the problem is solved with proper education with children. space was something that was thrust upon my generation hand over fist. it was in school, it was on TV, it was in toys, it was in video games. it was in comics. before i even knew what space was i had glow and the dark planet stickers on my wall.
the sheer amount of effort put in to make us believe its real is utterly astounding.
People have been conditioned to believe certain things and at the same time conditioned to not question things and that they are incapable of questioning things. They have been taught that they cannot question the Bible or they are heretics. They have been taught that they cannot question philosophy because they are stupider than the great philosophers of old. They have been conditioned that they cannot question the crown/government or they are treasonous. They have been conditioned that they cannot question scientists because the scientists are superior to them.
how is it possible to fool so many people that space is real?
Being form (life) within flow (inception towards death) represents being ONE choice at the center of ALL balance. To distract from that center requires as little as consent to the suggestion of something else; which can then be grown into everything else by those suggesting it.
A simple allegory for this: "would you like to know what's in this box?" If you say yes; then I hold the sole power to define whatever I want you to believe is inside the box, for as long as you ignore perceived (inspiration) for suggested (information). What's in that box represents your mind.
As for so many...consenting to suggestion causes a chain of command underneath those suggesting aka choice (consent) to choice (suggestion) contract law over perceived balance (offer) to choice (response) natural law.
"There must be plenty of others out there who also know this"
Billions of people with access to the internet and everyone can observe their surroundings, so, how does the spinning globe lie stay up?
Or even gravity. Can anyone picture a crumpled up napkin on the ground? How is the awesome force of gravity able to hold all of the peoples, places, things, and worlds oceans against a violently spinning sphere and yet is no match for this napkin, which should be pressed flat against the floor completely unable to withstand this force constantly pulling everything towards earths core
And yet, no one questions the crumpled up napkin
So much of it is so easily blown apart, and I don't work in physics or anything even science related, so where are our astronomers and physicists? Does the indoctrination work so well that they explain everything away with formulas and then new formulas to explain discrepancies in the current failed model?
Even if there are 150 formulas to get lost and confused in, what about the simple observations we can't ignore?
Distant landmark observable across a span of water that should be blocked from view due to Earth's curvature?
Eclipses with the shadow starting anywhere other than from the bottom up? What is casting that shadow if not the Earth?! How do we have dozens of examples of eclipses with both the Sun and moon both visible in the sky at the same time?
Crepuscular sun rays?
Can we see Mercury and/or Venus in our nighttime sky from anywhere on Earth, ever? How is this possible if we are facing away from the Sun and so Mercury and Venus should both be obscured from view using their own model
Spin of the Earth?! How does the Earth supposedly spin at over 1,600 km/h near the equator and yet no airplane, helicopter, hot air balloon, birds, or insects ever have to account for this? Some force is pulling all of Earth's matter along in perfect harmony so that we don't feel it? How do clouds move in multiple directions over the same place on the ground?
I present these questions and more, on multiple occasions, and almost everyone will come out to viciously defend the accepted bullshit model
It's the suggested explanations that represent form (in-form-ation) within flow; which are only held together by consent of the many to the suggestions of the few. The wind allegory (blown away) represents the ongoing perceivable inspiration aka the foundation we shape all suggestible information out of; yet it's the exchange thereof among ourselves aka choice (consent) to choice (suggestion) contract law; that corrupts our comprehension of everything perceivable; because now we think in terms of the suggested explanations of others. Their words are upheld within our memory; while we ignore the perceived sound those suggested words where shaped out of.
I don't work in physics or anything even science related
Here's the foundation of "work"...EN'ERGY, noun [Gr. work.] - "internal or inherent power". You represent half of the internal power (the choice within balance; the resistance within velocity).
Next, PHYS'IC, noun [Gr. from nature; to produce.] form (life) within flow (inception towards death) you represent the produced; hence to be (produced) out of (nature).
Lastly; SCI'ENCE, noun [Latin scientia, from scio, to know.] aka to adapt to perceived inspiration; as opposed to scientism aka to consent suggested information.
Does the indoctrination work so well that they explain everything away with formulas and then new formulas to explain discrepancies in the current failed model?
