This .win has been refreshing for the first week or two of opening, but since then it’s become invaded by shills. I’m seeing comments with up to 40+ dislikes so it’s not a small issue. Even The Donald doesn’t have this many shills and it’s a million times larger
Normally I believe in a fair grounds for both opinions, but it’s clear they are only here to shill and discredit any political conspiracies (coronavirus, election, etc)
This is the only place on the web that has a fair and open welcome to anti-commie conspiracies regarding 2020, so we must protect that.
If we allow the shills to gain momentum here then we literally become Reddit/conspiracy
It's evident certain forces are trying to do what they did to Voat here.
They invaded it and said terrible shit. Then had all the main stream media bitches point to those awful posts and then the internet turned on voat and said it was dangerous and needed to go.
That was way back in the day from what I recall. Once voat started talking about all the jews in government, media, entertainment, and the role they played throughout history, everyone just sort of stopped talking about voat.
Unfortunately , forums like these will always be infiltrated and manipulated. It was never about the highest rated post. It's the information. You have to be a diligent citizen. You must put in the work. The post with the most upvotes is not necessarily the most truthful. Same with the most downvoted being wrong. You cannot just believe what you see.
not bad, but downvotes tell a story , too
how about: allow downvotes. display only up-votes in the side bar, but allow people to see how many downvotes in the details.
this we, we can see how many shills hate stuff, but the ranking is just determined by upvotes.
The way I run my pages is to just ban fuckers when I see them leave a shill comment. Idiots can only pretend for so long before they get emotional and slip up. Once they do, they're gone.
i.e., you're an editor, not a moderator.
i do the same w/ forums i manage
A debate in good faith would be very warmly welcomed
We don't get free speech on any platform any more. Everything we say is censored.
Why the fuck should we be letting the cunts that censor us have a lick of say on the platforms we run.
We're at war. People are going to die. The fight is on.
The left wants to censor us on their sites and be able to enter our sites and say what they want because "muh free speech".
We don't have to follow the rules the enemy isn't interested in following.
Honestly I would prefer it if this place was curated to reflect a certain point of view. Typically, people who are not interested in conspiracies and parrot mainstream ways of thinking would not be interested in this site. The presence of shills to this degree interrupts a normal exchange of ideas between like-minded people.
i.e., call them Editors, not Moderators.
Not a bad idea. I would even be OK with a benevolent dictatorship.
then go back to reddit
they love authoritarianism there too
Is there a more nuanced way to make your point before I disregard it?
Yeah, that sounds a lot like what Reddit did.
As well as The_Donald
Yeah, exactly. Neither are good examples.
What would you say is wrong with the moderation on The_Donald or
They ban people with contrary opinions.
Actually, not even contrary opinions. Anything not perfectly in lockstep with POTUS is labeled "shill" and booted off the platform, good luck having any open discussion there.
Unfortunately it's just a side effect of free speech. There's literally nothing stopping them from seeing this site posted on reddit and people inviting others to a great place for free speech and they mosey on over to shill it up. If they honesty just disagree with us then I'm OK with that. That's free speech. But if they're actually paid shills set out to stop people from thinking freely, I'm not sure how they'd go about stopping them.
I can tell you from my own side that I’m not paid.
But I can also say that I was offered 50 bucks per week to hit a certain comment threshold from some company (I’m not sure what) to infiltrate.
how many comments is worth $50?
It was supposed to be like 200 per week but I have a life, so I passed. Plus I had to give them all my personal info.
What we might be experiencing is an IIA (internet influence asset) operation to discredit free thinking and exchange of ideas.
Could make downvoting “cost” from the users rep/score. Or require a rep/score/post count of “x” in order to downvote.
the problem if that you can slowly play that too. I liked Slashdot for this were you got moderator points if you were in good standing only and at random.not perfect but much harder for bots as it takes long, plus luck to get points, and one mistake and you've to start again
This forum doesn't have the same pro-Trump rules. The same fags who ruined r/conspiracy by design will come here and do the same thing.
Lol its lovely how we can be on a conspiracy site and still have you fucks arguing over trump this, and Biden that, you guys dont have a fucking clue
they could make it so that downvoted things dont get autohidden
I have a question: Why I am not able to post using Tor browser and it takes ages to access this site via Tor. Any suggestions of why that may be happening? Thanks in advance.
