You mean the common cold rebranded? They’re gonna have to try a lot harder than that
What an interesting story yawn go back to plebbit axo made this place to keep retards like you out
You think I get paid to come here? Based on one day of being here? All while having no alts on this site and previous history interacting with me? Bold assumption there at best.
Imagine I was getting paid to be here. What exactly would my mission be?
How much does one get paid to go on a forum of about 50 users?
PS. Don’t talk about your cock being pathetic like that. I mean, I’m sure it is as pathetic as the garbo you vomit here, but you shouldn’t self deprecate like that.
My mom says hi. She said you have the smallest cock she's ever seen.
Wow, great comment, bravo! Amazing that it came from the same person who said I was the one with the IQ of dogs.
Jerky Boy?? I like that, call me Frank Rizzo.
last i checked, you're the one who dug up this old comment and came at me like an angry child. You're the one who wasted my time, at least I got some good laughs out of it!
One day I can become a linguist like you and use insults like Stankpussy. Teach me oh great master.
who's the one that's mad again? lol
Mad? I don't get mad over strangers on a web forum filled with unhinged maniacs like yourself. Although I do think it is hilarious that you claim to know me enough to tell me my whole existence is a waste of time after spending a whole day at this place on a post that's been up for 6 days longer than you been here.
a vote? you just gonna vote with all your alts won't ya?
Stankpussy? what are you 5? stop wasting my time.
Have you read your comment history? the only crackhead here is you.
i think you are replying with the wrong alt account buddy
"We don't give a shit about your fucking bosses or their toddler-fucking ways."
Who is we, you've been here for a day lol
Yeah, the Chinese lie about anything, inflate their own currency and then deflate it to get around tariffs, what makes you think they would stop there?
Not to mention, American companies did all the R&D, all they did was copy the final product. They didn’t ‘create’ anything.
Finally, fuck AI and fuck Sam Altman
Breadcrumbs. CIA leads to Israel.
I remember reading this and the reasoning was something along the lines of “we forgot to film the liberation so we staged a liberation”. Who believes this shit?
bold of you to post a photo of yourself
Ahh, enough tears to take a bath! splash
Those tears. So delicious!
Are you gonna cry now? Maybe get some more of your alts to upvote yourself to boost your self esteem? Maybe have a glass of warm milk?
Cope more retard
Ayh believe a certain rabbi on this forum is going to be awfully quiet about this one. Or maybe his jewiness will just move the goal posts like they always do.
This post has been bought and paid for by the open society.
Damn that’s horrible what they did to him
Did i say something to upset you so much? I was merely stating a fact that the virus was not this big scary thing like the MSM has been telling people.