"in the current" represents the ongoing flow; you represent the temporary form within. The suggested models aim to keep the wool over your eyes; to keep you ignorant of the need of the temporary to resist the velocity of the ongoing for self sustenance.
The "discrepancies" aka discredit (want of credit; creed; faith aka suggested information over perceived inspiration) represents your growth of resistance to the suggested temptation by others. You were farmed up to the point where the suggested food doesn't distract you enough anymore; which tempts you to now want different food. Yet that's just you; while all the others around you have different stages of comprehension; corrupted by different layers of suggested information.
Choice (consent) to choice (suggestion) contract law represents credit to creditor; while discredit represents the consequence of ignoring perceived value (liquidity).
Even if there are 150 formulas to get lost and confused in...
The suggested information we stack within out memory; when consenting to it, represents the allegory of the Tower of BA'BEL, noun [Heb.] - "confusion; disorder".
what about the simple observations we can't ignore?
a) perceived inspiration represent the simple observation of a moving system.
b) being the response to perceivable implies the choice of both need (adaptation) and want (ignorance of need). Each one represents the choice at the center of perceived balance (need/want); who needs to resist the temptation of suggested imbalance (want vs not want). All of this is derived from being form within flow; from being the resistance to velocity; from being the reaction to an enacting system etc.
In short...ONEs free will of choice allows the ignorance of ALL perceived (inspiration) for what other ONEs are suggesting (information). The struggle of self sustenance requires resisting want (suggested) for need (perceived).
The status quo for those who choose want (suggested) over need (perceived) represents following orders (towards death); instead of being the resistance to the natural order (for the sustenance of life). The allegory for this represents the "path of least resistance".
I present these questions and more, on multiple occasions, and almost everyone will come out to viciously defend the accepted bullshit model
a) Present aka PRE (before) ESSE (to be) implies to be (form) out of (flow). You don't present; you express.
b) what others are defending represents the suggested information they chose to "want"; which you contradict as "not want" when suggesting them different information. Both of you are being tricked to reason (want vs not want) against each other about suggested information; while ignoring to adapt (need) to perceived inspiration.
c) as choice one exists at the center of perceived balance (need/want). Viewing the world as a conflict is caused by choosing want (suggested) over need (perceived); which causes want vs not want (conflict of reason). Both of you are fighting over the suggested meaning (information); while ignoring the perceived meaning (inspiration).
d) true vs false; right vs wrong; good vs evil etc. represents a rebranding of want vs not want. You are tricked to switch sides within the same conflict; whenever seeing through a deception on your side, and if you lose enough of your side; you're tempted to hold onto the remaining even harder; hence attacking anyone trying to contradict your worldview; your faith; your belief; your truth; your side against the world.
they consider us animals
We represent AN'IMAL, noun [Latin animal from anima, air, breath, soul.] + HU'MAN, adjective [Latin humanus; Heb. form, species.] aka form animated by flow. You are being deceived by suggested words (animal; human) to devalue one side (animal) underneath the other (human); while ignoring the perceived status quo of an animal (animated) human (form).
It's great that you link me a webpage but I can just go outside and look across the span of water in front of me
This isn't difficult
What you want to do is stand on the shoreline and pick out the most distant landmark/object you can view from where you're standing
Google Maps > right click your location > measure distance from here > right click your distant landmark > measure distance to here
Then enter that distance into any of the freely available earth curvature calculators available online, some will allow you to input your altitude which should be appx. the distance between your eyes and the ground below your feet
Bring binoculars if you have them to see even further and really hammer this home for yourself
Pay attention to what you are seeing
How much of the distant landmark are you observing? All or nearly all of it? Does that reconcile with the amount of curve there should be at that distance?
