You must be older than me. Good luck nowadays. Volcel because I can cook and clean for myself. My hands can do everything a woman could ever do for me and they don't complain, wander off with other dudes, or leave with all my stuff.
I agree it's not all, but those ones are happily married.
Did and have been, found a bunch of hasbins. Mgtow now. Heck, I like the sound of wringing my car engine's neck better than the pleasure of a female in bed.
No offense taken. It's what happens when a whole life worth of prayer continues to go unanswered. Once you've learned to do everything for yourself, no help is needed anymore.
Reading comprehension was never my strong suit, that was math and science.
Pretty wild how so few people, even on a conspiracy board, don't know about the Kalergi plan, as they keep advocating for ideas, behaviors, policies, and philosophies which help advance the Kalergi plan.
Malthus, Royal Society, Tavistock, Rockefeller, Club of Rome, Kalergi, P. Erlich, Georgia Guidstones, Kissinger report, Global 2000 report, Brzezinski, J. Attali, Gates, Salk, Sanger, Russel - it's definitely not the best kept secret.
I could make excuses all day. Between my raising and dating life I endured, I just don't care about it anymore. I have things I would like to afford to do before I get to old to do them.
Yup. So selfish I skipped a car payment to take supplies out to Asheville area on my own dime over a weekend. I did enjoy the Dragon Tail on the way back.
So selfish that one Christmas (the one I could afford to) I made gift bags for all the homeless people I could find near my hometown. They had 5 cans of food, 2 water bottles, and a small copy of the New Testament.
So selfish that I spend my weekends taking care of others that are not right enough in the head to do so themselves.
Yes, I'm completely selfish for wanting to do something for me besides the 2 vacations I enjoyed in the last 16 years. Thanks for your concern.
Taking care of others? You are giving free handouts to drug addicted bums who provide nothing to Supreme White Civilization of any value. Squatters and needle addicts.
Your virtue signaling would work better over at Reddit.
To become a father, you have to put your kids first. That means self sacrifice. You are not mature enough to become a father yet.
Can you give an example of what you like to afford to do before you get married and have children? I want to know what you believe to be better than having your own children run up to you and hug you.
Most fathers don't mature until he sees that baby pop out. It then becomes a "holy shit that's my flesh and blood" moment. I'm not one, but I am an uncle so I may know a few irl.
A house, and consistent food on the table. Because being financially stable is important for a family. Got 3 jobs man. I work, if you can call it that, 12 to 14 hr days, 7 days a week. Left labor and picked jobs that don't make an old man out of me quick. Still got stupidity I'm paying off from my 20s.
Considering what I have been thru at the hands of a "parent" through my childhood, getting that trauma under control was important to me long before having kids. That way I can avoid passing it on to a my own flesh and blood.
Some things are important to consider before just making babies.
Getting a house, providing most of your own food, having savings is good.
But i remember something one of earlier bosses/mentors told me. He said if you wait until you are READY to get married or have children, you'll never be READY. No one is ever entirely "ready." If you wait that long you will become childless which is lonely in the second part of your life.
If you are already in your 30's it is fucking Go time. You are already behind. Keep working the 3 jobs and reach those goals. Work Life balance is important though. I think men today don't carve out sufficient time to actually meet eligible women. If you never schedule time to find a wife, you never will. She's not going to knock on the door or show up at your job site. That'd be too easy.
Remember. It's not just about how much you make. It's about how much you spend. Are you wasting money and bleeding it out the other end? Can you go a week without buying a snack from a convenience store or blowing $10+ on goyslop on a lunch break?
I probably don't even make as much as you do but i rarely consume anything. Everything i buy is used from flea markets, pawn shops, yard sales, bartering. I only use cash. I never buy goyslop snacks. I only eat meals on my own farm and if i'm traveling i pack my own food to bring with me. I repair my other clothes, boots, vehicles, phone, equipment, etc. Anything that breaks i first attempt to repair it myself rather than replace it.
I am able to save about $1K per month living modest lifestyle, working 8 or less hours per day (more if you count work on my own property).
