posted ago by OnlyRetardsGetTheJab ago by OnlyRetardsGetTheJab +11 / -1

I can entertain the idea that perhaps typical users don't talk about it online because they're not very tech savvy so they just assume they're doing something wrong when a website or piece of software malfunctions.

But it's simply not possible for nearly all of these software programmers, web developers and tech enthusiasts to not be talking about it online.

Operating systems, desktop software, phone apps, games, firmware & drivers, major corporate websites, banking websites, gov websites, utilities websites... everything.
Over the past 5+ years it has increasingly become the norm for it to be horribly designed, malfunctioning or broken; or only tested on a single device with a single OS/browser of a single version.

Actual humans would not refrain from talking about this programming plague but bots set to not expose DEI-driven destruction absolutely would refrain.