When I do it, I am still seeing 100% of the distant landmark appx 20kms away from my reference point
There should already be about 100ft of drop and so the bottom 100ft of my landmark should be obscured from view but not only am I seeing all of it, the landmark itself isn't even 100ft tall so the fact that I'm seeing ANY of it, doesn't reconcile
I can go on about eclipses, gravity, crepuscular sun rays, coriolis effect, or how no one has ever been to the moon, but the distant landmark observation is a good place to start for most as it can be performed with the naked eye and without any links to webpages with documents, testimony, or videos
Go see for yourself
I can link you plenty of videos with examples of much further distances than my 20kms I can quickly observe for myself, but just go see for yourself
What you want to do is stand on the shoreline and pick out the most distant landmark/object you can view from where you're standing
This is how I did it for myself. I can see the neighboring city along the coast thats 20-35 miles away, or supposed to be like 500-1000 ft under the horizon yet none of it is. Yes, 20-35 miles because the city goes along the coast. Starts 20-25 and ends 30-35 miles away. I can see the shore, the hill that goes up to the actual landmass, the city, buildings and factories on top of it. If the earth were curved I would supposed to be able to see the tops of the smoke stacks, maybe.
“But why don’t any physicists or astronomers or anyone at nasa, etc speak out about this”
“I’m a boat captain over 20 years on the water and here’s a link to a .gov site with a PDF saying we can only see a few nautical miles, so, you’re wrong”
Cool. I’m literally looking at it with my own eyes.
Not to mention all of the other evidence blowing apart the heliocentric spinning globe story, but the conversation can end right there with the distant landmark over water observation
Falsified the radius and that’s it guys, they’re lying
It all builds on the earth being a spheroid average radius 3959miles
No equipment, tricks or videos or secret leaked top secret anything just your own eyeballs and some simple math using THEIR NUMBERS
Freemasonry aka being a mason of free (will of choice) represents the use of suggestion to shape the memory of those consenting to it. Therefore the perpetuation of suggested information shapes the memories of all those consenting to want or not want it. This is how freemasonry can infiltrate govern (to control) ment (mind); science (from scio; to know aka to perceive); corporations (corpus oration aka the whisper of the dead); suggested his-story; religion (from religio; to bind anew) and economy (from oeconomia; house-rule aka suggested contract law over perceived natural law).
Those who fall for the temptation of choice (consent) to choice (suggestion) contract law; while ignoring perceived balance (offer) to choice (response) natural law, are stuck within a chain of command (a world wide caste system of submission) under the will of others. Those who consent to suggested information (fiction) are ignoring perceived inspiration (reality); those who consent to the suggested word are ignoring the perceived sound; those who ignore to resist the perceived natural order are tempted to follow suggested orders and so on.
The foundation for all of this:...ALL represents ONE in energy; so each ONE within represents an expression of ALL of it. In be implies out of; hence being form (life) out of flow (inception towards death). So it's not a question about "can all be"; but lack of comprehension towards "being within all".
Starting with suggestion (want) over perception (need) aka suggested word over perceived sound. Nowadays this is being supplemented with whatever was pumped into the ancestors leading up to the child; but the want over need foundation is where it's all build upon.
Wrote a big long response and sent it, but somehow it didn't post.
This was me every other day before I realized that if one adapts to perceived inspiration instead of suggested information; then it's not about responding to others; but about the expression of self while writing. This way one is way less tempted by loss. Copy+paste into a txt file before responding also works.
I still don't understand it all.
Understanding represents "standing under" the suggested information by others; which ignores to grow comprehension (compressed) out of perceived (impressed) inspiration. Resist the temptation to figure what I write out, and instead use it to grow whatever you comprehend. Share the process of growing and we can adapt to each other.
Everything perceivable already exists, so I'm not the source for anything; just an expression of the only source for everything; yet your choice decides between perceived (need) or suggested (want).
Sorry no time now to write it again. Just wanted to be sure u knew I read it.
All good. If others get inspired by whatever I write about; then their expressions will show it. We're are tempted and exploited with seeking confirmation; while ignoring the ongoing need for adaptation to origin.
People believe dinosaurs existed because jews made some movies about it, and they have a fake bone scam. People are fucking retarded. They will believe anything.
the problem is solved with proper education with children. space was something that was thrust upon my generation hand over fist. it was in school, it was on TV, it was in toys, it was in video games. it was in comics. before i even knew what space was i had glow and the dark planet stickers on my wall.
the sheer amount of effort put in to make us believe its real is utterly astounding.