No one had perfect childhood. I'd come to terms with it, determine to break the cycle and distance yourself from anyone who is not repenting.
I also think that to maximize savings you have to commute. Meaning you have to live somewhere cheap in sururbs or rural and commute to a city or metropolis where there is high currency movement and people pay 3x as much for a service or product you provide in rural areas.
I've heard of people who charge $40,000 just to paint one house. People paying $300-$500 per month just to get their grass cut.
If i were single i would live in a mobile trailer that i pull with my truck. That way i could save lots of money and be somewhat mobile and go where the work is and stack lots of money and save up for a house quickly. Another option is since you are strong single man you can buy a house in a nigger neighborhood and still be able to afford to live downtown. There's still lots of segregation. Housing is expensive but you can still buy houses cheap in nigger neighborhoods because no one, not even democrats, want to live there. Gentrify the neighborhood. Get a posse of white friends to slowly buy up the cheap housing in a nigger neighborhood, fix it up, build gates and bars over the windows and surveillance cameras and a guard dog. That way you live downtown, make high income, avoid the commute, and your property will increase as you fix it up and niggers get gentrified out and moved into section 8 government housing instead (they all do this as they get old and require elderly care).
His argument is not NAWALT. His argument is that if we put women legally under the control of men, as they were before female suffrage, they wouldn't be in any position to destroy the lives of not just their husbands but also their children.
Just like a child must be stopped from eating nothing but candy and ice cream, a woman must be stopped from being a whore.
Agreed. There are consequences for men from women, but not the other way around. We've given pussy the power, and that's a problem. When pussy holds no power over you, you've won.
I believe many white liberal moms voted for Trump because of all the trans kid shit shoved in their kids faces. Liberals have gotten too insane and any one with a brain has broken from them.
I don't believe the Lord of Lords is obsessing over some sacred bloodline of humanity remaining intact. We are judged (and saved) by spiritual and not physical condition.
The Tower of Babble indicates that God wants a multiplicity of nations and people. In Revelation, John sees saints of all people and nations. Christ said go and convert all nations, not race mix and create open borders for a one world government.
If this is a grave sin to mix, then the USA is born in sin. Settlers from different nations in Europe mixed together here with each other and Native Americans. And they brought in blacks. So get mad at them not me.
Nothing was so clear cut as that. When I studied early American history, even in early colonial times in the USA there were groups of mixed Natives + whites. One such group was massacred by a jealous Indian tribe. But today it is not at all uncommon to meet white people who are genuinely part native.
French and Spanish didn't simply try to convert the natives. They depended on them. And they also mated with them frequently. Does that mean these people are now more born into sin than the rest of us? I don't think so and history does not prove that.
Conquest is not a great thing, but it does happen. Mixing can also happen because of trade. If your region is an economic hub, like say Singapore or New York, it happens. Any nation that becomes a great empire will see people flocking towards it as well.
The Tower of Babel wasn't a mandate to never mix with anyone. The issue was them challenging God, not mixing itself.
There are times when mixing happens and it isn't a challenge the Holy Spirit can't overcome. Though it can have bad effects on national unity, no doubt. But nations also have a lifespan. Even the map of Europe today isn't the same map as 100 years ago, let alone 300 years ago.
Of course it is. How many white women are whoring themselves out on jew pimp websites such as Onlyfans?
How many white women have been brainwashed to hate "white patriarchy" ?
How many white women were brainwashed to hate their own white fathers?
How many white women were brainwashed into believing that killing their own babies was the most important political issue for women?
How many white women were tricked into swallowing the jew's birth control pills making herself infertile ?
If they didn't act like demons as a whole (taking our houses, trucks, kids, and child support with no faults) they might be worth keeping around.
You must be older than me. Good luck nowadays. Volcel because I can cook and clean for myself. My hands can do everything a woman could ever do for me and they don't complain, wander off with other dudes, or leave with all my stuff. I agree it's not all, but those ones are happily married.
