Supposedly there is this documentary on Netflix that shows some good evidence that an advanced Atlantis type civilization was destroyed in about 13,000 BC by a comet or something like that. This would push back human civilization from the hunter/gatherer stage back quite a bit, since most anthropologists say civilization as we know it started about 4,000 BC (even though sites in Turkey already show that is wrong).
This documentary has all the experts class people riled up about his apparently popular Netflix show. On Twitter, I see Bible believers of one stripe or another saying it's evidence for a flood type event from Genesis, which exists is most cultures' mythology. This may or may not be the case. Atlantis is a popular idea too, and the Atlanteans may have spread civilization out to the hunter/gatherers after the loss of their homeland in the flood.
I intend to watch it this weekend. Here's an article on it.
The info is not really new. The question is why are they showing this to the masses now? Will the narrative shift somehow?
Correct. Not really new, nor it is new to the masses, this has been put out before in video format, it's just a new presentation of it that has gone viral for some reason.
Bright Insight was probably one of the first atlantis is real folks I watched. He tried to help his truther friend GloboNarc build an audience, but I think the amatuer production caused it to fail.
If you want another good Youtube channel about ancient civilizations, and proving the mainstream historical narrative wrong, there's one called Uncharted X.
It's run by an amateur, but he researches this stuff a lot, even goes to the sites quite a bit. He has both long and short form content, but all of it is great. He mostly focuses on Egypt, but discusses other areas as well, like central and south America. He has lots of really good evidence, in picture and video format, of saw marks, tube drills, massive lathes, scoops marks, and other advanced machinery which produced perfectly symmetrical and repeatable stone works, both massive and incredibly small and intricate, some of which is even impossible to reproduce with modern machinery (i.e. tube drill marks digging into stone much faster than we can).
He also discusses the debunks the absurdity of the mainstream historical account of how those ancient stone works were made. He also has interviews with Randall Carlson, discusses the Younger Dryas impacts, the evidence for worldwide floods, and delves into the clear possibilities of ancient civilizations. Great channel.
Yeah I have the vhs from Erik von D. I just don't think it's a coincidence that a topic like this goes viral on one of the most propagandized platform these days. They are showing a lot of alien stuff all around in the media, and now this. So what could be the reason?
Soft disclosure
Because they are trying to hide in plain sight these monuments were built by fallen angels and their spawns (nephilim).
The whole culture right now is subtly shifting to fallen angel (alien) shilling.
Yes. By 2030ish the astronomical observations will be so all over the place, that it will be impossibility to keep it under the wraps (if the theory of cyclical astronomical catastrophes and its timing is correct). A "don't look up" scenario if you will.
From what I've heard Graham Hancock, in his earlier works said it was explicitly White/European peoples who were the teachers of civilization. Given his somewhat centrist, slight left leaning, libertarian political views, I doubt it was because he was a race realist. It was more because he was taking the ancient accounts of what these teachers of civilization looked like, according to the natives themselves. Again, from what I've heard, many of them explicitly say they were fair skinned, had blonde or red hair, had blue or green eyes, and had large beards. Apparently taking the natives at their word makes Hancock a "racist".
The globalists and the useful idiot left are so hell bent on making all the races equal, or more accurately, to paint White people as evil colonizing racist Nazis, that they can't accept any information contrary to that purpose. It's also why they ignore scientific evidence of ancient Europeans living in North America prior to Native Americans. For example, the White mummies found in Windover Bog in Florida, where they were able to test DNA. The scientific community has completely swept that under the rug, and try to claim no DNA tests were conducted, or that they didn't show the mummies to be White.
Mainstream everything has been taken over, and is being run by liars. The only reason alternative theories to mainstream anything are popping up, is because most of us have been censored off their platforms and out of their institutions, but there are so many of us, and the evidence for the truth is so abundant, that we're recongregating into our own spheres to discuss this stuff, without censorship, and our spheres are growing. The globalist control of information is slipping, even though they're redoubling their efforts to censor anyone that speaks the truth.
Graham Hancock is awesome
GAIA - Ancient Civilizations
4 Seasons, 42 Episodes
Excellent series on the possibilities.
Sure there are many 'out there' hypotheses, but very thought provoking indeed.
I just wanted to say thank you for making this post, OP, because now I have all these other leads to follow. I didn't know this subject was becoming popular and all my sources are really old news, a ie Rudolph Steiner, Dolores Cannon type folks.
It's Graham Hancock's vision and pet project. It has legs to it. there is a c. 12-13K year cycle with sun going micronova, crustal displacement, displacement waves (think huge tsunamis), biblical style flooding and rapid change in magnetic and climatic conditions on earth.
We are closing in on this, you trust the astronomical observations and the geomagnetic shifts now happening around us (magnetic poles are moving at an accelerating rate).