I always wondered under a globe model what would happen if you dug a hole ‘to china’ / though the earth and jumped in it what would happen
The absolute hilarity of being stuck in the middle of the earth and butterflies being able to fly freely
People have been conditioned to believe certain things and at the same time conditioned to not question things and that they are incapable of questioning things. They have been taught that they cannot question the Bible or they are heretics. They have been taught that they cannot question philosophy because they are stupider than the great philosophers of old. They have been conditioned that they cannot question the crown/government or they are treasonous. They have been conditioned that they cannot question scientists because the scientists are superior to them.
They don't even try.
Being form (life) within flow (inception towards death) represents being ONE choice at the center of ALL balance. To distract from that center requires as little as consent to the suggestion of something else; which can then be grown into everything else by those suggesting it.
A simple allegory for this: "would you like to know what's in this box?" If you say yes; then I hold the sole power to define whatever I want you to believe is inside the box, for as long as you ignore perceived (inspiration) for suggested (information). What's in that box represents your mind.
As for so many...consenting to suggestion causes a chain of command underneath those suggesting aka choice (consent) to choice (suggestion) contract law over perceived balance (offer) to choice (response) natural law.
It’s constant indoctrination beginning from birth
Not complicated
I think about this, too
"There must be plenty of others out there who also know this"
Billions of people with access to the internet and everyone can observe their surroundings, so, how does the spinning globe lie stay up?
Or even gravity. Can anyone picture a crumpled up napkin on the ground? How is the awesome force of gravity able to hold all of the peoples, places, things, and worlds oceans against a violently spinning sphere and yet is no match for this napkin, which should be pressed flat against the floor completely unable to withstand this force constantly pulling everything towards earths core
And yet, no one questions the crumpled up napkin
So much of it is so easily blown apart, and I don't work in physics or anything even science related, so where are our astronomers and physicists? Does the indoctrination work so well that they explain everything away with formulas and then new formulas to explain discrepancies in the current failed model?
Even if there are 150 formulas to get lost and confused in, what about the simple observations we can't ignore?
Distant landmark observable across a span of water that should be blocked from view due to Earth's curvature?
Eclipses with the shadow starting anywhere other than from the bottom up? What is casting that shadow if not the Earth?! How do we have dozens of examples of eclipses with both the Sun and moon both visible in the sky at the same time?
Crepuscular sun rays?
Can we see Mercury and/or Venus in our nighttime sky from anywhere on Earth, ever? How is this possible if we are facing away from the Sun and so Mercury and Venus should both be obscured from view using their own model
Spin of the Earth?! How does the Earth supposedly spin at over 1,600 km/h near the equator and yet no airplane, helicopter, hot air balloon, birds, or insects ever have to account for this? Some force is pulling all of Earth's matter along in perfect harmony so that we don't feel it? How do clouds move in multiple directions over the same place on the ground?
I present these questions and more, on multiple occasions, and almost everyone will come out to viciously defend the accepted bullshit model
No wonder they consider us animals
It's the suggested explanations that represent form (in-form-ation) within flow; which are only held together by consent of the many to the suggestions of the few. The wind allegory (blown away) represents the ongoing perceivable inspiration aka the foundation we shape all suggestible information out of; yet it's the exchange thereof among ourselves aka choice (consent) to choice (suggestion) contract law; that corrupts our comprehension of everything perceivable; because now we think in terms of the suggested explanations of others. Their words are upheld within our memory; while we ignore the perceived sound those suggested words where shaped out of.
Here's the foundation of "work"...EN'ERGY, noun [Gr. work.] - "internal or inherent power". You represent half of the internal power (the choice within balance; the resistance within velocity).
Next, PHYS'IC, noun [Gr. from nature; to produce.] form (life) within flow (inception towards death) you represent the produced; hence to be (produced) out of (nature).
Lastly; SCI'ENCE, noun [Latin scientia, from scio, to know.] aka to adapt to perceived inspiration; as opposed to scientism aka to consent suggested information.
"in the current" represents the ongoing flow; you represent the temporary form within. The suggested models aim to keep the wool over your eyes; to keep you ignorant of the need of the temporary to resist the velocity of the ongoing for self sustenance.
