posted ago by newfunturistic ago by newfunturistic +11 / -5


Noah (our hero) performs a sacrifice after the flood


After the flood, Noah performed a sacrifice as a gesture of thanksgiving and dedication to God. In Genesis 8:20, it is described that Noah built an altar and offered burnt offerings of clean animals and birds. This act was not a payment for sin but rather a symbolic expression of contrition, gratitude, and obedience12. God was pleased with the sacrifice and made a covenant with Noah, promising never to destroy the earth by flood again34. This event is often referred to as the Noahic Covenant3.

So it's like.. what the fuck is this.. Yahweh is doing like I don't know.. those gods of the devil worshippers where you gotta sacrifice something for it, right.. like Moloch. lol. But he's doing burnt offerings of clean animals and birds. Hey, that's nice, taking some of those creatures, obviously from the fucking ark and killing them for Yahweh. Never heard of Yahweh being into these sacrifices things like the devil worshippers.