Trump wants to merge Canada and the USA, and unlike previous presidents he isn't even coy about it.
Regarding annexing Canada Trump said, "You get rid of that artificially drawn line and you take a look at what that looks like, and it would also be much better for national security,” Trump said.
People like Alex Jones were warning us about a North American Union plan for decades. Yet Jones now supports Trump as the white hat savior of America (and has since 2015). Also ironic that Jones was selling Trump as bringing in martial law, another thing he had been warning us about for decades.
Is that enough to wake any Trump lovers up or are you still that retarded?
Agreed. This is all in support of the (Jewish) New World Order where Jerusalem will become the capital of the world.
And the Jewish space lasers protect us from the space-faring Zuckerlizards?
Mark Zuckerberg (Jewish). It's surprising how many of the founders of Facebook are (Jewish) - the majority actually. Weird coincidence.
Generalizations get no-one anywhere with me.
Do you know what sect of Judaism Zuckerfuck follows?
Does his mom go to synagogue? Nope. So, not Jewish.
Mom has to practice Judaism for them to be a Jew fam.
Ed and Karen move money toward the integration of tech and the human body. That is forebiden in Hasidim. The oldest form of practiced belief in the Torah.
My ancestry is Irish.
Oy vey! Just because they are all (Jewish) doesn't mean anything! They could be different sects of Judaism! See goy! Just because Facebook, Google, Instagram, YouTube, were controlled by (Jews) doesn't mean anything - it could have been difference sects of Judaism goy! Just coincidences!
You have convinced me. Where do I join the cult?
Zion Don is in lockstep with Israel to expand borders around the world. It’s clear that Trump is doing Israel’s bidding and that global war is ramping up on multiple fronts because the Synagouge wants total domination. The BRICS countries are the only countries opposed to this expansion right now.
He warned the middle east and hamas to return the hostages from the fake Oct 7th attack or all hell will break lose...
Using the FF they created to start more wars.
If you do not do what the blob tells you, it will kill you and your family.
Do you think you have the smarts to make a plan and keep it out of their channels?
I don't think Trump has a plan to help us. Why should I trust in a magic plan from someone who is clearly wicked? That's called wishful thinking.
Put your faith in God alone. That's what the prophets told us and that's what Jesus the Christ told us.
It's not wise to take seriously any political declarations from the politician who is not in charge yet. Better to see what politician will really do and then do any conclusions.
As far as I understand, good lithmus paper for Trump will be declassifying JFK papers with zero redactions and Epshtein list in full. If he will not do that, then there is senseless to expect anything from him.
As for NAU - I remember this idea at least from 2000s, there even was Amero currency banknote samples circling among not wery mainstream internet and other stuff at the time, but nothing about that project was done ever. IDK, may be this idea is just somehow attractive for whatever actors Trump is trying to summon on his side before inauguration for whatever reasons and nothing more.
Adding territories is a huge government spending, it could be attractive to some players, but on the other side, adding tens of trillions to 35T debt (not even talking about external US debt) looks completely insane. To make NAU somehow real, US have to get rid of Federal Reserve and completely rebuild whole US financial system. I doubt Trump will be allowed to do that, even with that unknown pro-NAU players on his side, but who knows.
The globalists have been pushing the NAU for twenty years. Trump is calling attention to this. The reason he is pushing it is to gain the reaction you all are providing in the comments. He needs the left/globalists/RINOS to be against the NAU because they formerly were the ones pushing for it. Now that he is talking in favor of it, the left/globalists/RINOS are saying "Hell no, such an idea is terrible." Exactly what he wants them to say. He has used this tactic many times since 2016. He knows they will be against whatever he is for, so he sometimes pretends to be in favor of ideas he wants defeated.
Lol, that shit passed years ago.
Dont you guys remember that super highway they built for the sole purpose of moving goods?
(Weird I thought it was finished but it must have only been part of it.)
Pretty sure thats what alex jones was talking about, not the highway, the trade agreement that bush finalized a while back.
Lol, is it a conspiracy theory if its the truth. They certainly shipped alot of manufacturing jobs to mexico. Glad we can support their country at the cost of our own while making the rich even richer.
If they were both gonna do the same thing, better him than cackles.
What a viewpoint. Might as well be someone you like destroying you huh?
Who said I liked him? I'd rather have an affordable Armageddon i can afford to participate in. Lmao The system is forced upon us either way. If I have to pick a side, I'll pick the one that believes in the closest moral archetype as myself.
To your point they are both puppets. They all are so yes, it's happening regardless.