If you are not up to speed with Suspicious 0bservers on this, I recommend it as a good start:
In the Ancient Apocalypse show, they were discussing the possibility that the regular catastrophes on earth were caused by comet impacts. This was due to a massive comet which broke up, leaving smaller fragments (though still quite large) in a trail through the solar system, which the earth travels through every year. All of the meteor showers we see every year are due to these debris fields. The term "comet" describes any object made of dust and ice which formed in the Oort cloud and/or Kuiper belt of our solar system, beyond the orbit of Neptune. For example, Pluto is a comet. Although, astronomers have found comets larger than Pluto, and many of them have long elliptical orbits which take them close to the sun, and possibly a collision course with another planet.
However, due to predictable changes in orbit over time, the earth passes through denser parts of that debris field every 10,000 years or so, causing catastrophic impacts from the larger pieces of debris. It was the Orionid, Taurid, or Leonid meteor showers. I can't remember which, but they discuss it in the show. In any case, they used astronomy as a guide to study ancient sites, and found a lot of them pointed to specific parts of the sky, as if as a warning. It's not conclusive, but definitely intriguing.
Check out the emerald tablets of thoth.
Where are they physically located?
No one knows where or who has the original texts. I'm sure some prominent family has them in their personal collection.
This is part of what I theorize is a new OP.
They are controlled opposition. Hancock has had his books pu pushed for decades....he is one of the allowed people.
... As opposed to whom? Who are the not allowed people on this matter of cyclical catastrophes?
Some episodes are better than others. It is an interesting presentation. There is an element of speculation. But there is proof catalysm occurred.
The problem is when and how. It was obvious in our distant past bigger events occurred. Undeniable. Many finds and dating go back past any assumptions. An assumption Rome patented all the Iron after Christ. Because everybody else had all the monkeys. It was literally like this. Because Rome made all the patents. Nobody else existed before Christ. If they did, it's because they didn't have any Iron recording it.
But as an example Minoan civilization could have reset from a heap of regional activity blighting the entire Mediterranean for millennia. Among other civilizations. While some is far older. Gobekli Tepe and Gunug Padang etc.
The thing that gets me are these alien hunters who claim Borobudur has the spaceships and it is not a earthquake, volcano monument. Look at those bells. Nope, suddenly they're the UFOs. They're those things the Nazis were flying and they learnt it from India. As bad as palaeontologists, I hate those guys. If modern human civilization would be gone in less than 20k years, WTF is a Dino? Rock art. They found the mammoths going back 2 million years. But the funniest thing about a big bang is the reptiles didn't evolve, because the mice did. I mean all those other lizards shrunk.
The series is worth the watch but it will take at least another 100 years before any text books even start to change. It seems whenever somebody suggests hang on, what happened to civilization 12k years ago, they produce another Dino. They been airing a bunch of controversy this decade. But don't touch the dinos, they caused the mice, becoming the monkeys. They've been inventing twice as many dinos to keep up with all the demand. The demand showing that civilization is even older than the Roman patents.
Hes trippin
Haha. Nobody else recorded Christ because they didn't have the Iron. It meant they were dinos. Dinos are invented every time, every single time somebody else attempts to undermine the Roman recording.
Dinos are remarkably found when Human civilization vanished.
The strangest thing is a Skyscraper disappears in about 1000 years if left to ruin. Our metal bridges about 20k years total. Your dumb iPhone not even a hundred years, but half that. In 20k years the modern human is gone from this planet. Pyramid builders were much cleverer. But were they? Not according to the ironic patenting.
That's the strangest thing right? The dinos are still there millions and millions of years later. They were needed, because the mice needed to evolve into monkeys. Never any lizards. I mean how does that work. So you had dinos, now you have lizards, you had mice and you still have mice, except there's these elephants. But when the meteor hit. Younger dryas, Greenland crater, those elephants didn't die. Just the dinos.
You should. I am quite sure according to the evolution the animals evolve. Like there's only animals, and any dinos had a headstart. So it is because the mice grew elephants. But why are elephants scared of mice, elephants spook from mice? I mean why are the elephants still here. After an even larger impact. The Greenland crater. But the dinos aren't. There's only little stupid geckos. I mean a few crocs. They aren't dinos.
Back reading stuff. Idiot. A skyscraper lasts less a lot less than a castle. It would be gone quicker. Much quicker in about 1000 odd years. Not much longer. Hell they put them up a 100 years ago. They're already tearing them down. Steel bridges take much longer so much longer. These structures last a duration of about 10-20 thousand years. That's it all modern human innovation gone. But there's these rotten dinos, made of flesh and bone. Nope they're made out of rocks. The fossils are these stupid little geckos. Until a paleontologist comes along. And sculpts together a gargoyle. Gargoyles are also made out of rocks with fossils in
Back to the dumbest human innovation, despite the evidence of humans less than 20 thousand years ago, having civilizations. It simply refused to recognise them. All because Rome patented all the Iron. Even the stone tablets have a different story, and there are the Talos Caves.
