Trump wants to merge Canada and the USA, and unlike previous presidents he isn't even coy about it.
Regarding annexing Canada Trump said, "You get rid of that artificially drawn line and you take a look at what that looks like, and it would also be much better for national security,” Trump said.
People like Alex Jones were warning us about a North American Union plan for decades. Yet Jones now supports Trump as the white hat savior of America (and has since 2015). Also ironic that Jones was selling Trump as bringing in martial law, another thing he had been warning us about for decades.
Is that enough to wake any Trump lovers up or are you still that retarded?
And the Jewish space lasers protect us from the space-faring Zuckerlizards?
Mark Zuckerberg (Jewish). It's surprising how many of the founders of Facebook are (Jewish) - the majority actually. Weird coincidence.
Generalizations get no-one anywhere with me.
Do you know what sect of Judaism Zuckerfuck follows?
Does his mom go to synagogue? Nope. So, not Jewish.
Mom has to practice Judaism for them to be a Jew fam.
Ed and Karen move money toward the integration of tech and the human body. That is forebiden in Hasidim. The oldest form of practiced belief in the Torah.
My ancestry is Irish.
Oy vey! Just because they are all (Jewish) doesn't mean anything! They could be different sects of Judaism! See goy! Just because Facebook, Google, Instagram, YouTube, were controlled by (Jews) doesn't mean anything - it could have been difference sects of Judaism goy! Just coincidences!
You have convinced me. Where do I join the cult?