Devout activity in a faith based area can increase your odds of finding a higher quality woman, but you have to put in the work.
Did and have been, found a bunch of hasbins. Mgtow now. Heck, I like the sound of wringing my car engine's neck better than the pleasure of a female in bed.
You're not that devout then, no offense intended.
And yes, even based Christian men get divorce raped, but that's not what I mean by my comment.
No offense taken. It's what happens when a whole life worth of prayer continues to go unanswered. Once you've learned to do everything for yourself, no help is needed anymore. Reading comprehension was never my strong suit, that was math and science.
God always answers prayers, but the answer might be no. I found this out the hard way, no details given.
Best of luck to you!
Exactly what the social engineers want - more atomization, less families and less children.
Pretty wild how so few people, even on a conspiracy board, don't know about the Kalergi plan, as they keep advocating for ideas, behaviors, policies, and philosophies which help advance the Kalergi plan.
Malthus, Royal Society, Tavistock, Rockefeller, Club of Rome, Kalergi, P. Erlich, Georgia Guidstones, Kissinger report, Global 2000 report, Brzezinski, J. Attali, Gates, Salk, Sanger, Russel - it's definitely not the best kept secret.
True. They all speak of this openly, but still, so many refuse to believe it, even here.
I could make excuses all day. Between my raising and dating life I endured, I just don't care about it anymore. I have things I would like to afford to do before I get to old to do them.
Me ... me ... selfish ... selfish ... me ... me ...
Yup. So selfish I skipped a car payment to take supplies out to Asheville area on my own dime over a weekend. I did enjoy the Dragon Tail on the way back. So selfish that one Christmas (the one I could afford to) I made gift bags for all the homeless people I could find near my hometown. They had 5 cans of food, 2 water bottles, and a small copy of the New Testament. So selfish that I spend my weekends taking care of others that are not right enough in the head to do so themselves.
Yes, I'm completely selfish for wanting to do something for me besides the 2 vacations I enjoyed in the last 16 years. Thanks for your concern.
Taking care of others? You are giving free handouts to drug addicted bums who provide nothing to Supreme White Civilization of any value. Squatters and needle addicts.
Your virtue signaling would work better over at Reddit.
To become a father, you have to put your kids first. That means self sacrifice. You are not mature enough to become a father yet.
Can you give an example of what you like to afford to do before you get married and have children? I want to know what you believe to be better than having your own children run up to you and hug you.
Most fathers don't mature until he sees that baby pop out. It then becomes a "holy shit that's my flesh and blood" moment. I'm not one, but I am an uncle so I may know a few irl.
A house, and consistent food on the table. Because being financially stable is important for a family. Got 3 jobs man. I work, if you can call it that, 12 to 14 hr days, 7 days a week. Left labor and picked jobs that don't make an old man out of me quick. Still got stupidity I'm paying off from my 20s.
Considering what I have been thru at the hands of a "parent" through my childhood, getting that trauma under control was important to me long before having kids. That way I can avoid passing it on to a my own flesh and blood.
Some things are important to consider before just making babies.
Thanks for replying. Your answer is good.
Getting a house, providing most of your own food, having savings is good.
But i remember something one of earlier bosses/mentors told me. He said if you wait until you are READY to get married or have children, you'll never be READY. No one is ever entirely "ready." If you wait that long you will become childless which is lonely in the second part of your life.
If you are already in your 30's it is fucking Go time. You are already behind. Keep working the 3 jobs and reach those goals. Work Life balance is important though. I think men today don't carve out sufficient time to actually meet eligible women. If you never schedule time to find a wife, you never will. She's not going to knock on the door or show up at your job site. That'd be too easy.
Remember. It's not just about how much you make. It's about how much you spend. Are you wasting money and bleeding it out the other end? Can you go a week without buying a snack from a convenience store or blowing $10+ on goyslop on a lunch break?