The "discrepancies" aka discredit (want of credit; creed; faith aka suggested information over perceived inspiration) represents your growth of resistance to the suggested temptation by others. You were farmed up to the point where the suggested food doesn't distract you enough anymore; which tempts you to now want different food. Yet that's just you; while all the others around you have different stages of comprehension; corrupted by different layers of suggested information.
Choice (consent) to choice (suggestion) contract law represents credit to creditor; while discredit represents the consequence of ignoring perceived value (liquidity).
The suggested information we stack within out memory; when consenting to it, represents the allegory of the Tower of BA'BEL, noun [Heb.] - "confusion; disorder".
a) perceived inspiration represent the simple observation of a moving system.
b) being the response to perceivable implies the choice of both need (adaptation) and want (ignorance of need). Each one represents the choice at the center of perceived balance (need/want); who needs to resist the temptation of suggested imbalance (want vs not want). All of this is derived from being form within flow; from being the resistance to velocity; from being the reaction to an enacting system etc.
In short...ONEs free will of choice allows the ignorance of ALL perceived (inspiration) for what other ONEs are suggesting (information). The struggle of self sustenance requires resisting want (suggested) for need (perceived).
The status quo for those who choose want (suggested) over need (perceived) represents following orders (towards death); instead of being the resistance to the natural order (for the sustenance of life). The allegory for this represents the "path of least resistance".
a) Present aka PRE (before) ESSE (to be) implies to be (form) out of (flow). You don't present; you express.
b) what others are defending represents the suggested information they chose to "want"; which you contradict as "not want" when suggesting them different information. Both of you are being tricked to reason (want vs not want) against each other about suggested information; while ignoring to adapt (need) to perceived inspiration.
c) as choice one exists at the center of perceived balance (need/want). Viewing the world as a conflict is caused by choosing want (suggested) over need (perceived); which causes want vs not want (conflict of reason). Both of you are fighting over the suggested meaning (information); while ignoring the perceived meaning (inspiration).
d) true vs false; right vs wrong; good vs evil etc. represents a rebranding of want vs not want. You are tricked to switch sides within the same conflict; whenever seeing through a deception on your side, and if you lose enough of your side; you're tempted to hold onto the remaining even harder; hence attacking anyone trying to contradict your worldview; your faith; your belief; your truth; your side against the world.
We represent AN'IMAL, noun [Latin animal from anima, air, breath, soul.] + HU'MAN, adjective [Latin humanus; Heb. form, species.] aka form animated by flow. You are being deceived by suggested words (animal; human) to devalue one side (animal) underneath the other (human); while ignoring the perceived status quo of an animal (animated) human (form).
Scroll down until you see the luminous range and geographic range. How is the weather in Langley today?
Have you ever been outside before?
It's great that you link me a webpage but I can just go outside and look across the span of water in front of me
This isn't difficult
What you want to do is stand on the shoreline and pick out the most distant landmark/object you can view from where you're standing
Google Maps > right click your location > measure distance from here > right click your distant landmark > measure distance to here
Then enter that distance into any of the freely available earth curvature calculators available online, some will allow you to input your altitude which should be appx. the distance between your eyes and the ground below your feet
Bring binoculars if you have them to see even further and really hammer this home for yourself
Pay attention to what you are seeing
How much of the distant landmark are you observing? All or nearly all of it? Does that reconcile with the amount of curve there should be at that distance?
When I do it, I am still seeing 100% of the distant landmark appx 20kms away from my reference point
There should already be about 100ft of drop and so the bottom 100ft of my landmark should be obscured from view but not only am I seeing all of it, the landmark itself isn't even 100ft tall so the fact that I'm seeing ANY of it, doesn't reconcile
I can go on about eclipses, gravity, crepuscular sun rays, coriolis effect, or how no one has ever been to the moon, but the distant landmark observation is a good place to start for most as it can be performed with the naked eye and without any links to webpages with documents, testimony, or videos
Go see for yourself
I can link you plenty of videos with examples of much further distances than my 20kms I can quickly observe for myself, but just go see for yourself
This is how I did it for myself. I can see the neighboring city along the coast thats 20-35 miles away, or supposed to be like 500-1000 ft under the horizon yet none of it is. Yes, 20-35 miles because the city goes along the coast. Starts 20-25 and ends 30-35 miles away. I can see the shore, the hill that goes up to the actual landmass, the city, buildings and factories on top of it. If the earth were curved I would supposed to be able to see the tops of the smoke stacks, maybe.
