This .win has been refreshing for the first week or two of opening, but since then it’s become invaded by shills. I’m seeing comments with up to 40+ dislikes so it’s not a small issue. Even The Donald doesn’t have this many shills and it’s a million times larger
Normally I believe in a fair grounds for both opinions, but it’s clear they are only here to shill and discredit any political conspiracies (coronavirus, election, etc)
This is the only place on the web that has a fair and open welcome to anti-commie conspiracies regarding 2020, so we must protect that.
If we allow the shills to gain momentum here then we literally become Reddit/conspiracy
How on earth do you people still believe this shit? Not only that he won, but the “landslide” angle as well? Is it just cognitive dissonance? I understand that the last few years have completely decimated consensus reality, but fuck.
upvote for imagery.
Get ready, dude! The Chinese communist antifa Zionist transgendered lesbians are coming for you!
Let's first get this out of the way... Are you from the US, and currently residing?
No, I split my time between Beijing and Tel Aviv in my SorosPod™️.
So you're not from the US, nor do you reside here?
Like I said, I exist simultaneously in China and Israel. My consciousness was successfully bifurcated in a transhumanist experiment carried out on Zorro Ranch in 2016. Any further inquiries can be directed to:
"How on earth do you people still believe this shit?"
The evidence. Benfords law. Affidavits. Statistical anomalies. and literally video of them doing it.
How close are you paying attention if you haven't seen the video of georgia election officials kicking everyone out then pulling crates of votes from under the table? In detroit kicked pollwatchers out and blocked the windows. False reports of "pipes breaking" and so forth.
If this so-called “evidence” was real, then how come absolutely none of it has been taken seriously by any court? Even the ones with conservative judges that Trump himself appointed? Everything you’ve mentioned is conjecture.
Trump actually won two lawsuits. The suits that were "thrown out" were done so on procedural grounds, not on merit.
Oh yeah, how’s that currently affecting the outcome of the election? I’m all ears. You’re on about step nine of this extended cope.
Is there anything you argue in favor of concerning conspiracies? Or is it all against?