I probably don't even make as much as you do but i rarely consume anything. Everything i buy is used from flea markets, pawn shops, yard sales, bartering. I only use cash. I never buy goyslop snacks. I only eat meals on my own farm and if i'm traveling i pack my own food to bring with me. I repair my other clothes, boots, vehicles, phone, equipment, etc. Anything that breaks i first attempt to repair it myself rather than replace it.
I am able to save about $1K per month living modest lifestyle, working 8 or less hours per day (more if you count work on my own property).
No one had perfect childhood. I'd come to terms with it, determine to break the cycle and distance yourself from anyone who is not repenting.
I also think that to maximize savings you have to commute. Meaning you have to live somewhere cheap in sururbs or rural and commute to a city or metropolis where there is high currency movement and people pay 3x as much for a service or product you provide in rural areas.
I've heard of people who charge $40,000 just to paint one house. People paying $300-$500 per month just to get their grass cut.
If i were single i would live in a mobile trailer that i pull with my truck. That way i could save lots of money and be somewhat mobile and go where the work is and stack lots of money and save up for a house quickly. Another option is since you are strong single man you can buy a house in a nigger neighborhood and still be able to afford to live downtown. There's still lots of segregation. Housing is expensive but you can still buy houses cheap in nigger neighborhoods because no one, not even democrats, want to live there. Gentrify the neighborhood. Get a posse of white friends to slowly buy up the cheap housing in a nigger neighborhood, fix it up, build gates and bars over the windows and surveillance cameras and a guard dog. That way you live downtown, make high income, avoid the commute, and your property will increase as you fix it up and niggers get gentrified out and moved into section 8 government housing instead (they all do this as they get old and require elderly care).
His argument is not NAWALT. His argument is that if we put women legally under the control of men, as they were before female suffrage, they wouldn't be in any position to destroy the lives of not just their husbands but also their children.
Just like a child must be stopped from eating nothing but candy and ice cream, a woman must be stopped from being a whore.
Women only act like that when men are not willing to step up to keep them in line.
But yea.
Agreed. There are consequences for men from women, but not the other way around. We've given pussy the power, and that's a problem. When pussy holds no power over you, you've won.
Close. Women only act like that when the government protects them from consequences and actively prevents men from keeping them in line.
I believe many white liberal moms voted for Trump because of all the trans kid shit shoved in their kids faces. Liberals have gotten too insane and any one with a brain has broken from them.
I really don't care about any bloodline.
I don't believe the Lord of Lords is obsessing over some sacred bloodline of humanity remaining intact. We are judged (and saved) by spiritual and not physical condition.
The Tower of Babble indicates that God wants a multiplicity of nations and people. In Revelation, John sees saints of all people and nations. Christ said go and convert all nations, not race mix and create open borders for a one world government.
If this is a grave sin to mix, then the USA is born in sin. Settlers from different nations in Europe mixed together here with each other and Native Americans. And they brought in blacks. So get mad at them not me.
The other nations and peoples on the N. American continent were conquered by the the British, who killed everybody they could who didn't accede.
The French and the Spanish were the only ones that set out to convert natives when they made empires.
Nothing was so clear cut as that. When I studied early American history, even in early colonial times in the USA there were groups of mixed Natives + whites. One such group was massacred by a jealous Indian tribe. But today it is not at all uncommon to meet white people who are genuinely part native.
French and Spanish didn't simply try to convert the natives. They depended on them. And they also mated with them frequently. Does that mean these people are now more born into sin than the rest of us? I don't think so and history does not prove that.
Conquest is not a great thing, but it does happen. Mixing can also happen because of trade. If your region is an economic hub, like say Singapore or New York, it happens. Any nation that becomes a great empire will see people flocking towards it as well.
History is never clear cut, except the Cromwell was an asshole.
That doesn't mean a bloodline is sacred.
The Tower of Babel wasn't a mandate to never mix with anyone. The issue was them challenging God, not mixing itself.
There are times when mixing happens and it isn't a challenge the Holy Spirit can't overcome. Though it can have bad effects on national unity, no doubt. But nations also have a lifespan. Even the map of Europe today isn't the same map as 100 years ago, let alone 300 years ago.