is consciousness, attention, being. Just as our human vehicle isn't our true self. So is the air, the lowest member/body/sheath of being/beings.
Every man must verify for himself.
Hint # 1 love truth more than anyone or anything or yourself.
When it is real, every question you ask will be answered in time.
I love Christ more than anyone and anything and He's the truth. That's why I believe in His account of creation and nature which is definitely not what you're saying.
Africans will do anything to excuse the fact that they don’t think on their own.
You forgot to put link unrelated before that statement. KRS1 is actually pretty intelligent and the only thing this video should be called out for is assuming he was ever silenced lol. Dude's been foundational to the rise in hip hop without going full jew fueled thug mode. The fact that he's never been pushed into the mainstream is proof enough he wasn't willing to sell his soul to be put on their pay rolls. There's a difference between being silenced and not having the machine push you to the top.
What he's saying in the video is about as dumb as anything else I've ever heard a nigger say.
Stop. Smoking. Weed.
I think he's taking shrooms too
This is more like huffing paint fumes out of a paper bag.
Stop. Sucking. Dick.
Con (together) scious (to perceive)...being able to perceive implies a separation of each ones perception (form) within all perceivable (flow).
The trick...others suggest CON to distract from self discernment. Breathing implies each formed partials adaptation to whole flowing through one...add a CON and it becomes a con-spiracy, from spirit/spiro - "to breathe".
Aka KRS/KRIS/CHRIST...the anointed one, hence Knowledge (motion) Reigns (momentum) Supreme (matter).
Bonus: "sound of the police; sound of the beast"...sound/sanus - "entire; whole; all" + and police/polis - "ones city; center", which implies be (being) ast (astute) aka being able to discern self.
"You can't stand where I stand, you can't walk where I walk"...because all separates each one from one another.
Good one. I like that you're a human
Knowledge Reigns Supreme Over Nearly Everyone is what KRS ONE stands for FYI.
If being implies as supreme within the reign of knowledge, then that goes OVER nearly everyone who chooses to seek UNDER-standing from one another.
Only the one who discerns self as supreme (matter) within the reign (momentum) of knowledge (motion) exists in-between aka "as above/so below".
If I would use the name "KRS ONE", then I would add another ONE to oneself, hence binding ones free will of choice to another one. KRS implies each one...any additional "one" tempts one to ignore that.
KRS - KRIS -CHRIST - "anointed one" implies separation of one from one another by unction (within oil), hence each off-spring coming through the birth-channel aka from oil/all into one.
Any words used to describe, are distracting from how sound moves. Words represent an artificial inscription within the mind/memory of those who ignore that nature moves sound through each in-stru-mental being.
Sleight of hand for those with eyes to see... aka creatio ex nihilo...
Edit: RHYME; noun - "agreement in terminal sounds of words or metrical lines"...sound doesn't rhyme; beings within sound agreeing about words rhyme. Rhyming implies mirroring aka a miracle for the eye of the beholder aka a looking glass for the spectator.
Nice metaphor, but ignoring some physiology. Love this guy though.
It's only a metaphor to those who think it's air. Hint EVERYTHING IS BEING. EVEN CONSCIOUSNESS!!!! Not that many would care here but I feel obligated to mention that according to spiritual research the air is now the beings that created us. They love us very much to stay so close to us all this time.
Those things are allowed to vote
All the food i eat turns into human material, therefore everything i eat is by definition human. I am cannibalizing broccolis rn
Is this a joke?
No, it is very true and verified that everything is consciousness, attention, being. Just as our human vehicle isn't our true self. So is the air, the lowest member/body/sheath of being/beings.
How did you verify that? Am I supposed to believe it because Millie Vanilli said it?
Every man must verify for himself. Hint # 1 love truth more than anyone or anything or yourself. When it is real, every question you ask will be answered in time.
I love Christ more than anyone and anything and He's the truth. That's why I believe in His account of creation and nature which is definitely not what you're saying.