Supposedly there is this documentary on Netflix that shows some good evidence that an advanced Atlantis type civilization was destroyed in about 13,000 BC by a comet or something like that. This would push back human civilization from the hunter/gatherer stage back quite a bit, since most anthropologists say civilization as we know it started about 4,000 BC (even though sites in Turkey already show that is wrong).
This documentary has all the experts class people riled up about his apparently popular Netflix show. On Twitter, I see Bible believers of one stripe or another saying it's evidence for a flood type event from Genesis, which exists is most cultures' mythology. This may or may not be the case. Atlantis is a popular idea too, and the Atlanteans may have spread civilization out to the hunter/gatherers after the loss of their homeland in the flood.
I intend to watch it this weekend. Here's an article on it.
Haha. Nobody else recorded Christ because they didn't have the Iron. It meant they were dinos. Dinos are invented every time, every single time somebody else attempts to undermine the Roman recording.
Dinos are remarkably found when Human civilization vanished.
The strangest thing is a Skyscraper disappears in about 1000 years if left to ruin. Our metal bridges about 20k years total. Your dumb iPhone not even a hundred years, but half that. In 20k years the modern human is gone from this planet. Pyramid builders were much cleverer. But were they? Not according to the ironic patenting.
That's the strangest thing right? The dinos are still there millions and millions of years later. They were needed, because the mice needed to evolve into monkeys. Never any lizards. I mean how does that work. So you had dinos, now you have lizards, you had mice and you still have mice, except there's these elephants. But when the meteor hit. Younger dryas, Greenland crater, those elephants didn't die. Just the dinos.
You should. I am quite sure according to the evolution the animals evolve. Like there's only animals, and any dinos had a headstart. So it is because the mice grew elephants. But why are elephants scared of mice, elephants spook from mice? I mean why are the elephants still here. After an even larger impact. The Greenland crater. But the dinos aren't. There's only little stupid geckos. I mean a few crocs. They aren't dinos.
Back reading stuff. Idiot. A skyscraper lasts less a lot less than a castle. It would be gone quicker. Much quicker in about 1000 odd years. Not much longer. Hell they put them up a 100 years ago. They're already tearing them down. Steel bridges take much longer so much longer. These structures last a duration of about 10-20 thousand years. That's it all modern human innovation gone. But there's these rotten dinos, made of flesh and bone. Nope they're made out of rocks. The fossils are these stupid little geckos. Until a paleontologist comes along. And sculpts together a gargoyle. Gargoyles are also made out of rocks with fossils in
Back to the dumbest human innovation, despite the evidence of humans less than 20 thousand years ago, having civilizations. It simply refused to recognise them. All because Rome patented all the Iron. Even the stone tablets have a different story, and there are the Talos Caves.
The dumbest human creation. Those dinosaurs. There are all the species outside not just the geckos. Trees cannot grow with dinos trampling them, eating billions of tonnes a week.
But those dinoes were needed to be wiped out, so the mice would become monkeys and you would become I just don't know what you are. Human oh yea. You believe in bullshit. Go read something like fiction.
Dude, dinosaurs weren’t reptiles, but there were also reptiles at the time. They are more closely related to birds which we still have. There were mammels not modern day mice, but small Mammels., akin too nice. Your thinking too hard on this.
Yawn that is dumb. I asked if things evolved. Why don't we still have dinosaurs. Not how we don't still have elephants. Because we do after an even bigger impact.
At what point can't we find lost civilization less than 20k years ago but they're still making gargoyles.
Look outside it evolves together all species at once. Balanced by their unique roles, not ignorance.
Where are your trees. No, where, where Bison and Elephants and the herds roam. They're trampled and eaten by bigger beasts eating billions of tonnes of vegetation a week.
How the hell are Whales, sea species, on all of our highest mountain ranges, but we find another stupidasaur a week?
The week whenever lost civilization discovers Rome didn't patent it.