So easy, right?
“But why don’t any physicists or astronomers or anyone at nasa, etc speak out about this”
“I’m a boat captain over 20 years on the water and here’s a link to a .gov site with a PDF saying we can only see a few nautical miles, so, you’re wrong”
Cool. I’m literally looking at it with my own eyes.
Not to mention all of the other evidence blowing apart the heliocentric spinning globe story, but the conversation can end right there with the distant landmark over water observation
Falsified the radius and that’s it guys, they’re lying
It all builds on the earth being a spheroid average radius 3959miles
No equipment, tricks or videos or secret leaked top secret anything just your own eyeballs and some simple math using THEIR NUMBERS
No I usually don’t leave the wheelhouse. I have deckhands that do the outside work for me.
Regards, A Captain
Furthest distance you’ve observed a lighthouse, captain?
Plenty of examples of lighthouses around the world impossibly in view from great distances!
20 years on a boat and you’ve never noticed?
That, or you don’t boat at all, and are the paid shill you accuse me of
Replying to your edit: I have been navigating for 20+ Years I don’t need you to inform me how to do my job
Basically you are wasting your time because you will never convince me of your theory.
Freemasonry aka being a mason of free (will of choice) represents the use of suggestion to shape the memory of those consenting to it. Therefore the perpetuation of suggested information shapes the memories of all those consenting to want or not want it. This is how freemasonry can infiltrate govern (to control) ment (mind); science (from scio; to know aka to perceive); corporations (corpus oration aka the whisper of the dead); suggested his-story; religion (from religio; to bind anew) and economy (from oeconomia; house-rule aka suggested contract law over perceived natural law).
Those who fall for the temptation of choice (consent) to choice (suggestion) contract law; while ignoring perceived balance (offer) to choice (response) natural law, are stuck within a chain of command (a world wide caste system of submission) under the will of others. Those who consent to suggested information (fiction) are ignoring perceived inspiration (reality); those who consent to the suggested word are ignoring the perceived sound; those who ignore to resist the perceived natural order are tempted to follow suggested orders and so on.
The foundation for all of this:...ALL represents ONE in energy; so each ONE within represents an expression of ALL of it. In be implies out of; hence being form (life) out of flow (inception towards death). So it's not a question about "can all be"; but lack of comprehension towards "being within all".
Starting with suggestion (want) over perception (need) aka suggested word over perceived sound. Nowadays this is being supplemented with whatever was pumped into the ancestors leading up to the child; but the want over need foundation is where it's all build upon.
This was me every other day before I realized that if one adapts to perceived inspiration instead of suggested information; then it's not about responding to others; but about the expression of self while writing. This way one is way less tempted by loss. Copy+paste into a txt file before responding also works.
Understanding represents "standing under" the suggested information by others; which ignores to grow comprehension (compressed) out of perceived (impressed) inspiration. Resist the temptation to figure what I write out, and instead use it to grow whatever you comprehend. Share the process of growing and we can adapt to each other.
Everything perceivable already exists, so I'm not the source for anything; just an expression of the only source for everything; yet your choice decides between perceived (need) or suggested (want).
All good. If others get inspired by whatever I write about; then their expressions will show it. We're are tempted and exploited with seeking confirmation; while ignoring the ongoing need for adaptation to origin.
People believe dinosaurs existed because jews made some movies about it, and they have a fake bone scam. People are fucking retarded. They will believe anything.
Nothing dumber and more anti science than an atheist.
Bahahah who writes a comment to say they downvoted
For a flat earth post
Need to declare to everyone that you still believe the spinning globe fairy tale?!
Not because you still fall for it but because you so vehemently defend the lie
I’ll make a flat earth post later and link you on it
Save your time I won’t read it. This is a CIA misinformation subject. Hope this helps
My iq is 137. What's yours?
Stay stupid. I don't care.