If being implies as supreme within the reign of knowledge, then that goes OVER nearly everyone who chooses to seek UNDER-standing from one another.
Only the one who discerns self as supreme (matter) within the reign (momentum) of knowledge (motion) exists in-between aka "as above/so below".
If I would use the name "KRS ONE", then I would add another ONE to oneself, hence binding ones free will of choice to another one. KRS implies each one...any additional "one" tempts one to ignore that.
KRS - KRIS -CHRIST - "anointed one" implies separation of one from one another by unction (within oil), hence each off-spring coming through the birth-channel aka from oil/all into one.
Any words used to describe, are distracting from how sound moves. Words represent an artificial inscription within the mind/memory of those who ignore that nature moves sound through each in-stru-mental being.
Edit: RHYME; noun - "agreement in terminal sounds of words or metrical lines"...sound doesn't rhyme; beings within sound agreeing about words rhyme. Rhyming implies mirroring aka a miracle for the eye of the beholder aka a looking glass for the spectator.
If being implies as supreme within the reign of knowledge, then that goes OVER nearly everyone who chooses to seek UNDER-standing from one another.
Only the one who discerns self as supreme (matter) within the reign (momentum) of knowledge (motion) exists in-between aka "as above/so below".
If I would use the name "KRS ONE", then I would add another ONE to oneself, hence binding ones free will of choice to another one. KRS implies each one...any additional "one" tempts one to ignore that.
KRS - KRIS -CHRIST - "anointed one" implies separation of one from one another by unction (within oil), hence each off-spring coming through the birth-channel aka from oil/all into one.
Any words used to describe, are distracting from how sound moves. Words represent an artificial inscription within the mind/memory of those who ignore that nature moves sound through each in-stru-mental being.
Sleight of hand for those with eyes to see... https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2062996/ aka creatio ex nihilo... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creatio_ex_nihilo
Edit: RHYME; noun - "agreement in terminal sounds of words or metrical lines"...sound doesn't rhyme; beings within sound agreeing about words rhyme. Rhyming implies mirroring aka a miracle for the eye of the beholder aka a looking glass for the spectator.