Add deport button now
There's already a block and report button, we don't need more. Don't like something? Block it. Its illegal? Report it
I think sunlight is the best disinfectant on an end user level. If asked direct questions they generally have flowery explanations which don't make sense. I'm unsure on a site wide level how effective that would be.
"I cheat my boys every chance I get. I trade with the boys and skin 'em and I just beat 'em every time I can. I want to make 'em sharp.
John D. Rockefeller"
The conspiracy board is the fire in which I forged a discerning eye and a nose for bullshit which has been invaluable in other "mainstream" forums. I say acting like twitter would make us weak as twitter. How much easier would it be to target because it's an exclusive club instead of inclusive truth tellers shouting from the rooftops? We need to use the socratic method to turn the tides against those we can and let the other ones glow.
A true conspiracy, indeed.
Without requiring participation like voat, sites like this one are susceptible to artificial ideal orchestration.
you say it like there is a simple solution ;)
If we allow reddit moderation here to gain momentum then we literally become reddit/conspiracy
There is a block function you should use instead of crying about posts you don't like
So we left reddit to get away from the censorship, now people are crying here for more censorship.
How about invite all your friends so we drown out the downvotes with upvotes, then we don't have to censor anyone we disagree with, like reddit...
TDW is almost as bad as the establishment shills. Any negative comment about Trump gets annihilated. I'm not sure why people downvote. I only ever give upvotes.
Nothing better than watching a forum full of “free speech warriors” beg their moderator to do everything he can to turn it into a mono-opinion echo chamber. The lack of self-awareness never fails to make me laugh.
It's really fucking hilarious and goes to show you how fucking hypocritical these Trump pussies are.
Why, just yesterday I disagreed with the top mod here over on reddit and was inserts banned, yet they spend all day crying about Twitter and wanting to ban any opium that isn't like theirs.
Interesting that being a theorist that doesn't believe Trump somehow won the election is not mainstream opinion. You run the risk of living in an echo chamber when you censor the people who don't think the same way you do.
You'd have to be pretty brain dead to think Trump didn't in fact win the election by a landslide.
How on earth do you people still believe this shit? Not only that he won, but the “landslide” angle as well? Is it just cognitive dissonance? I understand that the last few years have completely decimated consensus reality, but fuck.
upvote for imagery.
Get ready, dude! The Chinese communist antifa Zionist transgendered lesbians are coming for you!
Let's first get this out of the way... Are you from the US, and currently residing?
No, I split my time between Beijing and Tel Aviv in my SorosPod™️.
So you're not from the US, nor do you reside here?
Like I said, I exist simultaneously in China and Israel. My consciousness was successfully bifurcated in a transhumanist experiment carried out on Zorro Ranch in 2016. Any further inquiries can be directed to:
So you're not from the US, nor do you reside here?
Not sure why you can't give a straight answer. Hell, even the best trolls on Reddit could give a straight answer. You kind of suck at this, bruh. Not even fun.
"How on earth do you people still believe this shit?"
The evidence. Benfords law. Affidavits. Statistical anomalies. and literally video of them doing it.
How close are you paying attention if you haven't seen the video of georgia election officials kicking everyone out then pulling crates of votes from under the table? In detroit kicked pollwatchers out and blocked the windows. False reports of "pipes breaking" and so forth.
If this so-called “evidence” was real, then how come absolutely none of it has been taken seriously by any court? Even the ones with conservative judges that Trump himself appointed? Everything you’ve mentioned is conjecture.
Trump actually won two lawsuits. The suits that were "thrown out" were done so on procedural grounds, not on merit.
Oh yeah, how’s that currently affecting the outcome of the election? I’m all ears. You’re on about step nine of this extended cope.
What you seem to be saying is "my communist buddies committed election fraud while burning cities down and blaming it on tRuMp!!!!!! The same media that protected jeffrey epstein is protecting us so what are you gonna do about it?"
I shouldn't have to say how dangerous such a sentiment would be. If you've grown up as an inbred frankist believing everyone wants to kill you, that would be your MO. Might be the reason they've been kicked out of every single country they've ever been in, Germany was simply more recent.
Is there anything you argue in favor of concerning conspiracies? Or is it all against?
Whether or not he 'won' is irrelevant. You have to be batshit to think that the election was proven to be clean.