The dumbest human creation. Those dinosaurs. There are all the species outside not just the geckos. Trees cannot grow with dinos trampling them, eating billions of tonnes a week.
But those dinoes were needed to be wiped out, so the mice would become monkeys and you would become I just don't know what you are. Human oh yea. You believe in bullshit. Go read something like fiction.
Dude, dinosaurs weren’t reptiles, but there were also reptiles at the time. They are more closely related to birds which we still have. There were mammels not modern day mice, but small Mammels., akin too nice. Your thinking too hard on this.
Yawn that is dumb. I asked if things evolved. Why don't we still have dinosaurs. Not how we don't still have elephants. Because we do after an even bigger impact.
At what point can't we find lost civilization less than 20k years ago but they're still making gargoyles.
Look outside it evolves together all species at once. Balanced by their unique roles, not ignorance.
Where are your trees. No, where, where Bison and Elephants and the herds roam. They're trampled and eaten by bigger beasts eating billions of tonnes of vegetation a week.
How the hell are Whales, sea species, on all of our highest mountain ranges, but we find another stupidasaur a week?
The week whenever lost civilization discovers Rome didn't patent it.
Just beware of the factor that Graham is controlled opposition to take people away from the fact that every culture literally says the monuments were built by giants.
This guy stops and says cultures were advanced enough to align shit to true north, but when they say giants built the monuments, NOOOO, they were just being metaphorical. STFU!
Motherfucker is shilling for the fallen angels hard...
The series really cemented for me that Hancock is controlled opposition. It's not that you can't learn anything from the material or that he's lying about it, but he uses it to lead you astray from deeper truths. A limited hangout, if you will.
As, for example, with the Great Flood versus Atlantis. There is far, far more evidence for the Great Flood than for Atlantis. So why not do a show about the Flood? In the series he tiptoes around it. I can't recall with certainty, but I believe he mentions it only in passing a couple of times as a legend, giving no weight to it.
But why avoid talking about the Flood? Well, the Dark Occultists running the world wish to give no credence to the Bible. But beyond that, the true cause of the Flood was not actually God's punishment, but the passage through the inner solar system of Nibiru, and They really, really do not want anyone talking about that.
What if the great flood and the sinking of the Atlantis continent and its people are connected?
I leave room for that, but more and more evidence stacks up to them being two distinct events, coming at either end of the Younger Dryas and about 1200-1400 years apart. The case for the Great Flood at about 13,000 years ago is particularly strong, coming from several quite independent lines of evidence.
Atlantis is much more fuzzy all around and I haven't studied it closely, but for a number of reasons my working thesis is that it was located in Antarctica. The best evidence for that has been assembled by Rand and Rose Flem-Ath. It seems Antarctica was displaced from significantly farther north, but if it was spontaneous or part of a larger crustal shift as discussed by Chan Thomas is still not firmly established (at least to my knowledge).
There are two interesting points for the conspiracy-minded as regards Antarctica. One is that after I first heard the strong case for it years ago, I find it's virtually never mentioned by Atlantis researchers. That fits the thesis that the vast majority of them are ultimately disinfo agents. The other is that we would finally get a clue towards explaining what all those Elites went down there to look at. I never bought that it was penguins.
Finally, through two very different associations, I connect both the Great Flood and Atlantis directly to the Anunnaki, a faction of whom the Elites still serve to this day. Taking that into account, I understood why the Elite believe it's so important to steer people over a cliff on both those issues.
There is more evidence for an advanced pre-ice age civilization than for a worldwide Flood as described in the Bible.
I've found that people that make definitive blanket statements have done little research, which is why they are reduced to making definitive blanket statements. I guess it makes them feel better about themselves.
Says the guy who just made a definitive blanket statement.
And yes, I've done some research on this, to make the tentative conclusion that there is more evidence (which is hardly definitive you statistics ignorant fool, as it could be 51% to 49%) that given geological and biological evidence the worldwide flood as described in the Bible didn't happen (that is the only survivors being on the Arc), notably genetic diversity among animals.
Speaking of statistics, I've noticed a correlation between ignorance and aggressiveness. You may wish to consider slowing down on advertising it.
pot, meet kettle, kettle, meet pot.
Well, at least you admit it. That's progress. You're welcome.
Self awareness is not your forte, is it.
atlantis was a strong and advanced white community that got destroyed by immigration. sound familiar?
Didn't it get destroyed by a natural disaster?
That's one way to call African invasion.
The legend of Atlantis has always had a natural disaster. Don't gaslight me bitch.
according to anti white racist history keepers. stay ignorant. I don't care
So Plato, who wrote about Atlantis some couple thousand years ago and how it was destroyed in a natural disaster, was anti-white?
Fuck off.
Anti white racists were the history keepers. I don't have to fuck off. I am correct. You are ignorant. How are you in conspiracies if you are this gullibe? kek
Plato wrote what he 2,300 years ago and you can read it today.
Take a long walk off a short pier.